The following supplement accompanies the article Economic incentives and overfishing: a bioeconomic vulnerability index William W. L. Cheung*, U. Rashid Sumaila *Corresponding author: [email protected] Marine Ecology Progress Series 530: 223–232 (2015) Supplement Table S1. Country level discount rate used in the analysis Country/Territory Discount rate (%) Albania 13.4 Algeria 8.0 Amer Samoa 11.9 Andaman Is 10.0 Angola 35.0 Anguilla 10.0 Antigua Barb 10.9 Argentina 8.6 Aruba 11.3 Ascension Is 10.0 Australia 6.5 Azores Is 7.0 Bahamas 5.3 Bahrain 8.1 Baker Howland Is 7.0 Bangladesh 15.1 Barbados 9.7 Belgium 3.8 Belize 14.3 Benin 10.0 Bermuda 7.0 Bosnia Herzg 10.0 Bouvet Is 7.0 Br Ind Oc Tr 7.0 Br Virgin Is 10.0 Brazil 50.0 Brunei Darsm 10.0 Country/Territory Discount rate (%) Bulgaria 9.2 Cambodia 16.9 Cameroon 16.0 Canada 8.0 Canary Is 7.0 Cape Verde 12.3 Cayman Is 7.0 Channel Is 7.0 Chile 7.8 China Main 5.9 Christmas I. 10.0 Clipperton Is 7.0 Cocos Is 10.0 Colombia 14.3 Comoros 10.8 Congo Dem Rep 16.0 Congo Rep 16.0 Cook Is. 10.0 Costa Rica 19.9 Cote d'Ivoire 10.0 Croatia 10.0 Crozet Is 7.0 Cuba 10.0 Cyprus 6.8 Denmark 7.0 Desventuradas Is 10.0 Djibouti 11.2 Dominica 9.5 Dominican Rp 19.8 East Timor 10.0 Easter Is 10.0 Ecuador 9.4 Egypt 12.8 El Salvador 10.0 Eq Guinea 16.0 Eritrea 10.0 Estonia 10.0 Faeroe Is 7.0 Falkland Is 7.0 Fiji 6.2 Finland 7.0 Fr Guiana 10.0 Fr Moz Ch Is 10.0 Country/Territory Discount rate (%) Fr Polynesia 10.0 France 4.0 Gabon 16.0 Galapagos Is 10.0 Gambia 30.9 Gaza Strip 10.0 Georgia 20.3 Germany (Baltic) 7.0 Germany (North Sea) 7.0 Ghana 10.0 Gibraltar 7.0 Greece 7.0 Greenland 7.0 Grenada 9.9 Guadeloupe 10.0 Guam 7.0 Guatemala 12.9 Guinea 10.0 GuineaBissau 10.0 Guyana 14.6 Haiti 43.8 Heard Is 7.0 Honduras 17.6 Hong Kong 7.4 Iceland 17.3 India 11.7 Indonesia 16.0 Iran 15.0 Iraq 14.1 Ireland 2.7 Isle of Man 7.0 Israel 6.9 Italy 5.8 Jamaica 17.5 Jan Mayen 7.0 Japan (Pacific Coast) 10.0 Japan (Sea of Japan) 10.0 Jarvis Is 10.0 Johnston I. 7.0 Jordan 8.2 Juan Fernandez 10.0 Kenya 13.3 Kerguelen Is 7.0 Country/Territory Discount rate (%) Kermadec Is 7.0 Kiribati 10.0 Korea D P Rp 10.0 Korea Rep 5.9 Kuwait 8.2 Latvia 10.0 Lebanon 10.4 Liberia 15.9 Libya 6.1 Lithuania 10.0 Lord Howe Is 7.0 Macau 7.9 Macquarie Is 7.0 Madagascar 28.3 Madeira Is 7.0 Malaysia (East Peninsula) 13.0 Malaysia (Sabah) 13.0 Malaysia (Sarawak) 13.0 Malaysia (West Peninsula) 13.0 Maldives 14.2 Malta 5.6 Marcus Is 7.0 Marshall Is 10.0 Martinique 7.0 Mauritania 23.5 Mauritius 21.3 Mayotte 7.0 Mexico 8.3 Micronesia 16.0 Midway Is 7.0 Monaco 7.0 Montserrat 10.5 Morocco 3.8 Mozambique 9.9 Myanmar 15.0 N Marianas 7.0 Namibia 11.6 Nauru 10.0 Navassa Is 7.0 NethAntilles 9.4 Netherlands 3.6 New Caledonia 7.0 New Zealand 10.0 Country/Territory Discount rate (%) Nicaragua 12.2 Nigeria 17.4 Niue 7.0 Norfolk I. 7.0 Norway 4.1 Ogasawara Is 7.0 Oman 7.2 Pakistan 8.9 Palau 10.0 Palmyra Is 7.0 Panama 8.4 Papua N Guin 10.6 Peru 24.1 Philippines 9.6 Pitcairn Is 7.0 Poland 10.0 Portugal 7.0 Prince Edward Is 10.0 Puerto Rico 10.0 Qatar 7.1 Reunion 7.0 Romania 10.0 Russian Fed (Asia) 10.4 Russian Fed (Baltic Sea) 10.4 Russian Fed (Barents Sea) 10.4 Ryukyu & Daishoto Is 7.0 Samoa 10.0 Sao Tome Prn 30.9 Saudi Arabia (Persian Gulf) 10.0 Saudi Arabia (Red Sea) 10.0 Senegal 10.0 Serbia Montenegro 10.0 Seychelles 9.9 Sierra Leone 24.5 Singapore 5.3 Slovenia 7.0 Solomon Is. 10.0 Somalia 10.0 South Africa 11.7 SouthGeorgia 7.0 Spain 7.0 Sri Lanka 7.0 St Helena 7.0 Country/Territory Discount rate (%) St Kitts Nev 9.5 St Lucia 10.5 St Paul Amst Is 7.0 St Pier Mq 7.0 St Vincent 9.6 Sudan 10.0 Suriname 15.6 Svalbard Is 7.0 Sweden 3.3 Syria 8.0 Taiwan 7.0 Tanzania 15.5 Thailand 6.7 Togo 10.0 Tokelau 7.0 Tonga 11.7 Trindade Is 10.0 Trinidad Tob 10.0 Tristan da Cunha 7.0 Tromelin Is 7.0 Tunisia 10.0 Turkey (Black Sea) 10.0 Turkey (Mediterranean Sea) 10.0 Turks Caicos 7.0 Tuvalu 10.0 UK 3.5 Ukraine 15.1 Untd Arab Em 10.0 Uruguay 11.4 US (Alaska) 7.0 US (Hawaii) 7.0 US Virgin Is 7.0 USA 7.0 Vanuatu 7.9 Venezuela 16.2 Viet Nam 11.1 Wake I. 7.0 Wallis Fut I 7.0 West Sahara 10.0 Yemen 18.0 Table S2. Estimated intrinsic population growth rate Taxon name Common name R Ablennes hians Flat needlefish 0.566 Acanthistius brasilianus Sea bass 0.407 Acanthocybium solandri Wahoo 0.038 Acanthopagrus berda Picnic seabream 0.213 Acanthopagrus bifasciatus Twobar seabream 2.000 Acanthopagrus latus Yellowfin seabream 0.386 Acanthopagrus schlegelii schlegelii Blackhead seabream 0.564 Surgeonfishes and tangs and Acanthuridae unicornfishes 0.065 Acanthurus sohal Sohal surgeonfish 0.174 Aethaloperca rogaa Redmouth grouper 0.115 Albula vulpes Bonefish 0.057 Alectis alexandrines African threadfish 0.199 Alepes djedaba Shrimp scad 0.316 Alepocephalus bairdii Baird's slickhead 0.200 Alepocephalus rostratus Rissos smooth-head 0.150 Allocyttus niger Black oreo 0.519 Alopias Thresher sharks 0.082 Alopias superciliosus Bigeye thresher 0.040 Alopias vulpinus Thintail thresher 0.293 Alosa Shads 0.330 Alosa aestivalis Blueback shad 0.092 Alosa alosa Allis shad 0.136 Alosa fallax Twaite shad 1.626 Alosa immaculate Pontic shad 0.131 Alosa mediocris Hickory shad 0.280 Alosa pseudoharengus Alewife 0.244 Alosa sapidissima American shad 0.255 Ambassidae Asiatic glassfishes 0.503 Amblyraja hyperborean Arctic skate 0.117 Ammodytes Sandlances 0.150 Ammodytes personatus Pacific sandlance 1.359 Anarhichas Wolffish 0.137 Anarhichas denticulatus Northern wolffish 0.770 Anarhichas lupus Atlantic wolffish 0.360 Anarhichas minor Spotted wolffish 0.426 Anodontostoma chacunda Chacunda gizzard shad 0.340 Anoplopoma fimbria Sablefish 0.358 Taxon name Common name R Anthias anthias Swallowtail seaperch 0.227 Antimora rostrate Blue antimora 0.222 Aphanopus carbo Black scabbardfish 0.741 Aphareus rutilans Rusty jobfish 0.055 Apogonidae Cardinalfishes 0.400 Archosargus probatocephalus Sheepshead 0.387 Arctoscopus japonicas Sailfin sandfish 0.151 Argentina Argentines 1.473 Argentina silus Greater argentine 0.156 Argentina sphyraena Argentine 0.456 Argyrops spinifer King soldierbream 0.284 Argyrosomus hololepidotus Southern meagre 0.442 Argyrosomus regius Meagre 0.717 Argyrozona argyrozona Carpenter seabream 0.368 Ariidae Sea catfishes 0.565 Ariomma indicum Indian driftfish 0.206 Arripis georgianus Australian ruff 0.580 Arripis trutta Eastern Australian salmon 0.695 Atheresthes evermanni Kamchatka flounder 0.129 Atheresthes stomias Arrowtooth flounder 0.298 Atherina boyeri Big-scale sand smelt 0.134 Atherina presbyter Sand smelt 0.216 Atherinidae Silversides 0.196 Atractoscion aequidens Geelbeck croaker 0.126 Atractoscion nobilis White weakfish 0.341 Atrobucca nibe Blackmouth croaker 0.320 Atule mate Yellowtail scad 0.730 Austroglossus Southern soles 0.140 Austroglossus microlepis West coast sole 0.269 Austroglossus pectoralis Mud sole 0.134 Auxis Frigate tuna 0.049 Auxis rochei rochei Bullet tuna 0.066 Auxis thazard thazard Frigate tuna 0.020 Balistes capriscus Grey triggerfish 0.233 Balistidae Triggerfishes 0.140 Bathyraja Skates 1.497 Bathyraja eatonii Eatons skate 0.147 Bathyraja irrasa Kerguelen sandpaper skate 0.261 Bathyraja murrayi Murrays skate 0.327 Batrachoididae Toadfishes 0.090 Taxon name Common name R Belone belone Garfish 0.065 Belonidae Needlefishes 0.756 Benthodesmus Frostfishes 0.512 Benthosema pterotum Skinnycheek lanternfish 0.125 Berycidae Alfonsinos 0.246 Beryx Alfonsinos 0.120 Beryx decadactylus Alfonsino 0.330 Beryx splendens Splendid alfonsino 0.073 Bolbometopon muricatum Green humphead parrotfish 0.330 Boops boops Bogue 0.553 Boreogadus saida Polar cod 0.435 Bothidae Lefteye flounders 0.147 Bothus pantherinus Leopard flounder 0.133 Brachydeuterus auritus Bigeye grunt 0.066 Brama brama Atlantic pomfret 0.044 Bramidae Pomfrets 0.256 Bregmaceros mcclellandi Unicorn cod 0.173 Brevoortia aurea Brazilian menhaden 0.146 Brevoortia patronus Gulf menhaden 0.090 Brevoortia pectinata Argentine menhaden 0.103 Brevoortia tyrannus Atlantic menhaden 1.496 Brosme brosme Tusk 0.564 Brotula barbata Bearded brotula 0.446 Caesio Fusiliers 0.025 Caesionidae Fusiliers 0.779 Calamus Porgies 0.322 Callorhinchus capensis Cape elephantfish 0.387 Callorhinchus milii Ghost shark 0.071 Cantherhines Filefishes 0.191 Caproidae Boarfishes 0.304 Capromimus abbreviatus Capro dory 1.549 Capros aper Boarfish 0.425 Carangidae Jacks and pompanos 2.301 Carangoides bajad Orangespotted trevally 0.253 Carangoides fulvoguttatus Yellowspotted trevally 0.834 Carangoides malabaricus Malabar trevally 0.166 Caranx Jacks 0.048 Caranx crysos Blue runner 0.362 Caranx hippos Crevalle jack 0.130 Caranx ignobilis Giant trevally 0.277 Taxon name Common name R Caranx melampygus Bluefin trevally 0.646 Caranx rhonchus False scad 0.258 Caranx ruber Bar jack 0.253 Caranx sexfasciatus Bigeye trevally 0.237 Carcharhinidae Requiem sharks 0.501 Carcharhinus brachyurus Copper shark 0.152 Carcharhinus falciformis Silky shark 0.141 Carcharhinus limbatus Blacktip shark 0.125 Carcharhinus longimanus Oceanic whitetip shark 0.217 Carcharhinus sorrah Spottail shark 0.509 Carcharias taurus Sand tiger shark 0.199 Caulolatilus chrysops Atlantic goldeye tilefish 0.307 Caulolatilus princeps Ocean whitefish 0.280 Centriscops humerosus Banded yellowfish 0.136 Centroberyx affinis Redfish 0.071 Centrolophidae Medusafishes 1.850 Centrolophus niger Rudderfish 0.229 Centrophorus granulosus Gulper shark 0.329 Centrophorus squamosus Leafscale gulper shark 0.114 Centropomus Snooks 0.131 Centropomus undecimalis Common snook 0.071 Centropristis striata Black seabass
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