Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1995-1996 Eastern Progress 11-9-1995 Eastern Progress - 09 Nov 1995 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1995-96 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 09 Nov 1995" (1995). Eastern Progress 1995-1996. Paper 12. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1995-96/12 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1995-1996 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HOW SHE SURVIVED STREAKS STOP (WEATHER TODAY High Ruth Gatewood tells her story Eastern's OVC streak ends 47, Low 20, of struggle from homeless- at 26 wins despite holding partly cloudy ness to pursuing her master's Racer Derrick Cullor to less FRIDAY High degree at Eastern. B1 than 100 yards. B6 57, Low 40, showers SATURDAY CCENT High 59, Low A s PORTS 44, rain THE EASTERN PROGRESS Vol. 74/No. 12 16 pages November 9, 1995 Student publication of Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Ky. 40475 ©The Eastern Progress False alarms LEAF' YOUR WORRIES BEHIND Mattox I residents have residents fined for «, burning mad vandalism BY DON PERRY AND BY LANNY BRANNOCK LANNY BRANNOCK 64 Assistant news editor Two students were arrested and J have to believe it was When three bathroom stall doors several more may face disciplinary and a trash can were thrown out the action for not leaving their residence some kind of conspiracy. fourth floor bathroom window in hall rooms during one of three dif- Mattox Hall, no one came forward ferent false fire alarms, on campus to accept blame. early Friday morning. Three months after the August The first of the alarms sounded at incident, all fourth floor residents 1:32 a.m. in Todd Hall. According JEANNETTE CROCKETT, have to accept the blame, and they to public safety reports, the alarm dean of student life are paying for it...literally. was pulled on the ninth floor, and a A $16.30 assessment of each of smoke detector was activated on the Jerry Hensley, 24, Palmer Hall the floor's residents is due tomor- seventh floor, apparently from cigar was arrested less than an hour later row, and it has them angry. smoke. when someone set off the fire alarm Some say they have witnesses to Nearly 150 Todd Hall residents on the sixth floor of Palmer Hall. prove they didn't do it. went to the Dupree Hall lobby and Public safety police reports said a "I have people; I can prove I did- stayed for three hours while an elec- room-to-room search of the building n't do it," Bob Totilas, a 19-year- trical system was repaired to shut was conducted, and numerous stu- old paramedic major from Stewart, off the alarms. dents were found in their rooms and Fla., said. While many of the students made referred to hall staff for disciplinary Jeanette Crockett, dean of student a bed in the floor of the Dupree action. life, said mass assessments are the lobby, IS students were found in Hensley said he was rolled out of - last resort in claiming damages simi- their roqms during a room-to-room bed and cuffed, but was not allowed lar to the damage in Mattox Hall. search, according to the police report. to put on clothes. He was asleep "Mass assessment is the last The names of the students found until the police came into his room. thing we do and the only assess-, in their rooms has been given to judi- "I know I came to when he ment we have in residence haH* i cial affairs, and they will face some cuffed me," Hensley said. have to approve. It is not something type of punishment, said Jeannette Crockett said the three false we take into consideration lightly." Crockett, dean of student life. alarms looked to be a planned Crockett said. The second fire alarm, this time prank. In Section 4, Part 7 of the at Commonwealth Hall, resulted in "It looks like it started at Todd University Student Handbook, it an arrest when a student refused to and worked its way down," she said. states the university can. "in the leave his room during the false "I have to believe it was some kind event of damage to living alarm at 2:20 a.m. of conspiracy." quarters...the tenants may be John Baker, 20, was arrested and Crockett said she wasn't as con- assessed...as a group. All residents charged with disorderly conduct cerned about who pulled the fire will be charged for damage or loss..." after he refused to leave his 17th alarms as she was about the The policy is also written in the floor room and told a public safety amount of time it took to get the Housing Agreement, Crockett said. officer. "I'm just going to chill here, alarms off and students back into Every other time a group of peo- dude," the police report said. their rooms. ple was assessed, the person respon- Baker said he is a very heavy "At Commonwealth, the alarm sible for the damage has come for- sleeper, and did not hear the alarm. went off at 2:20 (a.m.), and they ward after the assessments were "He put me in the cuffs. I could- didn't get back into their rooms made. Crockett said. n't believe it. I was not awake when until 4:15," she said. "And at Todd, Progress/ JANNA GILLASPIE "It hasn't happened this nine." I was talking to them. I was still they were out from 1:52 (a.m.) to Jerry Milne, 3, plays in the leaves Monday afternoon at the Powell Courtyard while his mom, Crockett said. Tammy Davis, a computer-aided drafting major from Berea, waits for her next class to begin. about half asleep," Baker said. 4:45." SEE MATTOX, PAGE A8 Kentucky's Democrats send message to national GOP staning with the victory of Paul Patton Republican governor-elect since Louie Patton s victory and his running mate Steve Henry, a Forgy says 'future is Nunnin 1967. retains Democratic Louisville doctor, over Larry Forgy and not to be for now;' ■ "It has been a long march, and it is Tom Handy by less than 23.000 votes. clear we have not prevailed," Forgy told hold on Frankfort the closest Kentucky gubernatorial mar- adds he won't cry the crowd of supporters at the Griffin gin in recent history. Gate Marriott who were donning red BY LANNY BRANNOCK Patton danced and pranced with BY DON PERRY AND and blue Forgy/Handy slickers, shirts and hats. Forgy's running mate was AND MATT MCCARTY nearly 4,000 supporters and other state JANNA GILLASPIE office winners for about an hour after Tom Handy, the commonwealth's attor- Forgy's concession speech at 9 p.m. LEXINGTON — Larry Forgy didn't ney for Laurel and Knox counties. FRANKFORT — Democratic sup- "We fought for a different future for porters burst balloons as they were "This is going to be a fun adminis- sound like the loser Tuesday night Kentucky. That future is not to be for dropped from the Frankfort Civic tration." Patton said. when he spoke to a room packed with now," Forgy said. Center ceiling Tuesday, representing Patton. who has said he could be supporters after losing the closest Although he said he was obviously dis- the hopes of the Republican opposition known as the "higher education gover- gubernatorial election in recent nor," reiterated his hopes of increasing Kentucky history. appointed with the outcome, Forgy in the 1995 gubernatorial election. seemed satisfied at the show of Republican In what has been considered a pre- the opportunity for the state's youth. Forgy was narrowly defeated by Progress/ DON PERRY Progress/ MATT McCARTY lude to next year's presidential election. Democratic Lt. Gov. Paul Patton in his Forgy solemn after defeat. Patton danced to victory. the Democrats made a clean sweep SEE PATTON, PAGE A8 bid to become Kentucky's first SEE FORGY, PAGE A8 Deans looking to reform ERO Accent B1 Activities BS CONSTRUCT BY MATT MCCARTY ERO is just that, an option given proposal. Ad Index B8 A CAREER Managing editor to faculty who would retire early, Chase said the proposals contra- Arts B3 receive their pension and half their dict the current faculty handbook, The campus In January, 1994. Ann Stebbins university salary as a part-time Classifieds A4 are self defeating and don't offer contractor's decided it might be time to cut back teacher. much incentive for faculty to take News Briefs A4 on her leaching at Eastern. club gained But ERO is in question now as ERO. People B4 But after learning the university the university reviews the program "It doesn't seem to be well experience as was no longer awarding the early to see if it's still beneficial. thought out." Chase said. Perspective A2, 3 they learned retirement option (ERO) for five Russell Enzie, vice president for "It doesn't have a strong incen- Police Beat A4 how to make years. Stebbins decided to wait. academic affairs, said the Council of tive, but a rather weak incentive," In the fall of 1994. she decided to Deans has been looking at the pro- Preview B2 presentations he said, noting the proposal gives no go ahead and apply for ERO, and gram to determine what modifica- tenure, no annual reappointment Sports B6, 7, 8 and sell their this semester is her first of three tions it needs or if it's needed at all.
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