NORTHEAST PAC IF IC F latfishes Families Bothidae, Cvnoalossidae, and F'leuronectidae Ponald E, Kramer a i@i!liam H. Bares Brian C. F'aust + Barry E. Bracken illustrated by Terry Josey Alaska 5ea Grant Col/egeProgram Universityor Alaska Fa>rbanks P.O.Pox 755040 Fairbanks,Aiaska 99775-5040 907! 474-6707 ~ Fax 907! 47a 5285 Alaska Rshenes0eveioprnent Foundation 508 West seoono'Avenue, suite 212 Anonorage.Alaska 99501-2208 Marine Advisory Bulletin No. 47 a 1995 a $20.00 ElmerE. RasmusonLibrary Cataloging-in-Publication Data Guide to northeast Pacific flatfishes: families Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, and Pleuronectidae/by Donald E. Kramer ... Iet al,l Marine advisory bulletin; no. 47! 1. Flatfishes Identification. 2. Flattishes North Pacific Ocean. 3. Bothidae. 4. Cynoglossidae.5, Pleuronectidae. I. Kramer,Donald E. II. AlaskaSea Grant College Program. III. AlaskaFisheries Development Foundation. IV, Series. QL637.9.PSG85 1995 ISBN 1-5 !t2-032-2 Credits Thisbook is the resultof work sponsoredby the Universityof AlaskaSea GrantCollege Program, which is cooperativelysupported by the U.S,Depart- mentof Commerce,NOAA Office of SeaGrant and ExtramuralPrograms, undergrant no. NA4f! RG0104, projects A/7 I -01and A/75-01, and by the Universityof Alaskawith statefunds. The Universityof Alaskais an affirma- tive action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution. SeaGrant is a unique partnership with public and private sectors com- bining research,education, and technologytransfer for public service,This national network of universities meets changing environmental and eco- nomic needsof peoplein our coastal,ocean, and GreatLakes regions. Contents Preface About the Authors VI Acknowledgments V I Intn>duction Using This Guide to identify Flatfish External Charar.ters of Flatfish Flatfish Measurements Caudal Fin Shapes Mouth Measurements Pelvic Fin Symmetry List of Species Anal Spine List of Species Lateral Line Shape List of Species Accessory Dorsal Branch Map ot' North Pacific Ocean Family Bothidae "Left-eyed" Flounders Gulf Sanddab Citharichthys fragilis! 12 Pacific Sanddab C:itharichthys sordidus! 14 Speckled Sanrldab Citharichthys st{gmaeus! 16 Longfin Sanddab Citharichthys xanthostigm,>! 18 Bigmouth Sole Hi ppoglossina stomata! 20 California Halibut Paralichthys califomicus! 22 Fantail Sole Xystreurys liolepis! 26 Family Cynoglossidae Tonguefishes 30 California Tonguefish{Symphurus atricauda! 30 Family Pleuronectidae "Right-eyed" flounders Scalyeye Plaice Ar >nthopsettanarteshnyi! Kamchatka Flounder Atheresthes evermanni! 34 Arrowtooth Flounder Atheresthes stomias! 36 Family Pleuronectidae continued! RoughscaleSole Clidoderma asperrimum! Deepsea Sole Embassichthysbathybius! 40 Slender Sole Eopsetta exi /is! 42 Petrafe Sole Eopsettaj ordani! 44 Rex Sole Errex zachirus! 46 Korean Flounder G/y/rtocephalus stelleri! 48 Flathead Sole Hippog/ossoides elassodon! k3eringFlounder Hippog/ossoirles robustus! Pacific H a1ibut Hi p!rog/ossus stenolepis! Diamond Turbot Hypsopsetta guttulata! Forkline Sole Inopsefta ischyra! 58 Dover Sole Microstomus pacificus! 60 Starry Flounder Platichthys stellatus! Yelfowfin Sole Pleuronectes asper! Rock Sole Pleuronecfes bilineatus! Arctic Flounder Pleuronectes /;/acia/is! 70 Sutter Sole Pleuronectes isolepis! 72 Dark Flounder Pleuronectes obscurus! 74 Longhead Dab P/eurunectesproboscideus! 76 Alaska Plaice Pleuronectesquadritubercu/atus! Sakhalin Sole Pleuronectes sakh >/inensis! English Sole Pleuronectes vetulus! C-0 Sole Pleuronichthys coenosus! Curl fin Sole Pleuronichthys decurrens! 86 Spotted Turbot Pleuronichthys ritteri! 88 Hornyhead Turbot Pleuronichthys verticalis! 90 Sand Sole Psettichthys melanostictus! CrreenlandHalibut Re nhardtius hippoglossoides! 94 j l ossary Selected References 100 index 102 About the Authors Don Krameris professorof seafoodtechnology at the Universityot Alaska Fairbanks School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences. He is c hairman and seafoodspecialist for the AlaskaSea Gr>nt MarineAdvisory Program, where he has worked since 1980. Kramer also was research scientist with the CanadianDepartment of Fisheriesand Oceansfor 14 years.His research interestsare the handling,processing, and storageof fish and shellfish. Bill Barsshas been a marine fish and wildlife biologist with the Oregon Departmentot Fishand Wildlife since 197I, working with groundfish managementand research.In recentyears his dutieshave involved under- water research with submcrsihles and the Pacific whiting fishery. His many publicationson groundfishinclude a bookleton rockfishidentification. He is currentlythe coordinatorfor the Pacificwhiting shoresicleobservation program. Brian Paust has worked with the Alaska Sea Grant Program in several capacitiessince 1978. He hasconducted a varietyof practicalcommercial fisheries research projects and has published materials ranging from octopus fisheries to businessstrategies used in the development of c oldwater bivalve aquaculture.Paust is associateprofessor at the Universityof AlaskaFairbanks and marine advisory agent in Petersburg,Alaska. BarryBracken has held a numberol' positionswith the AlaskaDepart- ment of Fish and Game since 1967 and has been the Region 1 Groundfish Projectleader since 1978.In his currentposition, he has researchand managementresponsibility for state-managedgroundfish in theeastern Gulf of Alaska. Bracken is a member of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council's Gulf of Alaska Groundfish Team ancl the Canada/U.S. Groundfish Tec hnica I Subcommittee. Donald E. Krarner Brian C. Paust Marine Advisory Program Marine Advisory Program School of F-isheries and Sc:hool of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences Ocean Sciences University of Alaska Fairbanks University of Alaska Fairbanks 2221 F, Northern Lights Blvd. P,O. Box 1329 Anchorage, Alaska 99508-4140 Petersburg,Alaska 99833 William FI. Barss BarryE. Bracken Marine Region, Finfish Program Division of Commercial Fisheries Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Management and Development 2040 SF Marine Science Ctr. Dr. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Garne Newport, Oregon 9736S-5294 P.O. Box 667 Petersburg,Alaska 99833 Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Jeff Fargoanrl Tyson Vogeler, who reviewed the manuscr'pt. We also thank M, JamesAllen, Kunio Amaoka, and Doyne W. Kessler for reviewing species descriptions. Flatfish photographs were taken by the authors and the following: Kunio Amaoka, Ann Dalkey, Darrin Greenstein, Peter L, Haaker, Doyne W. Kessler, Milton S. Love, Douglas F, Markle, lames Meehan, Wayne A. Palsson,Nevill L. Venables, ancl the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. We are grateful to M. /ames Allen, Marvin Epps,Schon Hardy, Richard Macintosh, Tyson Vogeler, David Watson, the Monterey Bay Public Aquarium, and the University of Alaska Anchorage Fishery Observer Training Center for provid- ing flattish specimensto be photographed. illustrations were done by Terry Josey, Editing is by Laurie McNicholas and Sue Keller; layout and format is by Carol Kaynor, SusanCibson, Kalei Kagawa, and Judy Hargis; cover design is by Kurt Byers and SusanCibson; and cover art of starry flounder! is by Susan Ogle, The Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation provided funds for the illustrations, and the Alaska Sea Crant College Program provided pre- publication and funds for printing, Support tor the author> was furnished by the Alaska SeaGrant College Program, the Al vaskaDepartment ol Fish and Game, and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Special thanks go to Ron Dearborn, director of the Alaska Sea Grant College Program; and Mel Monsen, former executive director ot the Alaska FisheriesDevelopment Foundation, for encouragement to complete this guide, External Characters of Flatfish Accessory dorsal branch Dorsa I fin Caudal ral lin tail fin Anal fin ventral fin Arch in lateral line axi i lary Pores cle Anal cavity spine Flatfish Measurements .gthout R~I C R R ry Lateral line arch height S Caudal Fin Shapes Rounded Pointed Lunate Truncate l3ouble Truncate Mouth Measurements I ,XIQ I I gt +r 1 I Maxillaryextends to Maxillaryextends to Maxillaryextends to below posterior below eye socket. anterior edge of eye edgeof eye socket; socket; sometimes sometimes goes past does not reach posterior edge of anterior edge of eye eye socket. socket. Pelvic Fin Symmetry Pelvicfins asymmetricallyplaced. Eyed-sidefin insertson abdominalridge, Blind-sidefin irisertsoff abdominalridge. FamilyBotltidae One pelvic fin locatedon eyedside, No pelvic fin on blind side. FamilyCynoglossidae Pelvicfins symmetricallyplaced; Fins insert one on each side of abdomina! ridge. FamilyPleuronectidae List of Species Anal Spine See page 3 for anal spine Anal Spine Present continued! illustration. Flathead Sole p. 50! Hqrl>otdcrssoid< s elasson'on Anal SpineAbsent Bering Flounder p, 52! Gulf Sanddab p, 12! l fiplrogloss<rides rnlrustus Citharic hthys fr.rgilfs Pacific Halibut p. 54! Pacific Sanddab p. 14! Hippoglossusstenolepis Citharichthys sorrlidus Diamond Turbot p, 56! Speck ed1 Sanddab p. 1 6! Hypsopsena gutrulata Citharichthys st<'l,n>acus Forkline Sole p. 58! Longfin Sanddab p. 18! lnopsetta fschyra Cithari chthys xanthosrfgma Starry Flounder p. 62! California Halibut p, 22! Pl,>t'<c.hthysst< llatus Paralichthys californicus Ye owfin Sole p. 66! Fantail Sole p. 26! P!cur<>tr<'c't<?srsp<'r Xystreurys liolepsis Rock Sole p. 68! Ca I iforn i a Tonguefi sh p. 30! Pleur<rnect<. s bihneatus Symphurus alri<raud,> Arctic Flounder p. 70! Scalyeye Plaice p. 32! Pleuronectes glaciali s Ac anth opsetta narlc?shn yi 8 utter Sole p. 72! Kamchatka
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