E C E E I I 2005 EXECUTIVE OFFICE Note to Mr. Malloch Brown OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL Secretary-General's letters of appeal to donors to assist with strengthening of. the Republic 6f Sierra Leone Armed Forces On 25 August 2004, the Secretary-General sent letters to donor countries (including Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, the UK and the USA) appealing for assistance to the Government of Sierra Leone to enhance the functional capacity of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF). A sample of the Secretary-General's letter is attached for ease of reference. hi his September and December 2004 reports on UNAMSIL, the Secretary- General repeated his appeal to potential donor countries for assistance in building the capacity of the Sierra Leone security sector, particularly the RSLAF. To date, Switzerland has offered some 260 trucks for the RSLAF, while the Netherlands is reportedly considering a contribution of 25 vehicles. While these donations are expected to alleviate the parlous state of the RSLAF transport fleet, there is still an urgent need for assistance to be provided with regard to accommodation and communications equipment. hi this regard, we believe that it would be important for the Secretary-General to send follow-up letters to the donor countries referred to in paragraph one above, as well as to India, which has expressed interest in providing assistance with regard to accommodation. We have attached the draft donor letters together with a list of items urgently needed by the RSLAF that was prepared earlier by the Government of Sierra Leone, UNAMSIL and the UK- led International Military Advisory and Training Team (DV1ATT). The list was initially transmitted to the donors with the Secretary-General's letter of 25 August 2004. We would be grateful if you could obtain the signature of the Secretary-General to these letters at his earliest convenience. VUA ' Jean-Marie GueherjiKJ 10 March ^ .1 nSG/CBiTRALj THE SECRETARY-GENERAL 24 March 2005 Excellency, I should like to refer to my letter to you dated 25 August 2004, seeking assistance for the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF), as well as my reports to the Security Council on the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) issued in September and December 2004. As noted in the above reports, while considerable progress has been made towards enhancing the capacity of the security sector, the RSLAF continues to face serious shortfalls. If not urgently addressed, these will make it very difficult for the Government to effectively assume its responsibility for national security when UNAMSIL withdraws from the country as currently scheduled. The shortfalls are particularly acute in the areas of infrastructure and equipment. I am pleased to report that following my letter of 25 August 2004, in a highly commendable gesture, 260 trucks were donated by the Government of Switzerland to the RSLAF. I understand that other donors may be considering providing further contributions. While the Swiss donation is expected to help alleviate the very poor state of the RSLAF transport fleet, I would like to appeal to your Government, once again, to consider providing support to Sierra Leone, in particular, in the areas of communications and accommodation. This would considerably enhance the functional capacity of the RSLAF so that it can effectively assume primary responsibility in ensuring national security by the time of UNAMSIL's withdrawal from Sierra Leone. His Excellency The Hon. Pierre Stewart Pettigrew Minister for Foreign Affairs of Canada Ottawa In this regard, I am attaching herewith a list of items urgently needed by the RSLAF, which, was prepared earlier by the Government of Sierra Leone in consultation with the International Military Advisory and Training Team (IMATT) and UNAMSIL. I would appreciate it if your Government could give due consideration to this appeal. Should you require additional information, I would encourage you to directly contact the Government of Sierra Leone and UNAMSIL. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. lan LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL Le 24 mars 2005 Monsieur le Ministre, J'ai 1'honneur de me referer a la lettre que je vous avals adressee le 25 aout 2004 conceraant une demande d'assistance pour les forces armees de la Republique de Sierra Leone, ainsi qu'a mes rapports au Conseil de securite sur la Mission des Nations Unies en Sierra Leone (MINUSIL), publics en septembre et en decembre 2004. Comme je 1'ai souligne dans ces rapports, malgre les efforts considerables entrepris pour renforcer les capacites de la Sierra Leone dans le domaine de la securite, les besoins des forces armees sierra-leonaises demeurent importants. Par consequent, si des mesures ne sont pas prises d'urgence pour faire face a ces besoins, le Gouvernement sierra-leonais aura des difficultes a assumer ses responsabilites en matiere de securite nationale lorsque la MINUSIL se retirera du pays, comme prevu. Les besoins sont particulierement importants dans les domaines de 1'infrastructure et de 1'equipement. Aussi suis-je heureux de vous informer que suite a ma lettre du 25 aout 2004, le Gouvernement suisse a genereusement fait don de 260 camions aux forces armees sierra-leonaises. Je crois savoir que d'autres pays pourraient egalement apporter des contributions. Le don du Gouvernement suisse ameliorera sans aucun doute 1'etat deplorable du pare de vehicules des forces armees sierra-leonaises. Cependant, je souhaite une fois de plus faire appel a votre gouvernement pour lui demander de bien vouloir aider la Sierra Leone, en particulier dans les domaines des communications et du cantonnement des troupes. Une telle aide renforcerait considerablement les capacites operationnelles des forces armees de la Sierra Leone et permettrait a son gouvernement de s'acquitter effectivement de sa responsabilite principale d'assurer la securite du pays apres le depart de la MINUSIL. Son Excellence Monsieur Michel Barnier. Ministre des Affaires etrangeres de la Republique fran5aise Paris Je joins a la presente lettre la liste du materiel dont les forces armees de la Republique de Sierra Leone ont un besoin pressant. Cette liste a ete etablie par le Gouvernement sierra-leonais en concertation avec 1'Equipe militaire intemationale consultative et d'instruction (IMATT) et la MENUSIL. Je serais reconnaissant a votre gouveraement de bien vouloir accorder une attention particuliere a cet appel. Pour tout renseignement complementaire, je vous invite a prendre directement contact avec le Gouvernement sierra-leonais et la MINUSIL. Je vous prie d'agreer, Monsieur le Ministre, les assurances de ma tres haute consideration. Kofi A. THE SECRETARY-GENERAL 24 March 2005 Excellency, I should like to refer to my letter to you dated 25 August 2004, seeking assistance for the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF), as well as my reports to the Security Council on the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) issued in September and December 2004. As noted in the above reports, while considerable progress has been made towards enhancing the capacity of the security sector, the RSLAF continues to face serious shortfalls. If not urgently addressed, these will make it very difficult for the Government to effectively assume its responsibility for national security when UNAMSIL withdraws from the country as currently scheduled. The shortfalls are particularly acute in the areas of infrastructure and equipment. I am pleased to report that following my letter of 25 August 2004, in a highly commendable gesture, 260 trucks were donated by the Government of Switzerland to the RSLAF. I understand that other donors may be considering providing further contributions. While the Swiss donation is expected to help alleviate the very poor state of the RSLAF transport fleet, I would like to appeal to your Government, once again, to consider providing support to Sierra Leone, in particular, in the areas of communications and accommodation. This would considerably enhance the functional capacity of the RSLAF so that it can effectively assume primary responsibility in ensuring national security by the time of UNAMSIL's withdrawal from Sierra Leone. His Excellency Mr. Joschka Fischer Deputy Chancellor and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany Berlin In this regard, I am attaching'herewith a list of items urgently needed by the RSLAF, which was prepared earlier by the Government of Sierra Leone in consultation with the International Military Advisory and Training Team (IMATT) and UNAMSIL. I would appreciate it if your Government could give due consideration to this appeal. Should you require additional information, I would encourage you to directly contact the Government of Sierra Leone and UNAMSIL. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. Kofi A.^Annan LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL Le 24 mars 2005 Monsieur le Ministre, J'ai 1'honneur de me referer a la lettre que je vous avals adressee le 25 aout 2004 concernant une demande d'assistance pour les forces armees de la Republique de Sierra Leone, ainsi qu'a mes rapports au Conseil de securite sur la Mission des Nations Unies en Sierra Leone (MINUSIL), publics en septembre et en decembre 2004. Comme je 1'ai souligne dans ces rapports, malgre les efforts considerables entrepris pour renforcer les capacites de la Sierra Leone dans le domaine de la securite, les besoins des forces armees sierra-leonaises demeurent importants. Par consequent, si des mesures ne sont pas prises d'urgence pour faire face a ces besoins, le Gouvemement sierra-leonais aura des difficultes a assumer ses responsabilites en matiere de securite nationale lorsque la MINUSIL se retirera du pays, comme prevu. Les besoins sont particulierement importants dans les domaines de 1'infrastructure et de I'equipement. Aussi suis-je heureux de vous informer que suite a ma lettre du 25 aout 2004, le Gouvemement suisse a genereusement fait don de 260 camions aux forces armees sierra-leonaises.
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