“Keep the Cat Free” ISSUE 1478 FELIX 14.01.11 The student voice of Imperial College London since 1949 Singapore medical Outdoor Club student New postgraduate halls VAT rise hits prices at school receives $150 breaks leg in 100ft fall at Clapham Junction Union bars million boost Union says students are “skilled, ex- 24-hour “concierge service” and free Becks to remain at £2 per pint but other Imperial’s venture with Nanyang Techno- perienced and equipped appropriately” on-site “fi tness” gym on offer at Griffon drinks see price hikes as Government logical University receives sizeable gift as questions about student safety are Studios. But at £235 per week, is the introduces controversial 2.5% VAT from the Lee Foundation. Page 4 raised. Page 5 price right? Page 5 increase. Page 9 College TECHNOLOGY considers 8am start Committee to look at timetable changes The latest gadgets Matt Colvin and innovation from In a move sure to raise eyebrows among those who prefer an extra hour (or three) CES 2011: Page 12 in bed, it has been revealed that a Col- lege committee is considering lengthen- ing the academic day in order to ensure that Imperial is able to “accommodate the growing number of master’s courses ARTS and extracurricular programmes [that it] offers.” The proposals being discussed include allowing teaching during the current lunch break by reducing it to one hour. Pro-Rector (Education and Academic Affairs) Professor Julia Buckingham confi rmed the plans to Felix, explaining SENATE that, “there is a committee looking at the ways that we can use our teaching space most effectively”. The committee charged with inves- The Cirque du Soleil tigating the possible courses of action, known as a “working group on the ex- SETBACK PAGE 6 returns to the Royal tension of the College Day”, was... ...Continued on page 9 Albert Hall: Page 26 Medical school embarrassed by FOOD controversial Daily Mail article Katherine Bettany Sports Night at the Reynolds bar – home The Imperial College School of Medi- to get together and enjoy themselves. to the medics – featured in the article, cine Student Union (ICSMSU), and They are supposed to be fun, and the stu- In an unpromising start to the New complete with several less-than-compli- consequently Imperial itself, was embar- dent union have no intention of trying to Year, the reputation of Imperial College mentary pictures of students. The report rassed by the article, which contained ex- curb your enjoyment. We recognise that South Kensington’s School of Medicine was brought into spoke of “outrageous drinking games”, tracts from the ICSMSU handbook given there is a good chance of people vomit- disrepute by a scathing article published students who “exposed themselves to to all medic freshers on arrival at Impe- ing on Wednesday night and so provide Waffl emeister reigns in the Daily Mail. each other” and the art of tactical chun- rial. “Wednesday nights in the Reynolds orange buckets for this purpose.” A no-holds-barred account of a recent der. are primarily a night for the sports teams ...Continued on Page 7 supreme: Page 31 2 Friday 14 january 2011 FELIX HIGHLIGHTS On campus National Student Survey Union Notice A glimpse into the Union Council energy future 1st Floor, Union Building Dr Fatih Birol, Chief Economist at the International Energy Agency, will speak about uncertainty in energy Monday 14 January 18:30 markets and the future of the energy sector until 2035. Registration in advance online. Contact Gosia Gayer – [email protected] – for more information. The Union’s Fairtrade status, blighted by much confusion in the past, will be discussed on Monday with the aim of finally passing a Fairtrade Policy that will secure its Blackett Laboratory, LT1 Fairtrade status in the future. Union President Alex Kendall will be discussing plans to continue opposing the 18 January 18:00–19:00 Life Sciences Cuts and what direction to move in after December’s Senate meeting. All students are encouraged Life as a simple scribe to attend and voice their opinions. “How often do you leave a lecture theatre with an understanding of Journalist Tim Radford what you’ve just been taught in the preceding hour?” will speaks at the “Asso- ciation of British Science Lolcats of teh week Writers (ABSW) & Impe- Let’s not mince words, you’re hot property. rial” lecture. He will be talking about his 32-year People, lots of people, want to know career at the Guardian which has included time what you think of Imperial and what your as the letters editor, arts editor, literary editor and time here was like. The National Student science editor. Registra- tion in advance. Contact Survey (NSS) is a survey of all fi nal year [email protected]. university students across the UK. It is SAF, G16 your opportunity to rate the quality of 19 January 18:00-19:00 your course and of the teaching that you Lunchtime Concert received. The results are used in a range of university league tables and hence Michal Cwizewicz (pic- tured), winner of the infl uence prospective students when they Royal College of Music Concerto Competition are choosing their university. Don’t let your 2010 with John York, on piano. Free. First come, vote, so to speak, go to waste. Head to first served. Contact An- drea Robins for further www.thestudentsurvey.com and tell the information. world how good, or bad, Imperial and your Sherfield Building, Read Theatre course is. 20 January 13:00-13:45 Editor Felix, Beit Quad, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BB. Email: [email protected]. Tel: 020 7594 8072. Fax: 020 7594 8065. Printed by The Harmsworth Printing Ltd, Northcliffe House, Meadow Road, Derby. Registered newspaper ISSN 1040-0711. FELIX Copyright © Felix 2010. Editor-in-Chief Kadhim Shubber Deputy Editor Gilead Amit Copy Chief Lizzy Griffiths Assistant Editor Dan Wan News Editors Alex Karapetian Matt Colvin Layout/Design Editor Veronika McQuadeova Features Editor Lizzie Crouch Sports Editors Jovan Nedic David Wilson Science Editors Katya-yani Vyas James Goldsack Kelly Oakes Charlie Harvey Business Editors Sina Ataherian Afonso Campos Politics Editors James Lees Rory Fenton Rajat Jain Technology Editor Samuel Gibbs Feroz Salam Comment Editor Anna Perman Alex Nowbar Arts Editor Rox Middleton Music Editors Greg Power Christopher Walmsley Luke Turner Film Editors Matt Allinson Jade Hoffman Ed Knock Food Editor Dana Li Fashion Editor Saskia Verhagen Games Editor Simon Worthington Online Editors Niharika Midha Dakshaa Rai Ravi Pall Chris Birkett Jonathan Kim International Editor Kenneth Lee Puzzles Captains Polly Bennett James Hook Aman Nahar Photo Editor Thomas Welch Travel Editors Dylan Lowe Chris Richardson Copy Editors Alex Nowbar Hannah Thomas Kai Li Loh Ayyub Kamaludin Shruti Mishra Sophie Lambrakis Sharanya Subbu Ritika Gupta Deepka Rana Charles Betts Jan Piotrowski FELIX Friday 14 january 2011 3 NOTICE THE DAILY FELIX For the fi rst time ever, Felix will publish every day 28th February – 4th March o, not yet (but perhaps informative. We sometimes and to push ourselves. The Have you we will have by the 4th make mistakes and it may not Daily Felix will provide you the Nof March). Publishing all be to your taste but we like student with up-to-date news, Q&A Felix every day, albeit only for to think that you look generally interesting features and, at the one week, is a challenge that favourably on our efforts. very least, fresh puzzles to do gone mad? we’re very excited about. But we’re not about to sim- every day. We hope that each week we ply rest on our laurels. We’re It will be a ride into completely produce a paper that you the always looking for new ways to unknown territory but ultimately, student fi nd enjoyable and engage with the student body that’s what makes life exciting. ach day will have its own a Science supplement, Thurs- from issue to issue so try to special supplement that day a Technology supplement collect them all – puzzles fans How will it Ewill mark it out from the and Friday an Arts supplement, take note. But don’t worry if others. For example, Monday with a guide to all the best you don’t, all of the content will have an extended Sports things to do that weekend. will be online as usual. work? section with reporting from the Obviously we will be printing The paper will be delivered games on Wednesday and Sat- fewer copies than usual so to the usual distribution areas urday. On Tuesday, we’ll have a make sure you don’t miss out. between 8 and 9 each morn- Music supplement, Wednesday We’ll have running threads ing and online concurrently. ell yeah! Sorry, I mean porting, writing, photographer, yet, this is the perfect oppor- Can I help? of course. We’re look- editing and researching. If tunity. Email felix@imperial. Hing for students to help you’ve ever considered helping ac.uk or your preferred section out in all areas including re- Felix out but haven’t done so individually. 4 Friday 14 january 2011 FELIX News Editors: Matt Colvin Alex Karapetian NEWS [email protected] Investments Uncertain future for Money for Singapore Medical School Evelyn Gardens Planning application proposes conversion of Fisher Hall to care homes for the elderly Veronika McQuadeova No changes until alternate halls are found Kadhim Shubber The long-term future of student accommoda- tion in the Evelyn Gardens area is currently un- der review, with the high cost of necessary re- furbishment likely to mean the closure of halls Imperial’s new Singaporean medical school; a part- such as Fisher.
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