Vol. XXI, No. 14 [PRICE TWELVE CENTS] January 2, ,1919 Donaldson '20 Brings Down Nine German Planes; Gets D. S. C. Allen '16 and Rummell '16 Win D. S. C.; Halley '14 a French Cross Thirteen More Die in Service; One Missing; One Wounded Maj. W. D. Straight Όl Makes Cor- nell a Beneficiary by His Will Alumni Clubs Begin to Renew Their Activities ITHACA, NEW YOEK CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS CASCADILLA The Farmers' Loan The Leading Preparatory School for and Trust Company CORNELL Published for the Associate Alumni of 16, 18, 20, 22 William St., New York On the edge of the University Campus Cornell University by the Cornell Alumni Branch 475 Fifth Ave. Good living. Athletics. News Publishing Company, Incorporated. 16 Pall Mall East, S. W. 1 LONDON Certificate Privilege. 26 Old Broad Street, E.G. * Published weekly during the college year Exceptional for College Entrance Work and monthly during the summer; forty issues PARIS.. „„.. ... 41 Boulevard Haussmatt annually. Issue No. 1 is published the last A. M. Drummond, M.A., Principal LETTERS OF CREDIT Thursday of September. Weekly publication (numbered consecutively) continues through Ithaca, N. Y. FOREIGN EXCHANGES Commencement Week. The number of Trustees CABLE TRANSFER® monthly issues and of double numbers will Franklin C. Cornell Ernest Blaker depend somewhat on the University calendar, Charles D. Bostwick The Mercersburg Academy Which is likely to be irregular for the period of the war. Issue No. 40 is published in Prepares for all colleges August and is followed by an index of the Under same direction and universities: Aims entire volume, which will be mailed on re- Cascadilla Tutoring School at thorough scholarship, quest. Succeeding the widely known Subscription price $8.60 a year, payable in ad- broad attainments and vance. Foreign postage 40 cents a year extra. Sturgis School Christian manliness, Domestic rates apply to addresses in the Amer- ican Expeditionary Forces. Single copies twelve Special Summer Courses ADDRESS cents each. Double numbers twenty-four cents a Corner Oak and Summit Avenues WILLIAM MANN IRVINE, Ph.D. copy. Bell 899 255 Ithaca President Should a subscriber desire to discontinue his subscription, notice to that effect should TUTORING IN ANY SUBJECT MERCERSBURG, PA. be sent in before its expiration. Otherwise it is assumed that a continuance of the sub- scription is desired. Checks, drafts, and orders should be made payable to Cornell Alumni News. Correspondence should be addressed— Lang's Cornell Alumni News, Ithaca, N. Y. Palace Garage Managing E'ditor: R. W. Sailor '07 Associate Editors: is situated in the center of Ithaca Clark S. Northup '93 Woodford Patterson '95 B. S. Monroe '96 H. G. Stutz '07 117-119 East Green Street B. W. Kellogg'12 Business Manager: B. W. Sailor Circulation Manager: Geo. Wm. Horton News Committee of the Associate Alumni: It is absolutely fireproof. W. W. Macon '98, Chairman N. H. Noyes '06 J. P. Dods '08 Open day and night. Com- Officers of the Cornell Alumni News Pub- modious and fully equipped. lishing Company, Incorporated: John L. Convenient and Comfortable A full stock of tires and Senior, President; B. W. Sailor, Treasurer; Headquarters for Alumni F. H. Wingert, Assistant Treasurer; Wood- tubes and everything in the ford Patterson, .Secretary. Office, 220 East Official Blue Book Hotel line of sundries. State Street, Ithaca, N. Y. Comfortable Rooms Printed by The Ίthacan With Running Water $1 to $1.50 Entered as Second Class Matter at Ithaca, N. Y. With Bath $2 to $2.50 Official Automobile Table dΉote Meals Blue Book Garage Breakfast 50c Luncheon .— 60c Buying Civilan Clothing ? Dinner 75c Sunday Dinner $1 THOUSANDS of Cornell men will be re- Under New Management William H. Morrison '90 turning to civil life in the next few months. Ernest D. Button'99 THE UNIVERSITY and Ithaca will be of The Clinton House great interest to you just now. WHY NOT have your new civilian cloth- Ithaca ing made here? Our prices are below metropolitan prices for the same qual- ity. Save enough on your outfit to pay for ITHACA TRUST COMPANY A Trip to Ithaca ASSETS OVER THREE MILLION DOLLARS Pres., Mynderse VanCleef Vice-Pres., E. L. Williams Kohm <3& Brunne Vice-Pres. and Treas., C. E. Treman Sec. and Treas., W. H. Storms 220 E. State St. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Vol. XXI, No. 14 Ithaca, N. Y., January 2, 1919 Price 12 Cents HE vacation which came to an end next week will resume his former duties to the Common Council; and that body on Monday, however it may have as permanent secretary of the Ithaca Y. has deferred action until its February Tbeen enjoyed by students, meant to M. C. A. A final dance for men in the meeting. Meantime a decision of Justice many of the Faculty little more than School of Photography was given-by the George McCann 786 may help toward a a cessation of classes, and even this War Camp Community Service in Ma- settlement of the question in Ithaca. period of rest was shorter than usual. sonic Hall on December 18. Judge McCann vacated an injunction Comparatively few professors found an restraining the police of Binghamton opportunity to attend tlι- » meetings of A BATTERY OF LIGHT ARTILLERY may be from closing the picture theaters on learned societies. Necessary readjust- an integral part of the restored Reserve Sunday. If, as is probable, the case is ments of the curriculum in all the col- Officers' Training Corps at Cornell. This taken to the Court of Appeals, and if leges entailed a great amount of work; new feature has been proposed to the that court sustains the decision on so that committees and administrative University authorities by Lieutenant Col- which Judge McCann ;s order is based, ? officers were as busy as in term-time. onel Eobert Earl Coulson 09, who for there will be no more Sunday movies in The added burden was in part the result three months past has been attached to the state unless the Legislature acts. of the division of the current year into the General Staff in Washington and ( FIRE OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN, on the three terms. Only Christmas Day itself who visited Ithaca about the middle of evening of December 20, destroyed the was a genuine holiday. Moreover, en- December. No decision has been reached. old boiler house of the Ithaca Traction trance examinations, for which no other The principal requirement which the Uni- Corporation at Remington. Seven of the time seemed convenient or even possible, versity must meet is the stabling neces- nine boilers were rendered useless; there were held during five days of last week, sary for perhaps a hundred and fifty were no electric lights in the city until a kind of labor scarcly appropriate to a horses, the number depending upon the after midnight; and trolley service was vacation. As a whole the recess was number of guns. Colonel Coulson be- not resumed until the next morning. probably unique in the annals of the lieves that the mess halls put up for Cars have been running on a reduced University. cadets could be converted into stables without undue expense. The battery, if schedule ever since. Fortunately a new- THE WINTER COURSES in agriculture, organized, would be in command of a er boiler house, of brick, was unaffected. which began on November 6, run con- lieutenant colonel of artillery detailed Some accident at Eemington is coming to tinuously, except for Christmas Day, here by the Government. be an annual occurrence; fire two years through twelve weeks. The number of ago and a disastrous explosion a year the so-called '' short-horns'9 is this year, Louis AGASSIZ FUERTES '97, repre- ago seriously interrupted the supply of for reasons easily understood, much re- sented by Henry W. Sackett ?75, has light and power. Citizens, patient under duced, the enrollment being only eighty- won, with satisfactory damages, his suit afflictions, are earnestly hoping that three. Quite apart from these courses brought in 1917 against two publishing here is another case of three times and but likewise increasing the winter at- firms for the unauthorized use of his out. tendance, are two tractor schools which name and of reproductions of his paint- THE ITHACA ROTARY CLUB continued the college has planned for the ensuing ings of birds. These paintings Mr. this year its happy custom of a Christ- months, one from January 13 to Febru- Fuertes made several years ago to il- mas auction for local charities. Gifts ary 1, the other from February 17 to lustrate "The Birds of New York," issu- suitable for children are taken to the March 8. ed by the State Museum. The paintings regular luncheon and sold to the high- were not copyrighted. Later the repro- ENTERTAINMENT BY THE ARMY Y. M. est bidders for cash. Later the gifts ductions were published in other books C. A. for the members of the S. A. T. C. are distributed among children whose and were advertised as by Mr. Fuertes, were brought to a close by a farewell Christmas is not likely to be very merry; but without his knowledge or consent. social on the evening of December 16. those, for example, in the Open Air He accordingly brought suit under the During the late summer, the vocational School, the Tuberculosis Hospital, and Civil Bights Law; and his contention of section being already under way, and other homes; and the money is used for injury was sustained by the decision of through the autumn, after the academic relieving distress or providing some com- the court. The decision is important for section was organized, Barnes Hall, serv- forts among the poor.
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