Parrot Tim1 3 Feascinating Facts about Marshallese The Thinking of Speaking Issue #35 January / December 201 9 AAnn IInnddiiggeennoouuss YYeeaarr HHooww 22001199 bbeeccaammee tthhee I ntern IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall YYeeaarr ooff ation Year al IInnddiiggeennoouuss LLaanngguuaaggeess Ind of igen Lan ous guag Is es SSaayy TTāāllooffaa ttoo TTuuvvaalluuaann sue An iintroductiion to the Tuvalluan llanguage SSttoorryy ooff tthhee RRoommaa A hiistory of European "Gypsiies" VVuurrëëss ooff VVaannuuaattuu Cooll thiings about thiis iindiigenous llanguage 3300 FFaasscciinnaattiinngg FFaaccttss aabboouutt MMaarrsshhaalllleessee Diiscover detaiills about thiis iislland llanguage PPLLUUSS •• IInntteerrvviieeww wwiitthh aauutthhoorr aanndd ppuubblliisshheerr DDrr.. EEmmiillyy MMccEEwwaann •• BBaassiicc GGuuiiddee ttoo NNaahhuuaattll •• RReevviieeww ooff MMooaannaa Parrot Time | Issue #35 | January / December 2019 1 1 3 Fascinating Facts about Marshallese LLooookk bbeeyyoonndd wwhhaatt yyoouu kknnooww Parrot Time is your connection to languages, linguistics and culture from the Parleremo community. Expand your understanding. Never miss an issue. Parrot Time | Issue #35 | January / December 2019 2 Contents Parrot Time Parrot Time is a magazine Features covering language, linguistics and culture of the world around us. It is published by Scriveremo Publishing, a division of 1 0 A User-Friendly Introduction to the Tuvaluan Parleremo, the language learning community. Language On what was formerly known as the Ellice Islands lives the Join Parleremo today. Learn a Polynesian language Tuvaluan. Ulufale mai! Learn some of it language, make friends, have fun. yourself with this look at the language. 1 8 An Indigenous Year The UN has declared 2019 to be the International Year of Indigenous Languages. But who decided this and why? Editor: Erik Zidowecki Email: [email protected] Published by Scriveremo Publishing, a division of 20 13 Fascinating Facts about Marshallese Parleremo. Languages exist all over the world, wherever there are people, This issue is available online from even where nuclear testing has been done. Jared Gimbel http://www.parrottime.com explores other amazing facts about Marshallese. The editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted. Views expressed in Parrot Time are not necessarily the official views of 28 A History of the Language of the Roma Parleremo. All rights of The nomadic Roma people, also called "Gypsies", developed reproduction, translation and their language from a mix of Indo­Aryan, Persian, and other adaptation reserved for all countries, except where noted languages into something truly unique, just like the people who otherwise. All copyright material speak it. posted in the publication retains all its rights from the original owner. Parrot Time, Parleremo, 32 Interesting Facts About Vurës: An officers and administration accept no responsibility collectively or Indigenous Language of Vanuatu individually for the service of Daniel Krauße shares his experience and knowledge of the agencies or persons advertised or Austronesian language Vurës, which is spoken on Vanua Lava announced in the pages of this Island in Vanuatu. publication. 46 The Indigenous Languages of the UK Indigenous languages are everywhere and they aren't always obscure. Trisha Dunbar writes about those of the UK and why they need protection. Cover: The totem pole is a sign of tribes of indigenous people. From the Ainu of Japan to the First Nation tribes of Canada to the Aborignies of Australia, indigenous people and their languages are in danger of extinction. 4 Parrot Time | Issue #35 | January / December 2019 Contents This is just a small list of extinct indigenous languages. Don't let more share the same fate! Ancient Macedonian - Attic Greek - Minoan - Dalmatian - Departments Pannonian Romance - Bulgar - Pecheneg - Dacian - Thracian - Illyrian - Liburnian - Paeonian 07 Letter From The Editor - Eteocretan - Eteocypriot - Pelasgian - Brygian - Dardani - Gaulish - Gothic - Shuadit - 08 Mark Your Calender Zarphatic - Paleo-Corsican - Cisalpine Gaulish - Lepontic - 44 In Focus - Faces of Languages Ligurian - Lombardic - Messapian - Aequian - Faliscan - Hernican - Judæo- 52 In Others' Words - Emily McEwan Piedmontese - Lanuvian - Marrucinian - Marisan - Oscan 56 At the Cinema - Moana - Paelignian - Praenestinian - Pre-Samnite - Sabine - Sidicini - South Picene - Venetic - 60 Language Puzzles - Hiligaynon Vestinian - Volscian - Umbrian - Sicilian Arabic - 62 Basic Guide to Nahuatl Camunic - Etruscan - Lemnian - Rhaetian - Elymian 64 At A Glance - North Picene - Paleo- Sardinian - Sicana - Sicula - Cumbric - Pictish - Galwegian Gaelic - Fingallian - Norn - Auregnais - Anglo-Norman - Bohemian Romani - Jassic - Burgundian - Klezmer-loshn - Suebi - Vandalic - Norn - Lombardic - Rotvælsk - Wangerooge Frisian - Noric - Moselle Romance - Galindan - As part of the International Year of Old Prussian - Skalvian - Selonian - Semigallian - Indigenous Languages, we are Livonian - Krevinian - Drevani - Knaanic - Masurian devoting an entire special issue of - Mazovian - Polabian - Pomeranian - Russenorsk - Parrot Time to helping raise Ruthenian - Slovincian - Akkala Sami - Cuman - awareness for the dangers facing Pecheneg - Iazychie - Merya - Meshcherian - Muromian - theese languages and their people. Khazar - Scythian - Hunnic - Phrygian - Isaurian - Trojan - Mysian - Galatian - Luwian - You can read more about the IYIL Lycian - Lydian - Carian - Hittite - Palaic - Pisidian - here: https://en.iyil201 9.org/ Sidetic - Milyan - Èrsh - Hurrian - Urartian - Kilit - Garachi - Cimmerian Parrot Time | Issue #35 | January / December 2019 5 ትትግግርርኛኛ ትትዛዛረረብብዶዶ1??3 Fascinating Facts about Marshallese Learnalanguage, Makefriends, Havefun! Parrot Time | Issue #35 | Januwarwyw/ .Dpeacrelemrbeemr 2o0.o19rg6 Letter From The Editor A Call to Action Over the millennia of human history, several thousand languages of been created, giving mankind a seemingly endless number of communication tools. Sadly, this did not last. As humanity advanced and travelled, more and more languages came into conflict with others. As is the case with most conflicts, only one party is the winner. In this case, the losing language was usually suppressed and driven to the brink of extinction if not completely wiped out. All too often, the victim was an indigenous language belOonging to a single people whose fate followed that of their language. This has to stop. This year, 201 9, has been declared as the International Year of Indigenous Languages by the United Nations. It is an effort to raise awareness of the troubles facing indigenous languages around the world. Individuals and groups create their own projects and events to help the cause. It was decided to dedicate a special issue of Parrot Time to indigenous languages as our own contribution to this important movement. We've got articles on Marshallese, Vurës, Tuvaluan, Romani, Nahuatl, and more! Plus an interview with author and publisher Dr Emily McEwan. We hope you enjoy this special issue and share it with your friends and fellow language lovers. Spread the word and help save indigenous languages! Erik Zidowecki ERIK ZIDOWECKI EDITOR IN CHIEF Parrot Time | Issue #35 | January / December 2019 7 Mark Your Calendar Mark Your Calendar May 29 - June 2, 201 9 August 23 – 25, 201 9 Bratislava, Slovakia Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec The Polyglot Gathering is an informal event The Montreal Language Festival, or "Lang- which takes places once a year and brings Fest" for short, is North America’s premier together polyglots (people who speak several celebration and conference for language languages) and language enthusiasts from all learners and enthusiasts of all levels. Lang- over the world. It is a five-day event with Fest 201 7 will take place at Concordia Uni- lectures, workshops and social activities for versity’s downtown campus in beautiful, everyone who loves and enjoys languages. eclectic, multilingual Montreal, Quebec. If you think learning languages is a great LangFest attendees learn from and gain ac- leisure activity and you are learning new and cess to world-class language gurus, entre- new ones in your free time, where else will preneurs, educators and industry you find 400-500 people with this passion? professionals. You will be introduced to cut- ting edge tools, techniques and technologies For more information and tickets visit to inform and inspire how you learn and use www.polyglotbratislava.com languages or teach them to others. For more information and tickets visit montreal.langfest.org 8 Parrot Time | Issue #35 | January / December 2019 Mark Your Calender Septemebr 26 - 27, 201 9 October 1 8 - 20, 201 9 University of Economics Fukuoka, Japan Bratislava, Slovakia The Polyglot Conference is open to anyone LingvFest’201 9, an event organised under the and everyone who loves languages. The events patronage of Slovak Commission for UNESCO are designed for anyone who loves language aims at creating opportunity to celebrate and people who simply want to know more diverse languages and cultures! about languages. During the festival, several politically-oriented You will meet other language enthusiasts, debates on multilingualism, language equality discuss new learning resources and tech- and indigenous languages led by professional niques, learn about new linguistic research, scholars in the are will be lead so as to spark speak in different languages to the many at- interest in the endangered state of hudreds of
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