May 24, 2013 14 SIVAN 5773 Community 1 Published by the Jewish Community of Louisville, Inc. www.jewishlouisville.org INSIDE Discover CATCH program to help chil- dren make healthy choices is coming to the JCC. PAGE 19 Communit■ ■ y FRIDAY VOL. 41, NO. 9 15 SIVAN 5773 MAY 24, 2013 Campaign JCL to honor award winners June 3 closes strong New donors show support for community Blanche B. Ottenheimer Lewis W. Josepth J. Kaplan Ron and Marie Award Cole Young Young Leadership Elsie P. Judah Award Abrams Volunteer by Stew Bromberg Madeline Leadership AwardAward Mag Davis andTeresa of the Year Vice President and Abramson Ben Vaughan Beth Salamon Barczy Keiley Caster Chief Development Officer Jewish Federation of Louisville he 2013 Annual Campaign for JCL TO HONOR the Jewish Federation of Louis- ville has officially closed. As of T today, we have received pledges AWARD WINNERS of $2,016,675. Thank you to all of you who support the Louisville Jewish com- munity. We know there are still pledges Arthur S. King JUNE 3 Ellen Faye that are in the works and these will be Award Garmon Award added to the campaign total so we might Lisa Moorman See story, page 5. Maggie Rosen have the greatest impact possible on our community, nationally and globally. I would like to share a few important facts about this year’s campaign. We have 199 new do- nors this year with combined contri- butions of $238,947, or an average gift Stuart Pressma of $1,200 each. We Student Leadership Stuart Pressma Stuart Pressma Stuart Pressma Stuart Pressma have ‘reclaimed’ 178 Stacey Marks Award and Joseph Student LeadershipStudent LeadershipStudent Leadership Student Leadership donors who have not Nisenbaum Award Flink Award Award Award Award Award donated to our com- Ben Koby Sophie Reskin Alanna Gilbert Jordyn Levine Jacob Spielberg Klaire Spielberg munity campaign over the past two years. So why am I so excited about JHFE announces more than $450,000 in grants these two aspects by Tiffany Fabing “The Jewish Community of Louis- to enhancing community outreach pro- of this year’s cam- Jewish Heritage Fund for ville is truly grateful for the partner- grams such as Shalom Louisville and paign? It is very sim- Excellence ship we are building with the Jewish the PJ Library, JCL plans to use JHFE ple. In my mind, the Heritage Fund for Excellence, and their funds to provide scholarships for teens community believes The Jewish Heritage Fund for Excel- willingness to work together to build travelling to Israel and children attend- that we are moving lence (JHFE) is pleased to announce a strong and thriving Jewish Commu- ing overnight Jewish camps. forward and moving more than $450,000 in first quarter nity,” says Stew Bromberg, JCL’s vice Funding from JHFE will enable in the right direc- grants to local Jewish organizations. president and chief development officer. Adath Jeshurn to offer the Florence Mel- tion. The grants fund programs supporting “The JHFE grant we have recently been ton School of Adult Jewish Learning this Many of you who Jewish education, health and human awarded will enable us to continue of- fall in collaboration with the JCL. Deb- have contributed services and Jewish culture and iden- fering many of the community’s essen- orah Slosberg, Adult Education Coordi- to this year’s cam- tity. tial services and programs.” In addition nator at Adath Jeshurun, says, “We are paign are telling us grateful to the Jewish Heritage Fund for that you want to see Excellence Grants Committee for their more and better programming and ser- support and look forward to providing vices available in our community. We INDEX this wonderful Jewish education oppor- hear you. JCRC Update/Tornado Aftermath ...... 2 tunity to our community.” Program de- You are telling us that you like a Israeli Consul General Visits ............... 4 tails, including class schedules and reg- greater variety in offerings to pique JCL Annual Meeting ............................ 5 istration information will be published your interests. We hear you. JFCS Annual Meeting ......................... 5 later this year. The entire community is You are telling us that when we work POSTAGE KENTUCKY LOUISVILLE Lion/Pomegranate Appreciation Tea .. 5 see JHFE page 11 see CAMPAIGN page 8 PERIODICALS Calendar of Events .............................. 5 Ottenheimer Award ............................. 6 Young Leadership Awards .................. 7 GOLDSMITH DONATES PICK UP TRUCK TO JCC King David event ................................. 8 Gus Goldsmith recently Brunch at Rye ..................................... 9 donated a 2006 Ford F250 Volunteer of the Year ......................... 10 pick up truck to the Jewish Community Center. The vehicle Judah Award ..................................... 11 replaces an older vehicle that Kling Award ....................................... 12 wasn’t able to meet the JCC’s Israeli visionaries ............................... 13 needs and wasn’t safe to Teen Awards/ Teen News ............ 14-18 take on the streets. The JCC is grateful for the donation, Chavurat Shalom .............................. 18 which Facility Director Brian Discover CATCH ............................... 19 Tabler (left) says will be used JFCS Calendar .................................. 22 for hauling mulch, dirt, and Anshei Sfard, Chabad, Standard Club 23 tree limbs, picking up lumber, plowing snow and spreading Newsmakers ..................................... 24 salt. CenterStage will also Around Town ..................................... 25 used it for set building and Lifecycle ............................................ 26 towing their float in the Pega- D’var Torah ........................................ 27 sus Parade. “Having a truck on site rather than calling people Classifieds ......................................... 27 to help us will save a lot of Ben Gurion dinner ............................. 28 time and money,” Tabler added. 2 Community May 24, 2013 14 SIVAN 5773 munity members to take action. You will be surprised to learn that the Communit y JCRC UPDATE Currently, there are two pressing is- offices of our officials are responsive to sues of importance to our community these types of letters. Even if you know Community is published monthly by that require our awareness and all of us which way your congressman or sen- the Jewish Community of Louisville, Inc., 3630 by Matt Goldberg, Director Dutchmans Lane, Louisville, KY to take action. ator will vote on a particular issue, let 40205-3216. Jewish Community Relations As I mentioned earlier, the Jewish them know how you feel. Council community has always been a strong If you would like to get more involved USPS #020-068 at Louisville, KY. backer of federal safety net programs, in issues like this, please feel free to The Jewish Community of Louisville is n the last several weeks, I have re- like Food Stamps. But a recent congres- contact me, 238-2707 or mgoldberg@ a nonprofit organization. $26 of your pledge ceived comments (mostly positive) sional proposal aims to cut vital fund- jewishlouisville.org. is for a subscription for Community. from many people in the commu- ing for this most important program. For more information, call nity about some of the positions we To raise awareness of this issue, sev- (502) 459-0660, fax (502) 238-2724, I e-mail [email protected] or check out have taken on several domestic issues. eral members of our community (in- JFNA Opens Mailbox to Help the website www.jewishlouisville.org. We started the year advocating for cluding me) participated in the Food Oklahoma Tornado Victims continuing government funding of the Stamp challenge, where we agreed to POSTMASTER – Send address changes to Community, 3630 Dutchmans Lane, Louisville, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Pro- live on $31.50 for the week for food, The Jewish Federations of North KY 40205-3216. gram (SNAP), or food stamps. Over 50 which is the average weekly allotment America has opened a mailbox to gather million people depend on this program under the current system. It was not aid from across the Jewish Federation COMMUNITY DEADLINES and it is consistently under threat of cuts easy and nutritious food like fruits and community for the victims of the dev- Deadlines for the next two issues of and/or elimination (I will talk about this vegetables were cost prohibitive. ANY astating tornado that tore through the Community for copy and ads are: April 19 shortly). cuts to the food stamp program will fur- Oklahoma City area on May 20. for publication on April 26 and May 17 for Another position we have taken is ther stretch the program and this mea- Speaking on behalf of the Jewish publication on May 24. Items for the Russian advocating for the recognition of civil ger allotment could be cut even more. Federations community, including the column must be in the day before the general marriage. We have brought this topic up As a Jewish community, both locally Jewish Community of Louisville, JFNA deadline. at the JCPA Plenum, a national meeting and nationally, we are concerned about extended its deepest sympathy and Community publishes News makers and Around of Jewish leadership in Washington, DC, immigration reform. Our position, support to the people of the Oklahoma Town items at no charge. There is and we advocate for it locally as well. based on humanitarian concerns, is City area in the wake of the massive a $5 charge for photographs. Items must be Another position we have taken re- that the undocumented people in this tornado that killed at least two dozen submitted in writing. Please include your name cently is on gun violence, as we advocate country need a pathway to citizenship, people, injured scores of others and and a daytime telephone number where you for sensible gun laws including back- particularly those who were brought to devastated entire neighborhoods. The can be contacted in the event that questions ground checks, limits on magazines this country when they were children. suburb of Moore bore the brunt of the arise. Community reserves the right to edit all and types of weapons available for pur- The current immigration bill before killer storm.
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