Issues and Options Document Consultation Statement September 2019 Contents Section 1 Introduction Section 2 Consultation under Regulation 18 Southend New Local Plan Issues and Options Section 3 Duty to Co-operate Section 4 Key Issues identified Section 5 Responses from Key Stakeholders Section 6 Continuous Engagement Section 7 Sustainability Appraisal Section 8 What You Said and What We’ll Do Appendices Appendix 1 Representation responses and Breakdown on Sections and Questions Appendix 2 Summary of Comments made at Drop-in Events and Stakeholder Events including Report produced by Copper Appendix 3 List of Consultees Appendix 4 Consultation Material Appendix 5 Methods of Consultation Appendix 6 Schedule of Consultation Events Section 1: Introduction 1.1 This statement has been prepared to comply with the requirements of Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (“the Regulations”). 1.2 The Local Plan will ultimately influence how Southend will grow and develop over the next twenty years. The Regulation 18 consultation marks the start of the engagement stage of the Plan and represents the scoping stage to decide what should be included in it. Furthermore, consultation on the Plan, including with key stakeholders helps to ensure that it is based on up to date, robust evidence. 1.3 Comments were invited from interested parties on the proposed vision and spatial strategy options for the plan and on a range of issues including housing, the economy, tourism, transport and the environment. Receiving comments at this stage helps to ensure that people living, working or who have a stake in the future of Southend have a say in how these issues are addressed. 1.4 Southend Borough Council, together with neighbouring authorities in South Essex and Essex County Council are also working together to address various cross-boundary issues. Details of the Local Plan were therefore raised at regular Essex and South Essex planning officer and councillor meetings. 1.5 It is important to point out that the consultation was a starting point and the Council is not, at this stage, proposing any policies or setting out which sites should be allocated for development. Section 2: Consultation under Regulation 18 Southend New Local Plan Issues and Options 2.1 The Southend on Sea New Local Plan Issues and Options document was published so that representations could be made between 5th February and 2nd April 2019. 2.2 Who we consulted – A list of people and organisations we consulted is set out at Appendix 3. Details of press and social media engagement to advertise the consultation to the general public is set out at Appendix 4 (consultation material). Section 3 of this report sets out our approach to meeting the duty to co-operate, in particular working with neighbouring authorities, Essex County Council and other partners on strategic cross-boundary matters affecting South Essex. 2.3 How we consulted – The methods of consultation are set out in Appendix 5, and a schedule of consultation events are set out at Appendix 6. Section 7 of this report details wider continuous engagement on the Local Plan that has been undertaken to date, including conversations within the Council and with external partners to develop the Southend 2050 ambition and road map. 2.4 Summary of the main issues raised – Section 4 of this consultation report sets out a summary of the key issues raised by those responding to the public consultation on the Issues and Options document. A more detailed summary of each representation submitted is set out at Appendix 1, and Appendix 2 summarises comments made at the drop-in sessions and workshops we ran during the public consultation. Section 5 of the report summarises the main points raised by key stakeholders, including neighbouring local authorities and other statutory consultees. 2.5 Sustainability Appraisal – Section 7 sets out the comments we received on the Sustainability Appraisal and how these should influence the scope and content of the plan objectives and policies. 2.6 How the representations will be taken into account in the plan - Section 8 summarises what you said about the plan and what we will do in response to take the plan forward. Section 3 Duty to Co-operate 3.1 The Council seeks to co-operate and engage with a range of organisations on strategic matters when preparing its new Local Plan. This positive approach will assist in influencing the evolution of the Local Plan. Whilst there is no duty to agree, the Council will endeavour to secure the necessary co-operation on strategic cross-boundary matters before submitting the Local Plan for Examination. 3.2 In order to ensure a strategic and agreed coordinated approach to development in South Essex, in 2017 all six south Essex local authorities and Essex County Council agreed to the establishment of the Association of South Essex Local Authorities (ASELA) to prepare a suite of plans and documents to guide developments and schemes in the South Essex sub-region. This included the preparation of an agreed 2050 Ambition and a Joint Strategic Plan (JSP), the latter to provide the framework for the preparation of more detailed Local Plans by the six Local Authorities. 3.3 The establishment of an agreed sub-regional framework for growth in south Essex is important to ensure that the six local plans provide for an effective ‘joined-up’ planning approach. 3.4 Throughout the Local Plan preparation process, the list of strategic matters and opportunities for joint working will be kept under review and influence the engagement and co-operation activities promoted. Southend Borough Council will develop new and/or build on existing established joint working mechanisms, as appropriate. Co-operation arrangements the Council propose to employ and/or consider include: • Joint Officer and Member meetings, committees and working groups • Commissioning of joint evidence base studies and reports • Joint or aligned plans across Council areas • Memorandums of Understanding as a framework for co-operation • Getting key decisions in writing from other authorities/bodies • Confirming understanding/intentions in writing Joint statements of policy/action Joint statements of co-operation/ Statements of Common Ground. 3.5 These arrangements will be undertaken in addition to statutory Local Plan and planning application consultations, and general correspondence issued by the Council. Section 4 Key Issues identified 4.1 The following issues were identified from the representations submitted on the Issues and Options document. This feedback will be used to further develop planning policies on these matters as the plan progresses towards submission, independent examination and adoption. 4.2 Vision – there was broad agreement with the key messages of the Southend 2050 vision, but further emphasis was required on protecting and enhancing the environment, including combating climate change; providing supporting infrastructure; improving transport access in and around the Borough whilst boosting opportunities for more sustainable forms of travel; and balancing aspirations with what is deliverable, including provision of affordable housing. It was also considered to be important that Sustainability Appraisal of the plan takes into account any cross-boundary / cumulative effects of strategic scale development. 4.3 Spatial Options – Of the three spatial options presented, option 3 attracted the most support. Those supporting it viewed it as providing the best opportunity for accommodating the necessary growth. Opponents to this option cited the unacceptable loss of green belt land and the loss of open countryside between the current urban fringe and the internationally important estuarine habitats of the River Roach to the north. Those respondents favouring Option 1 focussed on the need to redevelopment brownfield sites, whilst those opposing it were concerned that further development in the existing built up area would worsen perceived over-crowding and high-density development. Those favouring Option 2 considered this to be the best compromise of the three options available, as it would promote use of brownfield land whilst allowing some expansion of the urban area where new residents could access existing facilities. Opposition to Option 2 came from those wishing to see the Green Belt protected and others who considered that this approach would not be sufficient to meet the Borough’s needs. 4.4 Housing – There was support for more affordable homes, although there is a need to set policy requirements carefully having regard to viability. New housing should be inclusive and adaptable for all people to support family cohesion and provide flexibility. Vacant and empty homes should be brought back into use and higher density development focussed close to town centres and public transport nodes, but there was an acknowledgement that densification is unlikely to deliver the required amount and mix of dwellings whilst maintaining a good quality of life for existing residents. A new garden community could enable a comprehensively and positively planned scheme. There was also a recognition of the need to provide the right type of housing to support the economic performance of the town, thus helping to reduce levels of deprivation. 4.5 Securing a Thriving Local Economy – Support for key sectors including digital, cultural and creative industries, health care, advanced manufacturing and engineering and tourism, and in protecting the main employment locations. Aviation and local fishing industry were also cited as in need of support through planning policy. Supporting economic growth with improvements in infrastructure (transport and digital) was also highlighted. Poorer quality employment sites could be considered for redevelopment providing it takes into account environmental factors and does not result in job losses. 4.6 Promoting Southend as a Major Resort – Should be borough wide, building on the Seafront offer, and providing opportunities for more than day trips. Better links between the Seafront and the High Street were required, along with provision of a range of tourist accommodation and leisure offer.
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