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Cambridge University Press 0521854415 - Politics and Power in Early Medieval Europe: Alsace and the Frankish Realm, 600-1000 Hans J. Hummer Index More information INDEX Aachen, royal palace 110, 170, 172 Alanesberg, monastery 238, 244 Council of in 809 82–3 Albegau 17, 35, 37, 73, 187, 193 Synod of in 860 174 Albe river, Saargau 66, 72 Aba, wife of Hugo of Tours 218 Albrich, patron of Weissenburg 129, 195 Adala, daughter of Bodal 65 Alcuin, courtier of Charlemagne 131, 134, 135 Adalais, daughter of Hugo of Tours 158 Alemannia 17, 56, 57, 58, 134, 177, 198, 209 Adalbert, duke in Alsace 49, 52, 54, 63, 65, 158, counts in 60–1, 114, 159, 229 169, 224 dukedom of 9, 11, 35, 37, 49, 211 Adalgis, patron of Weissenburg 198 Carolingian suppression of 57–8, 59, 60, Adalhard, brother of Gebolt 72, 74, 75 96–7, 106–7 Adalhard, count in the Saargau 73–5 geopolitics of in east Francia 166–8 precaria of 73–5, 85 laws of, see law codes Adalhelm, patron of Weissenburg 125, 199, 200, proliferation of the precarial census in 94–8 201, 202, 203, 204–5, 206 Alsace 47 eponymous ancestors of 198 and the cartulary of Weissenburg 182–5, 207 and the cartulary of Weissenburg 197–9, counts in 60–1 202–3 and the divisions of the Carolingian empire Adalhelm/Althelm, ‘abbot’ and patron of 156–7, 176, 185–6 Weissenburg 124–5, 193 dukes, dukedom of 37, 47, 49–50, 57–60, 158, Adalhoch, bishop of Strasburg 159 169, 172, 176 Adalinda, wife of Eberhard, count in Alsace and and the east Frankish conspiracy 113–14 lord of Lure 235 in the east Frankish kingdom, see Louis the Adalmund, retainer of Adalrich, duke in German Alsace 51 ecology of 12, 13 Adalrich, duke in Alsace 40, 46–8, 49, 50–4, 55, geography of 9–17, 230 64, 65, 158, 170, 216, 218 geopolitics of in east Francia 166, 169 and the civil war of 676–947–8 kin-groups of, see Etichonids; Hugo of Tours; the ducal lordship of 48 Ratbald-Wicbalds in the Life of Odilia 219–23, 226 in the late Carolingian period 211–12 and the suppression of Grandval, see Grandval linguistic divisions of 133 Adalrich, duke in the district of Dijon 47 local character of 11–12 Adelheid, Ottonian empress 228, 232 in the middle kingdom 169, 172–3; see also Admonitio Generalis 135 Lothar I; Lothar II Ado, patron of Weissenburg 113 monasteries in 1–2, 166, 167, 196; see also advocates 200, 257 Etichonids Agnes, abbess of Nivelles 33 Carolingian control of 61–5 Agothiu, patroness of Weissenburg 101 monastic reform in 231–3, 248–9 Aimono, patron of Farfa 89 organization of 9, 11, 17, 229; see also civitates Airlie, Stuart, British history 171, 172 in the Ottonian period 229 287 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521854415 - Politics and Power in Early Medieval Europe: Alsace and the Frankish Realm, 600-1000 Hans J. Hummer Index More information Index Alsace (cont.) Attala, abbess of St Stephen’s 54, 224 and the pagus Alsatiae 9, 17 Attila, bishop of Laon 44 Nordgau 11, 229 Atto, bishop of Freising 88 Sundgau 11, 229 Audwiller, Saargau village 72 political order in 1–2, 7, 250, 256–8 Augusta Rauricorum, civitas 14–16 and the rebellion of 833 164 Austrasia, kingdom of 9, 35–7, 41, 44, 46, 48–9, roads in 11 56–63, 66, 168 royal authority in 35–6, 48–9, 211–12; see also Avars 110, 115 Carolingians Charles the Bald; Charles the Fat; Lothar I; Lothar II; Louis the Baesecke, Georg, German philologist 131, 132 German; Ottonian kings Baldger 120, 259 royal property and residences in 166, Baldram, bishop of Strasburg 212 167, 196 Balduin, son of Sadalberga 41, 43 settlement of 12–13 Baltram, abbot of Alanesberg and Lure 234, vernacular in 133, 136–7; see also Murbach; 236–7, 238, 240, 241, 242, 244–5, 246 Weissenburg Baltram, monk and notary of Weissenburg 206 written sources of 17–23 Barr, Alsatian village 159 Alsegau 17 Barth, Medard, Alsatian historian 217 Altdorf, Alsatian monastery 1, 247–8, 249 Barville-Bas, Saargau village 72, 75 Althelm, judge 118, 124, 125, 261 Basel 11, 14, 41, 166, 187 Amalgar, duke in the district of Dijon 47 diocese of 11, 187, 228, 229, 232, 247 Amandus, bishop of Maastricht 30 Bassing, Alsatian village 195 Amico, abbot of Murbach 106, 114 Bavaria 56, 87, 110, 114, 115, 134, 165, 166, 168, Amita, daughter of Count Otto 71 169, 192, 209, 211, 217, 220 Andennes, north Austrasian monastery 33 Beatus, abbot of Honau 63 Andlau, Alsatian monastery 209, 231–2 Beda, wife of Wicbald 112 Anfrid, son of Count Eberhard 60 Bede, Anglo-Saxon author 134–5 Annales Alamannici 115 Ecclesiastical History of 135 Annales Guelferbytani 115 Begga, foundress of Andennes 33, 34 Annales Nazariani 113–15 Benedict, bishop and abbot of Honau 54, 63, 65 Annals of Fulda, see Fulda benefices Annals of St Bertin 161, 175, 182 ecclesiastical 82, 88, 91–2, 126 Annals of Weissenburg, see Weissenburg in the Brevium Exempla 83 Annals of Xanten 162 royal 191 Ansegisel, father of Pippin of Herstal 38 Berat-family, in Alsace 204 Anstrude, abbess of St Mary’s in Laon 38, 41, Beratlinda, wife of Gozbert 204 43, 46 Berg, Saargau village 69–71, 72, 116, 259, 261 Life of 41 church of St Martin at 70 Aquilina, wife of Duke Amalger 47 Rodoin property at 69–71, 116, 118–27 Aquitaine 56, 140, 160, 168, 169 Bernard, count in Alsace 176 Ardennes region 9, 36, 68, 176 Bernard of Septimania 160–1, 163 aristocracy 4 Bernhar, abbot of Weissenburg and bishop of in Alsace 211, 229 Worms 82–3, 137, 178, 197 continuity of 8, 192–3 Berswinda, wife of Adalrich, duke in Alsace 47, factionalism of 170–1 219, 220 imperial 156, 157 Bertha, daughter of Hugo of Tours 158, 176 in the late Carolingian period 210, 211–12 Bertrada, abbess of Faremoutiers 149, 150 transformation of 247–9 Besanc¸on 11, 14–16, 187 Arnulf, bishop of Metz 34, 35 Be`ze, Burgundian monastery 47, 48 Arnulf, Carolingian king in east Francia 210, Chronicle of 47 212, 215, 228, 229 Biberkirch, Saargau village 72, 74–5 Assweiler, Saargau village 119 Biel 41 Astronomer, biographer of Louis the Pious 141, Bie`vre river, Saargau 72, 74 160, 161 Biligart, patron of Fulda 87 Atta-Angilswind, wife of Ratbald 112 Bishop, Edmund, British historian 150 288 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521854415 - Politics and Power in Early Medieval Europe: Alsace and the Frankish Realm, 600-1000 Hans J. Hummer Index More information Index Bitterauf, Theodore, Bavarian historian 88 and the suppression of dukes 60 Black Forest 11, 166, 215 see also order; monasteries Blaˆmont, Saargau village 187 cartularies 181, 253 Blandinus-Baso, husband of Sadalberga 43 see also Freising; Fulda; Weissenburg Blienschwiller, Alsatian village 159 castles 249, 257 Bliesgau 17, 65, 187, 193, 199 Cazfeld, Alsatian village 204 Bloch, Marc, French historian 254 census Bobolenus, monk and author of the Life of Annerkennungszins 98, 100, 101 Germanus 40, 47, 50, 52, 225 as a source of monastic revenue 101–2, 130 Bodol, Etichonid patron of Gregoriental and as ground rent 120–1 Honau 54, 65 on ecclesiastical precariae 74, 80–1, 84–104, Boniface, Anglo-Saxon missionary and reformer 109–10, 113, 192, 202, 259, 260 59, 79, 134 dates of collection of 86, 90 Bonifacius, duke in Alsace 37, 47, 50, 52, 68, 87 and the east Frankish conspiracy 114 Bonmoutier, Albegau monastery 35, 45, 187 proliferation of 84–104 Borgolte, Michael, German historian 215, 242 standardization of payment of 86, 90, 98; Boro, Etichonid patron of Honau and see also formulas; and particular Weissenburg 54 monasteries: Farfa; Freising; Fulda; Bosselshausen, Alsatian village 197 Gorze; Mondsee; Murbach; Passau; Bourgaltroff, Alsatian village 195 St Gall; St Wandrille; Weissenburg Bourgheim, Alsatian village 159 and the nona et decima, see nona et decima Bre´gille, Burgundian monastery 47 on precariae verbo regis 77–8, 80–1, 94, 98–100 Bretons 157 valuation of 98–101 Brevium exempla 82–4, 103, 182, 204 Champagne 48 Brittany 56 Charlemagne, Carolingian king and emperor 9, Brown, Warren, American historian 252 26, 60, 61, 62, 68, 82, 84, 96, 97, 102, Bruckner, Albert, Swiss historian 241 106–7, 110, 112, 116–19, 124, 139, 142, Brumath, royal palace 11, 14, 16, 68, 166 143, 154, 155, 157, 177, 178, 218, 228, Brunner, Karl, Austrian historian 113, 114 229, 252, 260 Bruschbach river, Saargau 66 and the division of 806 191 Burchard, duke in Swabia 227 and the east Frankish conspiracy 113, 115 Burgundian Gate 10, 11, 12, 14, 35, 133, 172, 229 and precariae 79–81, 83, 98, 103–4, 109 Burgundy 17, 46–7, 55, 56, 168, 169, 185, 186, and reform 133, 134, 135; see also Admonitio 212, 227, 239, 241, 242–3 Generalis; De Litteris Colendis kingdom of 9, 35–6, 41, 44, 47, 228 and the vernacular 131, 136, 137, 138, 140, plain of 14 142, 143 Bu¨ttner, Heinrich, German historian 233 Charles the Bald, Carolingian king in west Francia 77, 142, 146, 156, 160, 161, Carloman, Carolingian duke 59, 60 164, 170, 172, 174, 179, 185, 191, and precariae 77, 79, 96–7, 98, 107 211, 253 Carloman, Carolingian king 26, 60, 61, 62, and Alsace 176, 190, 210, 243 68, 110 and the division of 831 163–4 Carloman, Carolingian king in east Francia 209 and the divisions of 837 and 839 168 Carolingian Empire provisions for in 829 161–3, 165, 178 divisions of 163–4, 165–6, 168–9, 179, 191–2, relations of with Lothar II 170, 171, 173, 174, 209; see also Koblenz; Meersen; Verdun 175–6, 189 structural tension within 155–7, 170–1, 191, and the settlement at Meersen 186 211–12 and the settlement at Verdun 169 transformation of 253–8 Charles the Fat, Carolingian king and emperor Carolingians 177, 187, 209–11, 212, 215, 241 expansion of 56–63 and Alsace 209–10, 228, 231 into Alsace 57–63, 251–4 Charles Martel, mayor of the palace 48–9, 56, heartlands of 169 57–9, 60, 63, 66, 68, 79, 96, 155, 156 kingship of 26–7 and ecclesiastical property 76–7, 79, 107, 108 and precariae verbo regis, see precariae Charles of Provence, Carolingian king 170, 173 289 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521854415 - Politics and Power in Early Medieval Europe: Alsace and the Frankish Realm, 600-1000 Hans J.

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