FEBRUAR 1 9 5 6 Middle East Ferment Will it lead the world to war? How to Become a Painter By CESAR LEGASPI I Pierced the Iron Curtain Communism at close range By PETE GROTHE Yesterday's Papers By ARMANDO J. MALAY SQ CENTAVOS CONTENTS ARTICLES Middle East Ferment .......... F. C. Sta. Maria Our Economy: Is It Leading Us to Ruin? ..... Alfredo Montelibano 8 The Bulwark of Vietnamese Art ... Fenix Madura 11 The Vanishing Filipina ...... C. Guerrero Nakpil 15 Fa_ther Delaney: In a Place of Shadows ....... Jesus Sto. Domingo 18 Middleweight Jinx . Raul Barbero 25 The President's Guideposts . 28 It Helps Grow Sugar in Hawaii . 3 Yesterday's Papers ......... Arrizando ]. Malay ~ How to Eecome a Painter ....... Cesar Legaspi ;J Durable Prima Donna ........... Efren S;_micn- Education and Practical Life . Sen. Jose P. Laurel H:ow Free Is the World Press ................ Polio Isn't Licked Yet ...................... A Woman of Asia ................. Free World How I Pierced the Iron Curtain . Pete Grothe 7 What to Do in Case of Dogbites .. : . 7 Cupid's Varied Wardrobe . p: FICTION Green Mangoes Amelia L. Lapefia 42 REGULAR FEATURES Are You Word Wise? . 111 Book Review-A Fable . Leonard· Casper Literary Personality- XIV: Bienvenido N. Santos Panorama Quiz ............................ In the Beginning . 8 Philippine Panorama XV: Bacolod City . 8 Fun-Orama by Elmer ....................... PANORAMA is published monthly by the Community Publishen Inc., 1986 Herran, Manila, Philippines Editor: JAIME LUCAS Business Manager: MRS. C. A. MARAMAG Subscription rates: In the Philippines, one year PS.DO; two years P9.00. Foreign subscription: one year $4.00 U.S.; two yeara $7.00 U.S. Single copy 50 centavos. FEBRUARY E ntered as ser ond class m a il m atter at 1956 t he Ma n ila P ost Office on Dec. 7, 1955 VOL. VIII MANILA, PHILIPPINES No. 2 middle cast Ferment The "unless" is decisive N 1953 IT was Korea, in as dramatically predicted last I 1954 Indochina and in month by Israel's Ambassador 1955 Formosa. This to the United States Ebba year all signs unmistakably Eban, is "almost inevitable by point to the Middle East as the the summer of this year." Of foremost trouble spot. War in course the ambassador append­ this ancient part of the world, ed a big "unless"-unless, that is, the West employs "firm, de­ ted States seems to be faring liberate and speedy action." By quite badly herself.· Identify­ that he meant military aid and ing her with the white impe­ possible alliance, particularly rialists, the Middle East peo­ from the United States which ples have learned to dislike the wants to stay out of the melee. United States and to be suspi­ As British Prime Minister cious of her motives. The Anthony Eden flew to Wash­ Arabs, in particular, will not ington for a conference, end forget easily how the U.S.-ins­ of January, the muddled Mid­ pired United Nations parti­ dle East situation was top item tioned Palestine and drove out on his agenda. It is a situation, more than 400,000 Arab re­ indeed, that may break out in­ fugees from the Holy Land. to full-scale hostilities anytime. They believed then, as they do The Middle East, since the now, that they have been rob­ end of World War II, has be­ bed of their home. come a complicated chessboard of power politics. The foremost (/HE FOURTh protagonisi problem as of now is the Arab­ 1 on the huge chessboard Palestine dispute which started i s Russia. Stripped with the failure of the West to down to its barest form, So­ take decisive steps after Israel viet interest in the Middle East won over Arab states seven is the centuries-long ambition years ago. But against this of that Czarist country: to have background of religious hatred, an outlet into the warm waters four big powers are playing an of the Mediterrenean. This the undecisive game of power poli­ Russians would never admit, tics. but it is true. If the ambition Great Britain on her part has has not been realized, it is. lost much prestige in her oil merely because it is not yell: dispute with Iran and in her time. But the Russians are ouster from the Suez Canal patient people, and they will zone and Sudan. She has left wait. behind millions of resentful And then, too, there is the peoples who look back to a lure of precious oil. Under the century of English colonial ex­ burning sands of the Arab ploitation. France has not done states are locked billions of dol­ any better; in fact, probably lars in wealth. In Saudi Ara­ \Vorse. She lost face not only bia a 1 one, for instance, an in Indochina but also among American company pays the seething, restless millions of yearly royalty of $250 milli1 northwest Africa. With a com­ Great Britain's oil intere~ paratively minor role, the Uni- were much bigger. 2 PANOR In recent months, the quies­ The di.fficult position of cent Middle East situation took America in this region springs a turn for the worse, then gra­ from her multi-phased commit­ dually advanced to the critical ments with the free and neu­ stage. The reason for the la­ tral nations of the world. Ob­ test flare-up was Israel's viola­ viously, she cannot arm Israel tion of the 1947 U. N. Palestine without increasing Arab hosti­ truce, whereby the common lity toward herself. Neither borders between Israel and the can she afford to look on help­ surrounding Arab states lessly should the well-armed (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, among Egyptians, equipped with So­ others) was declared a demili­ viet jets, pound the Israelis to tarized zone. In what the Is­ pieces. American strategy in raelis termed as a "retaliatory the cold war is so tangled, in raid"-but which the U.N. sub­ other words, that it has some­ sequently labelled as "so out times set off friend against of proportion with the provo­ friend in the name of expe­ cation" that it cannot be termed diency. as a reprisal raid-56 Syrians It is such momentary confu­ and six Israelis were killed. sions and occasionally glaring This incident was the signal inconsistencies in American for­ for a call-to-arms in both camps. eign policy that Soviet Russia First appealin~ to the West for is quick to take advantage of. arms, Egypt when denied turn­ In this sense Russia's strategy ed to Soviet Russia. Without in the Middle East dispute is much fuss, communist Czechos­ simple: to make friends where lovakia gave her the weapons, the Western powers have made describing the deal as a pure­ enemies. With the discrediting ly commercial one. In despe­ of France. and Britain and the ration Israel turned to the Big indecision of the United States, Three- U. S., Britain and such a method is largely effec­ France, but particularly the tive. U.S.-to no avail. The U.S. would not permit an arms race I N THE LATEST U. N. Se­ in the tense Middle East. curity Council · censure of Israel, the Soviets It was in an effort to chan~e again exploited their advant­ this United States stand that age. Attempting to court Arab Israsli Ambassador Eb a n favor, Russia presented a reso­ warned of war this summer un­ lution condemning Israel for its less the West took decisive violation of truce terms. In steps. Thus far, however, the essence the resolution was si­ United States is unmoved. milar to that of the West, with DRUARY 1956 3 Line up in the Middle East: Western Alliance and Neutralists D ~;~:f:~~:~:t:~c=cd m~n11 :~c~~s11 ~,0~s';~;::t.~~dc1, ~ :;;,:~t~:':;iO"' [] ~°:"'unid O ~~i: (11clr1 n,.lrrrd orr Cyprus inditalr flying l11nt !or troop C•rri'1 pl•nH one .exception: it demanded Efforts to get uncommitted the payment by Israel of in­ Jordan into the military alli­ demnity to Syria. The West­ ance resulted in widespread riots ern resolution was unanimous­ and violence in that country. ly approved-but only after Target of violent demonstra­ 'Russia had made known to the tions were U.S. installations Arab world that she favored a and personnel of the local Point Four (counterpart of ICA in more drastic action. the Philippines) office. Vio­ In the meantime British ef­ lence stopped only after Jordan forts in the Holy Land have King Hussein appointed a pre­ been concentrated on piecing mier who promised to keep together whatever she has left Jordan out of the METO. As of prestige and influence in the usual, the West promptly label­ region. Inspired by the suc­ led the riots as communist­ cess of regional defense pacts inspired, as they probably were. in Europe, she engineered the Prominent in this many-cor­ Middle East Treaty Organiza­ nered fight is Israeli Premier tion (METO), linking Turkey, David Ben-Gurion, leader of Iran, Pakistan and Iraq. Known the 1,700,000 Jews. Pitting his as the Baghdad Pact, the ME­ strength against the 40 million Arabs that surround tiny Israel, TO has a twofold purpose: ( 1) he last month exhorted. his fol­ to put up a barrier against So­ lowers to greater austerity and viet penetration in the Middle sacrifice in the face of impend­ East and ( 2 ) to provide the ing war. Already heavily nucleus of a Middle East de­ taxed, the Israelis were asked fense alliance to which other by Gurion an additional de­ nations (including the United fense levy of $50 per person. States) are expected to join. Commented an American dip­ In answer Egypt, which is lomat: "It is unrealistic for Is­ claiming undisputed leadership rael to hope to match the ar­ in the anti-British Arab world, mies of the 40 million Arabs." made a pact with Syria and Yet Israel wants no war, ac­ Saudi Arabia.
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