Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. WHORM Subject File Code: CO (Countries – Geographic Areas) Casefile Number(s): 056784-056999 Box 2 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ F~ 'EW_Hll~ ( ~OUSE WASHINGTON Wt' 81 0 ~ C22 P 7 : 28 12;21/81 TO: JAMES NANCE FROM: GREGOR~EWELL SUBJ: APPROVED PRESIDENTIAL ACTIVITY PLEASE IMPLEMJ,~NT THE FOLLOWING AND NO'l'IFY AND CLEAR ALL PARTICIPANTS. THE BRIEFING PAPER AND REMARKS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO RICHARD DARMAN BY 3 P.M. OF THE PRECEDING DAY. MEETING: DATE~ January?, 1981 TIME: 4:45 pm DURATION: 45 mins LOCATION: Oval Office RE.MARKS REQUIRED: No MEDIA COVERAGE: Coordinate with Press Office FIRST LADY PARTICIPATION: No cc: M. Brandon J. Parr R. Da!:'man B. Shaddix D. Fischer L. Spe&kes M. Friedersdorf SpeechwrJ.ting and Research C. Fuller S. Studdert c. Gerrard N. Wormser E. Hickey WHCA A~dio/Visual P. McCoy WHCA Operations L. Nofziger C. Tyson N. Yates · .;/ ~ · 1 f:AZztwd;~*-d,•/?,./_-- 7-.;;, NSG/$ P"RQFI:r.E , UNCLASSIFIED ID 8107349 r' . -.,. RECEIVED 24 DEC 81 10 TO NAOCE FRCT-1 NEWE:t.t., G DOCI:1>.TE 21 DEC 81 KEYWORil3 : CREDENTIALS AP SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR TAIJ<ERS FOR PRESENTATION OF CREDENTIALS 7 JAN - ACTION: PREPARE MEMO FOR NAOCE DUE: 06 OCT 81 STATUS S FIL.ES FOR ACTION FOR CCNCURRENCE • FOR INFO TYSON ZE~ICK Ca-tMENTS REF# NSCIFID ( r.. I . ACTION OFFICER (S) ASSIGNED ACTION REQUIRED DUE COPIES TO b I ;- /4.::.._<>7 ~ ~r. C ,. I DISPA'ICH ------------------ W/AT'ICH FI:r.E _l.i)_f<t'_ ~ ---- ~ \ J MEMORANDUM OF INFORMATION FOR THE FILE &ft7'5S- -EXteu IIVE D E LETTER, EMO, ETC/ F:~M, / sLcr, An den Prasidenten der Vereinigten Staaten van Amerika Herrn Ronald REAGAN Washington D. C. ~*) Dr. RUDOLF KIRCHSCHLAGER BUNDESPRASIDENT DER REPUBLIK OSTERREICH AN den Prasidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika l-lerrn Ronald Reagan W a s h i n g t o n D.C. Herr Prasident! Von dem Wunsche geleitet, die zwischen der Republik dsterreich und den Vereinigten Staaten van Amerika bestehenden freundschaftlichen Beziehungen zu erhalten und auszugestalten, habe ich beschlossen, Herrn Dr. Thomas KLESTIL als ausserordentlichen und bevollmachtigten Botschafter bei Ihnen zu beglaubigen. Seine perstinlichen Eigenschaften sind mir Gewahr dafUr, dass er in dem ihm Ubertragenen ehrenvollen Amte bestrebt sein wird, Ihre Wertschatzung und 1hr Vertrauen zu erwerben • ./. Von dieser Uberzeugung getragen, bitte ich Sie, Herrn Botschafter Dr. KLESTIL, der die Ehre haben wird, dieses Schreiben zu Uberreichen, mit Wohlwollen zu empfangen und allem, was er in meinem Namen oder im Auftrage der bsterreichischen Bundesre­ gierung vorbringen wird, vollen Glauben beizulegen. Mit VergnUgen benUtze ich diesen Anlass, um meine besten WUnsche fUr 1hr personliches Wohlergehen und fUr das Ge­ deihen der Vereinigten Staaten van Amerika zum Ausdruck zu bringen und damit die Versicherung meiner hochsten Wertschatzung und aufrichtigen Freundschaft zu verbinden. Wien, am 2.t. November 1981 Der ndesminister fUr wartige Angelegenheite 1tld1( Ct.. Rudolf KIRCHSCHLAGER Federal President of the Republic of Austria to The President of the United States Mr. Ronald REAGAN W a s h i n g t o n D.C. Mr. President, Inspired by the wish to maintain and strengthen the good relations prevailing between the Republic of Austria and the United States of America I have made choice of Mr. Thomas KLESTIL to accredit him to You in the character of an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. His outstanding qualities justify the expectation that, in the honourable mission he has been charged with, he will endeavour to merit Your esteem and trust. I request You to receive Ambassador KLESTIL, who will have the honour to present these credentials, with favour and to give credence to all that he will communicate to You in my name or on behalf of the Austrian Federal Government. I avail myself of this opportunity to transmit to You my best wishes for Your personal well-being and for the prosperity of the United States as well as the assurances of my highest esteem and my sincere friendship. Vienna, November 27th, 1981 The Federal President: (s) KIRCHSCHLAGER The Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs: (cs) PAHR '!it, - • ~ ~~, Dr. RUDOLF KIRCHSCHLAGER BUNDESPRASIDENT DER REPUBLIK OSTERREICH AN den Prasidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika Herm Ronald Reagan W a s h i n g t o n D.C. Herr Prasident! Der ausserordentliche und bevollmachtigte Botschafter der Republik t5sterreich in den Vereinigten Staaten van Amerika, Herr Dr. Karl Herbert SCHOBER, hat die Mission, mit der er bei Ihnen betraut war, beendet. Ich habe seinen Nachfolger beauftragt, Ihnen das Abberuf ungsschreiben Herrn Botschafter Dr. SCHOBERs zu Uberreichen. ./. Ich darf glauben, dass Herr Botschafter Dr. SCHOBER bemUht war, die freundschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen unseren beiden Uindern zu pflegen und zu vertiefen und hoff e, in der Annahme nicht fehlzugehen, dass er bei der ErfUllung der ihm anvertrauten Mission 1hr Wohlwollen erwerben konnte. Mit VergnUgen benGtze ich diesen Anlass, um Sie erneut meiner hochsten Wertschatzung und aufrichtigen Freundschaft zu versichern. Wien, am 2f • November 1981 Der B desminister fU ~:;~ Rudolf KIRCHSCHLAGER Federal President of the Republic of Austria to The President of the United States Mr. Ronald REAGAN W a s h i n g t o n D.C. Mr. President, As the mission in which Mr. Karl Herbert SCHOBER, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Austria to the United States of America, was accredited to You has now come to an end, I have entrusted his successor with the placing of the Letters of Recall in Your hands. I am confident that Ambassador SCHOBER during his term of office in the United States devoted all his efforts to cultivating and strengthening the friendly relations between our countries and I trust that in the discharging of his mission, he succeeded in gaining Your good will. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to You the assurances of my highest esteem and my sincere friendship. Vienna, November 27th, 1981 The Federal President: (s) KIR.CHSCHLAGER The Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs: (cs) PAHR STATE HOUSE FREETOWN REPUBLIC OF SIERRA LEONE i:iaka i:teben~ g~ rt'k Y~ r :Ztta ~ .!/4 ~ ~u!%!,,?d?I !lfedeckn-t' o/ck Vne~ee/ ._¼t:Y> o/ -~neuca ~o/ occad-eon e~w~r d, Jet~ ✓% 'ifa:celhw? ~nied'J/,ihe· Xo/ wAo Acu h~f tfeen acotea{M'lo ,You in d, ~o/ ,;/,Nm.k~t co ~ -~ 671 6 :vaaoidnaiy andY%nj/2otenaa1:Y cy ~ e.Y&p«/k ✓ ._¼tta ~n,,,, f cannot' om-d lo ,,~m- ru ✓~j, teca// Jam- co,/«knt' dat' % 'ifa:ce~n';JI' J/,/2a,ned c,,/tthi ~}/ en /~o/ de tft«<Jt' enytodd' ~n /4in ~dcard£m.1efl71o .1aeo/d,no/ d&c17ooa"~~nckt­ .J?ana{j~ anc/~en4 tehaon.:1 e.z't:1ao/ tferween out /L,-,o <JJ:vet,nm-entJ ,Yn, d:J ,/'-hz.1-eo/ coo/~nN J ava~/swJ/.1-e~ c/ du1 ~"~~~ ?CJ- ienew eo r« ~ a.1.1-azanceJ. ✓~ cc>n.J-t:-mr/umcdhp and~:m,? eatnedl w~kJ ~ d, we~ and~toti,fato/ ✓de ~M Y~,;/~eca ®ibtn ae ~ ~ dJ .... cf-.......... <hf ✓ .:>~---➔ .. ffl a, ~ ✓ ~ St:u/ au, ~ ,£ ~ and ~~-one ffl de ff~ ~ ,/de-Y~. ._¼.ka ~t't"!~W !fl.J,'a?nl STATE HOUSE FREETOWN REPUBLIC OF SIERRA LEONE i:iaka i:tttltns .!f!J«knt' o/de &~//4 ,/!Jtua ~ ~ .A &onaU'~n .!JftMedenC / l/41;/ ~~led ~re~ ~ dn~uoa <ffu:ac and ~odY::encl !JLo/ ~u,J a, -~"" de ,A,ndf tdz~ ✓ /iaeeinify and antkn.:Uanc/4,o/ dac o~£c lb /'ted~ ova d& 1eh/wn,:J, /4ta,e,m, oat t'ta>coant'tu,;, J ½+a'd ~nt'(';, acadc a, r ~-{,, g~ Jr~ a tkJ~ukJ/4,,c/ oeU%&n ,/ de gz}utfk · ✓ .Yeoua ~ a> ~Mtt'nie­ /,ytu rut <tf'(J-Wtnment' oJ. -)' yt;;.kJa,k,, fif~wua)' ,w,,/ !Ji.~aa17,fat dr 92,1,ue<k ,/.!Zua ~. J}f; ed. ~//awa-tt'J ✓ t'k ?nu-Cua/~~ ✓ oat, ?wtJ­ ~oun-Ctte.1- and.1-kte.:J. nt,)' dinvew tk.Jiu Ct:;. r~tve andenhanc& Cht, a.MtJ-Cudeon /ec~:n «<J.. ~ ?,d ,n hkf o/,t ~ta and a.I➔ /'ew Ht& enCiuJ ~nctJ dac he ~-// catt;y t?u-C hdi ~/~.1 in a nianne-t ~~ ~~r~ Co you. ~f J ~c ~~ !7daman ~ @ ,mu ~ - J ad dacr tecetve km~ anc//~W /J/o~nce ~ whd he d-/fa// C(J-ffl,~ ~ r .m m,~n~ a.1 U/6//ad- de ~.1-~ £& kM- 'Ynz,Y kJr ~ ~ a, ~ anc//'~➔ ✓ a,, ~'M' c¼.w 'Yd~. d9itlen ae ~ ~ d.:J _ _q"= .<hf ,y ~~t,,~~L ffl t/ze ~ ✓ a £u/ (lne' ~ .A£ ~ and g'rl -~ m d, ~vend %i 'Y~~u&'o. SPEECH BY HIS EXCELLENCY DAUDA SULAIMAN KAMARA AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SIERRA LEONE ON THE OCCASION OF PRESENTATION OF HIS LETTERS OF CREDENCE TO HIS EXCELLENCY RONALD REAGAN PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Mr. President, I have the honour to bear a Letter of Credence addressed to you by His Excellency Dr. Siaka Probyn Stevens President of the Republic of Sierra Leone commending to you my appoint­ ment as Ambassador for Sierra Leone to the United States. This occasion provides me with the opportunity to express to you the desire of the Government and people of the Republic of Sierra Leone to further strengthen the already existing friendly and cordial relations with the Government and people of the United States of America.
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