Street Point May 2013 Central Central 中環 1 Central Station Access A (World Wide House, Connaught Road) 中環站A出口(環球大廈干諾道) 2 Central Station Access B (World Wide House, Des Voeux Road C.) 中環站B出口(環球大廈德輔道中) 3 Central Station Access C (Wheelock House, Des Voeux Road C.) 中環站C出口(德輔道中會德豐) 4 Central Station Access E (Chater House) 中環站E出口(遮打大廈) 5 Central Station Access J3 (Next to the Hong Kong Club) 中環站J3出口(香港會所大廈旁) 6 Central Station Access K (Statue Square) 中環站K出口(皇后像廣場) 7 Hong Kong Station Access B1 香港站B1出口 8 Hong Kong Station Access C (Des Voeux Road C.) 香港站C出口(德輔道中) 9 Bridge across IFC to Central Ferry Pier 3 (To Discovery Bay) 中環國際金融中心(IFC)往愉景灣碼頭行人天橋 10 Bridge across IFC Phase 1, to Hang Seng Bank Headquarters Building 中環國際金融中心(IFC)一期通往恒生銀行總行天橋 11 Bridge across Exchange Square 中環交易廣場天橋 12 The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong, 24-25 Connaught Road C. 中環干諾道中24-25號香港中華廠商會 13 34-37 Connaught Road Central 中環干諾道中34-37號 14 Bus stop at Jardine's House, Connaught Road C. 中環干諾道中怡和大廈巴士站 15 Bus stop at Statue Square, Connaught Road C. 中環干諾道中皇后像廣場巴士站 16 Hang Seng Building, Connaught Road C. 中環干諾道中恒生大廈 17 Bus Stop at Bank of China Tower 中環中銀大廈巴士站 18 Pedestrian Crossing outside Charter Garden (to Bank of China Tower) 中環遮打花園外往中銀大廈, 長江集團大廈行人過路線 19 Gloucester Tower, 11 Padder Street 中環告羅士打大廈(畢打街11號) 20 S.K.H. St. John's Cathedral beside 40 Bus Stop 中環花園道聖約翰座堂40號巴士站旁 (近長江集團中心, 花旗銀行大廈) 21 The Junction of Wellington Street and Peel Street 中環威靈頓街與卑利街交界 22 The Junction of Wellington Street and Pottinger Street 中環威靈頓街與砵甸乍街交界 23 Loke Yew Building, 44-46 Queen's Road Central 中環皇后大道中44-46號陸佑行 24 Man Yee Building 中環皇后大道中67號萬宜大廈 25 Queen's Road Central and Wyndham Street, Marks & Spencer's entrance 中環皇后大道中及雲咸街交界馬沙門口 26 The subway connecting Hang Seng Bank Headquarters and Central Market 中環恒生街市樓上行人隧道 27 Opposite to Hang Seng Bank Headquarters Building (Central Wet market) 中環恒生銀行總行對面(中環街市) 28 Central District Footbridge to Chinachem Golden Plaza 2 中環海港政府大樓往華懋廣場二期行人天橋 29 Entrance of Pedder Building 中環畢打行門口 30 The Junction of Hollywood Road and Elgin Street 中環荷李活道與伊利近街交界 31 St. George's Building, 2 Ice House Street 中環雪廠街2號聖佐治大廈 32 Main Entrance of Central Government Offices, Ice House Street 中環雪廠街中區政府合署(西座)正門 33 Alexandra House, Ice House Street (Near 40M Bus Stop) 中環雪廠街歷山大廈(近40M巴士站) 34 The Junction of Gage Street and Cochrane Street 中環結志街與閣麟街交界(半山扶手電梯底) 35 Hong Kong General Post office's Main Entrance 中環郵政總局正門 36 Man Yiu Street Central Ferry Pier to the escalator in front of General Post Office 中環民耀街-港外線碼頭往郵政總局扶手電梯前 37 New Star Ferry Pier 中環新天星碼頭 38 New Star Ferry Pier No. 3 (To Discovery Bay) 中環新天星碼頭3號愉景灣碼頭 39 New Star Ferry Pier No. 5 (To Cheung Chau) 中環新天星碼頭5號長洲碼頭 40 100 Queen's Road Central 中環電梯路(皇后大道中100號) 41 Entrance of the Escalator at the Center, Des Voeux Road C. 中環德輔道中中環中心扶手電梯入口 42 Tung Ming Mansion 中環德輔道中通明大廈 43 HSBC Headquarters, Des Voeux Road C. 中環德輔道中匯豐總行 44 Bus stop at the Landmark, Des Voeux Road C. 中環德輔道中置地廣場巴士站 45 The Junction of Des Voeux Road C. and Gilman's Bazaar 中環德輔道中與機利文新街交界 46 Theatre Lane 中環戲院里 The Standard Advertising 英文虎報 廣告查詢 Tel: (852) 3181 3311 Fax: (852) 2758 3579 e-mail: [email protected] Page 1 Street Point May 2013 Sheung Wan Admiralty Wan Chai Sheung Wan 上環 1 Sheung Wan Station Access A2 (Tung Hip Commercial Building) 上環站A2出口(東協大廈) 2 Sheung Wan Station Access B (Kam Sang Building) 上環站B出口(錦生大廈) 3 Sheung Wan Station Access E2 上環站E2出口 4 Sheung Wan Station Access E3 上環站E3出口 5 Bridge across Western Market, Connaught Road Central, to Shun Tak Centre 上環干諾道中西港城往信德中心天橋(近西港城) 6 Bus Stop outside Shun Tak Centre, Connaught Road Central 上環干諾道中信德中心外巴士站(近上環站D入口) (near Sheung Wan Station Access D) 7 G/F, Shun Tak Centre 上環信德中心地面 8 In front of Watsons, 287-299 Queens Road Central 上環皇后大道中287-299號屈臣氏門口 9 The Stairs near the Mid-levels Escalator, Hollywood Road 上環荷里活道(士丹頓街行人扶手電梯樓梯位) 10 Bridge connecting Infinitus Plaza and Macau ferry pier 上環無限極廣塲連接港澳碼頭天橋 (near Sheung Wan Station Access E4) 往上環地鐵站(近E4入口上面) 11 The Junction of Des Voeux Road C. and Gilman's Bazaar 上環德輔道中與文華里交界 Admiralty 金鐘 1 Admiralty Station Access A (Admiralty Centre ) 金鐘站A出口(夏愨道海富中心門口) 2 Admiralty Station Access B (Lippo Centre) 金鐘站B出口(力寶中心) 3 Admiralty Station Access C1 (the pedestrian bridge towards Pacific Place) 金鐘站C1出口(統一中心巴士站往太古廣場天橋) 4 Admiralty Station Access C2 (Queensway Plaza) 金鐘站C2出口(金鐘廊) 5 Admiralty Station Access D (United Centre) 金鐘站D入口(統一中心) 6 Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Admiralty 金鐘法院道金鐘政府合署 7 Main Entrance of Pacific Place 3 金鐘金鐘太古廣場(第三期正門) 8 Pacific Place, Admiralty (Bus stop outside Lane Crawford) 金鐘金鐘太古廣場(連卡佛對出巴士站) 9 Bridge at the junction of Murray Road and Queensway 金鐘美利道與金鐘道交界行人天橋 (Near ICAC Headquarters, Fairmont House, Hutchison House) (近廉政公署, 東昌大廈, 和記大廈) 10 Harcount Garden, Admiralty (near Admiralty Car Park Access B) 金鐘夏愨花園(金鐘停車場B座隧道口) 11 Bus stop at Admiralty Garden, Queensway 金鐘道金鐘花園巴士站 12 Bus Terminal at Lippo Centre, Drake Street 金鐘德立街力寶中心巴士總站 Wan Chai 灣仔 1 Wan Chai Station Access A1 (near Lockhart Road) 灣仔站A1出口(近駱克道) 2 Wan Chai Station Access A2 (towards Dah Sing Financial Centre) 灣仔站A2入口(柯布連道OK側往大新金融中心方向) 3 Wan Chai Station Access A3 (Johnston Road) 灣仔站A3出口(莊士敦道) 4 Wan Chai Station Access A4 (Computer City, Hennessy Road, Wan Chai) 灣仔站A4入口(軒尼詩道灣仔電腦城) 5 Between Wan Chai Station Access B1 and B2 灣仔站B1及B2出口中間 6 Bridge to Wan Chai Government Offices 灣仔站往政府合署天橋 7 Fenwick Street Bridge towards Wan Chai (In front of Jubilee Centre ) 灣仔分域街天橋入灣仔方向(出捷利中心前) 8 Bus Stop in front of Revenue Tower, Gloucester Road 灣仔告士打道稅務大樓巴士站 9 Tai Yau Shopping Arcade 灣仔大有商場 10 Stewart Road Bridge towards Sam Lei Tuen Bridge (near Tom Lee Music) 灣仔史釗域道天橋通往三里屯天橋口(近通利琴行) 11 Entrance of Hopewell Centre 灣仔合和中心門口 12 Main Entrance of Lok Kok Centre, Gloucester Road 灣仔告士打道六國中心正門 13 Tonnochy Road Bridge, Gloucester Road 灣仔告士打道杜老誌道天橋 (towards Sun Hung Kai Centre, near AXA Centre) (往新鴻基中心, 近國衞中心) 14 Arsenal Street / Lockhart Road, Asian House Entrance 灣仔軍器廠街駱克道熙信大廈門口 15 C.C. Wu Building, Hennessy Road 灣仔軒尼詩道集成中心 16 Footbridge from ferry pier to Harbour Centre (near Harbour Centre) 灣仔渡輪碼頭通往海港中心行人天橋(近海港中心) 17 Bridge of Fleming Road (to China Resources Tower) 灣仔菲林明道天橋(到華潤大廈前) 18 Bus Stop at Wan Chai Police Station 灣仔警署巴士站 The Standard Advertising 英文虎報 廣告查詢 Tel: (852) 3181 3311 Fax: (852) 2758 3579 e-mail: [email protected] Page 2 Street Point May 2013 Causeway Bay / Tin Hau / Happy Valley Tai koo / Quarry Bay / North Point Fortress Hill / Heng Fa Chuen Aberdeen / Stanley / Cyberport Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣 / Tin Hau 天后 / Happy Valley 跑馬地 1 Causeway Bay Station Access C (Causeway Bay Plaza 1) 銅鑼灣站C出口(銅鑼灣廣場一期) 2 Causeway Bay Station Access D1 (East Point Centre, Lockhart Road) 銅鑼灣站D1出口(駱克道東角中心) 3 Causeway Bay Station Access D2 (East Point Centre) 銅鑼灣站D2出口(東角中心) 4 Causeway Bay Station Access E (Cranberry) 銅鑼灣站E出口(金伯利) 5 Causeway Bay Station Access F (near Jardine's Crescent) 銅鑼灣站F出口(近渣甸坊) 6 The Junction of Lee Garden Road and Kai Chiu Road 銅鑼灣利園山道, 啟超道交界 7 Hysan Place 銅鑼灣希慎廣場 8 Bus Stop on Yee Wo Street and Patterson Street 銅鑼灣怡和街, 百德新街巴士站 9 The Junction of Percival Street and Russell Street, 銅鑼灣波斯富街及羅素街交界 (outside Prince Jewellery & Watch shop, opposite to Times Square) (太子珠寶對出, 時代廣場對面) 10 Caroline Centre and Manulife Plaza, Yan Ping Road 銅鑼灣恩平道(嘉蘭中心, 宏利) 11 The Junction of Cannon Street and Lockhart Road 銅鑼灣景隆街及洛克道交界 12 Near Leighton Centre, 37 Leighton Road 銅鑼灣禮頓道37號近禮頓中心 13 Leighton Road, near Bus Stop of Haven Street 銅鑼灣禮頓道近希雲街巴士站 14 Bus Stop under the Canal Road Flyover 銅鑼灣鵝脛橋底巴士站 15 CITI Bank, Russell Street 銅鑼灣羅素街花旗銀行 16 Tin Hau Station Access A1 天后站A1出口 17 King Kwong Street Bus Stop (outside McDonald's) 跑馬地景光街巴士站(麥當勞門前) 18 Wong Nai Chung Road Bus Terminus near Nanyang Commercial Bank 跑馬地黃泥涌道南洋商業銀行 Tai koo 太古 / Quarry Bay 鰂魚涌 / North Point 北角 / Fortress Hill 炮台山 / Heng Fa Chuen 杏花邨 1 Tai Koo Station Access A2 (Kornhill Garden) 太古站A2出口(康山花園) 2 Tai Koo Station Access B (the Kornhill) 太古站B出口(康怡花園) 3 Tai Koo Station Access C (the Kornhill ) 太古站C出口(康怡花園) 4 1063 King's Road (Starbucks) 太古英皇道1063號(Starbucks Coffee) 5 Quarry Bay Station Access A (Taikoo Place) 鰂魚涌站A出口(太古坊) 6 Quarry Bay Station Access C (Model Lane, Maxim) 鰂魚涌站C出口(模範里, 美心) 7 Manulife Tower, 169 Electric Road 北角宏利保險中心(電氣道169) 8 Island Place Tower, 510 King's Road 北角港運大廈(英皇道510號) 9 Fortress Hill Station Access B (Fortress Tower, HKU SPACE) 炮台山站B出口(北角城中心, 港大進修學院) 10 Heng Fa Paradise Mall, Shing Tai Road 杏花邨盛泰道杏花新城(近62及62M藍灣半島小巴站) (Near 62 and 62M Island Resort Mini Bus Stop) 11 in front of KFC, Heng Fa Paradise Mall, Shing Tai Road 杏花邨盛泰道杏花新城地舖肯德基門前 Aberdeen 香港仔 / Stanley 赤柱 / Cyberport 數碼港 1 Aberdeen Centre's HKJC Horse Race Betting Branch beside footbridge 香港仔香港仔中心廣場投注站則行人天橋旁邊 2 Bus Stop outside Ap Lei Chau Centre, Marina Habitat 鴨脷洲中心, 悅海華庭鄰近巴士站 3 Stanley Plaza (66, 6X Bus Stop, to Central) 赤柱廣場(66 , 6X 往中環巴士站) 4 Bus Stop outside Cyberport Tower 3 數碼港 3 座對出巴士站 The Standard Advertising 英文虎報 廣告查詢 Tel: (852) 3181 3311 Fax: (852) 2758 3579 e-mail: [email protected] Page 3 Street Point May 2013 Tsim Sha Tsui Jordan / Yau Ma Tei / Mongkok / Prince Edward Hung Hom / Kowloon Tong Kowloon Bay / Nam Tin / Kwun Tong Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀 1 Tsim Sha Tsui Station Access A1 (Mosque) 尖沙咀港鐵站A1出口(清真寺) 2 Tsim Sha Tsui Station Access B1 & B2 (Entrance of HSBC) 尖沙咀港鐵站B1及B2出口(匯豐銀行門口) 3 Tsim Sha Tsui Station Access B2 (Cameron Road) 尖沙咀港鐵站B2出口(金馬倫道) 4 Tsim Sha Tsui Station Access C1 尖沙咀港鐵站C1出口 5 Tsim Sha Tsui Station Access E1 尖沙咀港鐵站E1出口 6 Tsim Sha Tsui Station Access L3 尖沙咀港鐵站L3出口(中間道近九龍酒店) (The subway at the Junction of Middle Road and Nathan Road, Near the Kowloon Hotel) 7 Tsim Sha
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