1 section CASS CITY CHRONICLE VOL. 64, NO. 7 CASS CITY, MICH.-THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 SECTION A EIGHTEEN PAGES Fifteen Cents FROM THE Editor's Comer Little interest shown in When I was about eight years old I took a partner and went into business selling popcorn,- I had the popcorn and he had access to a stove. We made the popcorn at his Monday's school election home and went up and down the street selling it. One of our regular customers said that if Three propositions will be throughout the district. ences is that most of the debt for a four-year term. Elwyn he were going to buy popcorn presented to eligible voters in If approved, the taxes of Cass for the new high school was con- Helwig, incumbent, is unop- it had to have butter. Not oleor the Cass City School District 'City taxpayers will be .3 of tracted before Evergreen and posed for re-election. butter. Monday and the results of the a mill less, the taxes of re- Stone School entered the dis- Any qualified registered balloting will deter mine the way sidents in Stone School district trict. Taxpayers there now pay voter can cast a ballot on all Now we'd had a little help the school is operated in 1970- will be 4.2 mills more and the only debt they owed before en- of the propositions. It is not making this popcorn and we 71. Evergreen taxes will be in- tering, plus any debt incurred necessary to be a property didn't know for sure, but we; Most important of the three creased two mills. after they were annexed to the owner to vote on the operating MRSo GOTTS is getting along nicely after surgery at Hills immediately announced that we measures will be the request for Currently Stone pays .8 of a district. had the finest butter-made pop- millage proposal. and Dales General HospitaL She is 920 2 1/2 mills ($2.50 per $1,000 mill for debt and Evergreen The third ballot before the Absentee ballots are avail- corn there ever was. of valuation) for one year for pays three mills for debt. voters Monday will be to elect able at the superintendent's operating the school. The reason for the differ- By the time we reached this a member to the school board office in the high school. pigeon, er...customer, our pop- On the outcome depends the corn was not piping hot. In fact, quality and quantity of educa- it was so stone cold that the tion that will be offered to dis- grease had hardened and since trict students. this was before the days of Regret ably, the amount of colored oleo it was easy to see State Aid for schools has not (as he pointed out) that this yet been set and the request popcorn was NOT made with by the school for money is will walk again butter. based on the best available in- formation on what the State Every so often I recall this might allot to schools this year. early lesson in business ethics For 92 years Mrs. Henrietta Tuesday she was recovering Supt. Don Grouse and the Cass Gotts avoided illness serious and reported she felt "pretty and I was reminded of it again good*. when I read a column where the City School Board said that the enough to enter the hospital, author was reminiscing about 2 1/2 mills would be enough but last week the inevitable At 92, Mrs. Gotts is mentally to run a full program next year. occurred. alert. Barring complications boyhood days. she should be returning to her The columnist went on to talk Without it curriculum cuts Mrs. Gotts twisted an ankle home and her yard duties soon. will be necessary to balance The perky oldster is a native about all the jobs in his career. and broke her leg while work- He did many things. Most of us the budget. ing in her yard on Oak Street. of the Thumb. She was born in Strangely enough, there has Caseville and was four years have. Not glamorous or exeit- Monday a pin was placed in her , ing work, but mundane jobs that been relatively little excitement leg and Mrs. Gotts started on old when the great fires raged over the election and it has been over the entire Thumb. roll the sweat from the brow; MRS. GOTTS AT 91. the road to recovery. jobs you did to make a buck. only in the last few days that the school issues have been the Pve had my share. At college topic of conversation. I was a dishwasher, bus boy, The second" proposition be- restaurant waiter, night club fore the voters has been vir- waiter, helped build silos, ran tually forgotten. It is the mu- Milton Gelatt: juvenile a pickle station and cleaned out tual assumption of debts chicken coops before landing a • , job.,-au* a- printer's • flunky. Quash indfctitient When still in grade school I crime rate up in county scrounged out spending money against Mills by hiring a crew and contract- ing with area farmers to thin David Allen Mills of Cass their beets for $7.00 an acre. City who had appeared in Tus- Tuscola County Juvenile Of- under 17 year old group. to these youngsters that the ficer Milton Gelatt said Tues- For two summers I clerked in a cola County Circuit Court and You have a drug problem in rules and regulations we lay grocery store. pleaded guilty of stealing a tape day that serious crime by youth Cass City, he continued, as we down are for their benefit and is showing steady increase in player from a car Thursday do all over the county. protection. Despite all these jobs, I feel returned to court and was al- Tuscola County. Gelatt says that crimes of Sometimes its a hard mes- that my practical experience Speaking to members of Cass lowed to withdraw his plea. arson are increasing as well as sage for them to understand, has been neglected. I've never The move was allowed by City Rotary Tuesday noon at school truancy, an ever present he said, and sometimes we fail worked in a factory; have no the New Gordon Hotel he said Judge Richard Kern and the problem. to reach the youth at all. real realization about how it is State agreed not to prosecute. that serious cases are much Today, Gelatt said, we have Gelatt lashed out at parents on the assembly line. I'd still greater today than ever before The agreement was reached 140 on probation and have of- as one of the causes of ju- like to put in a couple of weeks because the 17-year-old Mills in the county and are still in- fered counseling to 3,120 per- venile delinquency. in a large plant so when I read creasing. agreed to enter Service and sons and most have responded He said that his experience or write about labor I have an when he finishes his duty tour There are constantly cases well. has indicated that young mar- idea about what's happening. before me of youth charged with will not have a record. LARRY MEYER and his $10,000 fiddle, Our job is to rehabilitate riages, broken homes, divorced Even more neglected has been the use of various drugs, in- and get these kids back on the parents and fighting parents cluding marijuana, he said, and any experience working with right track and most times we often cause problems with my hands. Not that Iblame any- they may be the fastest grow- succeed. children. ing area of crime among the one for not hiring me. If there The problem is to get across He stressed that parents were many (or even one) like should spend time with their me they wouldn't be in business kids so that they have guide- long. lines to go by. But I still would like to have Severance to quit as When children do come before some idea of what's going on the court our first concern is when they start visualizing a how to get them back on the new building or talk about what now fiddles only with cars right track, Gelatt said. One it might take to repair an old Evergreen Treasurer of the ways we do this is by one.. .or even how to make a door having them make restitution swing without binding. A few years ago Larry Meyer, Sally Profit. before he switched to a private Saginaw Civic Symphpny at $15 for thefts or damages they have 28, of Cass City was a concert /tutor. From that time until he Severance said that new re- This gap in my education The violin that has been in a concert and was the assis- After 14 years as treasurer caused. loomed as large as Grand Can- master violinist, playing a $10- his family for 100 years or chucked the whole thing in 1966, tant conductor for the Saginaw of Evergreen Township, Lloyd gulations concerning schooling We also send them to train- his life was dominated by music. for township officers did not yon this spring as we added a 000 violin, and acclaimed as more is carefully put away and All-City Youth Orchestra. Severance of Decker has an- ing schools, he said. Gelatt room to our house. one of the best young musi- when he got it out for display Besides learning the violin nounced that he will retire at enter into his decision to retire.
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