640 CONGRESSIONAL ·RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 27 APPOINTMENTS BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR f..n accordance with section 413 of the Officer the hopes and dreams that stem from a ARMY OF THE UNIT:e:D STATES WITHOUT SPECI• Personnel Act of 1947: precious heritage. The future. of .our FICATION OF BRANCH, ARM, OR SERVICE George D. Murray Donald B. Be.ary country and the world rests with these First Lt. John Marshall Evans, 039493. Gerald F. Bogan Felix B. Stump minds- and hearts, so fill them with Thy First Lt. James Rock Walpole, ?38579. Russell S .•Berkey wisdom and love that Thy holy presence PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY OF THE TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS TO THE may breathe through us and Thy will UNITED STATES, UNDER . THE PROVISIONS OF GRADE OF REAR ADMIRAL may be known unto our land and unto all SECTIONS 502 AND q08 OF THE OFFICER PER• Wesley M. Hague Walter G. Schindler the· world. Amen. SONNEirAcT OF 1947 Thomas H. Binford George L. Russell (Those officers whose names are preceded Walter E. Moore Milton E. Miles The -Journal of the proceedings of by the symbol (X) are subject to· examina­ Burton B. Biggs Harold D. Baker Tuesday, January 25, 1949, was read and tion required by law.) Grover B. H. Hall Thomas M. Stokes approved. · Lorenzo S. Sabin, Jr. Robert E. Blick, Jr. To be first Ueutenants MESSAGR FROM THE PRESIDENT Donald Wesley Alberti, 056695. The appointments of Theodore C. Lonn­ Douglas Albright Armstrong, 038527. quest et al. for permanent appointment in A message in writing from the Presi­ Bud L. Jones, 038522. the Navy, which were this day confirmed, dent of. the United States was communi­ :xLeo Thomas -McMahon, Jr., 04i352. appear in full in the Senate proceedings of cated to the House by Mr. Miller, one of William Jeremiah McNeese, 041354. the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for January 13, his secretaries. 1949, beginning with the name of Theodore Howard Deschler Rhodes, 050525. MESSAGE FROM THE SEN_ATE Jasper Clyde Vance, Jr., 056715. c. Lonnquest, appearing on page 259, and John Henry Von Der Bruegge, Jr., 03852-3. -ending with the name of Anna L. Welsko, A message from the Senate, by Mr. which appears on page 261. · PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY OF THE The ap:Pointml!nts of Jimmie Allred, Jr., et Carrell, its enrolling clerk, announced UNITED STATES, UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF al. for appointment in the Navy, which were that the Vice President had appointed SECTION 107 OF THE ARMY-NAVY NURSES ACT this day confirmed, appear in full in the Mr. TYDINGS a member of the Joint Com­ OF 1947 Senate proceedings of the CoNGRESSIONAL mittee on Atomic Energy, vice Mr. To be first lieutenants, Women's MedicaZ RECORD, for January 17, 194:9, beginning with BRICKER • . Specialist Corps the name of J immie "B" Allred, appearing The messa-ge also announced -that the Joyce Bodycomb, J22. on page 322, and ending with the name of Vice President had appointed Mr. DouG­ FTancine B. Bundt, M10018. Sherwood H. Werner, appearing on the same page. LAS a member o-f the Joint Committee on Josephine Mary Burt, M10081. the Economic Report·, vice Mr. Ball, Ruth Eleanor Clevenger, 11.4:10049. The appointments of Carroll A. Andrews et Mae Augusta Engsberg, M10032. al. for appointment in the Navy, which were whose term as Senator expired_. Theresa Maria Ferrazzoli, M10080. this day confirmed, appear in full in the REQUEST TO SUSPEND RULES S~nate proceedings Of the CONGRESSIONAL PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY OF THE RECORD for January 17, 1949, beginning with Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I ask UNITED STATES, UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF the name of Carroll A. Andrews, appearing unanimous consent that the Speaker be S!l:CTIONS 502 AND 510 OF THE OFFICER PER• on page 322, and ending with the name of SONNEL ACT OF 194 7 authorized to recognize today a motion Carl Whittles, Jr., appearing on page 323. to suspend the rules. The complete list of nominations of James The appointments of Arland A. Adams et Melvin Epperly et al., which were this day al. for appointment in the Navy, which were Mr. RICH. Mr. Speaker, reserving the confirmed, may be found in the Senate pro­ this day confirmed, appear in full in the right to object, what for? ceedings Of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for Senate proceedings of the CONGRESSIONAL Mr. McCORMACK. The bill intended January 13, 1949, beginning with the name RECORD for January 17, 1949, beginning with to be .brought up under suspension is a of James Melvin Epperly, occurring on page th'e name of Arland A. Adams, appearing on joint resolution from the Committee on 229, and ending with the name of Foster page 315, and ending with the name of Frank Appropriations ·making an addition:::! LaMarr Watts, which appears on page 240. D. Wilson, appearing on page 322. appropriation, as I understand, of $500,- FROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY OF THE 000 for disaster relief. There is a very UNITED STATES, UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF WITHDRAWAL emergent situation throughout the West SECTIONS 502_ AND 518 OF THE OFFICER PER• and Middle West, that terrific storm dis- SONNEL ACT OF 1947 Executive nomination withdrawn from aster. · the Senate Januar}' 27, 1949: The complete list of the nominations of I make· this stat€ment as majority Francis Nicholas lVU.ller et al., which were DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY leader that if unanimous consent is this day confirmed, may be found in the Jesse J. Gilbert of Ohio, to be Assistant granted this is the only bill that will be Senate proceedings of the CoNGRESSIONAL Register of the Treasury. RECORD for January 17, 1949, beginning with ·brought· up under r· uspension. the name of F rancis Nicholas Miller, appear­ The SPE-AKER. The Speaker will ing on page 324, and ending with the name make the same statement. of Dorothy Edith Fisher, appearing on page Mr. T..I\BER. And it is very desirable 402. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that it be .done immediately. UNITED STATES AIR FORCE Mr. McCORMACK. That is the-infor­ APPOINTMENT AS GENERAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1949 mation I have received. Gen. Carl Spaatz, A03706, Chief of Staff, The SPEAKER.· Is there obj'ection to United States Air Force, for appointment The House met at 12 o'clock noon. the request of the gentleman from Mas­ as general, United States Air -Force, with Rev. Russell W. Lambert, minister, sachusetts? rank from February 11, 1945. First Methodist Church, De Kalb, Ill., There w·as no objection. The nominations of Walter Francis Dix o:ffered the following prr..yer: and other officers for promotion in the United APPOINTMENT OF CERTAIN PERSONNEL States Air Force, under the provisions of Eternal God, whose spirit moves with­ Mr. McCORMACK. Mr: Speaker, I sections 502, 508, and 518 of the Officer Per­ in the humankind of all nations, and offer a resolution <H. Res. 62') and ask sonnel Act of 1947, which were confirmed whose &oodness has been ever availed to for its immediate consideration. today, appear in full in the Senate proceed­ us, we pause for a moment at the begin­ The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ ings of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for Janu­ ning of these deliberations to give Thee ary 13, 1949, beginning with the name of lows: Walter Francis Dix, which is sho.wn on page our minds and hearts. Resolved, That effective February 1, 1949, 240, and ending with the name of James Cleanse them, renew them, shape them there shall be paid out of the contingent Joseph Connolly, which is shown on page 259. to Thy will. Guide them in high pur­ fund of the House, until otherwise provided IN THE NAVY pose and toward noble achievement, that by law; compensation at the basic rate of these minds and hearts may serve our $4,500 per anl'lum for the services of an as­ APPOINTMENTS NP.tion and our world in new pathways sistant cashier who shall be designated by Admiral Raymond A. Spruance for perma­ of service that lead from a worthy past the Serg~ant at Arms of the House subject nent appointment in the grade of admiral into a still greater futu»e. Aware of the to the approval of the . Spea ker~ in the Navy as authorized by Public Law SEC. 2. That effective January 4, 1949, the 791, Eightieth Congress. burden of responsibilities and acknowl­ compensation of the Deputy Sergeant at The following-named officers to have the edging the manifold needs of the hour, Arms in Charge of Pairs, Office of the Ser­ grade, rank, pay, and allowances of a. vice we are conscious of our loyalties to Thee geant at Arms, and the compensation of the admiral while serving under a designation and our Nation, and we are filled with special · empleyee, Otfic~ ot the Doorkeeper, .1949 CONGRESSIONAL RE-CORD-HOUSE 641 shall be at the basic rate of $4,000 per annum, FREE ENTRY OP CERTAIN ARTICLES IM· · The joint resolution was ordered to be respectively. · . PORTED TO PROMOTE INTERNATIONAL engrossed and read a third time, was SEc. 3. That effective February 1, 1949, the · GOOD WILL· . , compensation of John Andrews and William read the third time, and passed, and a F. Russell, designated by House Resolution Mr. FORAND. Mr. ·speaker, I ask .motion to reconsider was laid on ·the 39, adopted January 10, 1949, as· minority unanimous consent for the immediate table. employees, shall be at the basic rate of ,consideration .of-House Joint Resolution DISASTER RELIEF $7,000 per annum, respectively. 88. Mr. KERR. Mr.
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