Putanga 09 2008 CELEBRATING MÄORI ACHIEVEMENT Pipiri – Höngongoi NATIONAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS’ KAPA HAKA HONOURING OUR PEOPLE TE WHANGANUI Ä TARA MÄORI SURFING E WHAKANUI ANA I TE MÄORI Te Piringa Te 12 FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE – LEITH COMER Putanga HE TANGATA 09 E rau rangatira mä tënä tätou katoa, 2008 Recently I have witnessed a key milestone that will Pipiri – Höngongoi go down in the books of not only Mäori history but also New Zealand history, where people have come together to reconcile their differences in the spirit of cooperation and settlement. I want to congratulate the iwi of the Central North Island collective for their commitment to settle collaboratively and this only serves to inspire us as we move into and I look forward with great expectation to seeing the future. how these resources empower their people, their communities and New Zealand. Finally, I am very proud of the contribution Te Puni Kökiri staff have made in making this settlement work not only for the We all know that settlements and the resources 100,000 Mäori who will benefi t but also for the benefi ts this provided can be used as an economic base to increase country will receive in the long term. iwi independence while enhancing their ability to act on behalf of their people. The Central North Island iwi collective has provided us with an example of settling historical issues Leith Comer Te Puni Kökiri – Manahautü 2 TE PUNI KÖKIRI | KÖKIRI | PIPIRI – HÖNGONGOI 2008 NGÄ KAUPAPA 6 16 46 Honouring Our People 6 Te Whanganui ä Tara 16 Mäori Surfi ng 46 We honour and recognise the In this edition we profi le New Zealand’s best Mäori surfers achievements of the Mäori leaders, Te Puni Kökiri’s Te Whanganui ä recently vied for top honours in the who work tirelessly to improve Tara region – its people, businesses, inaugural Auahi Kore Mäori Tri Series. outcomes for Mäori and New Zealand. successes and achievements. Te Ao Mäori 5 Te Whanganui ä Tara 16 Maramataka 26 Kaupapa Motuhake 40 The Mäori World Profi ling Events Calendar Special Feature Inaugural Stamp Issue Released Te Whanganui ä Tara A summary of Mäori events for Our Warriors of the Land, Couple Wins Coveted Mäori Rich and Diverse the next month with a pull-out Sea and Air – Mäori in the Dairy Award Keeping it Reo 2008 Matariki calendar. Defence Forces Don’t Doze and Drive Te Kaupapa Pakihi 28 Rangatahi 44 Neil Smiler In Business Youth Kaupapa Matua 12 Te Iwi o Ngäti Tukorehe Riding Business Success The Big “A” Awards Main Feature New Leader for Mäori Tourism Taiohi Te Piringa Wins the National Pänui 22 Notices Improving Dairy Practices Secondary Schools’ Title Toi 39 Countdown to Election 2008 The Language of Kapa Haka Creative New Zealand Häkinakina 46 Kaumätua Kapa Haka Celebrates Mäori Legal Forum Taku Tühoetana – Aimee In Sport Icons of Mäori Music Toi Äwhio Research Symposium Ratana Perfect Waves for Mäori 10th Festival of Pacifi c Arts Surfi ng Series Te Huringa Makes its Points TE PUNI KÖKIRI | KÖKIRI | PIPIRI – HÖNGONGOI 2008 3 From the Desk of the Minister of Mäori Affairs: Kökiri is published bi-monthly by CNI SETTLEMENT – AN INSPIRING FEAT Te Puni Kökiri (The Ministry of Mäori Development). Its kaupapa For close to 20 years Central North Island iwi We have now marked one of the greatest is to celebrate Mäori achievement, showcase Mäori success and realise and the Crown have been preoccupied with the milestones in a major settlement – a settlement Mäori potential. question of how to resolve the settlement of that will help secure the future of CNI iwi, a Kökiri is FREE. Central North Island forestry claims. settlement that proves Mäori are ready to work For all database enquiries together in good faith partnerships with other including new subscriptions, updates and/or amendments Over the last decade, both the Crown and iwi and the Crown, so we as a people and as a please contact Tammy Downs. iwi have attempted numerous times to come country can move forward together. email - [email protected] together in search of an answer to this long- phone - 04 819 6010 We must remember the past – not live in it. address - Te Puni Kökiri standing question, but for one reason or another PO Box 3943, Wellington We must acknowledge past injustices, without a consensus was never able to be reached. For all editorial enquiries please dwelling inside their grief. contact the Kökiri Editor, That is until now. Roihana Nuri. We must forever remember the struggles of our On 25 June 2008, we celebrated a signifi cant [email protected] tïpuna – while ensuring that the next generation or visit www.tpk.govt.nz. milestone in the history of Central North Island iwi. is well provided for. We are ready to move on. DESIGN AND ART: Cluster Creative The signing of this Deed of Settlement was a major PRINT PRODUCTION: Webstar Ltd achievement, and one that is a tribute to the hard DISTRIBUTION: Datamail Group work, determination and patience of the iwi. ISSN: 1177-8164 This is the biggest single Treaty settlement in CONTRIBUTIONS: Te Puni Kökiri welcomes editorial and dollar terms, with more than 100,000 individuals photographic contributions to covered by the deal and more than 170,000 Kökiri. Te Puni Kökiri reserves hectares of land being returned. the right not to publish any contribution given. Unsolicited But it is not just in size that this settlement material will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamped, self- is unique – it is unique in its innovative, iwi- addressed envelope. While all care initiated, iwi-led process. is taken, no liability is accepted for loss or damage. COPYRIGHT: Parts of this publication may be reproduced or copied with the editor’s approval. © Te Puni Kökiri 2008 DISCLAIMER: Kökiri is published by Te Puni Kökiri, PO Box 3943, Wellington. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this publication, neither Te Puni Kökiri nor the individual writers accept any responsibility or liability, whether in contract or in tort (including negligence) or otherwise, for anything done or not done by any person in reliance, whether wholly or partially, on any of the contents of this publication. Readers should also note that the materials in this publication are the personal views of the writers and do not necessarily refl ect the offi cial policy or views of Te Puni Kökiri. 4 TE PUNI KÖKIRI | KÖKIRI | PIPIRI – HÖNGONGOI 2008 TE AO MÄORI INAUGURAL MATARIKI STAMP ISSUE RELEASED The inaugural Matariki stamp issue released on 5 June was the fi rst in a series that will explore aspects of te ao Mäori, to be released during Matariki each year. The Matariki stamps followed the release in May of “Since the release of special edition stamps to mark the Kïngitanga anniversary. Talented Mäori designer Len Hetet designed both issues. the fi rst New Zealand For Matariki, he drew upon Mäori artworks and moving stamp on 18 July images of the natural environment. 1855, many millions of These two recent stamp issues marking important events stamps have departed in the Mäori calendar continue a 153-year tradition for postage stamps to provide a window into New Zealand’s these shores.” history, heritage and culture. Mail postage has been part of New Zealanders’ daily communication for generations. Since the release of the fi rst New Zealand stamp on 18 July 1855, many millions of stamps have departed these shores. Over time, they create an ever-evolving historic gallery that helps form perceptions of New Zealand and its people at home and abroad. James Te Puni, Sales and Marketing Manager for New Zealand Post’s stamps business, says the spirit of refl ecting themes important to New Zealanders remains alive today. “Our stamp team takes very seriously the legacy of marking and honouring signifi cant milestones, achievements, culture, people and stories. We put tremendous energy and expertise into researching and developing each stamp issue.” He says close relationships lie at the heart of New Zealand Post’s approach to developing the concepts and ideas for the stamp programme. TE PUNI KÖKIRI | KÖKIRI | PIPIRI – HÖNGONGOI 2008 5 TE AO MÄORI Mihimaraea Gardiner, Harawira (Wira) Gardiner, Rakaitemania Gardiner and Hekia Parata Te Puni Kökiri wishes to acknowledge the huge contribution Mäori leaders make in shaping the future of Mäori and New Zealand. We honour and recognise the achievement of these Mäori leaders, who work tirelessly to improve outcomes for Mäori and New Zealand. HONOURING In this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours List more than 30 Mäori were acknowledged for their OUR PEOPLE committed services to Mäori, arts, sports, business, entertainment, their communities and more. Te Puni Kökiri wishes to congratulate them all for their hard work and dedication over the years. We pay a special tribute to former Te Puni Kökiri Chief Executive Harawira Gardiner. Kia ora rawa atu koutou katoa. 6 TE PUNI KÖKIRI | KÖKIRI | PIPIRI – HÖNGONGOI 2008 TE AO MÄORI Anaru Rangiheuea credit: The Daily Post Wynton Rufer Hinewehi Mohi Derek Lardelli DISTINGUISHED COMPANIONS MEMBERS OF THE THE QUEEN’S SERVICE Miss Jacqueline Imelda OF THE NEW ZEALAND ORDER NEW ZEALAND ORDER OF ORDER (QSO) MAURIRI, of Hawera. For OF MERIT (DCNZM) MERIT (MNZM) services to Mäori. Mr Tione HAUNUI, of Mr Harawira Tiri GARDINER, Mrs Arihia Darryl BENNETT, of Ngäruawähia. For services Mr Michael Rereao MOHI, of of Wellington. For services Kaiapoi. For services to Mäori to Mäori. Waipukurau. For services to to Mäori. and the community. conservation. Mr Te Wano WALTERS, of Mr Peter Charles MAIRE, of Dr Peter Keith HARWOOD, of Te Puke.
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