INTRODUCTION culture is the whole of the material and spiritual features that produced and transferred from generation to generation within a historical process of society. Culture creates the identity of society and makes difference than the other societies. Culture is the way of living and thinking for the society.Every culture is shaped depends on the geography of society.Culture is source of wealth for society. In this project,me and my friend Yunus Emre Şekerci compare differences and similarities that foods, handicrafts, folk dances and weddings among our cultures. Gaziantep¶s Culture During the period of Caliph Omar bin Hattab, Gaziantep was conquered by Islamic Armies at seventh century. Until the conquest Gaziantep was belong to Byzantium. Gaziantep changed hands among Muslims and Byzantines until the end of eleventh century,until the med-century of 12th century Gaziantep was the scene of battles between Selçuklular and Byzantines and Crusaders. From med-century of 12th to 1516 Turks and Arabs controlled Gaziantep.Yavuz Sultan Selim conquere Gaziantep in the name of Ottoman.The area of Gaziantep was blended Turk-Islamic synthesis.Effect of the other cultures disappeared at seventh century. efforts to revive the Byzantine culture that made by American College of missionariest dried without sprout. Turk-Islamic synthesis is observed in the every area of social life at Gaziantep.Gaziantep has a very rich culture like rich types of food, crafts, folk dances and wedding customs. That¶s why Gaziantep became the cultural attractions center. 1)Gaziantep Food Culture Gaziantep foods has a priviledge place in the Turks and international cuisine. The foods are taught like heritage from grandma to grandson.Carefully chosen materials ,for which used making foods and desserts, ability for preparing and cooking, special spices which have different tastes,sauces,tomato and pepper pastes and mixes... These cause to be famous Gaziantep foods and desserts as of today. Antep cuisine is a treasure, fine art, culture, civilization with cooks, equipments and tools. Some of Gaziantep Foods: a) Meatballs : There are so many meatballs in Gaziantep.Some of these are İçli Köfte, Çiğ köfte, Ekşili ufak köfte, Malhıtalı (with lentil) köfte, Yoğurtlu ufak köfte. b) Kebabs:Some of kebabs that made by meat. Kuşbaşı Kebab (Tike Kebabı),Kıyma Kebab, Altı ezmeli kıyma ve tike kebab, Cağırtlak Kebab, Ciğer Kebab. c) Soups:Soups are used as appetizer.Alaca soup, Ezo Gelin soup,Lebeniye,Öz soup,Maş soup,Süzme Mercimek soup,Şirinli soup,Soğan soup,Sebze soup,Dövmeli Alaca soup,Yoğurtlu Dövme soup,Börek soup,Tarhana soup,Ekşili Mercimek soup,Keme soup ... etc. d) Meat Dishes : One special feature of Gaziantep Foods is mutton used for meat dishes.Probably every dishes have it. Ekşili Daraklık Tavası,Et Paçası,Kelle Paça,Tavuk Paçası,İncik Haşlaması,Paşa Köftesi,Sebzeli Tavuk Kızartması,Beyran,Fırında Tavuk examples of dishes. e) Tava¶s : There is a special food as called Tava in Gaziantep. Saçma Tava, Sarımsak tava,Domates Tava, Bakla Tava,Fasulye Tava,Kabak tava,Keme Tava,Patates Tava,Ayva Tava, Elma tava,Erik Tava,Taze Ceviz Tavası,Kara Kavurma,Et Kavurma(Topaç),Ciğer Kavurma,Et Kızartma... these are examples of Tava. f) Dolma-Sarma :Dolma and sarma have special place in Gaziantep Foods.Especially in summer eggplant,pepper and zucchini are dried.In winter these are used for making dolma and sarma. Karışık Dolma,Patlıcan Dolma,Biber Dolma,Domates Dolma, Kabak Dolma,Haylan Kabağı Dolma,Bulgurlu Yaprak Sarma,Pirinçli Yaprak Sarma,Peynir Yağlı Yaprak Sarma,Lahana Sarma,Pancar Sarma,Kabak Oturtma,Karışık Antep Dolma, Fıstıklı Yaprak Sarma are kinds of dolma and sarma. g) Rice : Rices that are made in Turkiye are made in Gaziantep.Özbek,Havuçlu,Dövme Aşı,Meyhane,Firik,İç,Mercimekli Aş,Loğlazlı Aş,Çiğdem Aşı,Kemeli are kinds of rice. h) Yogurt Dishes : These are not dishes like using yogurt as sauce.Feature of these dishes,yogurt is cooked and added into dishes.Çağala Aşı,Orman,Sahte Yuvarlama,Sarımsak Aşı,Şiveydiz,Yoğurtlu Bakla,Yoğurtlu Bezelye,Yoğurtlu Çiğdem Aşı,Yoğurtlu Elma Aşı,Yoğurtlu Fasulye,Yoğurtlu Kabak,Yoğurtlu Patates...etc. ı) vegetable dishes: These dishes are cooked in summer because there so many fresh vegetable in summer.Some of these are dried and used in winter. Acur Oturtması,Alinazik,Ayva Tavası,Bezelyeli Köfte,Borani,Çiğdem Aşı, Doğrama, Patates Tavası, Domatesli Alinazik,Ebegümeci Buğlaması,Ekşili Tüylü Acur,Elma Tavası,Erik Tavası,Etli Taze Fasulye. i) Olive oiled dishes:Both olive is beneficial for healt and olive processing developed in Gaziantep, these dishes common in Gaziantep.Arpacık Soğanlı Kereviz, Zeytinyağlı Bamya,Zeytinyağlı Börülce,Zeytinyağlı Dolma,Zeytinyağlı Enginar, Zeytinyağlı Fasulye,Öcce,Zeytinyağlı Havuç,Zeytinyağlı Ispanak, Zeytinyağlı İmambayıldı. j) Pastries : Lahmacun is the best for these.There are many kinds of pastries like lahmacun ( Gaziantep style ), Kemeli Lahmacun,Peynirli Börek,Şekerli Peynirli Börek,Topaçlı Börek,Topaçlı Zeytin böreği,Yeşil Zeytin Böreği,Kakırdak Böreği, Pirinçli Börek,Pişi Böreği, Çökelek ve Lor Semseği,Bazı-Bazlama. k) Salads ( Piyaz ± Cacık ) : These are appetizers.Maş Piyazı,Fasulye Piyazı,Loğlaz Piyazı,Patates Piyazı,Pirpirim Piyazı,Aşotu Piyazı,Yeşil Zeytin piyazı,Çoban Salad,Domates Salatası,Koruk Salad, Patlıcan Salad (Söğürme),Köşker Salad, Salatalık Cacığı, Asma Yaprağı Piyazı, Humus, Nohut Piyazı,Yarpuz Piyazı,Yeşil Zeytin Piyazı,Peynirli Taze Kekik Salad. l) Pickles : Pickles are used with nearly every dishes in Gaziantep.Pepper pickle (red and green) Çelem pickle, tomato pickle, beans pickle, carrot pickle, cucumber (Hıyar) pickle, Hita (acur) pickle, Kelek pickle , red beet pickle, Koruk pickle, cabbage pickle, lettuce, eggplant, garlic pickles m) Desserts, Cakes and Jams : Gaziantep is famous with desserts.Especially Gaziantep Baklava is famous over the World.Some of cakes and jams here :Baklava, Havuç Dilim, Özel Kare Baklava, Şöbiyet, Bülbül Yuvası, Dolama,Fıstık Ezmesi, Kurabiye, Kırma Kadayıf, Fıstıklı Kadayıf, Burma Kadayıf, Aşure, Zerde, Sütlaç(milky), Bastık, Nişe Helvası, İrmik Helvası, Tahin Helvası,Cevizli Helva,Leblebili Helva,Küncülü (sesame) Helva,Tel Helva, Kuymak, Kaygana,Kerebiç, Mayanalı Kahke. Every kind of fruit as jams; ancak, Kabak, Ham ceviz, Körpe Patlıcan, Haylan kabağı kabuğu are local jams. n) Şıra: It¶s a kind of syrup that made by grapes.The grapes gathered in September.After gathering the grapes are boiled.Sucuk (almonds, walnuts, peanuts), Besni küpüklü sucuk (almonds, walnuts) Bastık, Muska (almonds, walnuts, peanuts) , Tarhana (cooked with simit and bastık) and Dilme. o) Specials for breakfast:These are local specails for breakfast:Katmer, Kaymak, Muhammara, Yeşil Zeytin Ekşileme, Tarhana Eritme ö) Syrups: Miyan şerbeti, Tah (grapes that rotten and soured on tree) juice, Urmu mulberry ( soured black mulberry) juice, rose juice, Limonata, grape juice, molasses juice, Koruk juice, Karsanbaç (molasses with snow), Haytalı (made with milky pelte, rose juice and snow). 2)Traditional handcrafts of Gaziantep Handcrafts appeared from the beginning of mankind.Handcrafts developed based on nature conditions, needs of mankind to protect and cover.Handcrafts show the emotions,artistic appreciations, cultural properties.Thus handcrafts became traditional. Traditional handcrafts of Gaziantep made mosaic by cultural heritage of Anatolia that comes from thousands of years various civilizations. Copper: This is based on very ancient times. coppers are manufactured in one piece.It means there is no other way to manufacture like soldering. Mother of Pearl:. Raw materials are shells, wires, and a variety of walnut tree. Pearl used in architecture, buildings, ornaments and weapons decoration. Silver Working: According to silver goods that found by excavating ,silver working made in Gaziantep from ancient times. It still goes on in workshop. Yemenicilik: Yemeni is a kind of shoes which is red or black leather is so healthy.Yemeni made by Köşker. Antep Hand-made : It made from white antep fabric that wrapping and pulling colored yarns to be processed with susma and ajur.It is called Antep işi because the first one was made in Gaziantep. Küpçülük: It is understood from archaeological exvcavations ³Küpçülük´ is done from 6000 B.C. These goods that made from soil used as ornaments , pots and souvenirs. Jewellery: Gold processing developed after decleration of the republic.Gold of Gaziantep made as 22 carat. Antep Rug: Raw materials of Antep rug are feather of ox camel and horse.Antep Rug is different from the other as shape and embroidery. Kutnuculuk: Raw materials of that are artifical silk and cotton.It is weaved in hand looms.It is only textile that made in Gaziantep.Kutnu can be used for traditional dress, souvenir,bag,curtain fabric,slipper and national dress. Aba Dokumacılığı: Aba that is a special kind of male wear made from feather of ox, camel and horse. Zurnacılık: It is a kind of national flute.It made from zerdali tree.It is specail instrumental of weddings. There are three types of Zurna. Tüm Kaba Zurna, Orta Kaba Zurna and Cura Zurna. 3)Gaziantep Folk Dance Gaziantep is the richest city as folk dances.The famous one is ͞Halay͟.Barak türkü and ağıt are the most well-known folk dances.Antep has a rich folk literature.There so many famous poets.Folk dance is played together and holding hands.These are Üç Ayak, Dokuzlu, Çepikli, Mendil, Sirani, Oğuzlu Marmar and Şirin Nar. Especially playing folk dances local dresses wore.These dresses embroidered with silver thread on velvet, ordered tobacco pouches with yemeni and amani.. 4)Gaziantep Düğünleri Wedding is the beginning of a holy way in Gaziantep.There are durms and zurna on wedding ceremony in Gaziantep. Weddings depend on beliefs and cultures in the local area.Weddings ceremony goes on three days in Antep.Some section in weddings a)Düğür Gezme:Gaziantep¶te Düğür gezme, evlilik çağına gelmiş kızlara bakmaya gitmek demektir. Düğür, oğlan veya erkek yeğeni olanlar tarafından gezilir. Düğür gezenler, tanıdık dost ve akrabalarından, evlenme yaşında kızı olanların haberini alırlar. Daha sonra haberleri yokmuş gibi belirlenen eve giderek kıza bakarlar.
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