18 th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 4, 2019 TheThe CatholicCatholic CommunityCommunity ofof BradfordBradford St. Bernard of Clairvaux 95 East Corydon Street Website: www.stbernardcatholic.org On-line giving: www.osvonlinegiving/1845 St. Francis of Assisi 15 St. Francis Drive Website: www.stfrancisomph.com Our Mother of Perpetual Help (A Secondary Mission Church) Very Rev. Raymond Gramata, V.F. Pastor Rev. James Gutting, Senior Associate St. Bernard of Clairvaux P.O. Box 2394 • Bradford, PA 16701-5394 Phone: (814) 362-6825 • Fax: (814) 362-1479 Email: [email protected] St. Francis of Assisi Our Mother of Perpetual Help Mission Church ST.CATHOLIC BERNARD COMMUNITY OF CLAIRVAUX OF BRADFORD CHURCH BRADFORD,AUGUST 4, 2019 PA In today’s gospel Jesus has an interesting line for us to reflect upon: “Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.” Many of you may watch the TV show “Hoarders” and wonder how such a person can get themselves into the mess that they find themselves in now. This is a good time to take a look at ourselves and see if we, too, are hoarders. We may not be at the same level as what is seen on TV, but we can probably see the similarity. It is easy to accumulate possessions. They give us a sense of security. Possessions can become the downfall of many of us, because we may feel that we don’t have enough. You can see that in another TV type show; the coupon shopper who had a whole room of stuff that would last her two lifetimes. We like to have lots of things because the more we have the more we feel secure. But is this “real” security? Jesus, in the Gospel today, blows this theory out of the water. Jesus gives the example of a rich man who hoards his harvest and builds bigger barns to store his grain and possessions. He thinks that he is secure. Listen to what God says to him: “You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things you have prepared, to whom will they belong? Thus will it be for all who store up treasure for themselves but are not rich in what matters to God.” And let me share with you the wisdom of a mother: “Remember this, you came into the world naked and when you leave this world, you cannot take anything with you.” At that time, whenever it may come, Jesus is not going to ask how much we have, but how you have lived your life in love for one another. Summer food for thought: Jesus is the reason for Sunday; so don’t forget to go to church when on vacation. God Bless, Fr. Ray Normal Parish Office Hours: Mon 9 am - 4 pm Tues - Fri, 8 am - 4 pm LAST WEEK’S COLLECTIONS St. Bernard - Needed Weekly: $ 10,792 July 28 ....$ 4,490 National Needs Collection ...$ 984 SB School July Collection....$ 214 2019 CSA Assessment$ 36,754 SB 2019 CSA Collected....$ 27,051 St. Francis of Assisi - Needed Weekly: $ 4,331 July 28 .....$ 2,130 National Needs Collection ....$ 514 2019 CSA Assessment..$ 25,137 SF 2019 CSA Collected......$ 16,825 OUR PARISHES THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS 18 TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 4, 2019 2019 CSA HELPS SUPPORT Your CSA gifts help the office of Catholic Charities through- out the diocese provide programs and services that give hope to those in need. Catholic Charities Counseling & Adoption Services St. Martin Center and Rural Ministry Saint Elizabeth Center Prince of Peace Center Please take the time to prayerfully consider what you are able to give and remember, the parish will retain the monies collected over the goal. CHOOSE LIFE “Mothers are closer to God the Creator than any other creature. God joins forces with mothers in Kaitlin Elizabeth performing this act of creating a human being. McCann & The angels have not been blessed with such a 3rd grace. Only a human mother is.” ~ Joseph Cardinal Dakotah John Mindszenty Giordano Get resources and suggestions for your family at the Diocese of Erie’s family website, . www.ErieRCD.org/fam.htm At the Diocese of Erie, fami- All-American Classic Car Show lies always matter! Go Families! The Erie Catholic School System is hosting its Second Annual All-American Classic Car Show 1. Please write individual checks for each on Saturday, September 14, from 10:00 AM to donation: weekly, CSA, candles, special dioc- 3:00 PM, at Saint Jude School and Parish, 2801 esan collections and any other. The collec- West 6 th St., Erie, PA. To register your classic tions are processed separately. car and for more information on the event please 2. Make sure your checks are made out to your home visit eriecatholic.org or the Erie Catholic Office at parish, signed and with purpose noted in the 814-806-2423 memo section . 3. Mass checks should be made out to the church Win This Mustang where the mass is to be said . The Erie Catholic School System is raffling off a 4. Please do NOT staple or tape your 1967 Ford Mustang Coupe. ONLY 4800 tickets envelope closed. will be sold. Tickets are $20.00 each. Visit ecss- raffle.org or call the Erie Catholic office at 814- A FAMILY LIFE 806-2423. Drawing for the Mustang will take In today’s gospel Jesus teaches us: “One’s life does not con- place Saturday, September 14, at the Erie Cath- sist of possessions.” We spend so much time working to ob- olic School System’s All-American Classic Car tain more stuff; we don’t have time for the people in our lives. show. What is enough? Are the words of Jesus, “You fool”, meant for us? THANK YOU TO OTT & M cHENRY PHARMACY PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS www.osvonlinegiving/1845 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF BRADFORD AUGUST 4, 2019 WELCOME WELCOME Baptism - July 28, 2019 Baptism - July 28, 2019 Charlotte Elizabeth-Grace Hannah Elizabeth-Asia Mitchell Mitchell Child Protection and Creating Safe Environments- Documentation for Safety: All employees, volunteers and clergy in the Diocese of Erie who work with children must undergo criminal record checks. The diocesan Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth screening guidelines and abuse prevention train- ing programs emphasize the importance of knowing the em- ployees and volunteers who have access to children in our schools and parishes. Parents should remain vigilant in in- sisting that those with access to their children have gone through an application process and obtained the required clearances and trainings before being granted access to their children. To see what documentation and training is required in the diocese, visit https://www.eriercd.org/ childprotection/ Marjorie Christine Swartzfager & 3rd Christopher Bernard Festa Italiana Bakers Dombrowski LaStella Auxilliary will be frosting the cookies and wans for the Italian Festival again this year. Wans will be made on The Bradford Council #403 Monday and Tuesday Aug. 5 th & 6 th , prepping at 8 and start- of the Knights of Columbus ing at 9 am. Frosting cookies on August 7 th . meet monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Confer- ence Room at the parish office. New members are needed badly. Come to the next meeting on August 13, 2019 at 7 pm or call Mark Luciano at 368-5508 for more information. All Council members are urged to attend, and new mem- bers are most welcome. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF OUR MINISTRIES ARE IN NEED OF MORE HELPING HANDS! There is a need for more Cleaners , Lectors, Altar Serv- ers and Eucharistic Ministers for all three churches. Contact the Parish Office at 362-6825 if you are willing to consider one of these needs, even occasionally. 18 TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 4, 2019 SAINTS OF AUGUST The Chains of St. Peter--------August 1 St. Samona and Her Seven Sons [Holy Machabees]--------August 1 St. Alphonsus Liguori--------August 2 Pope St. Stephen I, Martyr--------August 2 The Finding of the Body of St. Stephen, First Martyr--------August 3 St. Lydia--------August 3 St. Peter Julian Eymard--------August 3 St. Dominic--------August 8 Sts. Xystus, Felicissimus, Agapitus--------August 6 St. Cajetan--------August 7 St. Donatus---August 7 St. Donatus, Martyr--------August 7 Sts. Cyriacus, Largus and Smaragdus--------August 8 St. John Marie Vianney--------August 9 St. Romanus, Martyr--------August 9 Vigil of St. Lawrence, Martyr--------August 9 St. Lawrence, Martyr--------August 10 Sts. Tiburtius and Susanna--------August 11 St. Philomena--------August 11 St. Clare--------August 12 St. John Berchmans--------August 13 Sts. Hippolytus and Cassian--------August 13 St. Eusebius--------August 14 St. Maxmillian Kolbe--------August 14 St. Clare-----August 12 St.Tarsicius--------August 15 St. Rocco--------August 16 St. Joachim--------August 16 St. Hyacinth--------August 17 St. Rocco---August 16 St. Helena--------August 18 St. Agapitus, Martyr--------August 18 St. John Eudes--------August 19 St. Bernard--------August 20 St. Jane Frances de Chantal--------August 21 Sts. Timothy, Hippollytus, Symphorian--------August 22 St. Philip Benizi--------August 23 Vigil of St. Bartholomew, Apostle--------August 23 St. Bernard---August 20 St. Bartholomew, Apostle--------August 24 St. Louis, King of France--------August 25 Pope St. Zephyrinus, Martyr--------August 26 St. Joseph Calasanctius--------August 27 St. Augustine--------August 28 St. Hermes, Martyr--------August 28 Beheading of St. John the Baptist--------August 29 St. Sabina, Martyr--------August 29 St. Rose of Lima--------August 30 St. Raymond Nonnatus Sts. Felix and Adauctus, Martyrs--------August 30 August 31 St. Raymond Nonnatus--------August 31 St. Augustine----August 28 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF BRADFORD AUGUST 4, 2019 A NOTE: Please call the parish office at 362-6825 if you have concerns about any of the church facilities.
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