SECRETARIAT 150 route de Ferney, P.O. Box 2100, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland TEL: +41 22 791 6033 FAX: +41 22 791 6506 www .actalliance.org Appeal Pakistan Emergency Assistance to Flood-Affected in Pakistan (PAK102) - Revision 1 Appeal Target: US$ 4,101,731 912 Balance Requested: US$ 2,652,504 Geneva, 11 August 2010 Dear colleagues, Since July 21 st 2010, heavy monsoon rains have led to the worst flooding in 80 years in Pakistan. Destruction is wide-spread across 40% of the country. As the rains continue, the waters are moving downstream like a “rolling earthquake” affecting Punjab and Sindh provinces further south. Transport and communications have been widely disrupted. Many areas remain inaccessible and thousands have yet to receive assistance. Latest estimates are that between 12 to 14.5 million are affected with the figures rising. The death toll has reached well over 1,600 and around 1.5 million people are made homeless. There are concerns about further deaths due to water-borne diseases as communities struggle to survive. The UN’s Emergency Response Coordinator, John Holmes, has observed that the overall humanitarian donor response to date is not commensurate to the massive level of need in this crisis. The members of the ACT Pakistan Forum, Church World Service- Pakistan/Afghanistan (CWS-P/A), Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), and Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH) are distributing urgent relief assistance to the flood-affected communities. This revision of the appeal first issued on August 4 th includes the proposed responses of DKH and NCA, as well as a revised, scaled-up version of the CWS- P/A response. The ACT Secretariat expects to receive a request for a further revision of this appeal from the ACT Forum to include early recovery and rehabilitation assistance by August 20 th . CWS P/A is working in Swat, Kohistan, D.I. Khan, Shangla and Mansehra districts of Khyber Pakhtoonkwa Province; Sibbi district of Balochistan Province; and Khairpur district of Sindh Province. As well as implementing directly, CWS is partnering with Participatory Village Development Programme, Help in Need (HIN), VEER Development Foundation and NCBP (Nation’s Capacity Building Programme). Proposed assistance includes food and non-food relief items, emergency shelter and basic health services. DKH is working with local partner National Rural Support Program (NRSP) to meet the shelter needs of 1,000 families (8,000 individuals) and hygiene needs of 8,000 of the most acutely affected and vulnerable families (64,000 individuals) in Nowshera and Charsadda districts of Khyber Paktunkwa Province. NCA proposes to assist 31,500 flood affected people in the districts Charssada, Nowshera and Sibi with food, non-food items and medical assistance during the acute emergency phase. NCA is working with local partners Pakistan Village Development Program (PVDP), the Taraqee Foundation (TF) and Church of Pakistan, Diocese of Peshawar (DoP). Pakistan Floods Response – PAK102 (Revision 1) 2 Project Start/Completion Date: CWS 04 August 2010- 03 November 2010 (3 months) DKH 10 August 2010- 10 October (2 months) NCA 10 August- 10 November (3 months) Reporting schedule: Reports due ACT CO CWS DKH NCA Interim Report N/A N/A N/A Final Report 31 Dec. 2010 31 Dec. 2010 28 Feb 2011 Audit 31 Jan. 2010 31 Jan. 2011 31 March 2011 Appeal Targets, Pledges/Contributions Received and Balance Requested (USD): CWS DKH NCA Total Target (revised) US$ Appeal Targets 3,111,669 358,708 631,354 4,101,731 Less: Pledges/Contr Recd 1,188,866 0 260,361 1,449,227 Balance Requested from ACT Alliance 1,922803 358,708 370,993 2,652,504 Please note: The ACT Secretariat expects to receive a request for a further revision of this appeal from the ACT Forum to include early recovery and rehabilitation assistance by August 20 th . Please kindly send your contributions to either of the following ACT bank accounts: US dollar Account Number - 240-432629.60A, IBAN No: CH46 0024 0240 4326 2960A Euro Bank Account Number - 240-432629.50Z, IBAN No: CH84 0024 0240 4326 2950Z Account Name: ACT - Action by Churches Together UBS AG, 8, rue du Rhône, P.O. Box 2600, 1211 Geneva 4, SWITZERLAND Swift address: UBSWCHZH80A Please also inform the Chief Finance Officer Jessie Kgoroeadira ( [email protected] ) and Michelle Yonetani ( [email protected] ) of all pledges/contributions and transfers, including funds sent directly to the Requesting Members. We would appreciate being informed of any intent to submit applications for EU, USAID and/or other back donor funding and the subsequent results. We thank you in advance for your kind cooperation. For further information please contact: ACT Deputy General Secretary, Jill Hawkey (phone +41 22 791 6033 or mobile phone + 41 79 203 6055) or ACT Regional Program Officer, Michelle Yonetani (phone +41 22 791 6035 or mobile phone +41 79 285 2916) Jill Hawkey Deputy General Secretary ACT Alliance Secretariat Pakistan Floods Response – PAK102 (Revision 1) 3 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations CBA Child Bearing Age KPK Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa (Province CBOs Community Based Organizations formerly known as North-West CBP Capacity Building Program Frontier) CFGB Canadian Foodgrain Bank LHV Lady Health Visitor CMLC Combined Military Liaison Cell MCH Mother and Child Health Care CWS-P/A Church World Service-Pakistan/ MHUs Mobile Health Units Afghanistan MISP Minimum Initial Service Package DCO District Coordination Officer NATO North Atlantic Treaty DCRs District Census Reports Organization DKH Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe NCA Norwegian Church Aid DMP Disaster Management Programme NCBP Nation’s Capacity Building EDO Executive District Officer Programme EKN Embassy of the Kingdom of NDMA National Disaster Management Netherlands Authority EPI Expanded Program on NFIs Non Food Items Immunization NGO Non-Governmental Organization ERC Emergency Resource Cell NIDA National Integrated & FATA Federally Administered Tribal Development Association Areas NRSP National Rural Support Program GBV Gender Based Violence NWFP North-West Frontier Province GCM General Coordination Meeting PATA Provincially Administered Tribal GoP Government of Pakistan Areas HAP Humanitarian Accountability PDMA Provincial Disaster Management Partnership Authority HAP-I Humanitarian Accountability Pak.VDP Pakistan Village Development Partnership-International Programme (NCA partner) HID Human and Institutional Par.VDP Participatory Village Development Development Programme (CWS HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus partner) HRIS Human Resource Information PDU Program Development Unit System PHF Pakistan Humanitarian Forum IASC Inter Agency Standing PMP Performance Measurement Plan Committee PRCS Pakistan Red Crescent Society ICRC International Committee of the PRDA Partnership for Recovery and Red Cross Development of the Allai Valley IDP Internally Displaced Person RBA Right Based Approach IDSP Institute for Development of RHCs Rural Health Centers Social Practices SDP Social Development Program IEC Information, Education and SFP Sphere Focal Person Communication SPO Strengthening Participatory IMCP Institutional Management and Organization Certification Programme TB Tuberculosis INEE Interagency Network for ToT Training of Trainers Education in Emergencies UCs Union Councils INGO International Non-Governmental UN United Nations Organization UNFPA United Nations Population Fund IP Implementing Partner UNHCR United Nations High ISAF International Security Assistance Commissioner for Refugees Force UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund IP Implementing Partner WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene ISO International Standard Operations WHO World Health Organization Pakistan Floods Response – PAK102 (Revision 1) 2 I. ACT REQUESTING MEMBERS ♦ Church World Service-Pakistan/ Afghanistan (CWS-P/A) ♦ Diakonisches Werk der Evangelisches Kirche in Deutschland e.V. on behalf of Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH) ♦ Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) II. ACT MEMBERS and IMPLEMENTING PARTNER INFORMATION Church World Service Church World Service-Pakistan/Afghanistan is an international non-governmental organization which implements humanitarian and development activities across Pakistan and Afghanistan. Since 1954, CWS-P/A has worked for the development and relief of marginalized communities on the basis that all individuals irrespective of race, faith, color, sex, economic status, or political opinion have the right to choose how to live. The organization assists communities to achieve economic prosperity and improve human and social capital through participatory endeavors, which liberate families and enhance their capacities to take control over their lives. Committed to quality performance, human rights, right to access information, and right to complain, CWS-P/A ensures that it’s humanitarian and development initiatives provide communities with their pertinent right and authority over resources. Currently, CWS-P/A operates from its central office in Karachi and additional offices in Islamabad, Lahore, Mansehra, and Swat in Pakistan and Jalalabad and Kabul in Afghanistan. It also runs a training center in Murree, Pakistan. Projects are organized out of its three programs: Capacity Building Program, Disaster Management Program, and Social Development Program. CWS-P/A’s thematic priorities include: emergency response; water, sanitation, and the environment; health; education; livelihoods; peace and governance; and quality and accountability. With a network of close to four hundred partners, CWS-P/A adopts various approaches for project implementation. The
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