FOR THE INFORMATION OF RAILWAY STAFF ONLY N—I NE/N British Rail No. 49 North Eastern Region NORTHERN SECTION (including Main line, York to Northallerton and York Yards also Grosmont to Whitby Town (Incl.)) TEMPORARY SPEED RESTRICTIONS. PERMANENT WAY OPERATIONS. SIGNAL ALTERATIONS. APPENDIX INSTRUCTIONS, 8(c. Saturday, 4th December, 1965 o Friday, 10th December, 1965 inclusive Enginemen and Guards must pay particular attention to works contained in this notice and keep a good look-out for hand signals, which will be exhibited at the various localities in accordance with the Rules and Regulations. W o r k at places other than those mentioned may be in progress, of which it may not have been possible t o give previous notice, and Enginemen must be on the look-out and be prepared to stop or run a t reduced speed when and where hand signals may be exhibited. * Supplementary Oper ati*ng Instructions Bookl et (13R31293) a nd N o . 3 Supplements t o the Nor*ther n and Souther n Sectional Appendices, also Wor ki ng Over Other RSegion Booklets have been published commencing 4th December, 1965. Signalling Programmes No. 48 should be retained P until copies of these booklets have been received. A Ne w Table has been inserted i n the No. 3 SuEppl ement to the Nor ther n Sectional Appendi x headed "Mi ddl esbr oughC (Gui sbor ough Juncti on) t o Whi tby" a nd A L L STAFF concerned must I now be i n possession of a Nor t he r n Sectional Appendi x A L N O T I C E N-2 Section A—TEMPORARY SPEED RESTRICTIONS (Until further notice unless otherwise stated.) Warning Boards and Indicators provided unless otherwise shown. In the case o f items marked * the Warning Boards and Indicators will be moved as the work progresses and the restrictions will not operate over more than m i l e at one time. In the case of items marked f tim e has been allowed i n the working timetable for these restrictions. Temporary speed restrictions may be eased or withdrawn earlier than shown. Tr ai nm en must, therefore, be prepared t o find a higher speed ( which m ay be the permanent speed restriction) indicated at the Warning Boards and they must work to such speed. 0 Mileage Location of Work Lines • t at or between Q. t Remarks at or between , affected m. the. m . chg. m.p.r YORK. CHALONER S WHIN TO TWEE DMOU TH Thirsk and Pilmoor Up Fast 22 28 21 52 20 Relaying, lifting and ballasting. Ferryhill No.1 Down Loop 57 18 58 7 15 Condition o f track W ar ni ng Board not provided. Durham North and Down Main 69 60 71 60 20 Ouston Junction Relaying and flooding. Ouston Junction and Up Main 70 70 66 40 40 Condition of track. Durham, North Ouston Junction and Down Slow 74 65 76 58 45 New Down Slow Line Low Fell Junction Newcastle and Manors Down Nor th 0 19 0 39 Jct. , CO Diversionary tracks over tem- porary bridge Heaton North Junction Down and Up 3 30 3 70 60 Subsidence. and Benton Main Dudley and Killingworth Up Main 765 743 20 Reconstructing Bridge N o. 54. Killingworth and Dudley Down Main 7 57 7 79 20 Goswick and Beal Reconstructing Bridge No. 54. Up Fast 60 42 60 22 20 Reconstructing Bridge No. 177. Commencing 22 00, Sun- day, Sth December, until 16 00, W ednesday, 8 t h December Beal and Goswick Down Fast I 6 0 34 60 54 20 Reconstructing Bridge No. 177. Commencing 22 00, Sun- day, 5th Decem ber , unti l 16 00, W ednesday, 8 t h December NORTHALLERTON T O GA T ES HEAD( JUNCTI ON) via H OR D EN Cliff House and Up Main 68 71 67 54 20 Greatham Deep ballasting Fulwell and East Boldon Down and Up 92 22 92 47 30 Subsidence. Main NORTH SHORE B RANCH North Shore and Single 02.2 0 32 15 Portrack Lane Level Reconstruction of Bridge No. 3. Crossing BACKWORTH TO MORPETH (v a S E C HILL) Holywoll and Seghill, Down and Up 7 836 15 Subsidence. South Main 7 Holywall and Seghill, Down and Up 8 9 3 IS Subsidence. North 8 Main' 6 Bedlington North and Down and Up 16 30 16 40 20 Subsidence. Choppington Main 4 Choppington and Down and U p 17 8 17 22 20 Subsidence. H ew ett Main Choppington and Single 17 52 17 6$ IS Subsidence. Hepscott SECTION A—TEMPORARY SPEED RESTRICTIONS—continued Mileage -o E o Location of Work Lines at or between :3 I t at or between Remarks affected- vc1i. 1: • 1- :, 1 m. chs. 1 m. chs. I rn.p.1 - 1EDLINGTON T O N EW B IGGIN 7 iddlington North and Down and Up 0 45 I 0 10 Subsidence. Marchey's House Main Nest Sleekburn and Down and Up 1 22 1 37 10 Subsidence. Marchey's House Main kshington and Down and Up 3 22 3 35 IS Subsidence. Woodhorn Main Noodhorn and Down and Up 4 62 5 I IS Subsidence. Newbiggin Main N I N N I N G T O M A R CHEY'S H O USE Ninning and Marchey's D o w n and Up 0 0 0 10 10 Subsidence. House Main 2AMBOIS B R A N C H Ninning and Freeman's D o w n and Up 0 32 0 36 10 Subsidence. Main • H EA TON S O U T H J U N C T I O N T EMOU TH V IA W A L L SEN D O-lo wdTon-Yon-TNyne and D o w n and Up 3 65 3 71 IS Constructing new underbridgt Percy Main Main No. I8A Preston Colliery and D o w n and Up 5 25 5 28 20 Relaying switches and crossing! Tynemouth South M a i n Until 16 00, Tuesday, 7t1 December RIVERSIDE B R A N C H Riverside Junction and D o w n and Up 0 72 0 78 15 Constructing subway alongsidi St. Peters Main Bridge No. 11 • it. Peter's and D o w n and Up I 70 2 3 10 Embankment fir e near Bridg, Walker Main No 17 Witlington Quay and D o w n and Up 6 13 6 i 9 10 Construction o f new under Percy Main Main bridge No. 53A NEWCASTLE TO CA RLISLE (DUR RAN H ILL exci usive) tAddison and Clara D o w n and Up 6 0 6 34 25 Subsidence. Vale Main Stocksfield and Prudhoe U p Main 1 3 3 12 16 20 Resleepering. Stocksfield and Riding D o w n Main 1 4 40 14 76 20 Relaying. Mill CONSETT N O R T H T O O U ST O N JU N C T ION South Medomsley and Down and Up 1 0 10 9 6 IS Subsidence. Annfield West Main Annfield East and West Down and Up 7 20 6 5 20 Subsidence. Stanley Main West Stanley and Down and Up 4 47 4 12 15 Subsidence. Beamish Main Beamish, Station and Down and Up 3 16 2 74 20 Subsidence. South Pelaw Main N-4 SECTION A—TEMPORARY SPEED RESTRICTIONS—continued Mileage Location of Work Lines at or between at or between affected Remarks m. chs. m . chs. GATESHEAD ( GREE NSFIELD J C T. D U NS T O N L I NES) t o B L A YD O N v i a NORWOOD Derwenthaugh and Down and Up 4 20 4 24 1 5 C onst ruct ing culvert Blaydon Main Main PELAW T O SOU T H SHIELDS Jarrow and St. Bedes Down and Up 3 46 2 54 15 C ons tr uc ti ng new Underbridge Main No. 16. Commencing 0430, Monday, 6th December TURSDALE T O P E LAW via LEA MS1DE Leamside and Down and Up 10 78 II 14 3 0 Subsidence. Newbottle Lane Main Fencehouses and Down and Up 12 38 12 55 2 0 Subsidence. Wapping Bridge Main RELLY M IL L T O C O NSETT N O R TH Bearpark and Witton Down and Up 2 20 238 2 0 Subsidence. U nt il 12-30, Tues- Gilbert Main day, 7th December Bearpark and Witton Down Main 28 238 2 0 Gilbert Relaying and subsidence. Com- mencing 12 30, Tuesday, 7th December until 16 00, Friday, 10th December Witton Gilbert and Up Main 2 38 220 2 0 Subsidence. C o m m e n c i n g Bearpark 12 30, Tuesday, 7t h Dec- ember, until 16 00, Friday, 10th December Bearpark and Witton Down and Up 2 20 238 2 0 Gilbert Subsidence. C o m m e n c i n g Main 16 00, F rid ay, 10t h D e- cember WEAR VALLEY T O WESTGATE- IN - W E ARDAL E Wear Valley and Single 176 263 20 Resleepering. Wolsingham FERRYH ILL N O . 3 T O N O R T O N - O N -T EES SO UTH Mainsforth and D o w n Main 953 933 20 Construction o f new Bridge Bishop Middleham No. 27A DARLINGTON ( S O U T H ) T O SA LTBUR Thornaby East Junction U p Main I I 60 11 54 20 Removing points and crossings. and Bowesfield Commencing OS 00, Sun- day, Sth December, until 16 00, Tuesday, 7t h D e- cember South Bank Down and Up 17 10 17 15 20 Relaying switches and crossings.
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