Page Eight ROCKETEER Friday, June 19, 1964 'Capt. Grabowsky To Be Interim ComNOTS t Community News To Take Helm 'PLAYBOY CLUB NIGHT' TONIGHT AT CPO CLUB Cort Sheridan and his band from Los Angeles will provide Pending Arrival the music for dancing at the Chief's Club tonight. This will be "Playboy Club" Night at the Club, complete with Bunny Girls. Of Capt. Hardy IEEE SECTION TO INSTALL NEW OFF ICERS The China Lake section of the Institute of Electrical and Capt. Blenman and Electronics Engineers will hold its annual installation banquet on Thursday, June 25, starting at 7:30 p.m. in the Executive 6 Other Officers Dining Room of the Officers Club. FROM UNDER THE SEA TO THE STARS The new officers are James C. Mitchell Jr., chairman; Phil Retire on June 30 G. Arnold, vice chairman, and Art Thomas, secretary-treasurer. Six local officers, including Vol. XIX, No_ 24 NAVAL ORDNANCE TEST STATION, CHINA LAKE, CALIFORNIA Fri., June 19, 1964 Dr. Pierre St. Amand is scheduled to speak on "The Good Friday Earthquake" in Alaska. three Naval aviators and a form­ er submarine skipper, will end ORDER OF EAG LES TO MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY their Navy careers here Tues­ An organizational meeting of the Order of Eagles will be day, June 30, in ceremonies that held Wednesday, June 24, at 7:30 p.m. at the Ridgecrest Elks accompany the retirement of Lodge. Bob Waters, spokesman for the group, said attempts are Big Party Tonight To Captain Charles Blenman, Jr., being made to assemble 50 members to obtain a charter. Infor­ Station Commander. mation may be obtained by calling Waters at FR 8-6386. A formal Change-of-Command ACEY DEUCEY CLUB DANCE SLATED FOR TONIGHT ceremony, scheduled to start at Don Rice, western recording artist, and his Night Riders 10 a.m. in the area beyond the will furnish the music for the Acey Deucey Club dance tonight "CREDIT UNION LOANERS" winners of the (I-r) are Charlotte DeMarco, Edl. Karlstrom, Administration building, will Re · ILaunch' EM Club starting at 8:30 p.m., and will play 'til 1:30 a.m. Wednesday Night Handicap Womens Bowling team captain Glenace Hudson, Mick Doucette, precede the retirement of Capt. Dinner menu will feature fried chicken and fried oysters. League present sponsor's trophy to Ken Ma r­ and Mary Andreasen. Team won 69 games out Blenman and the other China Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 8 p.m. tin, Credit Union manager. Tea", members of 99 in a 12-team league_ Lake officers. DJ Tom Dillon, C. ptain Leon Grabowsky, Stl­ Capt. Blenman Speaks tion Executive Officer, will as­ 'Ramona' and the Plan June 30 Parents: Learn sume duties as Commander, U.S. at ASPA Meet Today Naval Ordnance Test Station, Captain Charles Blenrpan, Jr., serving as interim relief until 'Four Sons' Star Retirement ComNOTS, will address mem­ How to Teach the arrival here of Captain John China Lake's largest segment bers of the American Society J. Hardy on or about Aug. l. of enlisted personnel - those Ceremonies for Public Administration today Kiddies to Swim The full-dress white ceremony men of third class petty officer (Continued from Page I ) at a noon luncheon meeting to The American Red Cross will involve formations of NOTS rates and below - will be be held in the Mojave Room of Water Safety Instructors Associa and NAF personnel and is to be whooping it up tonight over the f icer aboard the carrier USS the Executive Dining Room. Intrepid in 1956-57_ tion invites all parents in the witnessed by families and formal re-opening of the Enlist­ Title of the talk is, liRe­ Born at Flandreau, So. Dakota, community to a "Parents' Work­ friends of the retiring officers, ed Men's Club. flections on the Management of shop on Water Safety" tomor­ in addition to military and civil­ Its members number some LCdr_ and Mrs. Ellefson have an R&D Activity." The ad­ two sons, Bruce, 11, and Mark, row morning from 9:30-10:30 ian dignitaries. 600, representing NOTS, NAF dress will cover experiences of a.m. at the Station Pool. Here from San Diego for the and VX-5_ 9. the senior military officer at the Red Cross instructors will occasion will be the band attach­ Located at the corners of LCdr_ R_ G_ Douglas Naval Ordnance Test Station teach mothers and fathers how Former commander of ed to the staff of Commander, Blandy and So.Hussey, the one­ during his past three years' here. they can te~ch their young chil­ Nava l Air Force, U.S. Pacific time Station chapel has recently submarines, the USS Bass and The meeting will also include dren to swim and practice good Fleet. undergone extensive refurbish­ USS Segundo, LCdr. Robert G. a business session highlighted by water safety habits. Children LCdr. L_ M. Ellefson ing in the ~ounge and ballroom Douglas is one of the retiring the election of the new Board are not invited to this teaching Lieutenant Commander Lau­ areas. officers. of Directors. workshop. The Naval Academy graduate rence 111. Ellefson, Air-to-Ground Has 'New Look' has served at NOTS since mid- Weapons Officer here since Cluh Manager Boh Shephard, 1962 as Military Assistant to the CROSSWORD PUZZLE .·Answ.r ·to .-P,.vloul Punl. 1960, will close out a 22-year SH1, boasts that the "new look" Research Department, arriving ACROSS I)-Argues. career. He came here from gives the local club "an atmos­ 'OKLAHOMA' REHEARSAL sees Pat Bielawski, Kitty Lock­ 6·Backbond duties as Executive Officer of here from duties with the U.S. wood, Kitsy Hise and Mary Stolz strutting their stuff for the l-Stared 'I·Hurl phere that will compete wit h open­ i-Compas$ Patrol Squadron 42. Naval Underwater Ordnance big production scheduled for July 17, 18, 24 and 25 in the mouthed point other facilities throughout the Station, l'\ewport, R.I. multi-use room at Burroughs High SchooL The Broadway 6-Beef animal 9·Mp.n'. A holder of the Ai r Medal, Navy." n_Refund nickname LC dr_ Ellefson was a participant 1'----- The festivities, which start at . His service in undersea craft musical will be staged by the Desert Division of Bakersfield 12-:lledltate to-Cause Tom Faught, PHAN, club's asst. manager; Lt. College_ H-Clty In ll·Wanders in the Bikini Atoll .tomic bomb EM CLUB signal flags are readied for ribbon- 7:15 p.m., will include a formal includes assignments to the USS Rusela 13·Garoen t ool., tests and had served as Guided cutting ceremonies which will re·open the E. F. Mouton, Navy Exchange Officer, and Pompon for war patrols in the 15-City In Idaho 16·Toward tho ribbon-cutting, introduction of 17 _Cooled Ja.V& mouth Missile and Air Ordnance Of- club tonight. Hoisting them are (I-r) Lt. (ig) LCdr_ L. B. Shults, CO, NOTS Enlisted Per­ some 30 guests and brief re­ closing days of World War II, Thomas, 13, Nancy, 9, and Betsy, 18-Da.nleh land l!I-Brlef: sonnel. The festivities start at 7:15 p.m. division W. F_ Elrod, XO, NOTS Enlisted Personnel; marks by club officials. USS Tusk, USS Sea Leopard, 1. I'_lIounta.i.Q 20·PJa.ce in Une (Continued on Page 8) lakes £2-Junctures Capt. Charles Blenman ·Jr., USS Runner, in addition to the 20-InQulre LCdr. P_ F. Mohr SHOWBDAT 2l-Parent 23-Rlver in ComNOTS, will take part in the Bass .nd Segundo which he France fRIDAY JUNE 19 (colloq.) Former Commanding Officer 22-Bristle8 ZS-Excess ot. SO-Listened 39-Sea eagle ribbon - cutting ceremony and c:tmmanded. " WHAT' S UP fRONT " (83 Min.) to Power Outage On Station of the NOTS Enlisted Division, ~3-Plumllk. "olar over 3t-Cover with ·U-ExcJamatloa will wish all the enlisted men LCdr. and Mrs. Douglas have Tommy Holden, Morilyn Monning fruit 'lunar year wax 42-Number Donnan Wins Link 7 p.m. :!4-Scotre4 tG·Hindu queen .32-HaUed f4-1nitiale ot ~ future good times in their LCdr. Phillip F. Mohr has served S3-Masonlc' three children, Diana 16, Lynn, (Com.dy in Colo,) laugh your way around 26-Cbecke' 28-Pennles 26th ....'i,i Tomorrow - 5:30-8:30 a.m. doorkeeper Presid~nt ... "new" club. at NOTS for the past year as the country with a door· to-door bra soles· 27-Free ticket (colloq.) 14, and Bruce, 9. 2S-Son of Adam. IS-·Warble f6-·Guido'. loW' Master-of-ceremonies for the Head of the Command Adminis­ mon, 0 yokel who gets out of every iom 29-?o[ortiflca- 29-Reel . 38-Eat awa.y note There will be an electric power outage throughout the LCdr_ W_ H. Abney tration department. despite a cruel, conniving sales mono~r. tion Fellowship at evening is a VX-S man, Tom Oil .. This w ill "bust" you up! And to top off 3I-Join csu_ A third officer scheduled to Station - except Wherry Housing - tomorrow, June 20, Ion, a former television per.. He reported to the Station the good clean fun, a "ROADRUNNER." U-Mocca.ah'tl John A. Donnan, on leave of }'etire, LCdr. William H. Abney, 35-Jndlan tent from S:30 a.m. to 8:30 a_m_ former and announcer in his from the USS Caliente where he Adults and Youth. 36·Three-toed absence from NOTS' Earth and Itas been attached to the Naval Shorts: " Lick.ty Splat" (7 Min .) R_d Runn.r sloth EI Paso, Tex., hometown. served as Executive Officer in "Wond.rful N.w York" (18 Min.) 31-Worthless Planetary Sciences Division of The Public Works Dept_ announces that the power out­ Air Facility here since late 1962.
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