M- ARCH- 21, 20-07 --------ent@-r-ta-inme-R t- --PAGE7 Movie Review This is the Zodiac speaking Gender Zodia_c uses the facts to create a pleasing crime thriller play an important Bender COURTNEY WtLCOX St.affWriter part in the first half of the film, COURTNEY WILCOX to put on the show. 'Zodiac' is by no "For the first rime we Staff Writer For a director, making a means a cheesy have the ~ available for film based on actual events can slasher flick. promotion, and we were even be a risky undertaking. After watch­ On March 29. Madonna. able to hold auditions alil He or she must walk the ing a preview for Michael Jackson. Justin dress rehearsals." fine line of blending the actual the movie, I was Timberlake and Rob Thomas The show, which, ~ams happenings of an event and the prepared to submit will come together for a one at 9pm. is free to all soitoma moments that are added for myself to two and night only performance Ul State students. dramatic effect together in a a half hours of vio­ the Cooperage. No, it's not 11 There will be a $1 raffle way that will keep an audience lence and carnage, dream come true; it's Gender in which winners will receive entertained, but also make them but ended up being Bender. queer friendly pm.es that have think that what they are watch­ pleasantly surprised Perhaps you've seen ad­ been donated by local busi­ ing is what act\Jally happened. when I realized that vertisements. posters or even nesses. David Fincher, director of I wouldn't have to. heard it mentioned in one or The money earned from 'Zodiac', is successful in doing Instead, the two of your classes. this raffle will go to support just this. film resorts to the But if you're a first time face to Face, an AIDS out­ 'Zodiac', starring Jake Gyl­ use of suspense to freshman-or maybe even an reach and preven&ion program lenhaal, Robert Downey Jr. and keep the audience upperclassman-Gender Bend­ in Santa Rosa. Mark Ruffalo, is based on the on the edge of their er might be a completely new "What make$ the show unsolved Zodiac murders that seats. event for you. even more interesting is that took place in San Francisco and The spooky If you do happen to fall you don't have to be a student other neighboring cities during murders, cryptic into one of the above men­ at Sonoma to be a performer. the 1960's and 70's. letters, and phone tioned groups, you're prob­ We've put up posters in places Gyllenhaal plays Robert calls that consist ably wondering what exactly like North Ught to encourage Graysmith, a cartoonist for the solely of heavy is Gender Bender and where people front the neighboring San Francisco Chronicle who breathing com­ do Madonna and Justin Tim­ community to participate too," becomes obsessed with finding pletely negate the berlake fit in? said Lanza. the true identity of the Zodiac. need for flying Gender Bender is So­ this is the biggest event Reporter Paul Avery body parts. Even noma's annual drag show put of the year for BIGLASS, and (Downey Jr.) and Inspector in a particularly on by BIGLASS (Bisexual, students are encQUraged to David Toschi (Ruffalo) also violent stabbing Intersexed, Gay, and Lesbian show up early in order to grab fall prey to Zodiac's enigmatic scene the blood Association of Sonoma State). a good seat. letters, codes and seemingly and gore is kept to This year will be the sixth Last years' show filled up random string of killings- each a minimum. annual, as well as one of the both rooms of the Cooperage. character walking down his If you were largest and most well-funded Along with the performers own path of obsession and de­ hoping for another shows since it began. 'who will be dressed up, danc­ pression. 'Texas Chainsaw CoURTESY // ROTIENTOMATOES.COM "I first heard about it fiom ing and lip syncrung to songs Massacre', a film my brother before I even came by some of today's hottest which is also said to Sonoma. and each year the musical acts, members of the Although the film to be based on actual events, With the help of Marco next?" feeling. show has gotten bigger and audience are also encouraged does include a you'll be disappointed. Calavita, one of my former Luckily for 'Zodiac' this more organized," said senior to dress up as well and join in scene in which Similarly, if you also hap­ professors, and an afternoon feeling only adds to the mys­ Daniel Lanza, a member of on the fun. pen to be someone who appreci­ spent perusing the inter­ tery. ia~Ml~ detectives raid ates closure and a happy ending, net I was able to find a site Millers trailer in this might be one to skip. ( www .zodiackiller.com) that The film's perfonnances showed Miller as having attend­ Santa Rosa, they by Gyllenhaal and Ruffalo are ed SSU as a biological sciences fail to mention superb, but it is Downey Jr. that major in the years of 1970-74. that during that steals the show. During this time, there were no Although his role as a reported Zodiac murders. time he was journalist whose obsession ul­ Crafting an ending to a a student at timately drives him to alcohol­ film that is. about a story with­ ism, depression, and drug use out a conclusion can leave the Sonoma State. isn't quite a stretch considering audience with a "what happens Downey Jr's past, his every Despite its alrnost three man for himself personality hour running time and large and quirky mannerisms make amounts of infonnation, theo­ him an enjoyable character to ries, and clues, the film manag­ watch. es to draw its viewers in rather While San Francisco is than overwhelm them. most often highlighted as the Fincher invites the audi­ city in which the Zodiac killer ence to become detectives and did the majority of his dirty weigh the accusations against work, he began his string of Arthur Leigh Miller, who was, murders in the cities of River­ and still continues to be the man side, Vallejo, and Napa. thought to be the Zodiac killer, Although the film does as well as examine the evidence include a scene in which de­ that implicated him in one of the tectives raid Miller's trailer in most notable unsolved crimes Santa Ros~, they fail to mention ofourtime. that during that time he was a While the actual murders student at Sonoma State. 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