WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County Knlureu us aeuonu ClUBa AltiUer " Post Orflce. Weatfleld. N. J Published "WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21,"l9sT Every Thd 32 Pago—10 Cent* inual Preachers Lenten Local Red Cross World Situation To Be School Board Elects jries To Open March 7 Plans Open House Sunday Afternoon Topic Of Town Meeting Red Cross Seejts The Westfield League of Women of Business Administration, and H. D. Merrill President t.SockraanTo Voters will sponsor a townwide Dr. Cyril Edwin Black, professor Sewing Materials . Westfield, Boro meeting Thursday, March 7, in of history at Princeton University. Residents Invited the Jefferson School auditorium Doctor Atkins, well known finan- Heart Drive To 1 ve Talk At The Westfield Chapter, with two speakers who will discuss cial and management consultant, Child Declines American Red. Cross today is- To Visit Chapter the present world situation. has spent some time in the Middle Be Held Sunday sued a request to residents for A phase of the organization's East on government assignment , Paul's Church An opportunity for residents o and will discuss that area. Doctor donations of sewing materials Westfield and Mountainside to-be- "Focus on the Future" project, the Additional leaders for Heart Kenomination for use by Hungarian refu- meeting will begin at 8:15 p.m. Black, who spent his boyhood in Fund Sunday to be held this weel- come acquainted with the service Turkey and Bulgaria, has served te Rev. Ralph W. Sockman gees at Camp Kilmer. performed by their local Red Cross and is open to anyone wishing to have been announced by the driv( minister of Christ Churcl According to the Chapter, attend. Mrs. D. C. Shaw, who has with both the U. S. Government chairman, Mrs. Malcolm Robinson 'To Third Term chapter is offered this Sunday, and the UN in Eastern Europe. He thwlist), New York, will opei Hungarian women at the c"amp Feb. 24, when chapter headquar- headed plans for the league's as follows: eighth annual Famous Preach. are making afghans and need "Focus on thfc Future," is arrang- will discuss recent events in that Ward 1, district l,,M'r. and Mrs, IE. D. Merrill Jr. was unani- ters at 321 Elm street, holds 'open section. Lenten series, 8 p.m., Thurs- yarn, in addition to material house' from 3 to 5 p.m. ing the program. For new residents John Ackerman, 13G Lincoln road; * noixsly elected president of the March 7 at St. Paul's Episco- for women's and children's of Westfield, Mrs. Shaw has noted Doctor Atkins' professional ac- district 2, T. Newell, 246 Senec I lion xd of Education Monday night. In behalf of the Westfield-Moun- that Jefferson is the new elemen- tivities have taken him on govern- Church, it was announced to clothing. Also requested are tainside chapter, Chairman Her place; ward 3, district 3, Mrs I 111 will succeed Dr. William C. by Henry W. Nichols, presi needles, thread of any color, tary school on the Boulevard. ment and private missions to na- James B, Saundcrs, 239 Windsoi 0 CM d, who declined renomination. bert L. Vance extends "a cordia' tions of Europe, Asia, Africa and I of the Westfield Council o: and buttons. All items may be invitation" to every area residen Speakers are Dr. Paul M. Atkins, avenue, and Mrs. C. A. Lakens, 21 f Hi, Child has served as president nhes, the sponsoring body, brought to local chapter head- coadjutant lecturer on manage- Latin America. At the close of Washington street., t lit the past two years. to "stop in, get acquainted, and World War I he served as member it series has featured the Len quarters, 321 Elm street. meet your neighbors who will work ment at Rutgers University School Hiss Frances Peirce, board sec- usson in Westfield since it was of the Staff of the American Mis- It was reported last week thai for the success of the 1957 fund sion to Negotiate Peace in Paris the treasurer of the drive is Mrs , who begins her 35th year grated in I960 by the First drive." 1 iltlie post, presided at the open- list Church, and has attractec and later as American secretary of William Sorter. It should be Wil- Many of the area managers an the Subcommission of the Peace liam So'rtor. i iii( of the organization meeting [Bin* large congregations National Guard African Safari e (ill called for nominations for the participants have been select captains of the fund drive who will Conference on Czechoslovakia af- direct the efforts of some 1,200 fairs. g psidency. Robert H. Mulreany 1, a committee of clergy anc d!iiin.inated Mr. Child, calling at- representatives from th' Seeks Recruits volunteer workers will be on ham To Be Described At the request of the U. S. Sunday to explain the purpose o Burma Doctor tt tuition to his "able and painstak- rttes of the community an State Department he spent from H. D. MERRILL ini| devotion to board affairs over fed ky the Rev. Dr. Gordon E. the drive, the need for it, and to 1942 to 1944 in Iran as economic Open House At answer any questions residents Armstrongs To past eight years and his wise lilson, minister of the First adviser to that country's ministry To Speak Here ancc.during his two years as kudist Church. Westfield Armory may wish to ask. Fund drive chair- Give Travelogue of finance and afterward remained man Robert J. Harley, 10G7 Rah in the area for a time visiting Borough Board pjresident." Mr. Merrill teconded IK services will be held at way avenue, and his staff assis- Will Be Guest Crth nomination. The 50th Reconnaissance Bat- The travel department of the other countries. After receiving each Thursday in varioui tants will be present. Plans for B.A. and M.A. degrees from Yale JCr. Child thanked Mr. Mulreany itleld churches and will be con- talion will wind up its first major conducting the 1967 drive wer< Westfield Woman's Club will spon- At Baptist Church Re-elects Depp •I Mr. Merrill, but declared he recruiting campaign Saturday and sor a travelogue on Africa by Dr. university, Doctor Atkins studied id April 11 at the Presbyter completed recently when co-chair- at the University of Paris, where oi\\ Tiot wish to serve a third year Church with the Rev. Robert Sunday with an open house at the men Orlin E. Johnson, Dr. Guy L. and Mrs. Lorrimer Armstrong in Dr. Albert Ai Lun, chief of staff u president. He then nominated Westfield Armory. All units of the Woodrow Wilson School Fri- he received his doctorate in eco- at the Namkham Hospital in ItCracken, D.D., minister of Hopper and Frederick H. Schork nomics. The author of economic Wilhelms Chosen III, Merrill who served as vice Riverside Church, N.Y., as th the battalion will participate in a announced that volunteer workers day, April 5 at 8:15 p.m. Namkham, Burma, will speak a fiy« ident during the past year and weekend drill in order that resi- books on Europe and Latin Amer- the worchi-p service to bo held in As Vice President 1*0. were fully organized to tackle the The Armstrongs' color slide ica, he has written numerous ar- 'ill extremely capable chairman Bier participants to be hear dents of the local communities may job of calling residents' attention and movies will show the sights o the First Baptist Church Sunday D«l the Committee on New Sites ticles for publications which in- at 10 a.m. He is regarded as one MOUNTAINSIDE—Wallace A, fog the course of the series anobserve the Guard in action. to the need for meeting the chap Africa taken last summer on a clude "The National Geographic guii.l Buildings for two years." This Eiv. Dr. G. Bromley Oxnam The local unit is endeavoring to ter's quota of $20,693. This quota, 10,000 mile trip from the minaret of the most important personali Depp was elected Monday nlg-ht Vt> mniLination was seconded by Louis Magazine" and "The Saturday ties in present-day Burma, both his fourth one-year terra as presi- top of the Methodist Church enlist 100 men during the cam- a minor portion of the nationa of Cairo to the headland at Cape Evening Post." Doctor Atkins has f Diflii and Thomas Bennett. Washington area, March 14 a< paign. goal of $98,000,000, is nearly $1, from the point of view of govern dent of the Board of Education, Point. lectured widely on the Middle He is start-ing his fifth year on trio i. iter Mr. Merrill took the chair Presbyterian Church; the Rev 500 more than the local figure or- ment and medicine, according t( I Ct, Bradford N. Craver was nom- Commenting on t he 100-man They will take the audience t East, especially since that section the Rev. Elbert E. Gates, pastor board. Joes Robinson, minister o quota, Lieut. Richard Pangborn, iginally announced. The increase the top of Table Mountain b; has been in the news. f inat-ed for the vice presidency by Church of the Master, New stems from the fact that the na Born and raised in the Shan State Frederick Wilhelms Jr., chai-r. commanding officer of Co. D said, swinging cable car, show the sun- Doctor Black is one of the coun- adjacent to the China border, h 111, Dughi and seconded by Mr. t,Mirch 21 at the First Bap- "particular emphasis will be tional quota has been raised from sets and flowers of South Africa man of the new school planning Olid.
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