VALMIERA UDK 908 (474.3) (036) Va 383 Gråmata izdota ar Valmieras pilsétas domes finansiålu atbalstu Teksta autors Jånis Kalnaçs Text Tulkotåjs Valdis Bérziñß Translator Måkslinieks Arnis RoΩkalns Layout Fotogråfi Aivars Baltmanis Photographers Agris Bergs Eduards Jegorovs Didzis Kadaks Jånis Kalnaçs Aleksejs Koziñecs Linards Pelsis Arturs Rundélis Apgåds izsaka pateicîbu Ilzei Liepai un Ivetai Blümai par sadarbîbu gråmatas izdoßanå The publishers would like to thank Ilze Liepa and Iveta Blüma for the cooperation in the preparing of the book Gråmatå izmantoti Valmieras Novadpétniecîbas muzeja un Türisma informåcijas centra materiåli Material used in this book comes from Valmiera Regional Studies Museum and Valmiera Tourist Information Center ISBN 9984–05–911–1 © Apgåds “Jumava”, izdevums latvießu valodå, 2005 © Jånis Kalnaçs, teksts, 2005 © Arnis RoΩkalns, måkslinieciskais noforméjums, 2005 © Valdis Bérziñß, tulkojums, 2005 Esiet sveicinåti Vidzemes Welcome to Valmiera — centrå — Valmierå! the centre of Vidzeme! Valmiera ir pilséta, kur vienlaikus savijas pa- The city of Valmiera brings together the past and gåtne un nåkotne, senais un müsdienîgais, vecais the future, the historic and the contemporary, the un jaunais. Pilsétå veiksmîgi saglabåta un attîs- old and the new. Industrial production has been tîta raΩoßana, kas ir pamats valmierießu labklå- successfully maintained and developed here, under- jîbai un ievérojams stürakmens tam, ka Valmieru pinning the welfare of Valmiera’s residents and nu pazîst ne tikai Latvijå, bet arî tålu årpus tås nowadays earning Valmiera a name not only in robeΩåm. Latvia, but also far beyond its borders. Tepat ir arî Valmieras pilsdrupas ar savu no- Valmiera also has its unique and mysterious cas- slépumaino un savdabîgo auru, muzejs ar plaßo tle ruins, and a museum offering to take the visitor piedåvåjumu klåstu Valmieras véstures taku iz- on a trip through history. And right in the middle of staigåßanai. Un tam pa vidu Gauja — Valmieras our city is the River Gauja — Valmiera’s “main “galvenå iela”. street”. Valmieras lielåkå bagåtîba ir tås cilvéki — The people of Valmiera represent the city’s great- gan tie, kas pilsétu izvéléjußies par savåm må- est asset — those who have chosen to make their jåm, gan tie, kuri Valmierå tikai ciemojas. Te homes in the city and likewise those who have come paståvîgi küså un mutu¬o ener©ijas pilni cilvéki, to visit. This place is always full of energetic, bustling un viñu paveikto darbu aug¬i redzami vai ik uz people, and the fruits of their work are apparent at so¬a. Un tas nav maz. Ne velti tradicionålie Val- every step. This is an important factor. Small sur- mieras pasåkumi — Pilsétas svétki vasaras vidü, prise then, that Valmiera’s traditional events — the Ziedu svétki rudenî, daΩådi müzikas festivåli un City Festival at the height of summer, the Flower daudzi, daudzi citi — pulcé tükstoßus apmek- Festival in autumn, a variety of music festivals and létåju. many others — bring together thousands of people. Més priecåsimies arî Jüs redzét savå pilsétå. We look forward to meeting you too in our city. VALMIERÅ, kas DOMÅ UN RADA! VALMIERA, a city that THINKS AND CREATES! Inesis Bo˚is Valmieras pilsétas Inesis Bo˚is domes priekßsédétåjs Valmiera City Mayor Apriñ˚a pilséta Valmiera 1795. gadå (J. K. Broces zîméjums) Valmiera as a county seat in 1795 (Drawing by J. C. Brotze) V‰STURE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Valmiera — Vidzemes lielåkå un viena no Lat- Valmiera is the largest population centre of the vijas darbîgåkajåm un senåkajåm pilsétåm, kam jau Vidzeme region and one of Latvia’s most dynamic 1323. gadå bija savs ma©istråts un kam tika pie- cities. It is also among the country’s oldest cities: ß˚irtas Rîgas tiesîbas. Lîdz 13. gadsimtam Valmieras already in 1323 it had its own magistracy and was apkårtne ietilpa latga¬u, kå arî lîbießu apdzîvotajå granted a town charter modelled on that of Riga. Up Tålavå. 1224. gadå péc Tålavas novada zemju sada- to the 13th century, the Valmiera area belonged to lîßanas starp Rîgas arhibîskapu un Zobenbrå¬u or- the district of Tålava, populated by the Latgallian deni tå nonåca ordeña pak¬autîbå. Pilsétas nosau- and Liv peoples. In 1224, when the lands of Tålava kuma izcelsmei — senåk lietoti arî varianti Wolmar, were divided between the Archbishop of Riga and Woldemer, Wolmahr, Wolmaria — ir vairåki skaid- the Order of Swordbrothers, the town came under rojumi. Populåråkie no tiem saistîti ar Pleskavas ne- the order’s control. There are various explanations godîgo kñazu Vladimiru, kas 13. gadsimta såkumå for the origin of the town’s name, formerly written bija Idumejas novada fogts, un Dånijas karali Val- as Wolmar, Woldemer, Wolmahr or Wolmaria. The demåru II, kas aptuveni tai paßå laikå smagå kaujå most popular versions are connected with the dis- netålu no Tallinas izcînîjis uzvaru pår vietéjiem honourable Prince Vladimir of Pskov, who was iedzîvotåjiem, pateicoties no debesîm atsütîtam ka- bailiff of the Idumeja district in the early 13th cen- rogam, kas karaspéku iedvesmojis uzvarai. Viñß licis tury, and with Valdemar II, King of Denmark, who, uzcelt pilsétu ßîs uzvaras piemiñai, ko nosaucis savå not far from Tallinn at about the same time, won a vårdå. Viduslaiku Valmiera bija neliela amatnieku fierce battle against the indigenous people, when a un tirgotåju pilséta, kas attîstîjås lîdzås pilij, ar kuru flag sent from the heavens inspired his forces to vic- tå bija saistîta vienotå aizsardzîbas sistémå. To vei- tory. It is said that he ordered a town to be founded doja aizsargmüris ar diviem — Rîgas un Térbatas — in memory of this triumph and named it after vårtiem, pieci vai seßi bastioni, kå arî üdensß˚ér߬i — himself. Gauja un tås pieteka Råtsupîte. Medieval Valmiera was a small crafts and trad- 1365. gadå Valmiera, caur kuru gåja starptau- ing town, which grew up next to the castle. The tiski nozîmîgais ce¬ß no Rietumeiropas uz Krievijas town wall had two gates: the Riga Gate and the 4 pilsétåm — Pleskavu un Novgorodu, minéta kå Tartu Gate, and five or six bastions, in addition to Hanzas pilsétu savienîbas locekle, kuras darbîbå tå the natural obstacles represented by the River Gauja regulåri piedalîjås nåkamajos gadsimtos. Valmierå kå and its tributary, the Råtsupîte. Livonijas ©eogråfiskajå centrå no 1385. lîdz 1500. In 1365, Valmiera, lying on the international gadam notika vairåk nekå 30 pilsétu sanåksmes, ku- thoroughfare from Western Europe to the major rås léma par Hanzas saimnieciskajiem jautåjumiem Russian towns of Pskov and Novgorod, is men- un bieΩi sanåca landtågi, kuros apsprieda Livonijas tioned as a member of the Hanseatic League. Held nelielajåm valstîm bütiskus politiskus jautåjumus. in Valmiera, which lay at the geographical centre of 1554. gadå Valmierå pasludinåja ticîbas brîvîbu, Livonia, were more than 30 meetings of town repre- tådéjådi pårtraucot protestantisma izraisîtås kato¬u sentatives between 1385 and 1500, deciding on eco- un luteråñu reli©iskås domstarpîbas. 15.–17. gad- nomic issues relating to the Hanseatic League. Like- simtå pilsétas iedzîvotåju skaitu deviñas reizes reti- wise, the assembly known as the Landtag was often nåja méris. convened in Valmiera, to discuss major political 16. gadsimta otrajå pusé un 17. gadsimta så- issues affecting the small states making up the Li- kumå par Valmieru cînîjås un tajå pårmaiñus val- vonian Confederation. In 1554, religious freedom dîja — po¬i, krievi un zviedri. Livonijas kara laikå was declared in Valmiera, ending the conflict 1560. gadå krievu karaspékam neizdevås pilsétu between Catholics and Lutherans that had begun ieñemt — par ßo aplenkumu liecina akmens lodes, with the rise of Protestantism. In the 15th–17th cen- ko krievu karaspéks ßåva no Lucas kalna un kas tury, the town’s population was devastated nine iemürétas Svétå Sîmaña baznîcas kontrforså. 1622. times by the plague. gadå Zviedrijas karalis Gustavs II Ådolfs Césu In the second half of the 16th and the early 17th bîskapiju, kurå lîdz ar Césîm, Smilteni un Trikåtu century, the Poles, Russians and Swedes fought over ietilpa arî Valmiera, uzdåvinåja valsts kancleram Valmiera and ruled here successively. During the Akselam Uksenßérnam, no kura uzvårda Valmieras Livonian War, in 1560, the Russian forces failed in ©erbonî saglabåjusies vérßa piere. 17. gadsimtå kara- their attempt to take the town. Remaining from the darbîbas izpostîtå Valmiera ar tikai çetriem müra siege are the stone cannonballs shot by the Russians namiem vairåk lîdzinåjås nelielam ciematam, kura from Luca Hill, later incorporated into the masonry iedzîvotåji galvenokårt nodarbojås ar lauksaim- of a buttress of St Simon’s Church. In 1622, the niecîbu. 1680. gadå Valmiera k¬uva par Zviedrijas Bishopric of Césis, which included Valmiera, Smil- valsts îpaßumu. Zviedru laikå nojauca viduslaiku tene and Trikåta, was granted by Gustav II Adolf of müri un jaunajå pilsétas da¬å izveidoja manierismam Sweden to his chancellor Axel Oxenstierna. Deriv- raksturîgs regulåru ielu tîklu un taisnstürveida kvar- ing from his name is the forehead of an ox that tålu plånojumu, kas saglabåjies joprojåm. appears in the town’s arms. In 1680, Valmiera be- 18. gadsimtå Valmieru pamatîgi nopostîja gan came the property of the Swedish crown. Under krievu karaspéka iebrukumå Zieme¬u karå 1702. Swedish rule, the medieval walls were demolished gadå, gan vairåkos ugunsgrékos 18. gadsimta and a regular street plan was created for the new 70. gados. part of the town, with rectangular town blocks, a 18. gadsimta 30. gados, pateicoties Valmier- characteristic feature of the age of Mannerism and muiΩas nomnieces ©enerå¬a Hallarta atraitnes Mag- still preserved today. dalénas Elizabetes un måcîtåja Kristiåna Gotlîba In the 18th century, Valmiera was badly da- Neihauzena atbalstam, Valmiera k¬uva par kustîbas maged in a Russian attack during the Northern War centru Vidzemé. Brå¬u draudzes veicinåja zemnieku in 1702, and by several fires in the 1770s. garîgo un ekonomisko paßapziñu, kas ietekméja gan In the 1730s, thanks to the support of Mag- antifeodålo kustîbu, gan plaßåkas apkårtnes kultüra dalene Elizabeth Hallart, the widow of General dzîvi.
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