J,,r,~'-'-·' --::_· J>eu flh•' ll'FAR• l »•• 701ll' le\\el" of Maj' 13. 194:4, cOJ).cent.~ 1our frea.uq U«ltnH tor• ,._1\tP.ct•V' to. Nortll Mnca. · l ~· been ad'flte4 "1 \M .'?rea9ur1 ' - Depar\aent that ~ictnet lo. BY 1$?3269vae renjjve4 on Nq 16, 1ff4r .. un4el" Bo. lff~~ cm\horhllll HmU\ucee of $6,000 per •nth· to lfo"h Afdca- ·· for a period of •1• aoiltli•. · · ••,,. trul.J 70\\1'•· l. W•. Pthi• ._outl•• n{;.~\fll" ,/ HS.•• llelen R. Bqao., mouthe seoHtlll7. lo1n\~.AA\t,..fa1aie\ le~• ComaU\te, 192 Lotagton. ATenut, Bev Toik 16 .. Jev tork • ...W' ·-~... · "":-_!•. PROP.- WAP~Jf°RAUTBN.STRAUCW._. · . .,Nalio~J Ho~or11ry Chairman ·_~DR. ~~w~'K:-B~Y ·National. Chiirtfian '. - -~. PROF.· LYMAN R. BRADLJ!Y · .,NatiOnaJ Treasilrer · ·.-·mas-. ·HadB.i,_ . ,-.:. __ ,·_-_.--.~ . .·. _ HELEN R. BRYAN Exeetiti ve- Office u'f'. :the President, NaJionaJ Executive~ Set~e~a.ry · ·war Refugee ·Board,.: ..., .. - - ·· ~ '·:·-:-; .. • Washington 25, D:· _C. · · ,. NATIONAL SPONSORS Dear: Mi~s Hodal: -~---. ·. DR. COMFORT A. ADAMS .. Con1ul1ing Engineer, Philadelphia RABBI MICHAEL ALFEB. Mr; :Lesser .has suggested thlit·"r. wrtte:you New York · . DR. HENRY LAMeEB.T BmeY wLth r¢gard ~othe ).icense.jor· w'h1chiae: :: .. Kingston~ New York have ap pl1ed.. ·.to the Treasury~ Depl);r.tJ11elit_·· 'to - . JAMBS L. BRBWBB. send· $5000 :a rrionth t~o Nor-th Af~1Qa- •. --~--.. ; · : · · · ._. ~-::- l.Awyer1 Rochester " - . ' -.. , . ·. -- . : -:·.~- ~.. - -: -- . ~' . -· ·-'. DR. WALTER B. UNNON Harvard Medical School Beginning with -Novem:Oer i943;-· '!;he --Cbm·m1tt~·e.. - PROFESSOR RICHARD T. Cox New York Univeriity . under license .. NY. ·573269-R sent .$5000: a: IJlOrith.· _ MARTHA Donn . to Mr. Kena.au Kimb erland in Algi era~ _ In-._.- . ·.· Author Mar-ch 1944,. the Oommi ttee- t0'.. th'e ... _ . :·. · JULIEN DUVIVIER ap:gl:ie~ ~- Motion Pict11re Director Treasury -Depar.tment'. for an ext_erisioti· of-'l;hl{:I .. Da. FREDERICK MAY ELIOT permit and. I Pa Ve .discussed. t'f\e· matt.er· With Ameritan Unitarian Association I DR. HENRY PRATT FAIRClllLD Mr. Brunot .of. 'the President a. War" Re.11 er .. New York Univeriily Con tr-ol Board. a!ld'. Mr· .. · Le-sser·. ·Al.though -.Mr_~·._: · :,.-· LION FEUCHTWANGER Author Brunot after having ·checked with·UNRRA:,.and· - ~.-... PROP. IRVING FISHER having determined. that.. it was_ adyisahle t0 : i; Yale Univeriily con tique sending tnese ·fund& 1;o Nor 't;h Afr.ioa · ::,_; PROP. MITCHELL FRANKLIN Tulane UniverJity and having wri tteri 'the Trea~ury. -Departme.nt :-:, Rllv. STEPHEN H. FRITCHMAN to this effect, we .still have np word with. Editor, The Chri.rtian Register I PROF. MARION HATHWAY regard to our license.· _will appreciate American A.rsociation of Schools it very much if you will take up._ this .ina 4teir. of Social JV ork of the Comm1 ttee I a receiving this license . - KENNETH LESLIB Editor, The Pro lei/an/ with the proper person in th.e Treasury ··Depart'... PRINCESS HELGA zu LoEWENSTEIN men t at yow ear lie st possible gonyeh~etic.e. ·_,. DR. ROBERT MORSS LoVETT HEINRICH MANN Author PROP. KIRTLEY F. MATHER Siffier~~i}our_~.'. _· . ." Harvard UniVefJily PHILIP MnRIVALE Actor :[. HelenW~h R. Bryan -~__,..,.- ·: RT. Rnv. EnwARD L. PARSONS HRB:fc Biihop (retired) of Northern Cal. Executive Seer tary PROP, RENATO POGGIOLI uopwa/16 Brown Univenity DR. FRANCIS M. POTTBNGER Pollenger Sanatorium, Cal. PAUL ROBESON PROF. HARLow SHAPLEY Harvard College Ob1erva/ory DALTON TRUMBO Author DAME MAY WHITTY Actre11 DR. MARY E. WOOLLEY Pre1. Emeri1111, Ml. Holyoke Co/leg• DR. MAx YERGAN Council on African Affai" and 01herI -- -- PRESIDENT'S WAR RELIEF CONTROL BOARD REG. N_o. .5~9 J JOINT ANTJ,,.J8ASCIST · RJBFUGJBE 192 LEXINGTON AVENUE •.NEW YORK 16, N. Y. PROF. WALTER R.AUTBNSTR.AUCH Na1ional Honorary Chairman . DR. EDWARD K. BARSKY Natio11al Chairman April 29 , 1944 PROF. LYMAN R. BRADLEY National Treasurer HELEN R. BRYAN National Executive Se'1elary Mr . J • W. Pehl e, • Executive Office of the President, NATIONAL SPONSORS War Refugee Board, DR. COMPORT A. ADAMS Washington, D. C. Com11lting Engineer, Phila1J./phia RABBI MICHAEL ALPBR New York My dear Mr. Pehle: DR. HENRY LAMBERT BIBBY Kingston, New York Thank you for your letter of April 28th, JAMBS L. BRBWBR i.Awyer, Rochester DR. WALTER B. CANNON 'r will be very glad to meet Mr. L~wrence Harvard Medical School PROFESSOR RICHARD T. Cox New York University s. Lesser in New York City on Wednesday, May l\iARTHA DODD Author JULIEN DUVIVIBR 3rd. It would be advisable for him to tele- Motion Picture Director DR. l'RBDERICK MAY ELIOT American Unitarian Association phone Miss Bryan, UUrrl,\"Y Hill 3-0180 about DR. HENRY PRATT FAIRCHILD New York UniverJity LION FEUCHTWANGBR 9:30 A.M. to make the arrangements for the~ Author PROP. IRVING FISHER Yale UniverJity meeting. PROF. MITCHELL FRANKLIN Tulane UniverJily Sincerely yours,- RBv. STEPHEN H. FRITCHMAN Editor, The ChriJtian Regisl1r PROP. MARION HATHWAY American Aisodation of Schools of Social JP ork ~· ,~/< evvvl).. KENNETH LESLIE Edward K. · .·.·-·· EdiJor, The Protestant EKB: fc Chairman .. Bars~CM,D. - ··._· PRINCESS HELGA ZU LOEWENSTEIN DR. ROBERT MORSS LOVETT uo va/16 HEINRICH MANN Author PROF. KmTLEY F. MATHER Harvard University PHILIP MERIVALE Actor RT. REV. EDWARD L. PARSONS Bishop (retired) of Northern Cal. PROP. RENATO POGGIOLI Brown University DR. FRANOS M. POTTENGER -pollenger Sanatorium, Cal. PAUL RoBBSON PROP. HARLOW SHAPLEY Harvard College Observatory DALTON TRUMBO Author DAME MAY WHITTY Actre SJ DR. MARYE. WOOLLEY -~ Pres. Emeril11s, Ml. Holyoke Coll1g1 DR. :MAX YERGAN Council on African Affairs and olhers PRESIDDNT0S WAR RELIEF CONTROL BOARD Ri\G. N6. 539 - .-- .0.. ,,.-~-, ~ -- >. I- Dear Dr. Barskya '1'41s wtU acknowle4gt :teoeS.pt dt y®i' lettel" -ot Apl'll,, 20; 1944. - - - - Lawrenoe s, Lesaer, a1,16111timt exocut,ive director of,tbe Board, wUl be in NOW !ol'k on Wednea4q1 May ;3 1 ~d I nav• - asked him to meet with-you and your assocj,atn while 1'111.fQW York. He 1'1U telephone your office on or about 9130 a.m. _ t.iay ) to arrange a convenient t1•• and plao•• - Very truly y~e, (Signed) J.w. Pehle. J. W. Pehle _ Exec'4tlve Dii'eotor Edward K. narsiq, u.n., Chairman, Join~ Anti•Faecist netug•e Oollllittee 192 Lexington Avenut Hew York 16, N,. t. - .- .-._:_:.. ~ LSLeseerials.4/28/44 .---:-',';----·- ...'·[ MR. LESSER: 4h27/44 Please cal 1. me. J. W. Pehl e HBLBN R. BRYAN Mr. J. W. Pehle, Na1ional F.xe,J1Ji11e Setrslaf1 Office of the President, • war Refugee Board, NATIONAL SPONSORS Washington 25, D. C. DR. CoMFORT A. ADAMS Consul1ing Bngin•11r, Philadelphia My dear Mr. Pehle: RABBI MICHAEL ALPRR l New York DR. HENRY LAMBERT BmBY Thank you very much for your lette~ of' 1- Ki11gJJ0111 New York JAMBS L. BREWER April 14th in answer to the memorandum which l.Awyer, Roches/er was sent you by the Joint Anti-Fascist Refu- DR. WALTER B. UNNON gee Committee. · Harvard illeairal School PROFESSOR RICIL\RD T. Cox New York Universily I think 1 t is of the utmost importance MARTHA Donn Au1hor for el ther myself or Miss Bryan to have an JULIEN DUVIVIBR appointment with you at your earliest con­ Motion Picture Dire,lor DR. FREDERICK MAY ELIOT venience. Mrs. Pierre Cot~ who is partic~lar- American Unitarian Auoda1ion ly concerned with t~e rescue of Spanish DR. HENRY PRATT FAIRCHILD Republicans fr om France, would like to accom- New York U11iversily i. UON FEUCHTWANGER pany Mi SS Bryan Or myself. Wil.l YOU, thf)re- Aulhor fore, be so good as to indicate what day -~ '.~.- I. PROP. IRVING FISHER Yale University next week would be possible for this appoint- PROP. MITCHELL FRANKLIN ment and we would appreciate having 1t after· Tulane Universily 1 o'clock as this fac111 tat es our travel from RBV. STEPHEN H. FRITCHMAN Editor, The Christian Register New York to Washington. ·. PROP. MARION HATHWAY American Auo,iation of Stbools of Social Work KENNETH LESLIE z;::::lylo/J.' .·,,,{: &Ji/or, The Pro/es/an/ PRINCESS HELGA ZU LoEWENSTBIN DR. ROBERT MORSS LoVBTT Edward... Bar _.SJ····.····•···· HEINRICH MANN EKB:fc Chair man:.K~ \ . a:;::!·1·D·. Aulhor uopwa/16 j\'. .·. PROP. KIRTLEY F. MATHER Harvard University , -.~-_:_ , :_'.·' PHILIP MBRIVALB Ac/or RT. REV. EDWARD L. PARSONS Bishop (retired) of Norlhern Cal. PROP. RENATO POGGIOLI Brown U11iver.sity DR. FRANCIS M. POTTBNGBR Pollenger Sanatorium, Cal. PAUL ROBESON PRoP. HARLow SHAPLEY Harvard College Oburvalory DALTON TRUMBO Aulhor DAMB MAY WHITTY Actress DR. MARY E. WOOLLEY . Pres. Emeritus, M1. Holyoke Coll•g• DR. MAx YBRGAN Council on African Affairs and others ,. .. JOINT ANTI-... FA~CI§T REFUGEE 192 LEXINGTON A VENUE • NEW YORK 16, N. Y. • PROF. WALTBR llAUTBNSTRAUCH Na1ional Honorary Chairman DR. EDWARD K. BARSKY National Chairman Mr. J. w. Pehle, Acting Executive D1reot6ri PROF. LYMAN R. BRADLBY War Refugee Board, · · · National Trea1urer Executh'e Office of the President, HBLBN R. BRYAN Washington, D. C, Nalional Exuutive Secretary • My dear Mr. Pehle: NATIONAL SPONSORS I should like to refer to the memorandu111 sent to you DR. CoMFORT A. ADAMS Comulling Engineer, Philad1/phi.i f'rom the Joint Ant1-Fasa1st Refugee Comm! ttee Und.e:i': RABBI MICHAEL ALPER date of' March 17, 1944. As you are aware, one of New York the DR. HENRY LAMBERT BIBBY proJeots suggested in this memorandum had to. do with Kingston, New York the transportation of Spaniardslfrom France to North ]MIES L. BRBWBR . Lawyer, Ro<hesler Afri cs. From what we oan learn, the s1 tuation of DR. wALTBR B. CANNON Republican Spaniards in Franoe is a most serious one. Harvard Medfra/ S<hool PROFESSOR RICHARD T. Cox New York University I am sure you know of M.
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