METEOR-Berichte Mid-Atlantic Expedition 2003-2004 Cruise No. 60, Leg 1 – 5 November 11., 2003 – April 15., 2004 Kiel (Germany) –Funchal - Fort-de-France - Lisbon (Portugal) Autoren: D. Wallace, B. Christansen, J. Phipps-Morgan, Th. Kuhn, U. Send, Editorial Assistance: Senatskommission für Ozeanographie der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften der Universität Bremen Leitstelle Deutsche Forschungsschiffe Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Hamburg 2011 The METEOR-Berichte are published at irregular intervals. They are working papers for people who are occupied with the respective expedition and are intended as reports for the funding institutions. The opinions expressed in the METEOR-Berichte are only those of the authors. The METEOR expeditions are funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF). The reports are available in PDF format from http://www.dfg-ozean.de/. Editor: DFG Senatskommission für Ozeanographie c/o MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften Universität Bremen Leobener Strasse 28359 Bremen Authors: Dr. Bernd Christiansen Universität Hamburg Telefon: +49(0)40-42838-6670 Institut für Hydrobiologie und Telefax: +49(0)40-42838-6696 Fischereiwissenschaft e-mail: [email protected] Zeiseweg 9, D-22765 Hamburg / Germany Prof. Dr. Jason Phipps Morgan GEOMAR Telefon: +49(0)431-600 2272 Forschungszentrum für Telefax: +49(0)431-600 2922 Marine Geowissenschaften e-mail: [email protected] Abt. Marine Umweltgeologie Wischhofstr. 1-3 24148 Kiel / Germany Dr. Thomas Kuhn Telefon: +49/(0)3731-393398 Department of Economic Geology and Telefax: +49/(0)3731-392610 Leibniz Lab. for Applied Marine Research e-mail: [email protected] Institute of Mineralogy Freiberg University of Mining and Technology Brennhausgasse 14 D-09596 Freiberg / Germany Prof. Dr. Uwe Send Institut für Meereskunde Telefon: +49-431-600 4150 FB1 – Ozeanzirkulation + Klima Telefax: +49-431-600 4152 - Physikalische Ozeanographie II - e-mail: [email protected] Düsternbrooker Weg 20 24105 Kiel / Germany Prof. Dr. D.W.R. Wallace Institut für Meereskunde Telefon: +49-431-600 4200 FB2 – Marine Biogeochemie Telefax: +49-431-600 4202 - Chemische Ozeanographie - e-mail: [email protected] Düsternbrooker Weg 20 24105 Kiel / Germany Citation: Bernd Christiansen, Jason Phipps Morgan, Thomas Kuhn, Uwe Send, D.W.R. Wallace, RV METEOR, Cruise Report M60/L1, M60/L2, M60/L3, M60/L4, M60/L5, Mid-Atlantic Expedition 2003/2004, M60/1-5, 212 pp., DFG Senatskommission für Ozeanographie _________________________________________________________________________________ ISSN 2195-8475 Meteor-Berichte, Cruise 60, Introduction, Fort-de-France – Fort-de-France, Feb 16 – March 4, 2004 3 Table of Contents; Introduction Page Table of Contents Leg 1 (M60/1) 4 Table of Contents Leg 2 (M60/2) 5 Table of Contents Leg 3 (M60/3) 6 Table of Contents Leg 4 (M60/4) 7 Table of Contents Leg 5 (M60/5) 8 Abstract 9 Zusammenfassung 10 Organisation of the Cruise 11 METEOR-Berichte, Leg 1. (M60/1) METEOR-Berichte, Leg 2. (M60/2) METEOR-Berichte Leg 3. (M60/3) METEOR-Berichte Leg 4. (M60/4) METEOR-Berichte Leg 5. (M60/5) 4 Meteor-Berichte, Cruise 60, Introduction, Fort-de-France – Fort-de-France, Feb 16 – March 4, 2004 Table of Contents; Leg 1 1.1 Participants M 60/1 3 1.2 Research programme 4 1.3 Cruise narrative 6 1.4 Preliminary Results 8 1.4.1 Bathymetry and hydrography 8 1.4.2 Biogeochemistry 16 1.4.3 Biology 22 1.4.4 Hyperbaric experiments 35 1.5 Station list 40 1.6 Acknowledgements 42 1.7 References 42 Meteor-Berichte, Cruise 60, Introduction, Fort-de-France – Fort-de-France, Feb 16 – March 4, 2004 5 Table of Contents; Leg 2 2.1 Participants M 60/2 3 2.2 Research Programme 4 2.3 Cruise narrative 6 6 Meteor-Berichte, Cruise 60, Introduction, Fort-de-France – Fort-de-France, Feb 16 – March 4, 2004 Table of Contents; Leg 3 Summary 3 3.1 Participants M60/3 5 3.2 Research Program 7 3.3 Narrative of the Cruise 7 3.4 Preliminary Results 14 3.4.1 Seafloor mapping and structural geology 14 3.4.2 Geology and morphology of the Logatchev-1 field 18 3.4.3 ROV deployments 22 3.4.4 Low-temperature measurements in the Logatchev-1 field 25 3.4.5 In situ biogeochemical parameters 27 3.4.6 OFOS deployment 30 3.4.7 Sample description 33 3.4.8 Gas chemistry 42 3.4.9 Fluid chemistry 46 3.4.10 Hydrothermal symbioses 54 3.4.11 Marine microbiology 56 3.4.12 Weather conditions during M60/3 58 3.5 References 59 Meteor-Berichte, Cruise 60, Introduction, Fort-de-France – Fort-de-France, Feb 16 – March 4, 2004 7 Table of Contents; Leg 4 4.1 Participants M60/4 3 4.2 Research program 4 4.3 Narrative of the cruise 5 4.4 Preliminary Results 7 4.4.1Moorings 7 4.4.2 Microcats 9 4.4.3 MTD logger 9 4.4.4 Bottom pressure measurements 10 4.4.5 Current meters 13 4.4.6 CTD programme 16 4.4.7 Calibration of MicroCATs and MTDs 19 4.4.8 ADCP 20 4.4.9 Tomography 28 4.4.10 DVS data 41 4.5 References 46 8 Meteor-Berichte, Cruise 60, Introduction, Fort-de-France – Fort-de-France, Feb 16 – March 4, 2004 Table of Contents; Leg 5 5.1 Participants M60/5 3 5.2 Research Program 4 5.2.1 TTO Revisited and Water-Column Chemistry 4 5.2.2 Biological Program and Bioassay Experiments 6 5.3 Cruise Narrative 8 5.4 Preliminary Results. 14 5.4.1 Overview of water-column programme 14 5.4.2 Papers that have resulted directly from water-column programme 15 5.4.3 Overview of Bioassay Experiments 16 5.4.4 Papers that have resulted directly from bioassay programme 17 5.4.5 CTD Measurements 18 5.4.6 CO2-Measurements 25 5.4.7 Nutrients and Oxygen 27 5.4.8 Transient Tracers 27 5.4.9 Trace gas measurements: Biogenic halocarbons 30 5.4.10 Trace gas measurements: N2O 32 5.4.11 Bioassay Experiments 35 5.4.12 Weather situation during the cruise M60/5 38 5.5 Station List 39 Meteor-Berichte, Cruise 60, Introduction, Fort-de-France – Fort-de-France, Feb 16 – March 4, 2004 9 Abstract The Meteor 60 expedition started in Kiel on 11 November 2003 and ended in Lisbon on 15 April 2004. The expedition comprised 5 separate legs and covered a large region of the sub-tropical North Atlantic from the Azores and Madeira to the tropical western Atlantic. Leg 1 focussed on the ecology and biogeochemistry of seamounts in the eastern Atlantic in the context of the EU program OASIS (OceAnic Seamounts: an Integrated Study). Leg 2 comprised a detailed seismic and geophysical investigation of a propagating ridge segment at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in cooperation with French scientists. Leg 3 was a multidisciplinary (geological, biological and chemical) investigation of the effects of hydrothermal circulation at the Mid-Atlantic ridge in support of the DFG SPP 1144 “From Mantle to Ocean: Energy, Material and Life Cycles at Spreading Axes”. Leg 4 was a physical oceanographic study of long-term variation of the thermohaline circulation in the western basin of the Atlantic in the context of the BMBF-CLIVAR program MOVE (Meridional Overturning Variability Experiment). Together with US investigators, calibration work was also conducted for GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment); and Leg 5 was a multidisciplinary (chemical/biological) investigation of CO2 uptake and the biological pump in the water column of the North Atlantic sub-tropical gyre (DFG Collaborative Research Project SFB 460 “Dynamik Thermohaliner Zirkulationsschwankungen”). 10 Meteor-Berichte, Cruise 60, Introduction, Fort-de-France – Fort-de-France, Feb 16 – March 4, 2004 Zusammenfassung Die Expedition Meteor 60 begann am 11. November 2003 in Kiel und endete am 14. April 2004 in Lissabon. Die Expedition bestand aus 5 Fahrtabschnitten und deckte weite Teile der Region des subtropischen Nordatlantiks von den Azoren und Madeira bis zum tropischen Westatlantik ab. Fahrtabschnitt 1 beschäftigte sich mit der Ökologie und Biogeochemie von unterseeischen Bergen („Seamouts“) im östlichen Atlantik im Rahmen des EU-Programms OASIS (OceAnic Seamounts: an Integrated Study). Fahrtabschnitt 2 führte, in Kooperation mit französischen Wissenschaftlern, eine detailierte seismische und geophysikalische Untersuchung eines „propagating“ Rückensegments am Mittelatlantischen Rückens durch. Der Fahrtabschnitt 3 war eine multidisziplinäre (geologisch, biologisch und chemisch) Untersuchung des Effekts der hydrothermalen Zirkulation am Mittelatlantischen Rückens zur Unterstützung des DFG SSP 1144 “From Mantle to Ocean: Energy, Material and Life Cycles at Spreading Axes”. Fahrabschnitt 4 stand im Kontext des BMBF-CLIVAR Programms MOVE (Meridional Overturning Variability Experiment) und war eine physikalische Studie zu den längerfristigen Veränderungen der thermohalinen Zirkulation im westlichen Becken des Atlantiks. Darüber hinaus wurden zusammen mit amerikanischen Forschern Kalibrationsarbeiten für GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) durchgeführt. Fahrtabschnitt 5 war eine multidisziplinäre (chemisch/biologisch) Untersuchung der CO2-Aufnahme und der biologischen Pumpe in der Wassersäule des subtropischen „Gyre“ im Nordatlantik (DFG Collaborative Research Project SFB 460 “Dynamik Thermohaliner Zirkulationsschwankungen”). Meteor-Berichte, Cruise 60, Introduction, Fort-de-France – Fort-de-France, Feb 16 – March 4, 2004 11 Organisation of the Cruise R/V METEOR cruise No. 60 was divided into five individual legs (see Table I, Figure I), each of these with its own scientific focus. The grouping of the 5 separate legs into one expedition was more for geographical and logistical reasons associated with ports-of-call and associated transits. Each of these legs is the subject of a full report, and each individual report contains a detailed explanation of the research objectives for that particular leg. Leg Period Ports Chief Scientists M60/1 11.11.2003 – 06.12.2003 Kiel (Germany) Dr.
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