Author: Kenneth A. Kitchen Subject: Egypt; Ramesside Period; Ancient Egyptian Texts; Political & Social History; Economy; Deir el-Medina. ISBN: 978 0 9930920 6 0 Publication Date: March 2020 Copyright Year: 2020 Format: Hardback Pages: xxvii + 855 pp. Imprint: Abercromby Press Price: £59.95 (exclusive of postage) Orders: Email: [email protected] The aim of Professor Kenneth Kitchen’s magisterialRamesside Inscriptions is simple—to make available the principal historical and biographical texts of the Ramesside age (c.1300–1070 bc) in a comprehensive, compact and accurate edition that should be comprehensive but handy to use. It does not, however, include purely literary, ritual and funerary texts. This book presents the hieroglyphic texts from the long, prosperous and relatively well-sourced reign of Ramesses II (c.1279–1213 bc). The previous volume (II) made available the ‘official’ and royal records issued or engraved in the king’s name, personifying (as he did) the effective government of ancient Egypt for his time. Here, by contrast, we have records that concern pri- marily, or were left us by, the king’s subjects at all levels of society, from viziers and viceroys at the head of the royal administration (along with priesthoods and the military) down through society’s echelons to the workmen who laboured in the royal tombs in Western Thebes (based in Deir el-Medina village) and the humble folk that served them. For Deir el-Medina, both collective (‘official’) records and the mementos of individuals and families have been kept to- gether, not to split up data that in effect belong together. First published in twenty-eight individual fascicles between 1978 and 1980 by B. H. Blackwell (Oxford), this volume is re-printed here for the first time in a single, handsome, book. RAMESSIDE INSCRIPTIONS HISTORICAL & BIOGRAPHICAL RAMESSIDE INSCRIPTIONS Historical & Biographical Volume III Kenneth A. Kitchen Abercromby Press ISBN: 978 0 9930920 6 0 © 2020 Abercromby Press First published in the United Kingdom by B.H. Blackwell (Oxford), 1978–80. Reprinted in 2020 by: Abercromby Press, 12a Elm Park Road, Wallasey, CH45 5JH, United Kingdom. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher. A CIP catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library CONTENTS Abbreviations and Sigla xxiv RAMESSES II Private Monuments of Contemporaries A. Civil & Royal Administration Category I: Viziers I.1: Paser, Vizier: 1. Theban Tomb No. 106; bricks, MMA.14.426/7 1–9 2. Delta Monuments: Qantir (door lintel), statue Louvre E.25980, Vleeshuis 10–11 3. Memphis & Middle Egypt: statue Cairo CGC 630; Abydos, pen-case (Liverpool) 11–14 4. Medamud & East Thebes: temple statuary, BM 954; Cairo JdÉ. 38062, CGC 42164 14–17 5. West Thebes, excluding Deir el-Medina: statues, Philadelphia E.534+; BM 687; CGC 561; Copenhagen AEIN 50; Wadiyein, graffiti; Theban Tombs 93 & 311, graffiti; stelae, West Thebes, Copenhagen AEIN 1553 17–23 6. Deir el-Medina, Stelae: Turin Cat. 50095, 50116, 50149; Boston MFA No. 09.287, etc. 24–26 7. Deir el-Medina: statue, swallows ex-voto 27 8. Deir el-Medina: architectural elements, Khenu, etc. 27–28 9. Deir el-Medina, draft titles, correspondence, etc.: O. Gardiner (now O. Ashmolean Mus.) 79; O. Michaelides 66 & 62; O. Gardiner (now O. Ashmolean Mus.) 13 & 71; O. To- ronto A.11, Section IV 28–31 10. Southern Upper Egypt: West Silsila, Sehel, epigraphs 32 11. Unplaced Stelae: Vatican fragment 32 12. Unplaced Statues: BM 510, Tell Robaa, etc. 33–34 13. Minor Objects: Berlin 17276 & 19742; Louvre; Ward; Turin; UCL 34–35 14. Funerary Objects: Cairo CGC 4325 & 4326; Berlin 367; UCL 93–95 35–36 I.2: Khay, Vizier: 15. Northern Monuments: Megiddo, Qantir, Abydos 36–37 16. East Thebes, statuary: Cairo CGC 42165 & 42166 37–38 17. West Thebes (excluding Deir el-Medina): fragments; base-block 39 18. Deir el-Medina: statue-base, stela Turin N.50098 39–40 19. Deir el-Medina: drafts, correspondence, etc.: O. Toronto A.11, Sections I–III; O. CGC 25832; O. DM 114 40–46 20. West Silsila in Haremhab Speos: dedication, titles 46 vi CONTENTS I.3: Neferronpet, Vizier: 21. Statuary: Cairo CGC 713 & 1034 47 22. West Silsila: scene in Haremhab Speos 48 23. Lesser Monuments: BM 108; Berlin 2290; pyramidion, Liverpool; O. CGC 25747; UCL; Amherst; BM 4104; Brugsch 48–51 I.4: Prahotep A, Vizier: 24. Cairo stela JdÉ. 19775; Brussels canopic jar, E.5901; cross-references 52 I.5: Prahotep B, Vizier: 25. Delta, Memphis: Munich, Gl. 287; Cairo J. 48845; Saqqara; BM 183 52–57 26. Sedment: statuary, stela, tomb, burial goods: Cairo CGC 605; sarcophagus; base; Cairo JdÉ. 47001; Philadelphia Inv. 15413; various fragments; Chicago 1736 57–63 27. Abydos: Mariette, Cat. 1138; Boston MFA 03.1891; Cairo J. 32024 63–64 28. Other Statuary: Aberdeen 1393; BM 712; Villa Melzi 65–66 29. Subordinates: Nebuhotep, Tjay 66–67 I.6: [……]my, Vizier (though now probably attributed to the Vizier Prahotep): 30. Sedment: statue-group 67 I.7: Iry[….], Vizier: cross-references 67 I.8–9: Pramesse and Sety, Viziers: cross-references 67 Category II: Viceroys of Nubia II.1: Amenemope, Viceroy: 32. Cross-references 68 II.2: Iuny, Viceroy: 33. Cairo stela JdÉ. 34620; Abu Simbel stela 10 68 II.3: Heqanakht, Viceroy: 34. Northern Lower Nubia: Aswan, Amada graffiti, Quban 69–70 35. Southern Lower Nubia: Abu Simbel stela 17; Aksha; Serra 71–72 36. Upper Nubia: Amara West, lintels, jamb; Abri, lintel 72–73 II.4: Paser, Viceroy: 37. Abu Simbel, statues: in Temple; BM 1376 74–75 38. Abu Simbel, donation-stelae: Cairo TN 5/12/35/1 & JdÉ. 65834 75 39. Abu Simbel, stelae 1, 11 & 14; cross-references 76–77 II.5: Huy, Viceroy: 40. 1st Cataract: Aswan, Sehel, graffiti 77–78 41. 2nd Cataract: Buhen, jamb, lintel; Berlin stela 17332 79–80 II.6: Setau, Viceroy: 42. Thebes: BM 556, BM 78; Theban Tomb 289; UMP stela; shabtis 80–81 43. Upper Egypt: Abydos, El-Kab (& CGC 885), Kom el-Ahmar 82–85 44. Aswan, Sehel: graffiti 85–86 45. Gerf Hussein: epigraphs, statuary (& Berlin 17332) 86–87 46. Wadi es-Sebua: stelae I–XII, Setau and colleagues 87–96 CONTENTS vii 47. Wadi es-Sebua: Temple of Ramesses II, doorways 97–98 48. Wadi es-Sebua: double-statue and wife’s stela 99–100 49. Wadi es-Sebua: rock-inscriptions 101 50. Amada Temple, restoration-text and graffito 101 51. Tomas & Tonqaleh: graffito and stela 101–102 52. Ellesiyeh: stela and graffiti in chapel 102–103 53. Qasr Ibrim, Shrine No. 2: lintel and scenes 103–104 54. Abu Simbel: double stela, Year 38; Faras, niche 104–107 55. Buhen and 2nd Cataract: BM 1055 and varia 107–110 56. Sai: stela S. 103 110 57. Miscellanea: Cairo CGC 950; Berlin 2287; BM 33921; UMP 110–111 II.7: Anhotep, Viceroy: 58. Thebes: Theban Tomb 300; shabti, MMA 112 II.8: Unidentified Viceroys (incl. Mer-nudjem?): 59. Abu Simbel: stela 15; Buhen: jamb 112–113 Category III: Colleagues & Subordinates of the Viceroys of Nubia A. Troop-Commanders of Kush 60. III.1: Pennesuttawy: Theban Tomb 156; Buhen, lintel; cross-reference 113–115 61. III.2: Nakhtmin: Theban Tomb 282, faience knob; Aswan and Bigeh graffiti; cf. §315 115 62. III.3: Anhurnakht: Sehel, graffiti; Aniba stela; cross-references 116 63. III.4: Maya: Abu Simbel, stela 5 116 B. Deputies in Wawat & Kush 64. III.5: Hatiay: Wadi el-aAllaqi graffito 117 65. III.6: Harnakht (Kush): Amara West, Abri, Sai 117–118 66. III.7: Harnakht (Wawat): Aniba; Abu Simbel, stela 18a 118 67. III.8: Sebaukhau (Nubia): Amara West, jamb 119 C. Other High Officials 68. III.9: Haremhab, Fan-bearer: Buhen, stela 119 D. Lesser Staff of the Viceregal Regime 69. III.10: Paiukhered, Servant of the Viceroy: Avignon, Inv. 11 119–120 70. III.11: Pennesttawy, Table-scribe: Louvre stela 120 71. III.12: Nebneteru, Scribe: Hindaw, Mediq, Wadi el-aAllaqi, Tonqaleh graffiti 121 72. III.13: Khaa, Scribe: Tonqaleh; Abu Simbel, stela 5a 122 73. III.14: Hatiay, Scribe: Abu Simbel, stela 6 122 74. III.15–16: Harnakht & Paser, Scribes: Wadi el-aAllaqi graffiti 4 & 5 122–123 75. III.17: Khaemwaset, Treasury-scribe: Wadi el-aAllaqi graffito 27, Year 40 123 III.18: Anupemhab, Scribe of gold: Wadi el-aAllaqi graffiti 2 & 30 123 III.19: Ramesses-heru, Servant: Wadi el-aAllaqi graffito 26 123 76. III.20: Haremhab, Granary-chief: Mediq, two graffiti 124 viii CONTENTS III.21: Khons, Servitor: Wadi el-aAllaqi graffito 9 124 E. Local Governors 77. III.21: Penmehyt, Mayor of Buhen: cross-reference 124 III.23: Thutmose, Mayor of Miaam: shabtis; docket, Year 56 124–125 III.24: Penniut, Mayor of Miaam: shabtis; two jambs 125 III.25: Harnakht, Mayor of Miaam and Deputy of Wawat: cross-references 126 F. Local Artists & Craftsmen 78. III.26–27: Piay & Pentaweret, Sculptors: Abu Simbel; Wadi es-Sebua 126 79. III.28: Raka, Chief Craftsman and family: naos, BM 476; shabtis; varia; Aniba, shabtis; Ellesiyeh and Abu Simbel graffiti 126–129 G. Temples and Cults in Nubia 80. III.29: Sebakhau, High Priest of Horus of Miaam 130 81. III.30: Huy, Priest, and wife Tabes: Cairo TN 26/8/15/1 130–131 82. III.31: Meropet, Scribe of the Offerings of all Gods of Wawat: graffiti; rock-text; shabtis 131 83. III.32: Amen[….], Scribe: Buhen, lintel 132 84. III.33: Mernudjem, Superintendent of the Prophets of the Gods of the South: stela BM 1138; Buhen, jambs, lintels; cross-references 132–135 Category IV: Chiefs of the Treasury and Subordinates A.
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