近傍銀河団におけるX線源の起源近傍銀河団におけるX線源の起源 NatureNature ofof X-rayX-ray sourcessources inin nearbynearby poorpoor clustersclusters ofof galaxiesgalaxies Murat Hüdaverdi Department of Particle and Astrophysical Science Nagoya University the formation of clusters and large-scale filaments 43 Mpc Simulation credit Kravtsov A. et al. National Center for Supercomputer Applications the formation of clusters and large-scale filaments Credit: Virgo consortium, Jenkins et al. 1998 Clusters of galaxies 1 Mpc X 1.5 Mpc Properties • Several 100s of galaxies • Total mass 10¹⁴-10¹⁵ M⊙ • Typical size of 2~5 Mpc • Average separation ~10Mpc • Density ~ 10⁻³ cm⁻³ • Temperature ≈ 10⁷-10⁸ K • Lx ~ 10⁴³-10⁴⁵ergs/s • Mx > Mopt. Simulation by Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Background of the study Distant clusters: high population of X-ray sources on the outskirts. factor 2 larger at Lx ~ 10⁴²⁻⁴³erg/s (Cappi et al. 2001) ▲ A1995¹ (z=0.35) □ □ □ MS 0451¹ (z=0.55) □ ✱ ✱ ◆ ✱ ✱ RX J0030² (z=0.50) ▲ ▲ □ ◆◆✱◆ □ ✱◆ ◆ 2C 295² (z=0.46) ▲ □ ◆ ▲ ✱◆ □▲ ✱ ✱ 1: Molnar et al. 2002, Apj, 573,L91 ◆ 2: Cappi et al. 2001, ApJ, 548, 624 ✱ MS1054-0321 (z=0.83) (Johnson et al. 2003, MNRAS, 343, 924) Lx ~ 10⁴³erg/s excess of point sources at 1-2 Mpc from the center Motivation Studying the member galaxies in order to examine the environmental effects of clusters on them Only few quantitative investigation on point-like objects from clusters H0 = 75 (km/s)/Mpc, q0 = ½ (flat universe) Target selection • faint cluster diffuse emission Î detecting point like emissions easily • fairly even, smooth temperature distribution Î not to deal with other parameters • dynamically relaxed systems Î ruling out the indistinct effects of large scale dynamics • nearby clusters Î better inspection of central regions Abell 194bright& Abell 1060faint Overview ABELL 194 • Linear cluster • Richness 0 • Bautz-Morgan type III • LII= 142.2° , BII=-62.9° • z = 0.018 (73 Mpc) [1 arcmin ~ 20.5 kpc] • strong radio emitter • ICM 2.7 keV 25 arcmin • Fe ~ 0.25, Si ~ 0.35 Fukazawa et al, PASJ, 50, 157, 1998 25 arcmin A1060 • z : 0.0114 ( 46Mpc ) • RA 10 36 43.8 • ICM 3.3 keV [1 arcmin ~ 13 kpc] • Dec -27 31 28 • Fe ~ 0.3 • Lx ~ 2 E43 ergs/s • 2 giant elliptical in the center Tamura et al. ApJ, 535, 2000 NGC 3308 NGC 3311 NGC 3309 NGC 3312 NGC 3314 Courtesy Anglo Australian Observatory Lockman Hole the Lockman Hole (named after Felix Lockman, who discovered that this region is almost free (NH: 5.7e-19 cm-2) of absorption) shows hundreds of X-ray sources RA :10 52 43.00 Position (J2000): Dec : 57 28 48.00 Image, ESA/XMM-Newton ANALYSIS & RESULTS Observation Log source ra dec time exposure PI A194 01 25 47.35 -01 23 55.2 2002-12-23 21:50:56 22515 Furuzawa A1060 10 36 51.30 -27 31 35.0 2004-06-29 01:59:24 68554 Ohashi Lockman Hole 10 52 51.20 +57 28 25.2 2002-10-19 07:51:29 91514 Hasinger Lockman Hole 10 52 48.90 +57 28 42.8 2002-12-04 04:24:15 100918 Hasinger Lockman Hole 10 52 51.17 +57 29 04.2 2002-11-27 23:04:03 126075 Hasinger Lockman Hole 10 52 53.44 +57 29 22.7 2002-12-06 03:28:24 91019 Hasinger True Color A194 A1060 Lockman Hole RedRed :: 0.30.3--1.01.0 keVkeV GreenGreen :: 1.01.0--1.61.6 keVkeV BlueBlue :: 1.61.6--10.010.0 keVkeV X-Ray Images A194 A1060 Lockman Hole 0.30.3--1010 keVkeV,, 11 pixpix :: 55 arcsecarcsec AdaptivelyAdaptively smoothedsmoothed Optical Images A194 A1060 Lockman Hole NGC 3308 NGC545 NGC 3311 NGC 3309 NGC547 NGC 3312 NGC541 NGC 3314 ImageImage :: DSSDSS opticoptic RedRed contourcontour :: XX--rayray 0.30.3--1010 keVkeV BlueBlue contourcontour :: VLAVLA radioradio A194 – ICM emission 2.68 ∓ 0.12 keV 0.27 ∓ 0.06 Z⊙ R < 5’ ICM • kT ~ 2.7 keV • Fe ~ 0.25 R < 10’ 2.58 ∓ 0.12 keV 0.53 ⊙ 0.45 0.39 Z A1060 – ICM emission 3.42 3.39 3.38 keV 0.42 ∓ 0.01 Z⊙ R < 5’ ICM • kT ~ 3.3 keV • Fe ~ 0.3 3.35 ∓ 0.02 keV R < 10’ 0.39 ∓ 0.01 Z⊙ POINT SOURCE DETECTION detection technique EBOXDETECT EWAVELET L = - ln P L = 10 ~P=3.2E-5~ 4σ Cash W., ApJ, 228, p 939, 1979 Multiband source detection Mos1 Output source lists Mos2 soft medium hard merged into final list PN [SRCMATCH] ENERGY SELECTION soft medium hard Γ:1.7 Nh: 1 Nh: 30 Nh: 100Nh: 300 0.3 1.0 1.6 10.0 Absorption effect can be studied at lower energies ENERGY SELECTION soft medium hard Γ:2.01.7 Γ:1.4 Γ:1.0 0.3 1.0 1.6 10.0 PL emission can be studied at higher energies ENERGY SELECTION soft medium hard Γ:1.7 thermal: 0.5 keV Additional thermal plasma seen at lower enegies A194 SOFT MEDIUM HARD 0.3-1.0 keV 1.0-1.6 keV 1.6-10.0 keV A194 detected sources added by SRCMATCH Total 56 sources A1060 SOFT MEDIUM HARD 0.3-1.0 keV 1.0-1.6 keV 1.6-10.0 keV A1060 detected sources added by SRCMATCH Total 32 sources Lockman Hole SOFT MEDIUM HARD 0.3-1.0 keV 1.0-1.6 keV 1.6-10.0 keV field sources added by SRCMATCH Total 173 sources Notes on Individual Sources A194 A1060 NGC545 NGC3311 NGC547 NGC541 NGC3309 NGC3312 NGC3314 (#2) NGC 547 & NGC 545 source counts Γ Nh kT Flux Log (Lx) z (10²²/cm²) keV (10¹⁴ergs/s) [2-10] 4.37 0.59 NGC 547 1375 2.14∓ 0.28 3.50 2.80 0.57 0.53 159.13 42.06 0.01823 7.79 0.71 NGC 545 582 2.00(fix) 5.02 2.85 0.68 0.63 10.77 40.89 0.01780 NGC 541 source counts Γ Nh kT Flux Log (Lx) z (10²²/cm²) keV (10¹⁴ergs/s) [2-10] 2.25 0.63 NGC 541 401 1.68 1.28 …… 0.54 0.42 3.62 40.42 0.01808 X-ray source catalogues HR2 HR1 ACRONYM Rerr SOFTSOFT MEDIUMMEDIUM HARD (H-M)/(H+M) (M-S)/(M+S) 1 XMMU J012600.5-012043 0.20 37.65+/-1.66 12.19+/-0.98 33.00+/-1.61 0.46+/-0.04 -0.51+/-0.03 2 XMMU J012535.9-012546 0.41 14.31+/-1.04 7.32+/-0.78 6.89+/-0.80 -0.03+/-0.08 -0.32+/-0.06 3 XMMU J012549.3-012412 0.54 3.41+/-0.56 3.41+/-0.51 4.23+/-0.64 0.11+/-0.11 0.00+/-0.11 4 XMMU J012602.8-012701 0.82 - 1.66+/-0.41 4.00+/-0.61 0.41+/-0.12 1.00+/-0.00 ( - ) X-ray diagnostic HR1 = color-color diagram ( + ) based on hardness ratios ( - ) HR2 = ( + ) Simulations Power Low 1.0 HR1 3.0 Thermal + PL HR2 Simulations HR1 Power Low n tio rp so Ab Increasing Γ 3.0 1.0 A b so r p Thermal + PL ti o n HR2 SOURCE CLASSIFICATION Super hard Classification Definition -0.6≦ HR1≦ 0, ed unabsorbed orb abs -0.4≦ HR2≦ 0.5 absorbed 0 ≦ HR1 ≦ 0.8; (-1,1)¹ ed HR1 rb bso ≦ ≦ una multi-comp. HR1 -0.4, 0.3 HR2 mp ulti-co m Super Soft HR2=-1.0² Super Hard HR1= 1.0³ ; (1,-1)⁴ Super Soft HR2 color-color diagram A194 A1060 Field ≦ Type A194 A1060 LH Unabsorbed 13 11 28 Absorbed 4 6 4 Multi-comp. 2 1 3 Super soft 5 4 32 Super hard 3 4 15 Indet-soft 12 6 21 Indet-hard 6 1 10 Log N – Log S field level Hasinger et al. (2001) N(>S) = K . S - α deg⁻² K = 1.45E-14 α= 1.16 Source number density of clusters is higher than the field in X-rays band DISCUSSION Excess emission/population in X-rays from clusters Nature of early-type galaxies NGC 3079 Hot Halo + LMXB + AGN logLx 37 ~ 39 erg/s 38 ~ 40 erg/s 39~40 erg/s < [Blanton et al. Apj, 552, 106, 2001] [Randall et al. Apj, 636, 200, 2006] [Blanton et al. Apj, 552, 106, 2001] fraction of X-ray emission • Morphological type M87 M102 M51 elliptical lenticular spiral • Viewing angle NGC 891 M100 edge-on face-on fraction of X-ray emission Elliptical (E) LENTICULAR (S0) SPIRAL NGC 4697 NGC 1553 M83 Sarazin et al. 2000, ApJ Blanton et al. 2001, ApJ, 552, 106 R.Soria & K.Wu 2000 Most of X-rays SOFT Î Diffuse gas diffuse soft : halo + LMXB (if not all) are from HARD Î LMXBs Diffuse hard: unresol. LMXB point sources (LMXBs) HALO LMXB Abell 1060 R=1.3Mpc E-S0 90% Emission is SUBARU S-Irr 10% dominated by discrete sources XMM LMXBs Not OUTSKIRT diffuse HALO E-S0 50% S-Irr 50% NAO, Yamanoi H. 2005 DISCUSSION Higher population in X-rays from clusters to ta l LMXB Æ can be studied by LX/LB AGN Æ comparison LMXB by the field levels Log N AGN diffuse 38 39 40 41 Log Lx (erg/s) Matsushita K. 2001, X-rayApJ, 547, 1-693to optical Checking luminosity LMXBs ratio (LX / LB) S0 Average distribution of early-type galaxies Matsushita 2001 X-ray to optical luminosity ratio LX / LB NGC 547 bright elliptical 2- checking (LL)AGN nature Log N – Log S field level Hasinger et al.
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