Republic of the Philippines Department of Public Works and Highways URBAN ROAD PROJECTS OFFICE Metro Manila Infrastructure Development CARLOS G. MUTUC Project Director URBANURBAN ROADROAD PROJECTSPROJECTS OFFICEOFFICE URPOURPO isis aa specialspecial projectproject officeoffice responsibleresponsible forfor thethe formulationformulation andand developmentdevelopment ofof allall projectsprojects inin urbanurban areas,areas, particularlyparticularly inin MetroMetro Manila,Manila, financedfinanced byby JBIC,JBIC, WBWB andand ADB.ADB. ItIt alsoalso implementsimplements highlyhighly complexcomplex projectsprojects financedfinanced byby GOP.GOP. URPOURPO’s’s mainmain tasktask isis toto ensureensure aa moremore effectiveeffective andand expedientexpedient implementationimplementation ofof projectsprojects gearedgeared towardstowards completioncompletion ofof thethe MetroMetro ManilaManila MajorMajor RoadRoad NetworkNetwork System.System. URBANURBAN ROADROAD PROJECTSPROJECTS OFFICEOFFICE I STRATEGYSTRATEGYI -- addressaddress criticalcritical bottlenecksbottlenecks andand alleviatealleviate traffictraffic congestioncongestion inin MetroMetro Manila.Manila. GOALSGOALS -- completecomplete thethe MMMM roadroad networknetwork systemsystem -- constructconstruct interchangesinterchanges atat majormajor intersectionsintersections -- constructconstruct secondarysecondary roadsroads toto complementcomplement thethe MMMM RoadRoad NetworkNetwork -- rehabilitaterehabilitate primary/secondaryprimary/secondary roadsroads -- establishestablish aa validvalid urbanurban transporttransport policypolicy inin lineline withwith MMUTISMMUTIS URBANURBAN ROADROAD PROJECTSPROJECTS OFFICEOFFICE I SPECIFICSPECIFICI OBJECTIVESOBJECTIVES -- constructconstruct interchangesinterchanges atat majormajor intersectionsintersections alongalong EDSA,EDSA, CC-5,-5, CC-3-3 andand CC-2-2 -- carrycarry outout corridorcorridor improvementimprovement measuresmeasures throughthrough roadroad rehabilitationrehabilitation -- introduceintroduce traffictraffic managementmanagement measuresmeasures andand transporttransport facilitiesfacilities toto sustainsustain andand supportsupport thethe economiceconomic growthgrowth inin MMMM -- completecomplete missingmissing linkslinks ofofof MMMMMM RoadRoadRoad NetworkNetwork systemsystem -- developdevelop infrainfra accessaccess toto majormajor sea/airsea/air terminalsterminals -- improveimprove existingexisting bridgesbridges alongalong majormajor riversrivers toto increaseincrease traffictraffic capacitycapacity URBANURBAN ROADROAD PROJECTSPROJECTS OFFICEOFFICE I I VISIONSVISIONS FORFOR METROMETRO MANILAMANILA -- fasterfaster traveltravel timetime -- lesserlesser traffictraffic congestioncongestion -- reducereduce directdirect financialfinancial costcost ofof construction,construction, operationoperation andand maintenancemaintenance -- promotepromote environmentalenvironmental balancebalance -- improveimprove usersusers’’ comfortcomfort andand convenienceconvenience METROMETRO MANILAMANILA MAJORMAJOR ROADROAD NETWORKNETWORK CIRCUMFERENTIALCIRCUMFERENTIAL ROADSROADS C-1 : P. Burgos St. (Roxas. Blvd. to Taft Ave.) Ayala Blvd. ((Taft Ave. to Echague St.) P. Casal Street Ave. (Echague Street to Legarda St.) C.M. Recto Ave. (Legarda St. to R-10 Road) C-2 : Pres. Quirino Ave. (Roxas Blvd. to Mendoza- Guanzon St.) Nagtahan (Mendoza-Guanzon St. to Legarda St.) A. Mendoza St. (Legarda St. to Dimasalang St.) Tayuman St. (Dimasalang St. to R-10 Road) C-3 : Sen. G. Puyat Ave. (Roxas Blvd. to Ayala Ave.) San Juan Bridge (N. Domingo St. to Aurora Blvd.) G. Araneta Ave. (Aurora Blvd. to Sgt. River St.) Sgt. Rivera Ave. (G. Araneta Ave. to A. Bonifacio Ave.) C-3 Road (R-10 Road to A. Bonifacio Ave.) C-4 :EDSA (Taft Ave. to McArthur Highway) Samson Road (McArthur Highway to A. Mabini Ave.) Letre Road (A. Mabini Ave. to Sansiangco St.) C-5 : South Superhighway to Katipunan Avenue Katipunan Avenue to Letre Road C-6 : Alignment under Study METROMETRO MANILAMANILA MAJORMAJOR ROADROAD NETWORKNETWORK RADIALRADIAL ROADSROADS R-1 : Roxas Boulevard (Del Pan Bridge to Seaside Road to Bacoor, Cavite) R-2 : Taft Avenue (Lawton to Baclaran) R-3 : Manila South Expressway (Pres. Quirino Ave. to Zapote-Alabang Road) R-4 : Pasig Line (Pedro Gil Street to A. Francisco Street) Kalayaan Ave. (A. Bonifacio St. to Bel-Air Subd.) Kalayaan Ave. (EDSA to C-5) R-5 : V. Mapa St. (R. Magsaysay Blvd. to Valenzuela St.) P. Sanchez (Valenzuela St. to Gen. Kalentong St.) Shaw Blvd. (Gen. Kalentong St. to Capt. Javier St.) Pasig Blvd. (Capt. Javier St. to Dr. Sixto Antonio Ave. R-6 : Legarda St. (C.M. Recto Ave. to Nagtahan) R. Magsaysay Blvd. (Nagtahan to V. Mapa St.) Aurora Blvd. (V. Mapa St. to marcos Highway) A. Bonifacio H-way/Sumulong H-way (Marcos H-way to Marikina Bdy.) R-7 : Lerma Street (Quiapo to Morayta Street) España Avenue (Morayta St. to E. Rodriguez Ave.) Quezon Ave. (E. Rodriguez Ave. to Elliptical Road) D.M. Marcos Ave. (Elliptical Road to Fairview Ave.) R-8 : Quezon Blvd. (Quiapo to Dapitan St.) A. Mendoza Ave. (Dapitan St. to Laong Laan St.) Dimasalang St. (Laong Laan St. to Retiro St.) A. Bonifacio Ave. (Retiro St. to EDSA) Quirino Ave. (EDSA to Quezon City Limit) R-9 : J. Abad Santos Ave. (C.M. Recto Ave. to Aurora Blvd.) Rizal Ave. Ext. (Aurora Blvd. to EDSA) McArthur Highway (EDSA to Baclaran Boundary) R-10: Del Pan Bridge to Spine Road Metro Manila Infrastructure Development Interchange Projects C-5/B.C-5/B. SerranoSerrano Ave.-KatipunanAve.-Katipunan Ave.Ave. InterchangeInterchange ImplementationImplementation ScheduleSchedule StartStart DateDate :: Mar.Mar. 20022002 CompletionCompletion DateDate :: Jan.Jan. 20052005 EDSA/NorthEDSA/North Avenue-WestAvenue-West Avenue-MindanaoAvenue-Mindanao AvenueAvenue InterchangeInterchange ImplementationImplementation ScheduleSchedule (Tentative)(Tentative) StartStart DateDate :: 20062006 CompletionCompletion DateDate :: 20082008 EDSA/NorthEDSA/North Avenue-WestAvenue-West Avenue-MindanaoAvenue-Mindanao AvenueAvenue InterchangeInterchange EDSA/RooseveltEDSA/Roosevelt AvenueAvenue InterchangeInterchange ImplementationImplementation ScheduleSchedule (Tentative)(Tentative) StartStart DateDate :: 20062006 CompletionCompletion DateDate :: 20082008 C-5/R-4C-5/R-4 (Kalayaan(Kalayaan Avenue)Avenue) InterchangeInterchange ImplementationImplementation ScheduleSchedule (Tentative)(Tentative) StartStart DateDate :: 20062006 CompletionCompletion DateDate :: 20072007 C-5/LanuzaC-5/Lanuza Street-J.Street-J. VargasVargas AvenueAvenue InterchangeInterchange ImplementationImplementation ScheduleSchedule (Tentative)(Tentative) StartStart DateDate :: 20062006 CompletionCompletion DateDate :: 20072007 C-3C-3 (Sgt.(Sgt. RiveraRivera St.)/A.St.)/A. BonifacioBonifacio AvenueAvenue InterchangeInterchange ImplementationImplementation ScheduleSchedule (Tentative)(Tentative) StartStart DateDate :: 20082008 CompletionCompletion DateDate :: 20092009 C-2C-2 (Gov.(Gov. Forbes)/R-7Forbes)/R-7 (Espa(Españña)a) InterchangeInterchange ImplementationImplementation ScheduleSchedule (Tentative)(Tentative) StartStart DateDate :: 20082008 CompletionCompletion DateDate :: 20092009 C-3C-3 (G.(G. AranetaAraneta Avenue)/R-7Avenue)/R-7 (Quezon(Quezon Avenue)Avenue) InterchangeInterchange ImplementationImplementation ScheduleSchedule (Tentative)(Tentative) StartStart DateDate :: 20072007 CompletionCompletion DateDate :: 20082008 C-3C-3 (G.(G. AranetaAraneta Avenue)/E.Avenue)/E. Rodriguez,Rodriguez, Sr.Sr. AvenueAvenue InterchangeInterchange ImplementationImplementation ScheduleSchedule (Tentative)(Tentative) StartStart DateDate :: 20072007 CompletionCompletion DateDate :: 20082008 Metro Manila Infrastructure Development Bridge, Road & Sidewalk Improvement Projects Ortigas Avenue Extension LocationLocation MapMap ImplementationImplementation ScheduleSchedule StartStart DateDate :: Aug.Aug. 20022002 CompletionCompletion DateDate :: Oct.Oct. 20042004 Marikina Bridge and Access Road Marcos Highway Marcos . e v A n a n u p ti a K :: Jan.Jan. 20052005 B. Serrano Ave. 5 - C ImplementationImplementation ScheduleSchedule StartStart DateDate CompletionCompletion DateDate :: Feb.Feb. 20072007 Marcos Highway GeneralGeneral LayoutLayout CAINTA RIZAL BOUNDARY LINE MARIKINA ImplementationImplementation ScheduleSchedule BOUNDARY LINE StartStart DateDatePASIG :: 20062006 CompletionCompletion DateDate :: 20082008 Metro Manila Urban Transport Integration Project, Phase II DPWHDPWH ComponentComponent QUIRINOQUIRINO HIGHWAYHIGHWAY 1010THTH AVENUEAVENUE J.J. FAJARDOFAJARDO STREETSTREET TAYUMANTAYUMAN STREETSTREET M.M. DELAFUENTEDELAFUENTE STREETSTREET PEDROPEDRO GILGIL // NEWNEW PANADEROSPANADEROS PASONGPASONG TAMOTAMO SOUTHSOUTH SUPERHIGHWAYSUPERHIGHWAY SERVICESERVICE ROADSROADS MMDAMMDA ComponentComponent GILGIL PUYATPUYAT AVENUEAVENUE A.A. ARNAIZARNAIZ AVE.AVE. (Pasay(Pasay Road) Road) BANAUEBANAUE AVENUEAVENUE BICUTANBICUTAN INTERCHANGEINTERCHANGE ALABANGALABANG INTERCHANGEINTERCHANGE PROJECTPROJECT DESCRIPTION:DESCRIPTION: a.a. RoadRoad surface/drainage/surface/drainage/ intersectionintersection improvementimprovement b.b. PedestrianPedestrian facilities/barriersfacilities/barriers alongalong sidewalkssidewalks c.c. RemovalRemoval ofof on-streeton-street parkingparking andand advertisingadvertising ads/signsads/signs structuresstructures alongalong sidewalksidewalk d.d. ProvisionProvision ofof lanelane markingsmarkings ImplementationImplementation ScheduleSchedulee.e. RestorationRestoration ofof sidewalkssidewalks f.f. InstallationInstallation ofof road/trafficroad/traffic
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