I Marginality and multiculturalism: another look at bilingual/bicultural education By With such statements and ques- John Lam The Culture Institute Re- tions, one would be wise to set up Learning port, until September, 1976, known Bilingual-bicultural education- some parameters, definitions, and as the Culture and whether native language oriented, framework. In public relations, the Language Newsletter, is published second language oriented, culture word "cosmopolitan" is bandied Learning by the East-West Culture oriented, or any combination of about quite imprecisely. San Fran- Learning Institute, East-West Center. Hono- them-is often touted as a means of cisco is a cosmopolitan city; Hono- lulu, Hawaii, USA. making our society truly pluralistic. If lulu is a cosmopolitan city. The cos- so, we must carefully examine what mopolitan nature of these two cities, S goes on in our bilingual programs. however, is quite different. While it is Multicultural and culturally Will they really lead to pluralism, or true that both of these cities have a pluralistic societies will they lead to further separatism? variety of ethnic and cultural groups Multicultural and culturally Will they produce students who live residing within their boundaries, the pluralistic societies are often used in, between, and beyond the races? relationship of these groups to each interchangeably to indicate geog- That is, will they produce people other is different. San Francisco's raphical areas that contain citizens who will make our pluralistic society ethnic and cultural groups live, in from a number of cultural and ethnic survive? What will these pupils look many cases, in relatively clearcut backgrounds. When applied to per- like? How will we know we have areas. There is a Chinatown (in fact, sons, multicultural persons and cul- produced children with non- two of them); there is a Japan town; turally pluralistic persons are con- separatist outlooks? there is a heavily Latino area; and, sidered to be people whose actions atone time, there were Russian, Ita- and thoughts reflect more than one I. lian, and Irish areas. These areas culture. As with the word "cos- are more than geographical; they mopolitan:' it might be helpful to dictate, to varying degrees, forms of note that the terms "multicultural 1 segregation with all of its leisure, and culturally pluralistic persons" work, and marriage rules of "know- can stand for at least two major ing your place?' Honolulu's cos- things. In one instance, a person mopolitan nature, on the other hand, may act as, say, a Chinese, and at C. is less rigid. While there are ethnic another instance, as an American. and cultural neighborhoods, they Depending on the time and cir- are of lesser size and restriction. cumstance, this person acts either There is more mixing of the ethnic as one cultural type or another, but cultures in Honolulu in play, work, not both. His actions can generally and marriage. be pegged as typically Chinese or All this discussion is to focus in on typically American. On the other three terms use hand, there of -, that should prove of may be some kinds IXE when looking at the potential out- multicultural or culturally pluralistic in EWCLI's Do John B Lurn, a participant comes of education. These acts that not be considered 1977 Cross-Cultural Research for Social! bilingual may I terms are "multicultural society:' Chinese nor Ameri- Behavioral Scientists program, is with the wholly wholly Bilingual Education Department of the San "culturally pluralistic society:' and can, but, rather, a combination of Francisco Unified School District. 'marginality?' them. (Continued on Page 2) Bilingual/bicultural education serves, they occupy the position tion of White women in the tabor (From Page 1) that American ethnic minorities his- force? Might it not be ethnocentric to the of think of or the Viewed in this way, difficulties torically3 have. During height the White population raised in Adler's1 otherwise fine arti- the 1960 civil rights movement, the majority ways of anything as the I cle is overcome. In Adler's descrip- U.S. Commission on Civil Rights model for minorities? tion, a multicultural person can asked James Allen, then New York Marginal people who fall may be leave one frame of reference for State Commissioner on Education, rootless or alienated; those who rise another without necessarily return- what had made the greatest con- may be synthesizers. They do not tributions to educational in have to act like members of ing to the original frame of refer- change entirely ence. To me, this is not culturally his state. Allen said that peaceful any particular group, majority or demonstrations Blacks did more Therefore, can trans- pluralistic, nor is it multicultural. If a by minority. they He did not refer cend boundaries, see new person leaves one culture and picks than anything else. patterns, New York State and to Stan- up only one more, s/he still reflects to the powerful attempt bridge gaps. to ford summed it well only one culture, and is not, accord- Board of Regents, thus indicating Lyman5 up role of mar- when he said that culturally pluralistic or mul- us something about the marginal people ingly, are broadminded and un- ticultural at any given time. Over ginal people in social change. generally chauvinistic. her/his lifespan, it might be said that A more balanced view of margi- from If can unite and this person was culturally pluralistic, nality might prevent one marginal persons but even in this context, it is mislead- suggesting that out-groups change reconcile differences, one can as- their behaviors to be more like that sert that Chinese people, for exam- ing. exist and are as a As an observation, it would ap- of in-groups. Daniel Patrick Moyni- ple, significant han, in his 1965 their relation- pear that most actions that are not government plan- people partly through The im- with Blacks, Whites, and purely ethnic are probably of the first ning paper, Negro Family;' ships rather than of the sec- plied that if Blacks emulate White others. Conversely, Blacks, Whites, description and ond one. A person, for example, family life, they might witness more others are significant as people, acts at one time like a Chinese and progress. too, partly through their relation- at another time like an American. Arthur Jensen implies the same ships with Chinese. When Chinese to If to find Infrequently are her/his actions a when referring intelligence. people try meaning, security, mixture of both Chinese and Ameri- Black children who perform poorly in and significance-all elements of can. school were to boost their 10's to identity-within themselves, they those of the Whites, they might be often do so because the total society . The marginal person treated like them. This is similar to is not confirming them in these feel- A phrase that seems appropriate saying that one must think like ings. Self-confirmation, however, to this discussion is the marginal Whites. can be like self-love, of doubtful person:' A marginal person is Even Michael Novak4, perhaps value. A group can never be certain thought of as one whose actions do the United States' foremost of its social significance if only its not reflect well any one culture. One spokesman on white ethnic affairs, own members believe it to be valu- example of such a person is a misses this point when he attacks able. While racial, ethnic, or national Chinese public school educator col- those who attack Moynihan's report. groups can be a source of identity league of mine. When he is in Novak cites that Moynihan's facts and pride, it is the outsider who ex- academia, his academia friends and figures were generally accu- pands their range of identity. And view him as a practitioner; when he rate. True enough. Novak, however, while racial, ethnic, or national unity is working in the school district of- fails to see that Moynihan's detrac- (if even that can be attained) may be fice, his co-workers think that he is a tors bemoan Moynihan's 'White is a source of power for social change, theorist. When elderly Chinese right" attitude. it is not enough. Marginality is an socialize with him, they think that he Willie also notes that the essential component in a healthy is too Americanized; when others employment of Black women out- social system. Effective social socialize with him, they think he is side the home was a pioneering systems endure the tensions very Chinese. When he works at the marginal activity that eventually re- brought about by the need for unity school district office, he colleagues sulted in the increase of White and stability on the one hand, and by think that he is too community women employed outside the home. the need for marginality and social oriented; when he delves in com- Had these Black women been made change, on the other. munity activities, community per- over into the image of White women, sons think that his heart is more with White women may not have been Cultural identity the employer than with the commu- able to observe the good effects of All this is to say that identity can- nity. work for pay. Has it dawned on any not be found by drawing apart from Marginal persons can be tragic or of us that White working women society. Identity is a social process they can be advantaged. They may may be modeling their behavior in which one balances what s/he fall as well as they may rise. They after Black working women? Has it thinks of oneself to be and what may be uncertain persons or they dawned on any of us that the so- others believe that one to be.
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