INDEX f refers to photo; n to notes A Abused Abbey Theatre (Dublin), 77 children, 285 Aberrant behavior, 67n100, 103, 221 daughters, 27, 235, 238 Abortion, 102, 104–106, 117n141 mother, 151, 285 Abortionist, 102 power by Pelops, 340 Abu Ghraib, 29, 272, 275–277, 297 sisters, 235 Abuse. See also physical abuse; physical wife, 2, 132 and sexual abuse women, 6, 126, 128, 175, 199 domestic, 129, 174–176, 189, Abusive boyfriend, 236 194–195, 212n107 Abusive husband, 143, 203, 329–330 driven aggression, 205 Action films, 52 driven violence, 201 Action Opposing Violence against dysfunctionality and, 132 Women Campaign, 145 familial, 145 Actor injury, 20. See also fight family history of, 201 choreography fuels rage, 195 Acts intergenerational transmission of, of dominance, sublimated sexual, 132, 196 276 male-initiated, 23 of resistance, 92 power, 104 of retaliation, 190 revenging her father’s, 192 of stabbing, 116n109 sexual, 200 of violence, 230 signs of, 235 Addict, drug, 155, 205 spousal, 145, 197 Addicted to drugs, 205. See also drug(s) © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2017 365 N. Taylor Porter, Violent Women in Contemporary Theatres, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-57006-8 366 INDEX Addiction(s) African-American (cont.) substance, 281 women boxers, 243 to violence, 58 women of color are viewed as more to violent TV, 54 savage, 128 “Adrenaline Junkies,” 282 young girls of color, demonization Adult(s) of, 220 children who view violent media young women, violent socialization resort to aggressive behavior as of, 284 young adults, 54 Agamemnon, 74, 201 subjectivity, 85 Agent Orange, 280 victimizing children, 236 Aggression violent shows and violent choices as denial of women’s, 56 adults, 53 emotional experience triggers, 55 women’s aggressive behavior as a “life-force,” 56 equaled men’s, 50 male and female aggression research, young women victimized by, 48–51 262n88 perpetrators rewarded for, 54 Adulterous affair and murder, 198 pop culture celebrates, 53–54 Adultery, 102, 142 verbal vs. physical, 53 African-American viewed as masculine, 50 average annual income, 178 violence vs., 56 communities, 202–203 women’s ethical use of, 56–59 female delinquency, 224 Aggressive behavior. See also girls’ physical and sexual behavior(s); violence by females victimization, 225 and women Hester, 103–104, 107, 108f3.2 of boys and girls, 54 history of forced migration, 97 of children exposed to violent TV, 54 homeless, 97 man’s fantasy of his own physical homicide rates, Whites vs. power, 356–357 African-Americans, 207n9 of men and women playing a video poverty and racial oppression, 222 game, 55 public constructions of (blackness), testosterone, role of, 42 107 women’s vs. men’s, 50 racial designation of, 107 of young adults, 54 state-sanctioned violence against, 97 Alabama Shakespeare Festival, 204 violence as survival strategy in Alcohol, 93, 114n76, 126 contemporary plays, 202 familial violence and, 2, 53 violence in the fight against racism, for pain and loneliness, 188 204 women’s violent behavior and, 126, violent girls of color “gone wild,” 204–205 220 Alcoholic stepfather, 285 women, violence of young, 224 Alcoholics, 205 INDEX 367 Alden, Dawn “Sam,” 21–22, 351 Archetypal “monstrous” woman, 74 Babes With Blades, 324–329, 334, Archetype(s), 101 348 of the psychotic/possessed woman choreography, 325 who kills her child, 88–89 fight choreographer, 324 that fulfills our need for security and fight director, 21–22, 324–329, freedom to flourish, 361 334, 348 Arianda, Nina, 306–307, 310 stage combat, 324–326 Aristotelian drama, 190 Allegorical paradigm, 96 Aristotelian resolution, 135 Alpha woman, 202, 330. See also Army, US, 274, 276, 279, 285–286, Omega woman 292 Alpha-male bravado, 58 Arrested development, 46 Als, Hilton, 297, 310 Artistic Altar-like place, ceremonial, 102 creation of men, 206 Althusser, Louis, 97 endeavor, 301 Amazons, 52 expression, 300 American Dream, 159, 236 freedom, 87 American Psychiatric Association license, 137 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of preferences, 14 Mental Disorders (DSM), 301, standpoint, 230 315n122 Assimilation, 45, 279, 356 American Psychological Association Athenian City Dionysus festival, 59–60 (APA), 54 Attachment relations, 15 American Society of Fight Directors, 24 Attack vocabulary, 25 American Theatre, 11, 32n34 Auden, W.H., 360 Amnesty International, 273 Audience (audiences) Anderson, Patrick, 26 as a collective, 14 Andrews, Laura, 203 counter-cultural education of, 2 Angel in the House, myth of the, 219 expectations, 11, 17 “The Angel in the House” (song), 173 passivity, 16 “The Angel in the House,” 173, 206 preconceptions, question, 30 The Angelina Project (Canino), 1, 28, reception, 14–18 36, 179, 192–202, 210n76, 210n80 surveys, 15 Anger management, 176 theatricality distance from brutality, Anglosphere countries, 6–7, 31n14, 189 64n49, 145, 166n115, 199 August: Osage County (Letts), 28, 125, APA. See American Psychological 128, 150, 154–160 Association Aplin, Julia, 251–252, 255, 258n2, 265n171 B Apotheosis of ecstasy, 89 The Baachae (Euripides), 27, 73–74, 93 Archetypal images, 73 Babbage, Frances, 93 368 INDEX Babe(s), 6, 18, 29, 31, 52–53, 246, BDSM (bondage, 277, 299, 302, 324, 328, 361 discipline/dominance, submission/ Babes With Blades. See also violence by sadomasochism) (cont.) females and women aggression, normalizing unhealthy An Affair of Honor, 328–329 forms of, 303 Alden, Dawn “Sam,” 324–329, 334, community, 299, 303, 310 348 dominatrixes, 298–311 Choose Your Own Adventure, 323 dungeons, 301–302 fetishization and fragmentation of masocast website, 299, the female form, 327 315n114–115 The Gulag Mouse, 30, 329–334 Mistress Crimson, 299–300, The Last Daughter of Oedipus, 30, 302–303, 315n115 339–341 OB/GYN exams, 301 LGBTQ-friendly scripts and Risk Aware Consensual Kink company, 347 (RACK), 300 Los Desaparecidos (“The Vanished”), S/M community, 300–301 30, 341–348 therapeutic element of, 305, Macbeth, all-female, 30, 334–338, 315n111, 320 337f8.1, 338f8.2 Venus in Fur (Ives), 30, 272, mission statement, 323–324 304–311 plays produced, 328 Venus in Furs (von Sacher-Masoch), stage combat, 329 304 stereotype violent women and Becker, Xena, 335–337 gender norms, 324 Behavior(s). See also aggressive The Viola Project, 348 behavior; children website, 347 aberrant, 67n100, 103, 221 women in violent relationships, 30, abnormal, 95 323 cannibalism, 105 women stage combatants controlling, 176–177, 184, 205 showcased, 7 criminal, 9 women’s complex relationship to cultural ideologies influence, 42 violence, 324 disruptive or law-expanding, 45 “Babykiller,” 102. See also infanticide dysfunctional, 161 Bankowsky, Katya, 357 gendered, 41 Barnidge, Mary Shen, 94 girls’ violence, rising trend of, Barrett, Leigh, 334, 346, 348, 350n40 51–56, 65n65 Baumeister, Roy, 301 law-expanding, 45 BDSM (bondage, of macaque monkeys, 15 discipline/dominance, submission/ male and female aggression research, sadomasochism), 299–304. See also 49–51 American Psychiatric Association masculine and feminine, 227 INDEX 369 Behavior(s) (cont.) Björkqvist, Kaj, 55, 64n46 sex and gender of violence, 46–49 Black Spectrum Theatre Company, testosterone and aggressive, 42, 203, 212n112 62n8 The Blue Man Group, 16 transgressive, 76 Bobbitt, Lorena, 158 unconscious, 89 Bohle, Ruppert, 131f4.1, 136f4.2 women perpetrators vs. victims, 6 Bonacasa, Angela, 24, 35n100 women’s ethical use of violence, Bonnie and Clyde, 20 56–59 Booher, Anna, 85 Beloved (Morrison), 101 Boundaries Benedict, Helen around violent impulses, 287 The Lonely Soldier Monologues, of comprehension, 141 29–30, 271–272, 283–292 of gender roles and empower Benevolent guidance women, 92 and protection, 87 for her abusive boyfriend, 236 Benevolent human impulses, 107 to keep our world safe, 95 Bennett, Susan legitimize combat between two Theatre Audiences: A Theory of competing individuals, 271 Production Reception, 14 of masculinity in their assumption of Berlin, Normand, 243, 263n114 power, 311 Betrayal(s), 12, 75 of normalcy by voicing thoughts Greek patriarchal fears of, 88 aloud in public, 144 husband’s, 173 respecting, 182 Jason’s, 79 Bourbon at the Border (Cleage), 204 of one’s comrade, 335 Boxers Philomele’s, 81 female, 44, 244–248, 254, 258n2 Procne’s, 88 male, 245, 265n173 sexual, 74 Boys (boy’s) sibling’s, 360 “boys will be boys,” 288, 311n6 Tereus’s, 81 datable, 42 The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why double standards for girls and boys, Violence Has Declined (Pinker), 3–4, 164n61, 220 39, 62n1, 71, 223 gender, erroneous constructions of Bickersteth, Neema, 219, 252–254, their, 43 256–257, 253f6.2 male and female aggression research, Big Love (Mee), 311 49–51 Bindel, Julie, 138 media violence and, 54 Biological determinism, 41 physical aggression, 49 Biological differences of the sexes, 42 reject everything feminine and Biological essentialism, 43 become aggressive, 46 Biracial identity, 198, 203 sex accounts for less disparity Birth control, 132 between boys and girls, 48 370 INDEX Breath, Boom (Corthron), 29, 222, 225, Butler, Judith (cont.) 235–237, 242 Undoing Gender, 7, 31n16, 44 Brecht, feminist adaptations of, 10 violence without corruption, 58 Brechtian Butt-kicking babes, 53 devices, 11 “Butt-Kicking Babes” (Spicuzza), 361 tactics, 189 Buttocks, shot in the, 183, 185, way, 108 186f5.1 way, non, 109 Brecht’s desire to reject emotional involvement, 16 C Brevoort, Deborah Cake, Jonathan, 79 The Women of Lockerbie, 148–149 Cambridge school critics, 59 Brooklyn Academy of Music, 77 Canino, Frank Brooks Atkinson Theatre, 77 The Angelina
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