31111 Rules and Regulations Federal Register Vol. 67, No. 90 Thursday, May 9, 2002 This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER Attn: Data Distribution, M/S 64–3/2101– above, the FAA has determined that air contains regulatory documents having general 201, P.O. Box 29003, Phoenix, AZ safety and the public interest require the applicability and legal effect, most of which 85038–9003; telephone: (602) 365–2493; adoption of the rule as proposed. are keyed to and codified in the Code of fax: (602) 365–5577. This information Economic Analysis Federal Regulations, which is published under may be examined, by appointment, at 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510. the Federal Aviation Administration The FAA estimates that there are The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by (FAA), New England Region, Office of approximately 300 Lycoming former the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of the Regional Counsel, 12 New England military T53 series turboshaft engines new books are listed in the first FEDERAL Executive Park, Burlington, MA; or at installed on helicopters of U.S. registry, REGISTER issue of each week. the Office of the Federal Register, 800 that would be affected by this AD. The North Capitol Street, NW, suite 700, FAA also estimates that it would take Washington, DC. approximately 8 work hours per engine DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: to accomplish an initial or repetitive inspection of the centrifugal compressor Federal Aviation Administration Robert Baitoo, Aerospace Engineer, Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office, impeller, and that the average labor rate is $60 per work hour. No additional 14 CFR Part 39 FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, 3960 Paramount Blvd., Lakewood, CA work hour cost would be incurred if the [Docket No. 2000–NE–50–AD; Amendment 90712–4137; telephone: (562) 627–5245, centrifugal compressor impeller is 39–12742; AD 2002–09–09] fax: (562) 627–5210. replaced during normal engine RIN 2120–AA64 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A disassembly. Based on these figures, the proposal to amend part 39 of the Federal total labor cost impact of the AD on U.S. Airworthiness Directives; Honeywell Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) to operators for an inspection is estimated International, Inc., (Formerly include an AD that is applicable to to be $144,000. The FAA estimates that AlliedSignal, Inc., Textron Lycoming, Honeywell International, Inc., (formerly operators will perform two inspections Avco Lycoming, and Lycoming) AlliedSignal, Inc., Textron Lycoming, annually, and that the total annual labor Former Military T53 Series Turboshaft Avco Lycoming, and Lycoming) former cost for inspections is estimated to be Engines military T53 series turboshaft engines $288,000. The cost of a replacement was published in the Federal Register centrifugal compressor impeller is AGENCY: Federal Aviation on August 16, 2001(66 FR 42970). That estimated to be $22,037. Assuming a Administration, DOT. action proposed to require conducting a loss of 50% of the life of each disk by ACTION: Final rule. revised operating cycle count (prorate) the prorate, the total annual cost of the and initial and repetitive inspections for proposed AD on U.S. operators is SUMMARY: This amendment adopts a estimated to be $3,593,550. new airworthiness directive (AD), that is cracks of centrifugal compressor applicable to Honeywell International, impellers in accordance with Regulatory Analysis AlliedSignal, Inc. SB’s T53–L–13B– Inc., (formerly AlliedSignal, Inc., This final rule does not have Textron Lycoming, Avco Lycoming, and 0108, Revision 1, dated November 22, 1999; T53–L–13B/D–0108, Revision 1, federalism implications, as defined in Lycoming) former military T53 series Executive Order 13132, because it turboshaft engines. This amendment dated November 22, 1999; T53–L–703– 0108, Revision 1, dated November 22, would not have a substantial direct requires conducting a revised operating effect on the States, on the relationship cycle count (prorate) and initial and 1999 and Honeywell International Inc. SB’s T53–L–13B–0020, Revision 2, between the national government and repetitive inspections for cracks of the States, or on the distribution of centrifugal compressor impellers. This dated April 25, 2001; T53–L–13B/D– 0020, Revision 1, dated April 25, 2001; power and responsibilities among the amendment is prompted by a report of various levels of government. a military surplus helicopter that and T53–L–703–0020, Revision 1, dated April 25, 2001. Accordingly, the FAA has not consulted experienced low-cycle fatigue failure of with state authorities prior to the centrifugal compressor impeller, Comments publication of this final rule. resulting in an uncontained engine Interested persons have been afforded For the reasons discussed above, I failure. The actions specified by this AD an opportunity to participate in the certify that this action (1) is not a are intended to prevent centrifugal making of this amendment. Due ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under compressor impeller failure, which can consideration has been given to the Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a result in an uncontained engine failure, comment received. ‘‘significant rule’’ under the DOT in-flight engine shutdown, or damage to One commenter believes that the AD Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 the helicopter. is unnecessary. The FAA does not agree. FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and (3) if DATES: Effective date June 13, 2002. The The AD was prompted by a report of a promulgated, will not have a significant incorporation by reference of certain military surplus helicopter that economic impact, positive or negative, publications listed in the regulations is experienced low-cycle fatigue of the on a substantial number of small entities approved by the Director of the Federal centrifugal compressor impeller, under the criteria of the Regulatory Register as of June 13, 2002. resulting in an uncontained engine Flexibility Act. A final evaluation has ADDRESSES: The service information failure. been prepared for this action and it is referenced in this AD may be obtained After careful review of the available contained in the Rules Docket. A copy from Honeywell International, Inc., data, including the comment noted of it may be obtained by contacting the VerDate Apr<24>2002 10:58 May 08, 2002 Jkt 197001 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\09MYR1.SGM pfrm13 PsN: 09MYR1 31112 Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 90 / Thursday, May 9, 2002 / Rules and Regulations Rules Docket at the location provided repaired so that the performance of the accomplishment instructions of AlliedSignal, under the caption ADDRESSES. requirements of this AD is affected, the Inc. SB No. T53–L–13B–0108, Revision 1, owner/operator must request approval for an dated November 22, 1999, for T53–L–13B List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39 alternative method of compliance in Lycoming engines; SB No. T53–L–13B/D– Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation accordance with paragraph (e) of this AD. 0108, Revision 1, dated November 22, 1999 The request should include an assessment of for T53–L–13B/D Lycoming engines; or SB safety, Incorporation by reference, the effect of the modification, alteration, or Safety. No. T53–L–703–0108, Revision 1, dated repair on the unsafe condition addressed by November 22, 1999 for T53–L–703 Lycoming Adoption of the Amendment this AD; and, if the unsafe condition has not engines, as follows: been eliminated, the request should include (1) For centrifugal compressor impellers Accordingly, pursuant to the specific proposed actions to address it. with equal to or greater than 4,600 cycles-in- authority delegated to me by the Compliance service (CIS), initially inspect within 200 CIS Administrator, the Federal Aviation after the effective date of this AD. Compliance with this AD is required as Administration amends part 39 of the (2) For those centrifugal compressor indicated, unless already done. Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR impellers with less than 4,600 CIS, initially part 39) as follows: To prevent centrifugal compressor impeller failure, which can result in an uncontained inspect no later than 4,800 CIS. (3) Centrifugal compressor impellers found PART 39—AIRWORTHINESS engine failure, in-flight engine shutdown, or damage to the helicopter, do the following: cracked must be removed from service prior DIRECTIVES to further flight and replaced with a Centrifugal Compressor Impeller Revised serviceable part. 1. The authority citation for part 39 Operating Cycle Count (4) If no cracks are detected, perform continues to read as follows: (a) Within 25 operating cycles or 7 repetitive inspections of the centrifugal Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701. calendar days, whichever occurs first, after compressor impellers at intervals not to the effective date of this AD, do a revised exceed 500 CIS since last inspection. § 39.13 [Amended] centrifugal compressor impeller operating Alternative Methods of Compliance 2. Section 39.13 is amended by cycle count (prorate) in accordance with the adding a new airworthiness directive to accomplishment instructions of Honeywell (e) An alternative method of compliance or read as follows: International, Inc. Service Bulletin (SB) No. adjustment of the compliance time that T53–L–13B–0020, Revision 3, dated October provides an acceptable level of safety may be 2002–09–09 Honeywell International, Inc.: 25, 2001, for T53–L–13B Lycoming engines, used if approved by the Manager, Los Amendment 39–12742. Docket No. SB No. T53–L–13B/D–0020, Revision 1, Angeles Aircraft Certification Office (ACO). 2000–NE–50–AD. dated April 25, 2001 for T53–L–13B/D Operators must submit their requests through Applicability Lycoming engines, and SB No. T53–L–703– an appropriate FAA Principal Maintenance 0020, Revision 1, dated April 25, 2001 for Inspector, who may add comments and then This airworthiness directive (AD) is T53–L–703 Lycoming engines. send it to the Manager, Los Angeles ACO.
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