PROVINCE OF WESTERN CAPE PROVINSIE WES-KAAP Provincial Gazette Provinsiale Koerant 6594 6594 Friday, 16 January 2009 Vrydag, 16 Januarie 2009 Registered at the Post Offıce as a Newspaper As ’n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer CONTENTS INHOUD (*Reprints are obtainable at Room 9-06, Provincial Building, 4 Dorp Street, (*Herdrukke is verkrygbaar by Kamer 9-06, Provinsiale-gebou, Dorp- Cape Town 8001.) straat 4, Kaapstad 8001.) No. Page No. Bladsy Provincial Notices Provinsiale Kennisgewings 1 City of Cape Town: (Tygerberg Region): Rectification: 1 Stad Kaasptad: (Tygerberg Streek): Regstelling: Opheffing Removal of restrictions.......................................................... 2 van beperkings ....................................................................... 2 2 City of Cape Town: (Tygerberg Region): Removal of 2 Stad Kaasptad: (Tygerberg Streek): Opheffing van restrictions .............................................................................. 2 beperkings .............................................................................. 2 3 City of Cape Town: (Cape Town Region): Removal of 3 Stad Kaapstad: (Kaapstad Streek): Opheffing van restrictions .............................................................................. 2 beperkings .............................................................................. 2 4 City of Cape Town: (Cape Town Region): Removal of 4 Stad Kaapstad: (Kaapstad Streek): Opheffing van restrictions .............................................................................. 2 beperkings .............................................................................. 2 5 City of Cape Town: (Cape Town Region): Removal of 5 Stad Kaapstad: (Kaapstad Streek): Opheffing van restrictions .............................................................................. 3 beperkings .............................................................................. 3 Removal of restrictions in towns Opheffing van beperkings in dorpe Applications: .................................................................................. 3 Aansoeke: ....................................................................................... 3 Tenders: Tenders: Notices............................................................................................ 6 Kennisgewings: .............................................................................. 6 LOCAL AUTHORITIES PLAASLIKE OWERHEDE Beaufort West Municipality: Rezoning ......................................... 6 Beaufort-Wes Munisipaliteit: Hersonering .................................... 6 Beaufort West Municipality: Departure ........................................ 7 Beaufort Wes Munisipaliteit: Afwyking........................................ 7 Cederberg Municipality: Closure................................................... 6 Cederberg Munisipaliteit: Sluiting................................................. 6 City of Cape Town: (Cape Town Region): Closure ..................... 7 Stad Kaapstad: (Kaapstad Streek): Sluiting .................................. 7 City of Cape Town: (South Peninsula Region): Amendment to Stad Kaapstad: (Suidskiereiland Streek): Wysiging van ’n an approved application for the establishment of a less goedgekeurde aansoek om die stigting van ’n minder formele formal settlement........................................................................ 8 dorpsgebied................................................................................. 8 City of Cape Town: 2010 Fifa World Cup South Africa Stad Kaapstad: Verordeninge op die 2010 Fifa Wêreldbeker By-law ........................................................................................ 15 Suid-Afrika ................................................................................. 27 Hessequa Municipality: Rezoning and departure ......................... 10 Hessequa Munisipaliteit: Hersonering en afwyking ..................... 10 Hessequa Municipality: By-law .................................................... 51 Hessequa Munisipaliteit: Verordering............................................ 60 Hessequa Municipality: By-law .................................................... 85 Hessequa Munisipaliteit: Verordering............................................ 87 Hessequa Municipality: By-law .................................................... 88 Hessequa Munisipaliteit: Verordering............................................ 96 Mossel Bay Municipality: Departure ............................................ 7 Mosselbaai Munisipaliteit: Afwyking............................................ 7 Mossel Bay Municipality: Departure ............................................ 9 Mosselbaai Munisipaliteit: Afwyking............................................ 9 Stellenbosch Municipality: Public notice calling for inspection Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit: English version only........................ 9 of the property valuation roll and lodging of objections ......... 9 (Continued on page 108) (vervolg op bladsy 108) 2 Provinsie Wes-Kaap: Provinsiale Koerant 6594 16 Januarie 2009 PROVINCIAL NOTICES PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWINGS The following Provincial Notices are published for general information. Die volgende Provinsiale Kennisgewings word vir algemene inligting gepubliseer. V. L. PETERSEN (Ms), V. L. PETERSEN (Me), DIRECTOR-GENERAL DIREKTEUR-GENERAAL Provincial Building, Provinsiale-gebou, Wale Street Waalstraat Cape Town. Kaapstad. P.N. 1/2009 16 January 2009 P.K. 1/2009 16 Januarie 2009 RECTIFICATION REGSTELLING CITY OF CAPE TOWN (TYGERBERG REGION) STAD KAAPSTAD (TYGERBERGSTREEK) REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967 I, Jeremy Benjamin, in my capacity as Deputy Director in the Depart- Ek, Jeremy Benjamin in my hoedanigheid as Adjunk-Direkteur in die ment of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning: Western Departement Omgewing Sake en Ontwikkelings Beplanning: Wes- Cape, acting in terms of the powers contemplated by section 2(1) of the Kaap, handelende ingevolge die bevoegdheid beoog in artikel 2(1) Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967), duly delegated to van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 (Wet 84 van 1967), me in terms of section 1 of the Western Cape Delegation of Powers behoorlik aan my gedelegeer ingevolge artikel 1 van die Wes-Kaapse Law, 1994, and on application by the owner of Erven 10197 & 10198, Wet op die Delegasie van Bevoegdhede, 1994, en op aansoek van die Goodwood, remove conditions 1.C.2. and 2.B.(2) contained in Deed of eienaar van Erven 10197 & 10198, Goodwood, hef voorwaardes Transfer No. T. 94627 of 2005. 1.C.2. en 2.B.(2) vervat in Transportakte Nr. T. 94627 van 2005, op. P.N. 2/2009 16 January 2009 P.K. 1/2009 16 Januarie 2009 CITY OF CAPE TOWN (TYGERBERG REGION) STAD KAAPSTAD (TYGERBERGSTREEK) REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967 I, Jeremy Benjamin, in my capacity as Deputy Director in the Ek, Jeremy Benjamin, in my hoedanigheid as Adjunk-Direkteur in die Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning: Departement van Omgewingsake en Ontwikkelingsbeplanning: Wes- Western Cape, acting in terms of the powers contemplated by section Kaap, handelende ingevolge die bevoegdheid beoog in artikel 2(1) 2(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967), duly van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 (Wet 84 van 1967), delegated to me in terms of section 1 of the Western Cape Delegation behoorlik aan my gedelegeer ingevolge artikel 1 van die Wes-Kaapse of Powers Law, 1994, and on application by the owner of Erf 7007, Wet op die Delegasie van Bevoegdhede, 1994, en op aansoek van die Bellville, removes condition B. 3. contained in Deed of Transfer No. T. eienaar van Erf 7007, Bellville, hef voorwaarde B. 3. (a) vervat in 66131 of 2006. Transportakte Nr. T. 66131 van 2006, op. P.N. 3/2009 16 January 2009 P.K. 3/2009 16 Januarie 2009 CITY OF CAPE TOWN STAD KAAPSTAD CAPE TOWN REGION KAAPSTADSTREEK REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967 WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967 (ACT 84 OF 1967) (WET 84 VAN 1967) Notice is hereby given that the Minister for Local Government, Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Minister van Plaaslike Bestuur, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, properly designated Omgewingsake en Ontwikkelingsbeplanning, behoorlik aangewys as as competent authority in terms of paragraph (a) of State President bevoegde gesag ingevolge paragraaf (a) van Staats President Proclamation No. 160 of 31 October 1994, in terms of section 2(1) of Proklamasie Nr. 160 van 31 Oktober 1994, kragtens artikel 2(1) van the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967), and on die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 (Wet 84 van 1967), en op application by the owner of Erf 490, Bantry Bay, removes condition F. aansoek van die eienaar van Erf 490, Bantry Bay, hef voorwaarde (2) and amends condition F. (3) contained in Deeds of Transfer No’s. F.(2) en wysig voorwaarde F.(3) soos vervat in Transportaktes Nr’s. T. T. 92859 of 2002 and T. 31342 of 1997 to read as follows: 92859 van 2002 en T. 31342 van 1997 om soos volg te lees: ‘‘That not more than one dwelling be erected on any lot without the ‘‘That not more than one dwelling be erected on any lot without the written consent of the Council of the City of Cape Town, and that not written consent of the Council of the City of Cape Town, and that not more than 65% of the area of any lot be built upon.’’ more than 65% of the area of any lot be built upon.’’ P.N. 4/2009 16 January 2009 P.K.
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