' ¦ -• ¦ - ¦ ¦ - - ¦ ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ' ¦- • ¦ •¦ ' ' ' - " ' ' ¦ ¦' - ¦ > ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦/¦ " • ¦ ¦ -¦ ¦ ' ¦ -¦ ¦; ¦ ¦ • ¦ , - • ¦ ¦ ¦ • • ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . : . .;• ;- ¦/¦ . : ; • ;•:• •:: ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ : - ¦ ¦ .;. , .,/-• ¦ , ' . " - - - - ¦ : - : \ a. , , . ., . ;¦ , , ¦ . /¦ ; - — . , , , 'r: . ' , , . ;:;;7 '¦ ¦¦ ¦ f ¦ ¦/O " /? \ yfl /? < ? '¦/ "¦ */¦ P <J' 4 -^ - /~7 * / / ^ A POLITICAL , LITERARY , COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER , AND RECORD OF JOINT STOCK COMPANIES , BANKS, RAILWAYS, MINES, SHIPPING , &c VOL. X. No. 483.] SATURDAY, JUNE 2^1859. : PBicBJS^^?;^;;I^!gEW »- Established 1837. f mllE LAST ANNUAL REPORT, CASH I DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK. of the BRITANNIA LIFE ASSURANCE FIVE PER CENT, on sums for fixed periods, JL ACCOUNT , and BALANCE SHEET COMPANY , or at seven days ' notice , or Three per Cent , at Cadi. MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIBff Empowered by Special Act of. Parliamen t, 4 Viet. Cap. v, G. H. LAW, Manager. Offices , G, Cannon -street West E.C. (A.D. 1834), may be had on a written or personal app lication AND to the Actuary, or to any of the Society ' s Country Agents. BRITANNIA MUTUAL LIFE To the Report and Accounts is appended a List of Bonuses ASSOCIATION , THE RENT GUARANTEE SOCIETY, year ISiiH. ' ¦ ¦ ' , paid on the claims of the .., Patent. 3, CHARLOTTE ROW , MANSION HOUSE NO extra char ge for joining Volunteer Rifle or Artiller y Empowered bi/ Her Majesty' s lloyal Letters LONDON. Actuary . I , Princes-street , Bank , London. ^^ _ Corps. CHARLES INGALL, Alexander , Blackbeath-park , Chairman. 1~14. The Mutual Life Assurance Offices , Major-General Established in. the reign of Queen Anne , A.D. Chcapsidc K.C., London. -HALF ' CREDIT BATES OF rilEMIU M. 3t>, King-street . , PERSONS ASSURED according to these UNION ASSURANCE OFFICE- THE MEMBERS OF THE X Rates are allowed credit for half the amount of the FIRE AND LIFE. first five or seven Annual Premiums , paying interest there- MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIE TY with the option O F F I C E S are respectfully informed th at on and after on at the rate of Five per Cent , per Annum , CORNHILL , AND 70, BAKER STREET , LONDON ; and the Publi c of paying off the arrears of Premiums at any time, or hav- SI , this day the MUSIXESS will bo CARRIED ON in the new ing 1 the amount -deducted from the sum assure d when the And in Bristol , Liverpool , Edinburgh , Dublin , building erecte d on the site of tiu ir old preimsi -s, JNo . J 'J, Policy becomes a claim. Hamburgh; Berlin , and Berne. ^ King-street , CheiipsM o, TC.C. AyPBKff FI!AXCIS , Secretary. TRUSTEES ETC. London , June 23, i8oi>. BIEECTOBS , , CHARLES INGAL L, Actua ry^ HENRY ALiWIN SOAMES , Esq., Chairman . ARGUS WILLIAM GIXPLN , Esq., Deputy Chairman . LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY ; IMPERIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP ANY, ¦ James Bentley, Ksq. J. Remin gton Mills, Esq. —Insti tuted 1820. 30, TlItitXJMOUTON -STREET , BAN K , LONDON. Esq. 1 , OLD BKQAi) STKEKT , LONDON. ' Ksq. Daniel Britten , Esq. John Morl ey, DIRKCTORH. ¦ . Clut mna n — Wi lham Leaf, John Rogers , Esq. Deputy Chairma n —Jon 's IIumi 'iierv, Ksq., Alderman. Nicholas Charrine rton , Esq,. GEOIJGK WILLIAM COTTAJI , Khq., Chaiiim an. S- Preston Child , Esq. Henry Rutt , Esq. Deputy-Ciiaikm an. DIRECTORS. Spencer Smith , Ksq. Fl£KDKltrCK PATT1SON , Khq., Richa rd E. Arclen , Esq. Rupert Ingleby, Esq. Beriah Drew , Esq. G. Thomas G. Barclay, Ksq. CU-oi-fr« Tfibber t, *,sq. John Hibbert , Esq. W. Foster White, Ksq. Haniui-I Hibb ert , Ksq. Edward Bates , Esq. Saffery Wm. Joh nson , Esq.^ Wilson , Esq., Aid. Jitmos C. C. Bell, Ks«i- , Esq. Thomas Lewis, Esq. Samuel , Ksq. Thos. Newnnui Hunt , Lsq. Thos. Farncomb , Esq., Aid: Jere miah Pilcher Thomas Mills, Esq., M.P. Stephen . Wilson , Esq. James Brand Professor Hall, M.A. Lewis Pocoek , Esq< Charles Cave , Ksq. •»• Gordon 'Murdoch , E«q. Physician —Dr. JeafTreson, 2, Finsbur y-square. FIRE PREMIUMS DUE at MIDSUMMER Gcori ftv Henry ' Cutler , Esq. William l(. IJoWuhou , lv«q. Suryebu— W. Coulson , Esq., 2, Frederick' srplace , Old should be paid on the 24th hist , or within 15 days after. Ifem^y Davidson , Ksq. Martin T. Smith , Iwq., M.I t . Jewry. VOLUNTEER KIFLE COR PS. — No Extra Premium George Fit-Id , Ksq . Newman .Smith, Khij . lark Ks . who SKCUK1TY. —The assured are protected by a "iinrantc f Actuary—George C , q will be charged to 3Iembers of Volunteer Rifle Corp s the Advantages of ABsux'ing with , this Company. • may be called upon to fight in defence of their count ry, so fund of upward s of a m illion mitl a half sterling irom The Premiu ms are on the lowest scale consistent with long as they continue within the limits of tho United King- liabilities attac hing to .mutual anwiiranc e. dom. Wm. B. LEWIS , Secretary. 1*K(.)FITS —Four-fif ths, or cifthty percent , of tlio profit * '" capital are assigned to Polities every fift h yi-i. r. The asmirt 'tl arc The assured are protected by an ample subscribed THIS —an assurance fund of £470,000, invested on mortgage and TUB DIKMC'TOKS OF entitled to part icipate afk-r jiny im-nt of one prem ium. in the Governmen t stocks—and an income of *.«i> ,«oo 11- CLAIMS. —The Company has disbursed in pajmi-nt of STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE claims nnd add itions upward s of £1,ft<K ) ,000. year . COMPANY be made at the Chiel (MIH' p , ~ year Pro posals for insurances may Premiuins "7o Assure ,tUOO. Whole Term. Request attention to the rep ort of the Company for tho the Hranch Olllce, HI , Pall.-miill , London -, or to obtained on appli cation nt the as above ; at Kin ^lom : 'With out 1 858. A printed copy can bo any of the '" ^nts tLrou glu^^th, . With Profits. Pro fits. Company ' s offices iu London , Edinbur gh , or Dublin , or to Aae One Year. Seven Years. any of the agents hi England , Scotland , or Ireland. Ihe ^^ ~ I~7. iollowlngr results are stated iu the report : — SOCIETY, 2 «. d T7.T d• * d. effected during !H.>f> exceed THE CONSERVATIVE LAND 0 17 s inn l i 13 10 l 11"• Jo Tlio new assurances r •) «»« Conservative 207 £500,000, and the nriaount during the last 10 years ojecoeds En rolled under 6 <fr 7 H /«. / T. o. :»2, «. " 1 1 N 127 !i 5 f> Jienvjlt itulMing Society." 15 0 1 o 0 3 0 7 2 14 10 £5,000,000. , 4 0 8 40 U Tho income of the Company is upwa rds of Aa7i>,000 •, nnd 1 11 V 1 10 10 .r>00,000. IS IIERKBY GIVEN Hint tho -j 0 0 » 10 The accumulated fund exceeds considerably iU; WOTICE KTKHLY CJKN JCI (A I, ;t 4 a 17 I * ~~~ "~ ° ~~~ Tho Standard was established in 18W, and the pr ofits TWKNT y-SBVKNTW <M -A MutnbtTH wHl b<- J.o <l at th< >; O Iooh. •(.. , Mutual Bra nch. realised have been divided on live occasions, 1S:K>, 18-10, 184o, MKKTINO of tho , system are entitled, at the end of Norfolk-Btreut , Strand, London, W. C., on TUhaDA ^ Assurers on the Bonus 1K50, and 18iV>. , the clock in tho Aitemoon , live years , to purticl imte in nino-t onthu , or W pvr cent, ol The aixth division of protlt s will take place next year , and July the uth , lHOO , at Three of th < S there is an atlvantuyc in joinin g tho Compa ny belore the Vihcount I{ANKLA<J J1 in the Cha ir , Policy can be added to the ol two THO pro llt assigned to each oloso of Die books in tlio prese nt yenr , as the benefit to ivceivo tlu< (ju.irlcrly It«-port of the Kxceutive Coiiunlt- Bum as sured , applied in reduction ot the iinuuitl premium , years ' entry to thu prolit scheme will be secured. that tho < o.n- too, and for ffcneral pnrposeH. l* ' Attention is anuvutlly directe d to the fact lly order of tho Uoard , ° At thrre ci-nt dlv lHlon , a return or 20 per cpu t. in cash on pnny havo lately introduced into their policies curtain UHL'NKIHKN , Secretury. ; this will a low a rever- increased value CIIA11 LK.S LMWIrt tho prom mow paid was doclarod tonna and conditionu which make them ol i'OK vary in-, according to age. r om 00 to W settlements, family provision s, After tho nuTtii.tf A dhawinu Mii.t. take i'lack i lonupy incrca aV, as tho basis of nmrrlogo SharoH takon up to tho tinic «J tin? cent, on the pr emiums , or irom uto 15 per coil, on tho and all transactions whoro it is essential tha t, the eontrno t HKJMTH oi- ohoick. per ugntaMt ull numb iTB boiiiK placed In thu wheel will be included tlicriln. SU 'l should be, un far ao possible , a comp lete security Term Pr emium i ru. y remain on IS [iK. Ono-ha u of tho Whole contingencios. , TliK WKY MOUTU KrtTATJO 1iO\yj)JNJRA cr edit for seven yearn , or quo third of the prem ium may re- THOM8OXf Ma)11|tf0I maliiI for life .is .. debt upon tho policy at 5 pur cent., or may II. JONKS^^ WILLIAMS , Uert. Sec. HOME FOR CONVALESCENT CHILDREN, bo paid off at any ttin o without notice. London : tfi , Kinff W lUlam-street , City. HL'KH KY, «. in one month after pr oyui have been UUMJJOLir S FAIIM , •MITCHAM, Jlalu jH paid ¦ Kdinbur «h: :i, O«or{yc-atruot. of Londo n. • approved , Dublin : 00, l/ppor Sackvllle-strcot. PrcH idisnt— Tlie Lord Itlwliop Loans upon approved security. r<itr (mrnaea— 'VhQ ConntoHS of Dorlty, < 'nroll no l'<ninU < *» of attendant * paid for their reports. , Mrs. Hohiv, Mvh. TIioiiiphuii JIi iii- aiodloal reside in any PELICAN Dunraven , Mpb. Ti.lt Person s may In (lino of puaco proceed to or koy, Mrs.
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