Read and Download Ebook The Golem... The Golem Isaac Bashevis Singer , Uri Shulevitz (Illustrator) PDF File: The Golem... 1 Read and Download Ebook The Golem... The Golem Isaac Bashevis Singer , Uri Shulevitz (Illustrator) The Golem Isaac Bashevis Singer , Uri Shulevitz (Illustrator) A clay giant miraculously brought to life by a saintly rabbi saves a Jewish banker who has been falsely accused in the Prague of Emperor Rudolf II. The Golem Details Date : Published January 1st 1982 by Farrar Straus Giroux (first published 1969) ISBN : 9780374327415 Author : Isaac Bashevis Singer , Uri Shulevitz (Illustrator) Format : Hardcover 85 pages Genre : Fantasy, Fiction, Literature, Jewish, Childrens, Religion, Nobel Prize, Mythology Download The Golem ...pdf Read Online The Golem ...pdf Download and Read Free Online The Golem Isaac Bashevis Singer , Uri Shulevitz (Illustrator) PDF File: The Golem... 2 Read and Download Ebook The Golem... From Reader Review The Golem for online ebook Torzilla says This book is a story about Jews being persecuted in Prague and the Golem that is sent to help these people in their time of need. The themes explored in this novel are extremely deep – perhaps too deep for young children – and include: what it means to be human, greed, and preserving the peace. The author’s style was typical for a more “mature” tale, though I found the characterization of Christians a bit insulting. I suppose this could be a good tale to help promote tolerance among younger children. Overall, I was not impressed with this tale. Do not suggest reading this to younger children. Logan says I read this for class and unfortunately the copy I was given was missing multiple pages which made reading it kind of frustrating. That's not the story's fault, though. The only other encounters I've had with Golem media is Helene Wecker's The Golem and the Jinni and the silent film The Golem released in 1929. (I think there's also a Supernatural episode with a golem but I'm not going to blindly believe in the accuracy of their portrayal). I find stories of the Golem really interesting, but I didn't like this one as much as I could've. It felt a little all over the place and I actually prefer the silent film adaptation of The Golem, which is surprising because I didn't expect to enjoy the film at all - I'm not a huge movie person and silent films are really hard for me to watch. I was also a bit bothered by how rude the Golem was, because I've never seen him portrayed that way elsewhere, but I don't know much about the Golem. I have to read Wiesel's version of this story for class as well. I'm enjoying learning more about the Golem legend. Cecilia says I picked this up to get a better background on the story of the Golem of Prague. I'm sure there are better ways to get it. This version presents all Jews as angelic and only having good intentions, while all gentiles are evil and nefarious, or at the very least cowardly, corruptible and lazy. This isn't how I like my legends. I wouldn't recommend this, but if anyone has a better suggestion on a better Golem story, I'm all ears. For those who have read Kavalier & Clay, fun fact! The Golem of Prague's name is Joseph. Avery Miller says PDF File: The Golem... 3 Read and Download Ebook The Golem... I really loved this book. The setting was very interesting because I never thought that many Jews lived in Prague. Also, I loved that the book made the milieu very dark and gloomy in Bohemia which is such an artistic area. Overall, the book was just so insanely good! It was just so exciting when Rabbi Leib created the Golem and it created so much suspense to see what kind of a man Rabbi Leib was. It would show that Rabbi Leib was a man of either selfishness or a man of the world. Also I liked that the author used a capricious way of writing which made it so you could never predict what would happen next. Lena says Illustrationer av Johan Egerkrans. Alan says Compared to the many other versions of the Golem I've read this one is definitely one of the better versions. I. B. Singer is a great writer and a great children's writer at that. I took his additions to the Golem story well. My biggest issue with this remix of the myth is that the Golem is somewhat sentient. I think this undermines the original narrative a bit, but I don't think it's that big a deal. I enjoyed this book overall and recommend it as a modern introduction to the Golem myth. Jitka says Tuhle knížku jsem p?elouskala b?hem ?ekání na otev?ení d?tského odd?lení v naší knihovn?. Je tenou?ká a zabrala mi necelých 40 minut. I za tak krátkou dobu m? ale stihla v n?kterých pasážích nudit a n?kolik v?cí mi opravdu vadilo. P?edevším to, jak byli všichni židé vyobrazováni jako zt?lesn?ní dokonalosti, zatímco kterákoli další postava byla bu? zkažená, líná nebo zkrátka jinak "špatná". I tak ale z?stávám u dvou hv?zdi?ek - "It was OK." Kenny says Beautifully told. Saretta-Iris e Periplo Blog says E’ un piacevole racconto per ragazzi della tradizione ebraica. In poche pagine c’è tutto, religione, natura umana, amore, tragedia e pure mistero. Il finale è magico e dolce. Molto gradevole anche la scrittura, semplice e con l’andamento della fiaba. Fabio says PDF File: The Golem... 4 Read and Download Ebook The Golem... E-MET Il Golem per bambini? Non esattamente. I.B. Singer, rielaborando il mito del Rabbi Leib e dell'argilloso automa imbastisce una storia a tinte troppo forti per i più piccoli - e troppo lievi per i diversamente pargoli. Certo, ci sono spunti per far riflettere gli uni e gli altri: l'antisemitismo, la paura del diverso, la pericolosità delle perniciose menzogne (o fake news che dir si voglia, come la convinzione che gli ebrei rapissero i figli dei gentili per immolarli e utilizzarne il sangue nella preparazione delle mazzot), il desiderio di protezione, ma anche quello di integrazione e d'amore - il Golem di Singer, come alcuni dei robot di Asimov, Pinocchio e tanti altri, desidera essere umano. Troppo profondo per un bambino? Si può sempre godere della storia in sé, è interessante e ben scritta. Troppo superficiale per un adulto? Forse, ma il piacere della lettura non scompare - solo, si arriva a desiderare che l'Autore avesse sfruttato più a fondo il potenziale del materiale. Met/Emet: l'equivalente golemico dell'interruttore ON/OFF. In modalità met, "morto", il Golem non è che un ammasso di argilla in forma umana; emet, "verità", lo rende operativo Quattro stelle mancate: con questa mole e qualità di argilla, uno scrittore del calibro di Singer poteva modellare qualcosa di dimensioni epiche. Ne ha tratto una statuetta che, per quanto gradevole, lascia un po' interdetti. Un po' come questo commento, che non spiega nulla - e non porta aneddoti curiosi, come il ricorso allo stesso mito ebraico in uno degli ormai antichi primi albi di Dylan Dog (dove si aveva un mix tra Golem e Terminator. Vaghi ricordi e Internet mi dicono che il volume era il dodicesimo, settembre 1987, Killer!) Der Golem...(oh, la sfuriata degli ultimi secondi! Grazie, Dave Lombardo) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdj8i... E, per amor della specularità, la storia del ragazzo che voleva essere un vero pupazzo... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVHaw... Marisol Cano says Descubría Bashevis Singer con El mago de Lublin, una de las lecturas más emocionantes de toda mi vida. Me encanta el estilo de Bashevis, que parece bromear todo el tiempo con el lector y tomarse muy a la ligera las situaciones de sus personajes, pero de pronto, ¡bam! la cosa se pone seria y trágica. En el gólem no puede faltar esto. Los diálogos son ágiles y divertidos, creo, pero de pronto esta esa ineludible y trágica realidad: la soledad, la violencia, la falta de propósito. Me encantó y aunque lo estaba leyendo en público, si me saco varias lágrimas al final. Ni modo. Julieann Wielga says This book is really a novelette or a short story. Since reading SNOW in AUGUST, I have been wondering the origin of the idea of a GOLEM. IS there more that one story? Do they appear at different times in history? Where do they stand in the story-telling, analyzing culture of the Jewish People? This one version of a Golem Story. I was made vaguely uncomfortable by the the recounting of the Christians in mid 1500's killing Christian babies to be able to create blame for the Jews, but then I think that was the point. The illustrations are by Mark Podwell and they add much to the book. PDF File: The Golem... 5 Read and Download Ebook The Golem... Emmy says I enjoy reading tales of European Jewish culture (pre-WWII). So, when I found this at a used book shop, I was more than happy to check it out. Throughout my read-through, I kept thinking of the book Gimpel the Fool and Other Stories, which I read and rated last year about this time, and was shocked at the time of this review to learn that both of these books were by the same author! In both cases, I loved the writing style, but I personally found this story to be much better.
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