© Kamla-Raj 2016 Anthropologist, 26(1,2): 131-136 (2016) History of Kazakhstan as an Image of an Independent State Kanat Yensenov*, Seitkali Duisen, Kunduzai Erimbetova, Jabai Kaliyev and Bauyrzhan Yensepov Institute of State History MES RK, Orinbor str 8, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000 *E-mail: [email protected] KEYWORDS Image. History. History of Kazakhstan. History of Motherland. Republic State. World History ABSTRACT This paper reports that the history of Kazakhstan is a structural part of world history, it forms a state image at the international level, and through that, national history. The proclamation of Kazakhstan independence and new social and political conditions made definite changes in peoples and society consciousness. Viewpoints regarding its people and their history have changed as well. Before, Kazakhstan history was understood as a part of USSR and now history of Kazakhstan is considered as a part of world history, Eurasia history, nomads’ civilization, history of Turkic people and Central Asia. Creating a real image of the past history is one of the factors forming national unity, state image of the Republic of Kazakhstan and building of civil and patriotic qualities. History is peoples’ mind, they receive energy from it, and they receive a spirit that leads to social creativeness and a bright future. INTRODUCTION khs have been taught without history and it was only in colonialism. In XVIII-XIX, Kazakhstan The aim of this scientific attempt is consider- was in Russian King Imperia colony and in XX it ation of Kazakhstan History dividing into peri- was in Soviet Union Red Army colony. Nowa- ods from Stone age to the current time. History days, the Republic of Kazakhstan is 25 years old. is a combination of exact and different activities, It means that Kazakhstan having its place and processes and events of individuals, peoples, history in the world community is a member of various social groups and the whole of mankind. United Nations Organizations along with other History of science along with other sciences countries. formed the experience of generations that suit The structure of history studies is connect- developmental measures. World history has been ed with the structure of world history. Scientific saving millennial experience of mankind in all specialization relies on chronological position spheres of material and spiritual life. (which divides history of mankind into periods) Currently, since the Republic of Kazakhstan or countries (For example, History of Kazakh- proclaimed its independence in 1991, there have stan, History of India, History of China, History been many problems which have not been solved of Russia) and regions (History of Europe, His- and there have been many historical research tory of South East Asia, History of Latin Amer- works. Research monographs were written. Fur- ica, History of CIS) divided into scientifically thermore, Institute of History and Ethnology structured geographic provision. Research on named after Sh.Valihanov staff belonging to Min- the state and its history on the scientific basis is istry of Education and Science of Republic of a current issue. It is needed to do historical re- Kazakhstan could publish their academic books, search. One should draw from methodology and History of Kazakhstan, Stories on History of historical research methods. Methodology is a Kazakhstan (1993), History of Kazakhstan (1998- key in any science field. Methodological level 2010) 1,2,3,4 and 5 volumes. defines the quality of the conducted research. In Astana State, history Institute scholars of This social truth is observed in the research con- Science Committee of Ministry of Education and nected with the studies in state and its history. science of Republic of Kazakhstan wrote Mod- One of the main principles of historical research ern History (2010), Modern History of Kazakh- is historicity. The application of this principle stan 1,2,3 volumes (2012), Current Kazakhstan shows objective truth and inner development History (2014). The researchers are happy that process (Mulukaev 2015). scientific –research works and textbooks on his- According to Kazakhstan historian Zardihan tory are written. Kazakhstan History was not Kinayatuly «Science should be out of the hu- taught in the past and only Union of Soviet So- man weaknesses». It is true that history of Rus- cialist Republics History was taught and Kaza- sians was lucky during Russian Empire and So- 132 KANAT YENSENOV, SEITKALI DUISEN, KUNDUZAI ERIMBETOVA ET AL. viet period. History of Kazakhstan has been shad- historical cognition. For example, Historical An- owed behind Russian Empire history. thropology, Social Psychology, Historical Geog- Thanks to the Independence national histo- raphy and others (Smolensky 2008). ry has opened its mystery. National spirit woke Nowadays, there is a different concept about up and the dead survived. The programme “Cul- the social function of history studies. The main tural heritage” started. objective of history is the research of world his- If we consider the History of Kazakhstan as torical process in complex, taking into account a part of world history, it has gone through a fairness. long and complex process. Kazakh statehood In order to form viewpoints about past times, possesses different historical periods. In gener- it is important to consider policy, agriculture, al, Kazakh Khanate was founded in the middle of social relations of the society and spiritual life of the XV century. Its 550th anniversary was cele- people and their relations. It will be possible brated in 2015 in Kazakhstan Republic. when we consider that through their relations, In general, this kind of scientific research we will be able to research historical process considers the history of each country, divides systematically and relating inner facts and outer the history into several periods and shows its reasons (Kuzembaiyly 2009). place in world community. Therefore, it is impor- In order to write real Kazakhstan history, it is tant to consider the history of Kazakhstan from neccessary to define the object of knowledge, ancient time to the current period. Due to such the subject of knowledge and knowledge meth- research state history will be clarified. od components. It is not less important to define the importance of these two connected compo- METHODOLOGY nents in the history of Kazakhstan and research object. For example, the object of knowledge in History studies has its theory and methodol- the science of Kazakhstan history is historians – ogy that allows conducting research. For exam- researchers who deal with research in the histo- ple, in order to conduct research about the cur- ry of Kazakhstan and knowledge methods are rent problems of our country, some various is- the sphere of data studies that historians are ex- sues and tools of methodology would be con- posed to. Data studies are research methods and sidered. For example, the principle of historicity means or technology of scientific research that is allocated especially by specifying the level of gives opportunity to detailed research; informa- historical knowledge. This principle is used in tion are provided based on the data gathered the research of general methodological meaning from historians. When we define these compo- and aimed at defining some research objects. nents place in the history of Kazakhstan, we will A systematical research method is used in be able to develop the connections between order to discover complex object and in the dif- them, it will then be possible to write a real Kaza- ferent connections, opens the same picture and khstan history (Atabayev 2013). inner mechanisms. “Systematicity” category con- siders connections between elements like “ele- OBSERVATIONS AND DISCUSSION ment”, “connection”, “entirety”, “unity”, and “structure”. Systematicity shows structural ele- All groups of people in the world have their ments that have complex description in order to own histories. For example, if we consider the differenciate them. A systematicity historical re- history of India since ancient times, the history search is differentiated from the last old meth- of China or the history of Kazakhstan, they all ods with its new objectives. It forms a new struc- consist of periods such as ancient stone age, ture possessing different and structural mean- bronze age, early iron age, middle age, new his- ing; it is familiar as it is widely spreading in his- tory or modern history. torical research and being permanent used be- This research will look into the history of the cause of its historical cognitive and comparative Kazakh people who have their own long history use (Sidortsov 2006). since the ancient time, which is a structural part History studies researches the society en- of world history and it has its own place in it. tirely, and it takes its place preserving its quality Since Kazakhstan gained its Independence, basisamong other social sciences. However, there have been a lot of talks on its international some subjects appear due to the development of authority. It was necessary to form a strong group HISTORY OF KAZAKHSTAN AS AN IMAGE OF AN INDEPENDENT STATE 133 of new generations of social scientists, involve in Kutegin, Tonikok monuments and their pres- them, form social consciousness, define human- ervation upto now proves them. itarian research directions, topics and overcome The sixth period, 1100-900 years ago was the difficulties. time when in South West in Kazakhstan Arab- History belongs to the most important field Islam spirit had spread. In this period, elite peo- of knowledge. It reports history, experience, path- ple perceived not only religious but also their ways and values of the whole mankind. The per- language. In this period, outstanding scholars: son who knows history can define his or her Al –Farabi, Zhusip Balasugun, Makhmut Kash- place and position in the society. Many scholars kari became famous. Al Farabi was as Platon for and scientists have said many things about the Central Asian countries. importance of history.
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