
Speed Limit 393 or under the corresponding statutory provisions obtaiping .elsewhere, and which before being so registered has. not been used for . demonstration purpos'esfor a longer period than·one month ... lOs. ·fb) For amotot-l:).ackney c~rriage not Goming within tJaei prov'isions 'of sub-parag'raph (a) hereot .... 258 . I(C) For an' omnibus notcomitlg within the provisions 'of sub-"patagraph (a) hereof ... , ................... 50s." 3. In Regulation 23 of the Principal Regulations for the word . "five shilUr~gs" there shall, be substituted the words "seven shillings and sixpence". .' Sealed with the 'Official Seal of the Ministry of Home Affiairs for Northern Ireland this thirteenth -day of March, (L.S.) one thollsand nine hunqred and fifty...,six. R. 11. R. Dunbar, . Assistant Secretary. The foregoing Regulations are hereby approved~by the Ministry of. Finance for Northern Ireland,. this -sixteenth day (L~S.) of March, one thousand .nine hundred and fifty-six. D. B. Hol.den, Assistant secretary. ROAD TRAFFIC ORDER, DATED 16TH AUGUST, 1956,' MADE; BY TUE MINISTRY, OF HOME. AFFAIR~ UNDE;R. SUB-SECTION (4) OF SECTION TWENTY-THREE OF T,HE ROAD Tj1AFEIC ACT (NORTHERN, IRELAND), 1955. 1956. N.o. 124 [C] Tne Ministry of Home Affairs in exercise at th,e powers conferred on it by sub-section. (4) of section twenty-three of the. Road Traffic Act '(Northern Ireland), 1955, and of all other' powers .enabling.it in that behalf, hereby orders and directs as follows:- , 1. Each of the lengths of road, specified in the First Schedule shall bea restricted road for the purposes of the said section . twenty-three. 2.. Each of the lengths of road specified in the Second Schedule shall not be a restricted foad for the purposes of the said section twenty-three. 3. This Order shall come into operation on, 1st October, 1956, and may .be cited as . .the Roads (Speed Limit) Order (Northern Irelahd);,·1956. Sealed with tne 9:ffic~a:l Seal 'of. the Ministry of Home Affairs for Northern Ireland this 16th day of' August, (L.S.) one thousand. nine nundred and fifty--six, in the presenCe of .' R. F. R. Dun-par, Assistant Secretary. 394 MOTOR VEHICLES AND ROAD TRAFFIC S·ICHEDULE I Ro:aids where, ontlhe ;A,ppomted !Day, ,a .sy-s,tem o.f Str,eet Lighting as defined in the Act is. not provided: aIiid Which ,are soUlij,eot· to 'a Sp.eed Limit of 30 miles per hour. Ballysillan Road, Belfast, from a PQint apprOximately 333 Yards north-east of the junction with Crumlin Road, .Olass I No. A.52, to a point 32 yards north-east of the junction with Silverstream G.ardens. BallysiHan Road, Belfast, rrom a point 33 yards north-east of the junction of Joanmount Gardens to the jllnction with Sunningdale Drive . ., Bills Loney" or Billstown Loney, Belfast, from the junction with Crumlin Rcad, Class I No. A.52, to the j1.lllctioIl, with Ballysililan Road. BallysUQan Park, Belf.ast,. from the junction with Crumlin Road, Class I No. A.52, to a point 14 yards scuth-east of the juncticn with Ballysillan Drive. Upper Falols Road, Class II No. B.102, Belfast, Co. Antrim, from the juncticn wiJth Slemish Way t9 a point 50 yards west cf the junction with Flnaghy . Road North, mass !II No. C.2. Flnaghy Road North, Class III No. 0.2, Belfast, Co. Antrim, from the junction with Upper Fal'ls Road, Class II No. B.102, to a point approXimately 740 yards south of this·junction. station Road, Class III No. C.34, Jordanstown, Co. Antrim, from the junction wdth Lowe,r Monkstown Road, Class III No. C.35, Ij;c a point approxi­ mately 1,120 y·arrds east cf the junction. Magheralave Road, Lisburn, Co. Antrim, from the; junction of Duncan's Road and Kirkwood's Road toa point approximately 800 yards so.uth Qf. the junction.'' The Glenoe-Crcss Hill Road, Glenoe, Co. Antrim, from the junction with the Cross Hi'll Road to. rt;he junction with the Beltoy-Glynn Road, Class II No. B.149. The Beltoy-Glynn Road, Class ;II No.. B.149, Glence, Co. Antrim, from the junction with the Glenoe-Oross run Road to a point ,approximately 250 yards north of this junction. , The Old Newtownhamilton-Armagh Road, Newtowrrhamilton, Co. Armagh, from the junction with .Newtownhamilton-Armagh Road, Glass I No. A.29, to a pcint llipproximately 240 yards north of the junction. ,. Priests' Hill, Laurel Valle, Co. Armagh, from the junction with the De'rryhale­ Tanderagee Road, Class III No. C.168, to the juncticn wHh the Laurel Vale-Knock Bridge Road, Class III No. C.169. The New Line Road, Markethill, Co. Armagh, from tthe junction with the Armagh-Newry Road, CLass I No. A.28, to the junction with the. Markethill-Keady Road, Class II No. B.3. Qua:rter Road, Camlough, Co. Armagh, from a point apprOximately 216 yards north of 'the junction with the Newry-Camlough Road, Glass ;r No. A.25, to a point :approximateiy 1,086 yards north cf this junctioIl,. Gallan. Bridge Road (Nursery Roac'!), Armagh, Co. Artx).agh, from 'the junction with the Armagh-Caledon Road, Class I No. A.28, to the junction with .. the A'rmagh-Dungannon Road, Class II No. B.llq. The Downpatrick-Ardglass Road, Class II No. B.1, I:>ownpatl,'ic'k, Co.. DoWI).,· . from the junction with ,the Downpatri,ck-Ktllough Road, Class II No. LB .. 176, to la point :approximately 8:1) y,a,rd:s ,south,-.eas:b of the· jumtion wilotlh 'tihe Downp.atri,ck-BaHyihornan (vla Bisib.;opscouxt) Ro,ad, Giliass III No.. C,3'66. CastleweHan Station Rcad, Cas,tlewellan, Co., Down, from a point approxi­ mately 400 yards norrth-east of the junction with the Maghera Church Road to the north-east junction with the Downpatrick-Newry Road, Class I No. A.25. The Killyleagh-Crossg,ar (via Shrigley) Road, Class II No. ;8.7,. Co. Down, from 'a ;point approximately 60 yards ;north of :j;b,e junction with the Coily Hill Road to a point a:pproximately 250 ya;r.dsscdth of the junction with the KHlyleagh-8aintfield Road.. Class II No. R6. Moneydarragh Branch Road, Class III No.. C.315, Anna1.ong, Co.. Down, fro.I}l t11e junction with the Ne'Wcastle-Kilkeel Ro.ad, Class I No. A.2, 'to a point .approximately 630 ~ards west of this junctio.n. The Newry-Kilkeel Road, Class I No.. A.2, Rostrevor, Co. Down, from the junction with the KUlowen Chapel Road (north end) t.o a Qoint approxi­ mately 410 yards south of the junction wi·th the Mayobridge-Rostrevor Road, Class III No.. C.329. .. : Speed Limit ,395 The Newry-Kilkeel Road, elas'S I No; A.2, Kilkeel, CO. Down. rrom a poi.nt '. 'approildmately 4,60' &\aXtCls ;eastof the junoCtLon wdtih tlw O?unnaman iRoad t<:Hi;,point 'approxima,tely '20 y:ards west of the junction wIth the DrumCTO .. -Ro·!),·d,'a.di§tance of apP'toximately 1,114 yards.' ',' Dunnamari::,Roadj,Kilkeel;,Co':'Down, Irom 'the junction wtth Newry-Kilkeel Ro'ad, Class I NO.:&2, t6, the .junqtion v.ri,th ·the Kilkeel-Greencastle Road, " mass' III' NO.' ·<D.'365: .,.. .' , '. The . KHkeel':Greetic.astle :Read;' <DiMs III No. C.365,Co.Dbwn, ftom the junction with·'the'Dunriaman Road to 'the junction· with the Derryoge ,Shore Road:" ':; . :' . The 'Banbridge-Castlewellan Road; ,Class I No. A:50; Katesbridge, Co. Down, . ;. 'from a point approxim:ately 120 yards north-ea's·t 0~ the junctibn with the Katesbridge-Rathfrna;nd Road. Class II No, B.25, to .a pointapproxi- , mateily 480 yards (louth-E)ast'ofthis junction.' . The Katesbtidge-Lal'chfieldRoa,d; Class III No. C.307, Katesbridge; Co. Down, from the junction with·the Ba;nbridge-Castlewellan Road,Olass I No. A.50, to aipoint appr6ximately 1~0 yards north of this jilliction. ' The Katestbridge-RathfrilandRoad. Class II No. B.25,Katesbridge, Co. Down, from the junction with the' Banbridge-.ca,stlewellanRoa,d, Class I No. A.50, to the junction with tne Loughbtickland-Kate~btidge Road, Class III ·No. C.·345. ". The. J.'.,isQurn-Lurgan Road, Tr1,lnk Ro!}d, No. T.3, Do11ingstown, CO~ Down, ;: -fl'OTIl' :the junction w:itli: the T.aughrlme Road to a po~nt approxirnate1y . ". i.524' Yf);:r;ds'west of this ,J:lrn:ctio!l: ... ' '. The' Magp:~ralin-Dioni<)te:.Rb!\;d',Cl!J,~S III ·No. C;360; Magherlili:tl., Co, Down, .. from th.~ jilnction' 'with th~ l\1'roghe'l'aliil:'Bapbridge Roac:i, Clas!) II No. B.9, .'" to a point auprox-imatelY'7-20 ·yards east of this junction. The Wolifenden's Bridge~bri.mi' Brfclge Road; Class I:): No: B.103, Co. Down, frorpa point 80 y,ards west of ·the jl.).n~tion with the Ballymacbrennan~ Drumbeg Road, Class III No: C.298, to a point approximately 2,598 yards , west of this junction:·' . '. ". The Knock-Ne:wtownbreda Road (Hillfoot Road). Class II No. B:205, Belfast, Co. Down.frOl:n the jun.ction witp, the Belfast-Newcast]e Road. Trunk 'Road No.· T.2; to the' jutr¢.tion With Ros~tta ROad ·East. The- Knock-Newtciwnbreda: Ro,ad (Hlllfoot Road). Class II No. B.205, Belfast, Co. Down, from.' a. poii'it approximately 790. y.ards 'ri,orth~ea-st of :t1l,~ junction with the Bel!ast--l?a.llygowal;1Roat;1. Class I No, A.23, to a; pOitit , . approximately 1,320 yards south-west of this junction. Oastlebrl'\,e.Road (Glen ROad); Belfast, Co.
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