
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03856-0 - Anglo-Saxon England 30 Edited by Michael Lapidge, Malcolm Godden and Simon Keynes Index More information Index to volumes 26–30 Volume numbers in italic precede page numbers Aa, river, 28.212 Adoratio crucis, liturgy on Good Friday, 26.23 Aachen, 27.129; Capitula of (A.D. 818/819), Adoro te domine Iesu Christe in cruce ascendentem, Good 30.182n; council of (A.D. 816), 27.107n, 248n Friday devotional prayer, 26.123–4 Aalst, family of, 28.215n, 216 Advent, 26.57; 27.252; liturgica for, 28.153n, 160, 171, Aaron, island of: see Saint-Malo 173 Abbo of Fleury, 28.108n; 30.221; literary style of, Æbba, abbess: see Eafe 27.28; Passio S. Eadmundi, 28.71n; 29.254n; Aed, St, 29.112, 117 Quaestiones grammaticales, 27.17 Ælberht of York, magister of Alcuin, 27.12 Abbo of Saint-Germain, Bella Parisiacae urbis, 29.141, Ælfflæd, queen of Edward the Elder, 29.119; 30.55n; 143n and the Cuthbert embroideries, 26.138 Abingdon (Berks.), abbey, 30.166; connections with Ælfgifu, abbess of Nunnaminster (Winchester), Canterbury, 28.107n; connections with France, 28.316; 29.277 28.106–7; manuscripts, 27.141, 143n, 150, 151, Ælfheah, St, bishop of Winchester, archbishop of 153n, 167, 168, 276; 28.89n, 106, 109; 29.86, 88 Canterbury, 28.186; 30.139; murder of, 27.211n; Abraham, biblical figure, 28.122n, 124, 125, 127, 128, relics of, 30.167 130, 131, 139 Ælfhelm, (lost) account of St Æthelthryth, 29.252n Acca, bishop of Hexham, 26.43 Ælfric Bata, 28.181 accents, and other markings for pauses, in AS manu- Ælfric, abbot of Eynsham, 29.89, 121; 30.93, 98, scripts, 26.139n; in OE verse, 29.292; and see punc- 111n tuation general: and biblical commentaries, 26.167; and Achadeus, count, 30.48; psalter of (CCCC 272), CCCC 190, 27.242, 243; and Old Testament trans- 26.162; 30.48 lations, 26.193; and the Excerptiones pseudo-Ecgberhti, Actium, battle of, 28.17 29.245n; and the OE translation of the Ely privi- Ad Herennium: see Cicero, pseudo- lege, 29.254; and the Old English Bede, 29.104n; and Ad mensam philosophiae, 27.15n the Old English Hexateuch, 28.113, 114, 130n; Adalbertus, St, 29.69n, 268n Ealdorman Æthelweard as patron of, 29.177 Adalram, bishop of Salzburg, 27.107 literary style of, 27.14, 23n; 29.213; vocabulary Adam of Bremen, Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae, 28.5; used by, 27.282; latinity of, 27.248; linguistic 29.261, 262n, 266–8, 272; 30.177n achievements of, 29.104n; OE vocabulary associ- Adam, biblical figure, 28.127 ated with, 26.142, 167; 28.103n; 29.89n; his use of Adelard of Bath, Quaestiones naturales, 28.234 the word cræft, 26.84, 85, 87, 88, 89; (in Catholic Adelina, daughter of Richard of Rullos, 28.222n Homilies), 26.86, 88; (in Lives of Saints), 26.86; (in the Adeliza, wife of King Henry I, 28.213n, 223 OE interlinear version of Ælfric’s Colloquy), 26.86; Ademar, monk of Saint-Martial, 26.172 (in his Grammar), 26.89; his use of the word tid, Ado of Vienne, martyrology of, 29.68, 69, 70, 71n, 27.192 72–3, 75, 76, 82; 30.117n; Libellus de festiuitatibus on anti-Judaism, 28.65–7, 68–80, 85–6; on sanctorum apostolorum, 29.73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, Jewish custom, 28.71–2, 74, 76–7; on the Old 81 Testament, 28.72–3, 76, 84; on his vision of society, Ado, founder of Jouarre nunnery, 26.51 28.80–4, 85; on the Three Orders of Society, Adomnán, abbot of Iona, 26.23; ‘The Reliquary of 28.81–4; on the Four Types of War, 28.82n; on Adomnán’, OIr poem, 26.31 liturgical books required for priests, 30.143; on De locis sanctis, 26.32–3, 34, 38, 39; 27.110; male and female saints, 30.134n; on marriage, 30.67–8; relationship with iconography in Book of 29.240, 241–50, 255, 257–9; on prognostication, Durrow, 26.31–2; in Book of Kells, 26.32 30.196–8, 200–2, 203, 204; on the cult of the Virgin Vita S. Columbae, 26.30; manuscript copies of, Mary, 26.202; on the persona of Saturn, 26.145; on 27.109; latinity of, 27.109, 111, 113 the soul and body, 30.121; on the threefold reward, 315 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03856-0 - Anglo-Saxon England 30 Edited by Michael Lapidge, Malcolm Godden and Simon Keynes Index More information Index to volumes 26–30 Ælfric, abbot of Eynsham (cont.) five-part letter, 29.225, 229–34; use of rhetoric in, 29.242; prefaces associated with, 29.220–1; sources 29.219–20, 230–1, 233, 234; structure of, used by, 27.247–8, 253–4 29.222–6; shift in person deixis, 29.224–5, 232; use writings of: of parallelism and repetition in, 29.225–6, 229 Catholic Homilies, 26.13, 119n, 192, 216n; 28.178 Letter to Sigeferth, 29.242–3, 246, 250 sources for, 26.13, 259; 27.246n, 254; 28.173; Letter to Sigeweard, 28.78, 82n; his comments on 29.220, 241; 30.196; Smaragdus, 29.241n, 242n, Judith in, 28.84n; on Cain and Abel, 28.86n; 244n; Augustine, 29.241n, 242 and 242n, 247, 248, concept of AS migration in, 29.62 250–1; Bede, 29.243, 247, 251; Paul the Deacon, Letter to the Monks of Eynsham, 27.234, 244, 256; 29.243; Haymo of Auxerre, 29.243, 244n; Vitas 29.119n; 30.207; preface to, 29.221n; use of in patrum, 29.237n, 240, 242, 245, 249–50, 257, 259; other AS texts, 27.241, 253; relationship with the Abbo of Fleury, 29.254n De ecclesiastica consuetudine, 27.242, 244–6, 248–9, general: formulaic language in, 28.130; literary 255; sources for, 27.239n, 244, 246, 248, 251, 252; style of, 27.24, 27–8; 29.124, 125, 225n; manuscript feast of the Holy Trinity, 28.186–7 copies of, 28.144n; use of language in, 26.86, 88; Lives of Saints, 26.18, 187, 216n; 28.131 use of lections in, 28.165, 170, 172, 173; use of anti-Judaism expressed in, 28.68–9, 78, and see rubrics in, 28.145; vocabulary for seasons of the Maccabees; audience intended for, 28.136; commis- year in, 26.240, 250, 259–60; vocabulary for sioning of, 28.78n; function of, 26.191, 192; literary months of the year in, 26.252, 254 style of, 26.188–9, 190, 191; metrical alliteration in, prefaces to, 26.188n; 28.70, 137; 29.220, 228, 28.133n; use of language in, 26.84, 86; on Viking 229, 233 invasions, 28.5; prefaces, 26.191; 28.70; 29.177, discussion of individual homilies: I.ii: 28.138; 179, 221, 229, 250; relationship with Latin sources, I.iii: 28.69n; I.vi: 28.153n; 30.196, 197–8, 200; I.vii: 26.189, 190–1, 192, 208; two levels of meaning in, 30.193, 196; I.ix: 29.243; I.xiv: 28.52; I.xxi: 27.82; 28.134–5 I.xxxi (St Bartholomew): 28.126; I.xxxiv: 26.133n; individual: on Abdon and Sennes, 28.69 II.iv: 29.243; II.vi: 29.241–2, 246; II.xiii: 28.72; on Æthelthryth: interpretation of, 29.236, II.xix: 29.244; II.xxxiv: 26.205 253–4, 255–60; Bede as primary source for, Colloquy, 26.86; 28.76n, 87n; 29.141, 145 29.236, 251, 259; additional exemplum about De auguriis, 30.196 chaste layman, 29.236–40, 256–8; Rufinus (from De falsis diis, 26.147n, 246; 28.130n the Vitas patrum) as source for, 29.238–40, 249–50, De septem gradibus ecclesiasticis, 27.236 257, 258, 259; view of marriage in, 29.240, 241, De temporibus anni, 30.183, 196, 198, 199, 201, 249, 251, 255, 257–60 215, 216, 221; relationship with Bede’s De temporum on Agnes, 26.193; 29.255; on Apollinaris, ratione, 26.247, 250; use of interpretatio romana in, 26.189; 28.69; 29.240, 242; on Edmund, 26.193; 26.246–7; vocabulary for seasons of the year in, 28.70–1; 29.254; on Eugenia, 28.134; on Macarius, 26.231, 241n, 246–7, 250, 251 29.240 Glossary, 27.36n, 192; 28.88n; 29.290n on Maccabees: 28.66, 73–8; 29.240, 242; sources Grammar, 27.17–18, 22n, 189–90, 192; 28.87, for, 28.74, 77; anti-Judaism expressed in, 28.66, 90n, 91; 30.224; Barbarismus in, 27.18; prefaces to, 73–80, 85–6; heroic concept of Jews expressed in, 29.220, 221; sources for, 28.87; vernacular glosses 28.77–80; epilogue: Qui sunt oratores, laboratores, bel- to, 28.91n; formulaic language in, 26.89; 28.119n latores, his vision of society expressed in, 28.80–4, Heptateuch, vocabulary for seasons of the year in, 85 26.242 on Martin of Tours, 26.193, 205, 245–6; on Hexameron, legends of King Alfred in, 28.228; Maurice, 26.191n; on Swithun, 26.193, 202n; vocabulary for seasons of the year in, 26.241, 242; 27.226, 227; 28.70–1, 131–2; 29.240; On the Memory on biblical exegesis, 26.14; 28.132; preface to: of the Saints, 28.132n, 134; on Thomas, 29.244; 26.13–14; 28.70, 113, 116, 117n, 118n, 134, 136; Prayer of Moses, 28.84n; The Forty Soldiers, 28.69 29.246; commissioned by Ealdorman Æthelweard, pastoral letters, 27.234, 242, 244–5, 248; 29.177, 179, 180n; manuscript copies of, 29.215; 28.150n, 159; 29.247n; 30.208n; sources for, intention expressed in, 29.215–16; as a letter to 27.245, 246–7, 252; to Archbishop Wulfstan, pref- Ealdorman Æthelweard, 29.216, 223–4, 228, 230, aces to, 27.236, 243; 28.82n; 29.221n; to Bishop 231; quaestiones format of, 232–3; authorship of, Wulfsige, 29.221n, 243, 250 29.216–17; biblical topics covered in, 29.216–17; Sigeuulfi Interrogationes, 26.246; 29.62, 66, 232n reference to the tabernacle, 29.217, 218–19, 232; Vita S.
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