GUILDS UGM M.E. 2201.15 pm Tues Have a Happy Xmas NEWSPAPER OF IMPERIAL COLLEGE UNION December 11th, 1973 FREE! ISSUE No. 350 Everyone! GRANT INCREASE P.A.W.N.O. At 6.00 p.m.on Friday evening I we need higher grants (and you must did a tour of the halls of residence be nuts if you think the present grants system is satisfactory) then you must IMMINENT - to collect the nomination forms for be willing to work for it; you must be the Imperial College Tenants Asso- willing to act. An increase in grants is about to the 1962 level and coupled with in- ciation Executive Committee. I found be recommended in a confidential flation of 40 per cent pa expected by The first meeting of the Imperial completed forms only in Beit and Government report to be drafted Christmas, according to the Guardian, College Tenants Association will be soon. this means that the £100 could be Selkirk. Now, at 4.00 on Sunday the held this week .At present the venue According to the Daily Telegraph wiped out over the Christmas vaca- situation is the same. I can announce isn't finalised (it will, I hope, be the this increase "will not, in present tion. that Messrs. Tony Taylor and Digby Union Concert Hall or Mech. Eng. 220) but every resident will be get- economic circumstances, approach Students next term cannot afford James are the elected representa- the 35 per cent increase demanded to be complacent about the political ting a note to let him or her know tives for Beit Hall and Mrs. Averil where it will be. Please try and come. at the recent NUS conference in Mar- and economic crisis, they will either Dewing is the Representative for Sel- The time will be Thursday at 5.45 gate". be starved out of higher education by which I hope will not clash with any- The level of the residual income rising prices or the grants campaign kirk Hall. As yet, the constitution that thing. Please try and show that the (at present £1400) may be raised to is fought on a higher level: that of I've prepared has yet to be formally person putting up the notices about £1800 or higher. This is the assess- an alliance with sections of the Trade approved. Because of this I may find apathy society is wrong about this able income left after mortgages, Union movement to bring down the it necessary to alter it slightly to en- college. superannuation, etc. Tories. able the Executive Committee to be Nothing will be done about dis- The DES has refused to let stud- Duplicating Machines. So much cretionary awards, or the means test, ents keep their living standards and formed. I hope I don't have to do this for one of my rare political pieces, and the Government seems constant has launched attacks through the but it will all depend on the response now for something a bit lighter. about what to do with married wom- CVEP to victimise students who take to the nomination papers during the Those of you who have had cause to en's grants and PG awards. action (rent strikes, etc.). rest of the week. use the duplicating machines during Sir Brian is thought to have said The rent strikes of IC next term has the last term may have noticed that that the increase about to be offered to be fought in conjunction with all During the last term it has been they are sadly lacking in various odd is about £100. sections of students and trade union- my task (an almost thankless one) items, e.g. ink drums, fuses and Such an increase will in no way ists to bring down the Tories and to advertise the Union General meet- others. A Roneo rep finally, after more bring us up to the halcyon days of their blatant contempt for students. ings. At most of these (and there phone calls than I care to mention, have been six) there has been some decided that he would come and discussion on the rent strike and the have a look. He gave them a thorough grants campaign. However, except inspection and then an estimate for for the initial decision to have a rent the cost of putting them back into PURPLE PATCH strike, very few other agreement have almost new condition. Needless to been reached. Why? Mainly because say, it, is only slightly more expen- As this is the last patch of the would be JUSTIFIED in thinking that of the lack of people present at the sive to buy new ones. It is hoped, meetings, which have therefore been term, and many of you Will shortly society was working against you. You therefore, that by the end of the deemed inquorate. The quorum is at be going home, or at least away from would find it difficult to believe that Christmas vacation we will have two present 300 out of a total of 4,086 new machines plus one of the old College, I would like you to think the students in the Western world students; a pathetically small percen- machines for less important work. about a few topics other than those were protesting at only getting £15 tage. Yet the total turn-out at the The two new ones will be locked which directly affect your student each week to live on, and not being CCU meetings has been collectively away in the duplicating room and more than the IC UGM quorum. lives. able to live a life of luxury. will be for limited personnel only. It When those of you who are lucky This Christmas whilst you are at If you consider that your CCU will be necessary to insist that ail business (and this is NOT a kick at people who wish to use the new enough to be going home to see your home, please spend a little time the CCU's) is more important than machines will have to attend a de- parents and families, arrive there and thinking about those around the world the amount of money that you have monstration given by someone from get settled in beside the nice warm who have far les privileges than you, in your pockets then that is your Roneo. Adequate warning will be giv- fire, with Mum fussing over you, and and yet who are biologically exactly business. However, it is no use blam- en beforehand. Dad offering to take you out for a the same as you. Think about those pint, please spare a thought for those ing the ICU Exec for not trying to Christmas is upon us, under us, people in Northern Ireland Who are get the grants raised if you, the stud- who cannot get home this Christmas. around us. Soon, most of you will be afraid to go out after 8.0 in the even- ent body, are not prepared to do Think for a few moments of the for- ing because of a fear of being in- winging your way home (assuming eign students from the College (al- something about it also. There are volved in a terrorist gun battle. too many people at this college who you can get petrol for your vehicle, most 1000) who are having to spend jump at the chance to criticise, to talk, their vacation in some cold and dingy As a final thought, if you do not that the airlines get fuel for their to argue, but there are very few who bedsit in Neasden, dreaming of the know very much or do not believe planes, that the train drivers don't go are willing to act. It is not criticism, Christmasses in the past which they what you have heard about this man on strike and that there is enough talking, and arguments that get what have spent at home with their parents Jesus Christ, then please spend a we want. What is needed is action. electricity to light your way home). and families. I am sure that none of little time over the vacation trying to Mass action that involves as many Once there you can sit down to tur- you would argue with the fact that sort out What it is all about. students as possible. The rent strike key (50p a lb., don't eat too much) the prospect of spending Christmas For those overseas students who is one of these, but not the only one. alone in London in your little bedsit- will be staying in London over the and all the trimmings (probably 50 This not only needs people partici- Christmas vacation, I would give you per cent more expensive than last thinking of all the people who have pating, it also means that some of one tip, that in many of the Churches year). You can drink yourself merry gone home to their families, is not a the people that do all the talking around the area you will be able to very warming idea. must be wiling to help out with the (at least 3p more than at college for find friends who will be only too I would also like to think of your organisation, the leafletting, the pub- each drink). Warm yourself in front happy to share their Christmas enjoy- own position this Christmas. Think ment with you. If you live in the area licising, the production of posters, of the fire (I hope you've got enough of how lucky you are to be at home, etc., etc.
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