13: 45-60, 2004 Xiphinema elongatum 1 2 3 2 4,5 1 2 3 4 5 [email protected] : +886-4-22876712 93 1 25 . 2004. Xiphinema elongatum . 13: 45-60. 1998 2002 10 Xiphinema elongatum 4 4 10 X. elongatum (supplements) 3-4 rDNA 3 (Xelo3 ) ITS-1 ITS-2 (0 1.34 %) X. elongatum rDNA X. elongatum Xiphinema elongatum ribosomal DNA rDNA ITS-1 ITS-2 X. pratense Loos, 1949 4 (syntypes) X. campinense Lordello, 1951 3 Xiphinema elongatum Schuurmans Stekhoven & (topotypes) X. Teunissen, 1938 (type locality) elongatum (synonym) Cohn Sher(5) (Zaire, , Congo) Rutshuru X. truncatum Thorne, 1939 X. elongatum (type host) (27) (12) (19) (5) (12) Heyns Luc Dalmasso (Hawaii) (South Africa) (Surinam)(17) (8,18) (species inquirenda) (20) X. elongatum X. elongatum (12) (holotype) (variability) Heyns Tarjan Luc (27) X. elongatum (20) (morphometrics) L Luc Southey ( ) = 2.089 mm a = 49 b = 6.1 c = 35 c' = 2.5 V 22 = 40 total stylet ( ) = 153 m functional (group) odontostyle ( ) = 94 m odontophore ( ) = 59 m tail ( ) = 59 m Tarjan Luc 46 13 1 2004 Luc Southey (20) (Mauritius) "on the spot" (differentiation) Xu (31) (Zhangzhou) (cockscomb) (2) X.elongatum Wang (30) 100 24 (Shenzhen) (citrus) Pan (22) (Gulangyu Island) (Stemi SV 6, ZEISS, Germany) (Xiamen) 4 3 4 X. elongatum (37% aqueous solution, SIGMA, USA) (replacement odontostyle) (6) X. elongatum (3) (25) (intraspecific variation) Robbins ( Axiolab, ZEISS, Germany) (MC80) (35mm, ISO 100, Elite X. elongatum Chrome, Kodak, USA) (NOVAMAT 150 AFI-M monitor, BRAUN, (parthenogenesis) Germany) (12) (anal body width) (Burundi)(7) X. elongatum (spicule) DNA (ribosomal DNA, rDNA) (molecular markers) (copy numbers) (coding region, 18S, 5.8S, 28S gene) (conserved sequences) (3,6) (universal 10 primers) (noncoding region, internal transcribed spacer 1 or 2, ITS-1, ITS-2) PCR rDNA "concerted evolution" (11) DNA (intraspecific) (interspecific) ITS-1 ITS-2 Xelo1 Xelo3 Xelo8 3 DNA (1,4,9,10,13,14,15,16,21,23,26,28,29) X. elongatum 50 200 rDNA DNA [200 mM Tris-HCl, pH8.5, 250mM NaCl, 25 mM EDTA, 10 rDNA % w/v sodium dodecyl-sulphate plus 0.5 g/ul proteinase K ITS-1 ITS-2 (Roche, Mannheim, Germany) 37 12-14 12000 x g Xiphinema elongatum 47 10 DNA LB (WizardTM DNA Clean-Up Promega Cooperation, Madison, (S-ITS-1 P28S) PCR WI, USA) DNA, rDNA resin 900 g (22-24 ) rDNA (Taipei, Taiwan) 1 spin column DNA 2ml 80 isopropanol spin column rDNA spin column rDNA isopropanol 65 25-50 g Xelo3 (transformated spin column 1 12000 xg clone) Xelo1 Xelo8 3 20 spin column DNA 3 Genetics Computer Group (GCG) DNA -20 SeqWeb 2.1 Pretty program (multiple sequences alignment) (consensus sequence) rDNA rDNA X. Vrain (29) rDNA elongatum rDNA PCR S-ITS-1 18S 3' 7 5' TTGATTACGTCCCTGCCCTTT 3' 3 P28S 28S 5' 5' ITS-1 5.8S ITS-2 TTTCACTCGCCGTTACTAAGG 3' GAP program rDNA ITS-1 ITS-2 5.8S gap weight = 50, length weight = 18S 28S PCR 3 ITS-1 ITS-2 5.8S 50 l 1 M 1.25 ( Taq polymerase (Yeastern Biotech Co. Taipei, Taiwan) 1 ) BestFit program X Taq DNA polymerase buffer A T C G rDNA deoxyribonucleotide (dATP, dTTP dCTP, dGTP) 0.1 mM PCR (BioRad iCycler, Hercules, CA, USA) 94 4 94 30 52 30 72 2 30 72 7 PCR Xiphinema elongatum 4 10 1 X TBE buffer (40 mM Tris, 20 mM Boric acid, and 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) 1.5 agarose gel 10 X. elongatum ( ) DNA 3 7 rDNA (Xelo3) PCR PCR-M clean up system (Viogene, 2.31 Taipei, Taiwan) PCR mm 2.15 2.50 mm pGEM-T easy (Promega, USA) yT&A (Xelo8) (Xelo10) 2 (Yeastern Biotech. Taipei, Taiwan) 2.14 2.03 (Escherichia coli, ECOS101, mm a b c 10 Yeastern Biotech. Taipei, Taiwan) c' V 100 l IPTG (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoyl- V -D-galactoside, 100 mM) 20 l X-gal (isopropylthio- 39.10 40.42 -D -galactosidase, 50 mg/ml) ampicillin (100 g/ml) 48 13 1 2004 Xiphinema elongatum Table 1. The list of geographical populations of Xiphinema elongatum investigated in this study Code Locality Host Xelo1 Shinshe Shiang, Taichung County Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) Xelo2 Guoshing Shiang, Nantou County Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) Xelo3 Daya Shiang, Taichung County Bermuda-grass (Cynodon dactylon Pers.) (On green of golf course) Xelo4 Taichung City Bermuda-grass (Cynodon dactylon Pers.) (On green of golf course) Xelo5 Wufeng Shiang, Taichung County Bermuda-grass (Cynodon dactylon Pers.) (On green of golf course) Xelo6 Shinhua Jen, Tainan County Bamboo (Bambusa sp.) Xelo7 Taichung City Bamboo (Bambusa sp.) Xelo8 Tsautuen Jen, Nantou County Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis Osb.) Xelo9 Dahu Shiang, Miaoli County Plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.) Xelo10 Taitung City, Taitung County Sugar apple (Annona squamosa L.) X. elongatum ( ) A, B, 2 C, D, E F, (F ) G, H, I J 90 Fig. 1. X. elongatum (female and juvenile) from Taiwan: A, Female habitus; B, Anterior region of two females; C, D, E and F, Female tails (F is abnormal); G, H, I and J, Tails of the first, second, third and fourth stage of juveniles, respectively. Scale bar = 90 m. X. elongatum Table 2. Comparisons on morphometrics of X. elongatum female populations isolated from Taiwan, Zaire, Thailand, Philippines, and Mainland China Locality (Code) Host Character Shinshe (Xelo1) Guoshing (Xelo2) Daya (Xelo3) Taichung (Xelo4) Wufeng (Xelo5) Shinhua (Xelo6) Taichung (Xelo7) Loquat Loquat Bermuda-grass Bermuda-grass Bermuda-grass Bamboo Bamboo n27302825292523 L (mm) 2.02 0.111 1.97 0.13 2.31 0.09 2.19 0.11 2.19 0.11 2.00 0.11 2.06 0.15 (1.82-2.25) (1.72-2.18) (2.15-2.50) (1.89-2.36) (1.99-2.41) (1.77-2.17) (1.74-2.37) a 55.74 2.75 55.53 4.11 60.11 2.39 55.58 2.72 61.64 4.31 57.65 4.87 56.93 5.89 (49.19-61.71) (48.65-68.67) (55.90-64.10) (50.25-61.62) (52.56-69.39) (47.84-65.76) (47.03-72.33) b 6.03 0.36 5.88 0.47 6.96 0.36 6.38 0.35 6.57 0.49 5.99 0.28 6.56 0.61 (5.23-6.74) (5.06-7.21) (6.31-7.78) (5.83-7.10) (5.64-8.03) (5.47-6.42) (5.27-7.90) c 38.27 2.76 36.35 2.73 39.30 1.87 38.81 2.20 37.39 2.24 35.65 1.92 35.56 1.93 (32.61-46.22) (30.88-42.80) (36.45-43.04) (34.71-44.58) (32.54-42.41) (31.00-40.00) (32.22-40.86) c' 2.37 0.23 2.49 0.19 2.56 0.12 2.47 0.17 2.63 0.15 2.55 0.17 2.61 0.16 (1.87-3.00) (2.22-2.85) (2.35-2.78) (2.09-2.96) (2.33-3.00) (2.30-2.86) (2.26-2.90) V % 39.96 1.17 39.44 1.22 39.55 1.43 40.40 1.25 40.88 1.46 39.59 1.25 39.29 1.07 (37.30-42.70) (37.50-42.40) (36.30-41.90) (38.00-43.50) (37.90-43.30) (36.30-42.70) (37.00-41.10) Total stylet 147.44 3.07 145.47 3.17 146.25 3.57 147.48 2.82 145.09 3.28 145.07 3.19 143.62 3.44 ( m) (140.80-155.80) (140.00-153.30) (140.80-153.00) (141.70-155.00) (138.30-150.80) (140.00-151.70) (137.50-149.20) Functional 90.09 2.44 88.85 2.53 87.47 3.20 87.96 2.39 87.05 2.78 88.34 2.43 86.90 2.79 odontostyle (85.00-96.60) (84.20-93.40) (80.00-93.30) (84.10-92.50) (81.70-93.30) (83.30-92.50) (83.30-91.60) Xiphinema elongatum ( m) Odontophore 57.35 1.96 56.61 1.50 58.78 1.61 59.53 1.41 58.04 1.98 56.73 1.60 56.71 1.70 ( m) (51.70-61.70) (53.30-60.80) (56.70-62.50) (57.50-62.50) (51.70-60.80) (55.00-61.70) (51.70-60.00) Tail 53.00 5.00 54.00 3.00 59.00 3.00 57.00 4.00 59.00 3.00 56.00 3.00 58.00 4.00 ( m) (43.00-69.00) (48.00-58.00) (54.00-64.00) (48.00-68.00) (52.00-63.00) (51.00-63.00) (51.00-64.00) Anal body 22.00 1.00 22.00 1.00 23.00 1.00 23.00 1.00 22.00 1.00 22.00 1.00 22.00 1.00 width ( m) (19.00-23.00) (20.00-23.00) (22.00-25.00) (22.00-24.00) (20.00-25.00) (20.00-24.00) (19.00-25.00) 49 50 X. elongatum ( ) Table 2. Comparisons on morphometrics of X. elongatum female populations isolated from Taiwan, Zaire, Thailand, Philippines, and Mainland China (Cont'd) Locality (Code) Host Character Tsautuen (Xelo8) Dahu (Xelo9) Taitung (Xelo10) Zaire (holotype)2 Thailand3 Thailand3 Philippines3 Shenzhen, China4 Sweet orange Plum Sugar apple Unknown Asparagus Carnation Sugarcane Citrus n21197 1 85202 L (mm) 2.00 0.08 2.03 0.13 1.91 0.07 2.089 2.15 2.30 2.47 0.18 2.0, 2.1 13 (1.85-2.14) (1.74-2.27) (1.81-2.03) (2.03-2.24) (2.15-2.45) (2.11-2.72) a 59.53 3.60 56.17 4.67 55.77 4.41 49 51.9 51.3 56.1 4.3 56, 72 (49.50-66.33) (50.00-64.24) (50.81-62.67) (48.3-56.9) (47.9-55.7) (49.8-68.2) 1 b 5.71 0.30 6.25 0.46 6.03 0.36 6.1 - - - 5.5, - (5.14-6.30) (5.44-7.09) (5.66-6.55) 2004 c 37.74 2.67 35.14 2.59 35.21 1.51 35 35.7 37.4 34 (n = 8) 33, 37 (33.16-42.04) (30.00-40.20) (32.98-37.60) (32.7-40.3) (37.9-39.6) (32-37) c' 2.50 0.19 2.58 0.22 2.63 0.14 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.8 0.2 2.8, 2.9 (2.13-2.89) (2.13-3.09) (2.41-2.80) (2.3-2.6) (2.5-2.8) (2.6-3.2) V % 40.03 1.20 40.42 1.99 39.10 0.65 40 38.2 38.4 39.9 1.6 39, 39 (37.10-41.70) (37.10-44.60) (38.10-40.10) (36.9-39.5) (35.1-40.5) (37.0-43.0) Total stylet 145.83 1.96 146.22 3.33 142.84 2.76 153 147.5 150 2.2 152 1.5 145, 149 ( m) (141.70-150.00) (140.80-154.20) (140.80-148.30) (146-151) (147-153) (149-154) Functional 88.65 1.74 89.15 2.50 85.93 1.62 94 91.5 2.0 93 1.8 91 2.0 87, 88 odontostyle (85.90-93.30) (85.00-93.30) (84.10-89.10) (89-94) (91-95) (89-97) ( m) Odontophore 57.18 1.27 57.07 1.62 56.91 1.80 59 56 57 1.6 61 2.3 57, 62 ( m) (55.00-60.00) (54.20-61.70) (55.00-59.20) (54-59) (55-59) (56-65) Tail 53.00 3.00 58.00 5.00 54.00 3.00 59 59.5 61.5 64 (n = 8) 57, 61 ( m) (47.00-57.00) (48.00-68.00) (50.00-58.00) (54-64) (58-65) (58-70) Anal body 21.00 1.00 23.00 1.00 21.00 2.00 - - - - 20, 22 width ( m) (19.00-23.00) (21.00-25.00) (19.00-23.00) 1Measurements in the form: mean SD (range), "-" = No data.
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