Exodus from al-Faluja, 1949 Following an ethnic-cleansing campaign, Palestinians were Israel Corp. forced to flee this village. Intel Israel now has Canada Pension Plan its largest factory Investments located here. 2012 shares=$3 million (Direct & indirect investments) 2011 shares=$5 million (Direct investments only) ith net profits of US$461 million in 2010, Israel Corp. www.palestineremembered.com Wis the country’s largest hold- “[c]ritics say there is no reason for tax- later, in July 1949, Israel’s then-foreign ing company and one of the top ten on payers to be subsidizing a wealthy mul- minister, Moshe Sharett, wrote: the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. It was tinational.” However, it does not men- “It is not possible in every place to founded in 1968 by the State of Israel tion the controvery that Intel’s factory arrange what some of our boys engi- which privatisation the following year. is occupying stolen Palestinian land. neered in Faluja [where] they chased A controlling interest was pur- away the Arabs after we signed an Ethnic Cleansing at Qiryat Gat chased by Saul Eisenberg who is widely ...international commitment.” Qiryat Gat was not in the Palestinian reported to have used his business con- Sharrett also described a territories conquered by Israel in the nections to assist Israel’s intelligence “whispering propaganda campaign 1967 war. Instead, it was part of the agency, the Mossad. Former Mossad among the Arabs, threatening them with “Faluja pocket,” a small enclave that officer Victor Ostrovsky said Eisenberg attacks and acts of vengeance by the Egyptians troops defended from cap- “was the Mossad’s tie in with China. army.” This, he said, was a ture by Israeli forces in the 1948 war. He and his people were doing consid- “calculated action aimed at increas- When Israel signed the 1949 erable armament dealing....” ing the number of those going to the Armistice Agreement, it guaranteed the After his death in 1998, Eisen- Hebron Hills as if of their own free rights of citizens in the “Faluja pocket.” berg’s family sold its shares to the will, and, if possible, to bring about Letters between Dr. Walter Eytan, who Ofers, Israel’s richest family, and by the evacuation of the whole civilian led the Israeli delegation, and Dr. Ralph 2007 they owned 55%. Amid a 2011 population [of Faluja].” Bunche, an American who was the UN scandal about Israel Corp ships visit- Mediator on Palestine, said the “civil- ing Iran, Richard Silverstein, a promi- References ian population… shall be fully secure nent Jewish-American blogger, re- “IBM wins $20-30m Defense Ministry tender,” ported that Ofer Brothers, which has a in their persons, abodes, property and Globes, November 21, 2007. personal effects.” Within weeks, Israel www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/docview.asp?did= controlling interest in Israel Corp., reneged on this promise and the Pal- 1000277794 “transported Mossad agents on se- estinians were driven out in a deliber- “HP, Dell win govt, IDF computing tenders,” cret missions to Iran during the doz- Globes, May 23, 2006. ens of illegal visits its ships made to ate, ethnic-cleansing campaign. www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/docview.asp?did=1000094945 Bunche, who won the Nobel that country.... The company claims Israel High-Tech & Investment Report, Mar. 2010. ...that it had government permission Peace Prize in 1950, quoted UN ob- ishitech.co.il/0310.pdf servers saying that “Arab civilians...at to engage in this trade.... David Rosenberg, “Intel builds high-tech em- [T]he Mossad clearly was exploit- Al-Faluja have been beaten and robbed pire in Israel,” Media Line, March 19, 2012. by Israeli soldiers.” There were also at- gantdaily.com/2012/03/19/intel-builds-high-tech-empire-in-israel ing ...the Ofer Brothers for purposes of espionage and possibly even tempted rapes and the Israelis were “fir- Intel in Israel ing promiscuously” at Arab civilians. www.intel.com/intel/community/israel/aboutsite.htm terror...inside Iran. [I]t appears that Israeli historian Benny Morris called it “Narus Scores $15M...” May 28, 2002. Ofer Brothers...may in effect be an a “short, sharp, well-orchestrated cam- www.lightreading.com/document.asp?doc_id=16661 intelligence asset. ...[I]t is so inter- paign of low-key violence and psycho- Sylvie Barak, “Israel gives Intel ultimatum on twined with the military-intelligence logical warfare designed to intimidate fab grant,” EE Times, January 24, 2012. apparatus that there is in effect little www.eetimes.com/electronics-news/4235223/Israel- or no distinction between the two.” the inhabitants into flight.” A survivor gives-Intel-ultimatum-on-fab-grant- said Israeli forces “created a situation Israel intelligence connections Mazin Qumsiyeh, “Is Intel supporting an Apar- have also reached into the firm’s board of terror, entered the houses and beat theid Regime?” June 26, 2001. the people with rifle butts.” www.mediamonitors.net/mazin7.html room. Yaacov Amidror, a Major Gen- eral in the reserve forces, served in Is- As a result, 3,000 inhabitants Henry Norr, “Intel chip plant located on disputed of two villages within the “pocket” were Israeli land,” SF Chronicle, July 8, 2002. rael’s military for 36 years, “primarily sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2002/07/08/ in Intelligence, specializing in strate- driven out and all their buildings were BU162036.DTL destroyed. One village, Iraq Al gic planning, counterterrorism and in- Henry Norr, “Intel: Nakba Inside,” May 2008. ternational policy.” Amidror was ap- Manshiya had about 300 homes, two ism-norcal.org/Newsletter/V5I1July2008/Articles/ mosques and a school. Four months IntelNakbaInside.htm pointed to the board of Israel Corp. in 6 Press for Conversion! (Issue # 67) Fall 2012 Israel’s top holding company controls several former, state- 2007, but in late 2010, he left to head owned firms, like Israel Chemi- ed until 2004. Its first ships moved hun- Israel’s National Security Council and cals Ltd. It owns the uranium dreds of thousands of Jewish settlers become the Israeli Prime Minister’s na- to Israel. Citing Encyclopaedia extraction plant next to Dimona tional security advisor. Prior to joining Judaica, the Jewish Virtual Library says Israel Corp., Amidror was commander which whistleblower Mordecai that some of Zim’s vessels “were used of two Israel war colleges and led re- Vanunu exposed in 1986 as Is- to form the Israel navy.” A company search in Israeli military intelligence. rael’s nuclear weapons facility. history says that in the 1948 war, Zim Since 2007, Israel Corp’s Presi- Dimona ships supplied “arms and ammunition” dent/CEO has been Lieutenant Colo- to Israel. Zim provided military ship- nel Nir Gilad, a helicopter pilot in Is- ping services in the 1973 Arab–Israeli rael’s reserves. Gilad is on the boards War, and “has continued to play this of subsidiaries Zim, TowerJazz, Israel crucial role every time Israel faced con- Chemicals Ltd. and Rotem Amfert flict.” (See “Hyundai Heavy Industries” Negev. Gilad has also held top posi- in previous issue, pp.41-42.) tions in Israel Aerospace Industries, the country’s largest state-owned war in- References dustry. (See previous issue, pp.48-49.) Our Company In 2006, Israel’s Movement for www.israelcorp.com/aboutus/ourcompany.aspx Quality Government petitioned the History www.israelcorp.com/AboutUs/HISTORY.aspx country’s high court to “open a crimi- nal investigation into the actions of Nir Victor Ostrovsky, By Way of Deception: A Dev- Gilad,” who was made Deputy CEO of Vanunu astating Insider’s Portrait of the Mossad, 1990. Israel Corp., “shortly after playing an Rotem Amfert Negev, a wholly- Richard Silverstein, “Ofer Brothers Fixer, Ami- instrumental role as Government Ac- owned ICL subsidiary, extracts uranium dror?” May 31, 2011. countant General in granting massive from 5.5 million tons of phosphate that www.richardsilverstein.com/tikun_olam/2011/05/31/ ofer-brothers-fixer-amridor/ payments to the Israel Corp....’” it mines annually in the Negev. Extrac- tion is done at a plant adjacent to the Sharon Shpurer, “National security adviser Better Place worked for Israeli firm accused of Iran dealings,” Negev Nuclear Research Center, near Haaretz, June 1, 2011. This electric-car infrastructure com- Dimona. In 1986, Israeli whistleblower www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/national-security- pany (31.5% owned by Israel Corp.) adviser-worked-for-israeli-firm-accused-of-iran-deal- Mordechai Vanunu exposed Dimona as ings-1.365213 was launched in Israel this year. (See a nuclear weapons facility where plu- Nir Gilad “Renault,” pp.31-32.) With retired Is- tonium for Israeli nuclear bombs is re- raeli Major General Moshe Kaplinsky www.israelcorp.com/Management/ExecutiveOfficers/ processed from spent reactor fuel. Va- NirGilad.aspx as its CEO, Better Place Israel is ex- nunu also revealed that Dimona was Nir Gilad pected to make major inroads into used to chemically separate depleted investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/ equipping the Israeli military’s fleet of uranium for Israeli armor, bullets, ar- person.asp?personId=104546370 cars and other vehicles. Prior to becom- tillery shells and bombs. He was kid- Press Releases (June 26, 2006) ing second in command of the Israel www.mqg.org.il/English/Pressrelease/tabid/208/ napped by the Mossad and jailed in Is- Default.aspx Defense Forces’ (IDF) General Staff, rael for 18 years, 11 in solitary. Kaplinsky led IDF Central Command, Israel Chemicals Ltd. and oversaw operations throughout the TowerJazz en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Chemicals occupied West Bank. In 2006, he coor- TowerJazz was founded in 1993 when Rotem Amfert Negev Ltd. www.nti.org/facilities/336/ dinated the bombing of Lebanon. A Israel Corp. paid $250 million for Harvard University student group noted Tower Semiconductor.
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