' MM &r%v 5 I - »rM !»>» f: *V-'»M» Vv, ^ t rl^ arc** *ru 3» rtA n ' • * r, 32" (tfcH-al i C^L j y... EDui - . -^S.j_Ua? £S •m\ j * " W 31" \ / .;»» First Nighters n*AY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 342 S taring Street Burlington, NC 27215 £ M* Holt School Route 1 Burlington, North Carolina presents its premiere showing of The 1955 REG-O-ALA • * * * * Starring THE SENIOR CLASS w -<M Contents £ k Ad ministratioi Faculty REEL II Classes Curriculum REEL III Features REEL IV Activities Athletics REEL V ^K^ementary Grades REEL VI Advertisers Dedication For her tolerance, supreme guidance, and exceptional interest in our welfare, we. the seniors, wish to dedicate our 1955 Reg-O-Ala to Mrs. W. R. Teague, who has made our eyes to see, our ears to hear, and our hearts to understand. Behind the Cameras Producers Mr. L. M. Adcock, principal of our school for the past nine years, has been influential in getting E. M. Holt accredited by the Southern Asso- ciation of Secondary Schools and Colleges. Mr. J. W. Blanchard, assistant principal, serves as principal of the high school department of our school. In his third year with us, he con- tinues efficiently to manage the affairs of the high school office. Producers Always interested in the progress of our school, the local school board stands behind us in all our activities. They form policies and make de- cisions that keep our school moving in the right direction. These men are: Left to right, Mr. Howard Patterson; Mr. Glenn Coble; Mr. James Stanfield, chairman; Mr. Glenn Slaughter; Mr. Clay Holt. The county administrative staff is always ready to advise and help members of the local school staff with their problems. The staff members are: Dr. M. E. Yount, County Superintendent; Mr. L. R. Wooten, Super- visor of Instruction; Miss Jessie Baxter, Assistant Supervisor of Instruc- tion. Directors Gordon M. Bowers A.B., Elon Math, Science Miss Norma Jean Edwards A.B., Elon Music Mrs. Homer Euliss B.S., Appalachian State Teach- ers College; M.A., U.N.C. English Mrs. Louise Henderson A.B., W.C.U.N.C. Librarian Mrs. A. D. Kinnett M.R.E., Carver School of Mis- sions Bible Mrs. W. Ira Lee A..B., Flora Macdonald College English, French Mrs. Glenna D. Lewis B.S., W.C.U.N.C. Home Economics Richard G. Phillips B.S., Wake Forest; M.A., Geo. Peabody College World Problems and Physical 'Education Mrs. Norma F. Pickler B.S., Appalachian State Teach- ers College Chemistry, English, Gen. Science Wayne C. Roach B.S., State Agriculture Mrs. W. R. Teague A.B., Greensboro College Social Studies Mrs. Mary Pierce Tillman B.M., W.C.U.N.C. Music (not pictured) Mrs. Maude M. Newton A.B., Asbury College; M.B.E., W.C.U.N.C. Mrs. James W. King Business Education, Counsel- Secretary lor Stage Hands Mrs. Norman Alexander Ida Summers and Mary Patterson, Dietitian Maids Marvin Holt, Janitor It is the task of Mrs. Alexander to see that a well balanced hot meal is provided Thanks to the efforts of these three peo- every day for every child in our school. ple, our school is always neat and clean. It is also her duty to supervise the It is their task daily to clean, sweep, *££ cafeteria and to keep records. and dust. bus Our drivers, dependable and careful, can be relied upon to furnish safe transportation for the great majority of our students who depend upon state school buses to get to school. Our drivers and substitutes are: First tow left to right: R. Ingle, Kinney, McCarter, Kimery, Shoe, F. Islev. Second row D Isley Loy, O Smith, R. Sharpe. G. Ingle, L. Isley, Allred, S. Sharpe, Russell. In Bus' Edwards, Moser, Patterson, Capps, O. T. Smith, Patrum, Pickett Holt Garmon. Estes' Between the Scenes 1. Freshmen enjoying lunch? 2. secretary A is the picture of good grooming. 3. The Student Store does a thriving business. 4. Our beloved coach. 5. Gentlemen. 6. Bachelor "Jake " 7 Re portmg for work. Our Mrs. Euliss. 8. 9. We all scream for ice cream. 10. Our stage 'hands at Classes Curriculum The Cast Starring ..... Ronald McCarter Peggy Etheridge President Secretary J. C. Fogleman Wade Loy Vice-President Treasurer Colors Flower Red and White Red Rose Motto "Aim High, But Reach Higher." The Seniors Norma Jean Arey Richard Selma Biddy "Norma" "Dick" "She's such a good leader "J ncuer fight; I'm a loiier." We all call when we need her," Audio-Visual Club 1; Photog- Trumpet Staff 1. 2, 3, 4, Fresh- raphy Club 2; Basketball 2, 3, 4. man Reporter 1. Associate Fea- Most Improved Basketball Play- ture Editor 2. Associate Editor er 3, 2nd Team All-County 3, Editor 4; Good Citizenship Basketball 3; Monogram Club 3, Medal 1; Vice-President of Class 4; Glee Club 4; Biggest Flirt 4. 1; Football Banquet Waitress 1; Perfect Attendance 1. 2. 3, Class President 2. F H.A. Club 2, 3; Homecoming Attendant 2; Rep- resentative to Junior - Senior Banquet 2; Representative to Student Council 3, Secretary of Student Council 4, Secretary of County Student Council 4; School Spirit Award 3; Most Intellectual, Most Dependable 4. RUFUS BOSWELL "Rute" Barbara Jean Blalock "All great men are dying; "Jeannie" I don't feel very well myself." She was made happy of Photography Club 3. President thoughts and full wit of and 3; Monogram Club 4; Glee Club laughter." 3; Bible Club 1; Basketball 1, 2, Glee Club 3. 4; Home Ec. Club 3. 4; Bus Patrol 1, 2: Football 1. 2. 3: Photography Club 1: Manager 1; Trumpet Staff 1, 2; Home Room President 1; Junior- Rec-O-Ala Staff 4. Senior Banquet Waitress 2; Per- fect Attendance 1. 2; Rec-O-Ala Staff 4. Samuel Delano Bowman Alvin Roe Bradshaw "Sammy" "Alb" "Often seen, but seldom heard." "Talk to him of Jacob's ladder, And he'd ask the number of F.F A. Club 2. 3. 4: Quietest 4. steps." F.F.A. Club 1. 2. 3, 4. Sentinel 4; Wittiest 4. Betty Kay Braxton "Kay" ' With beauty and brains any- thing can be accomplished." Basketball 1. 2; Football Ban- quet Waitress 2. Junior-Senior Jerry Foylee Chester Banquet Waitress 2; Perfect At- "Lightning" tendance 1. 2. 3: Homecoming Attendant 1. 2: Harvest Festival "Take it easy, have your fun; Queen 1: Bible Club 1 FHA Let the old world flicker on." Club 1. 2: Glee Club 4; Photog- F.F.A. 1. 4: Monogram Club 3. 4; raphy Club 2: Class Secretary 2 Photography Club 1, Football Representative 2; to Reg-O-Ala 2. 3, 4. Football Staff Award 3; Hap- 2: Marshal 1. 2. 3: Beta piest 4. Club 4: Rec-O-Ala Staff 4; Most Likely to Succeed 4 Robe.it Gereld Estes "Bobby" Max Edwards "There are no ladies left; I have "Hot Rod" them all." "He's little and cute Bible Club 1; Photography Club And fun to boot." 2: Representative to Student F.F. A. Club 1. 2. 3. 4: Trumpet Council 2; Football 1. 2. 3. 4; Staff 2. 3: 4-H Club 1. 2. 3. Presi- Baseball 3. 4: Office Assistant 2; dent 3: Bus Driver 3. Substitute Monogram Club 3. 4. Secretary Bus Driver 4; Glee Club 4- 4; Rec-O-Ala Staff 4: Friendliest Basketball 1. 2. 4; Mid-State Football Second Team 4 Starring Peggy Joyce Ethehidge Bobby Ray Faulkner "Peg-Leg" "Bobby" "An intellect of purest works; "Tall and very handsome, A heart of pure gold." He'd bring a fine ransom." Bible Club 1, 2; Trumpet Staff F.F.A. Club 1, 2; Representative 3, 4, Typist 3, Head Typist 4- to Junior-Senior Banquet 1; Beta Club 3, 4, Program Chair- Good Citizenship Medal 1; Foot- man 4; Class Secretary 4- 3, ball 1, 2, 3, 4, Most Improved Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, Most Valu- Football Player 2: Basketball 1, able Player 2, All County Team 2. 3, 4: Baseball 2. 3, 4; Mono- 3, Award 3; Library Assistant gram Club 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 1. 2, 3, 4; Perfect Attendance 3, 4; Beta Club 3, 4, Reporter 3; 1, 2; Home Room Officer 3- 2 Representative to Reg-O-Ala Reg-O-Ala Staff 4; Most Ath- Staff 2, Reg-O-Ala Staff 4; 4-H letic, Friendliest 4; Debating Club 4. Club 1, 2, 3: Glee Club 2. 3; May Court Attendant 2; Best Looking 4; Mid-State Football Second Team 4. Carolyn Faye Fogleman Carole Mae Fisher "Karo" "Carole" "She's cute and short "In her dark eyes' splendor And just our sort." Where the warm light loves to F.H.A. dwell." Club 1, 2, 3. 4, Treasurer 3; Photography Club Walter 1, 2. 4. Williams High School 1- President 4; Art Typing Club F.H.A. 3; Club 2, 3, 4: Glee Club 4- May Court Attendant 2; Home- Future Teachers Club 4; Photog- coming Queen 4; raphy Football Ban- Club 2; Basketball 2; Of- quet Waitress 2, Basketball Ban- fice Assistant 4; 4- Cheerleader quet Waitress 2; Glee Club 3, 4; Trumpet Staff 3, 4; Footbali Best Looking 4. Banquet Waitress 2. J. C. Fogleman Gene Autrey Forbis "Jake" "Gene" "I agree with no man's opinion; "I'll study if I feel like it and I have some of my own." won't if I don't; Representative I'll pass if I can; if I can't, I to Student Coun- won't." cil 2. 3, 4; Basketball 4- 1, 2, 3.
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