Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-19-1932 Bee Gee News April 19, 1932 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News April 19, 1932" (1932). BG News (Student Newspaper). 163. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/163 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. LET'S HAVE LEAP YEAR BEE GEE NEWS DANCE! VOL. XVI. BOWLING GREEN STATE COLLEGE, APRIL 19, 1932 No. 29 DR. KOHL SPEAKS ADMIT COLLEGE ON OPPORTUNITY TO OHIO GROUP America has been called "the land of op- Admitted to membership in the Ohio portunity." Two great factors in the earlier College Association without deficiencies, history of our country have been largely Bowling Green State College, one of Ohio's responsible for this happy characterization. youngest institutions of higher learning, For nearly a century after the adoption of has now been accepted in all three of the the Constitution, an abundance of cheap nation's recognized collegiate scholastic land and unexploited natural resources groups. awaited people who would appropriate The latest honor to the college came last them. The democratic character of the Saturday when the Ohio Association in con- government and social life permitted the vention at Cleveland, passed on the stan- unhampered and unrestricted activity of dards of Bowling Green State College and men. Peoples from the eastern shore and admitted it to full membership without de- from the Old World eagerly seized the new ficiencies. A short time ago the North Cen- opportunities and in wave after wave rush- tral Association, largest group of colleges ed across .the continent. The population of and universities, took similar action in re- the United States increased from four mil- cognizing the liberal arts college here. The lion in 1790 to fifty million in 1880, and the school has been a member of the teachers' great majority of them had made successes. college section of the North Central As- This great adventure of exploiting a con- sociation since 1916. tinent bred into the peoples a feverish and Bowling Green is also a member of the restless spirit and unbounded ambition. American Association of Teachers' Colleges Men succeeded because of their physical en- and has been since the organization of that ergy and mother wit. They paid little re- DR. REA McCAIN body. spect to scientific knowledge or to the ex- Dr. Homer B. Williams, President of the pert. Anyone could hold public office and This week the Bee Gee News takes great College since its founding in 1914, being anyone could take up any of the professions pleasure in presenting a member of our named President shortly after the institu- with very little training. Lawyers, doctors, tion by the legislature in 1910 and Dean ministers, judges, bankers, and business faculty who is deserving of recognition. Overman of the liberal arts college, managers could be made out of common Prof. McCain received the degree of Doctor were present at the meeting of the Ohio As- men in a few weeks or months. Energy, or- of Philosophy from New York university sociation in Cleveland Saturday.—Wood Co. atory, daring, ability to handle things and in October, 1931, after completing a thesis News. men were the qualities that counted. These en the subject of "Travel in Italy as a became abiding marks of successful men, Part of the Education of the English Gen- and great ambitions became the moving tleman during the Renaissance." Athletes Fooled By forces in the lives of youth. Dr. McCain has always lived in Ohio. Unexpected Cold Wave With the closing quarter of last century, She received her first B. A. degree from new forces began to reconstruct American a college in Lebanon, Ohio. She received the Because of the weather-man's misbe- life. The machine began to change industry, same degree later from Antioch College, at havior last week a number of changes in great factories began to multiply, cities Yellow Springs. Then she completed the plans resulted. It was considered unwise to grew, and millions of Old World peoples work required for a M. A. degree from Co- stage the triangular track meet with Find- flocked to inhabit them. The population of lumbia University. Not satisfied with these lay and Defiance when the snow made out- the country increased from fifty million to attainments, Dr. McCain attended New door workouts impossible the early part of 1880 to one hundred and twenty million in York University and received the degree of last week. 1930. Competition grew in intensity, and Ph. D. last fall. In place of the intercollegiate meet an government began to place restrictions up- Dr. McCain has previously taught in the intramural meet on Saturday displayed a on freedom of action. Commerce and trusts public schools in Lebanon, Ohio, and also lot of track talent and much rivalry. Coach were made to submit to regulations and the the public schools of Fremont, Ohio. She Landis wanted to give his track men some civil service and the professions were re- has been at Bowling Green State College real outdoor competition and also look over stricted to those who met given qualifi- since it was formed eighteen years ago. next year prospects from the yearlings. cations. Opportunities now became hedged Hartman and Philips should be sure point in by what seemed artificial requirements. winners next year. American shrewdness and mother wit ur- SCIENCE EXHIBIT Coach Landis is grooming MacArtor, our ged on by the old ideals of energy and am- fast quarter-miler, to run a record break- bition born in pioneer times met the new WELL ATTENDED ing heat some time this spring. Mac should conditions by circumvention. They met the The recent Science Building Exhibit has produce, since he has always been near the letter of the law in the easiest and quick- marked the beginning of new program in record and is now in fine physical condition est possible way and forgot the rest. If ex- this institution. Never before in the his- after recovering from a flu attack in aminations were necessary to enter a call- tory of the college have departments so March. ing, get the questions and prepare for it. cheerfully "cooperated in such an unsel- This afternoon the lid shall be lifted on If education were necessary to get ahead, fish and voluntary enterprise." The pro- the baseball schedule against Ohio Northern. build the schools and get the credits and fessors and students who assisted in mak- The Polar Bears are always strong. So diplomas and degrees required. American ing this event a conspicuous success are to those who enjoy the national pastime can be complimented. May "Open House" be wander out on the field and get a line on (Continued on page 2) an annual event. the prospects. PAGE 2 BEE GEE NEWS M* BEE GEE NEWS STUDENT AIRS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY Announcements BY THE LIBERAL VIEWS Any graduate still wanting a 1932 class STUDENTS AND FACULTY There are a few women on Bowling or Green's campus who are vitally interested ring or pin may obtain the same by order- BOWLING GREEN STATE COLLEGE in its government and rule enforcement. ing directly from: Herff-Jones Co., ROBERT BOYER EDITOR-IN-CHIEF One of these executives was asked the fol- WILLIAM NOBLE - ASSOCIATE EDITOR 1411-1419 North Capitol Ave., ARDEN SI4YDER - ASSISTANT EDITOR lowing question: What do the executives MALCOMB ROHRBAUGH BUSINESS MANAGER think of the existing rules? She pondered Indianapolis, Indiana. DON CRYER SPORTS EDITOR The gold jewelry is for Seniors and the WESLEY WATSON EXCHANGE EDITOR only for a second, then repeated the ques- RUTH BERNATH SOCIAL EDITOR silver is for Graduating Sophomores. In- MEARL BARRETT ORGANIZATIONS tion which had been put to her, "Just what JANE LADD LITERARY EDITOR do I think of the existing rules?" Her mus- dicate the stone desired—blue spinel, ruby, MINNIE MILLOFF. JOHN MOORE. VIC SOSNOSKI. garnet, or black onyx. A senior must de- AND HAROLD SEIBERT REPORTERS ings were only half audible; there was an KATE CLEARY . SATIRE signate his degree. Order C. 0. D. CDWIN BANNING AND EDDIE LOOMIS SKETCHING assurance of the certainty of her convic- PROF. G. W. BEATTIE FACULTY ADVISOR tions in her answer. Orders for graduation announcements SUBSCRIPTION RATES "Now I'll just tell you," she began, "if SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS I had it all to do from the very beginning, may be ordered next week, not later than PER YEAR . FIFTY CENTS there would be no rules. Every girl would Wednesday. Decide on the number you want SEND ALL REMITTANCES TO be put on her honor and if she proved her- and place your order with the student at BUSINESS MANAGER BEE GEE NEWS the table in the lower hall. Price, ten cents BOWLING GREEN. OHIO self untrustworthy the best place for her IN CARE OF B. G. S. C. would be at home." apiece. Last chance. The inevitable question was then put to Co-eds Notice! her: "But what should be done in regard Wednesday evening, April 27, the Quill- UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT PLEADS to hours, entertainment, escorts, auto- Type program will consist of two piano FOR MORE FEMININE STUDENTS mobiles, and smoking?" solos by Miss Harris; a paper on "Business ON CAMPUS "An honorable girl would be discrimin- Service" by Miss Horn; "Original Verse" The alarm call for more co-eds was re- ating about the hours she keeps, her enter- by Miss Ogle; a talk on Office Work by cently voiced by students of the U.
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