C all HOME Economy – NOW INCLUDED ON Telefonkarte COMFORT Germany > africa, arabic countries, eastern europe, central asia, central and south america | Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten SIMPLY DIAL 0800 33 00321, ENTER THE PIN HELPFUL FEATURES FOR FREQUENT USERS 9 AND CALL THE DESIRED NUMBER PIN-less dialing: dial the access number 0800 33 00321 and enter your PIN, then press Free access number – no dial-up fee and 1 . When you dial the access number again, you won’t have to reenter your PIN. Stand 07/201 Available via landline or mobile phone – no new SIM card required Just enter the number you wish to call. You’ll only be charged if the call is connected Speed dial: enter and 4 , followed by a one- or two-digit speed-dial number and the telephone number (including prefix) you want to match with this speed dial. Call Home Economy – the low-priced and fair way to make Once PIN-less dialing has been set up with 1 and speed dial with 4 you only international calls! need to dial 0800 33 00321 followed by the one- or two-digit speed-dial number to connect to the desired phone number (if calling from the phone you have chosen to set up the features). NUMBER OF MINUTES YOU’LL RECEIVE WITH TELEFONKARTE COMFORT (EXAMPLE: WITH 10 EURO BALANCE) › › › › › › › › Ägypten / Egypt 91 71 45 40 Gabun / Gabon 25 22 19 18 Afghanistan / Afghanistan 38 43 27 29 Gambia / Gambia 16 16 14 14 Albanien / Albania 59 22 35 18 Georgien / Georgia 43 28 29 21 Algerien / Algeria 11 18 10 15 Ghana / Ghana 37 25 26 20 Angola / Angola 117 86 51 44 Griechenland / Greece 434 169 74 59 Argentinien / Argentina 277 41 67 29 Guatemala / Guatemala 101 62 47 37 Armenien / Armenia 50 40 32 28 Guinea / Guinea 22 22 18 18 Aruba / Aruba 105 41 48 28 Guinea-Bissau / Guinea-Bissau 18 18 15 15 Aserbaidschan / Azerbaijan 46 30 31 23 Guyana / Guyana 37 50 26 32 Äthiopien / Ethiopia 35 40 25 28 Honduras / Honduras 74 60 41 36 Bahrain / Bahrain 67 67 38 38 Irak / Iraq 68 50 68 50 Barbados / Barbados 43 40 29 28 Iran / Iran 67 55 38 34 Belize / Belize 43 43 29 29 Israel / Israel 100 129 47 53 Benin / Benin 25 25 19 19 Jemen / Yemen 62 62 37 37 Bolivien / Bolivia 101 52 47 33 Jordanien / Jordan 52 45 33 30 Bosnien-Herzegowina / Bosnia and Herzegovina 55 26 34 20 Kamerun / Cameroon 50 26 32 20 Botswana / Botswana 126 41 52 28 Kap Verde / Cape Verde 55 35 34 25 Brasilien / Brazil 400 67 117 50 Kasachstan / Kazakhstan 126 67 52 38 Bulgarien / Bulgaria 256 50 66 32 Katar / Qatar 52 50 33 32 Burkina Faso / Burkina Faso 50 26 32 20 Kenia / Kenya 50 46 32 30 Burundi / Burundi 15 15 13 13 Kirgistan / Kyrgyzstan 77 50 42 32 Chile / Chile 212 60 63 36 Kolumbien / Colombia 357 126 71 52 Costa Rica / Costa Rica 476 144 75 55 Komoren / Comoros 41 28 29 22 Dominica / Dominica 43 40 29 28 Kongo / Congo 22 22 18 18 Dschibuti / Djibouti 27 29 21 22 Kroatien / Croatia 434 50 74 32 Ecuador / Ecuador 77 43 42 29 Kuwait / Kuwait 129 112 53 50 El Salvador / El Salvador 52 43 33 29 Lesotho / Lesotho 22 28 17 21 Elfenbeinküste / Cote d’Ivoire 36 23 26 19 Lettland / Latvia 169 204 60 62 Eritrea / Eritrea 42 42 29 29 Libanon / Lebanon 117 60 101 57 Estland / Estonia 434 50 74 32 Liberia / Liberia 22 25 18 20 Falklandinseln / Falkland Islands 6 – 5 – Libyen / Libya 34 26 25 20 Französisch-Guayana / French Guyana 4 86 4 44 Litauen / Lithuania 204 256 62 66 Call Home Economy – now included ON Telefonkarte Comfort Germany > africa, arabic countries, eastern europe, central asia, central and south america | Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten 9 NUMBER OF MINUTES YOU’LL RECEIVE WITH TELEFONKARTE COMFORT (EXAMPLE: WITH 10 EURO BALANCE) Stand 07/201 › › › › › › › › Madagaskar / Madagascar 17 15 14 13 Simbabwe / Zimbabwe 77 22 41 18 Malawi / Malawi 28 26 21 20 Slowakei / Slovak Republic 204 204 62 63 Mali / Mali 50 25 32 20 Slowenien / Slovenia 400 55 73 35 Marokko / Morocco 303 27 69 21 Somalia / Somalia 22 --- 18 --- Mauretanien / Mauretania 17 18 14 15 Südafrika / South Africa 303 126 69 53 Mazedonien / Macedonia 59 26 35 20 Süd-Sudan / South Sudan 34 31 25 23 Mexiko / Mexico 303 169 69 59 Sudan / Sudan 59 52 36 33 Moldawien / Moldova 33 31 24 23 Suriname / Suriname 72 31 40 23 Montenegro / Montenegro 59 26 36 20 Swasiland / Swaziland 169 41 58 28 Mosambik / Mozambique 50 30 32 22 Syrien / Syria 133 74 112 68 Namibia / Namibia 144 91 55 45 Tadschikistan / Tajikistan 71 59 40 36 Nicaragua / Nicaragua 67 29 38 22 Tansania / Tanzania 34 28 25 21 Niger / Niger 26 22 20 18 Togo / Togo 35 30 26 23 Nigeria / Nigeria 126 169 53 59 Trinidad / Trinidad 80 35 42 25 Oman / Oman 77 33 42 24 Tschad / Chad 18 16 15 14 Pakistan / Pakistan 133 169 54 59 Tschechische Republik / Czech Republic 344 169 71 59 Panama / Panama 238 77 65 42 Tunesien / Tunisia 15 13 13 11 Paraguay / Paraguay 222 126 64 53 Türkei / Turkey 344 68 256 68 Peru / Peru 400 144 73 56 Turkmenistan / Turkmenistan 86 67 44 38 Polen / Poland 400 169 73 59 Uganda / Uganda 29 29 22 22 Réunion / Reunion 344 144 71 55 Ukraine / Ukraine 67 40 38 28 Ruanda / Rwanda 34 28 25 21 Ungarn / Hungary 526 256 76 67 Rumänien / Romania 526 256 76 67 Uruguay / Uruguay 204 52 62 33 Russland / Russia 256 50 66 32 Usbekistan / Uzbekistan 256 126 66 52 Sambia / Zambia 20 17 16 14 Venezuela / Venezuela 400 126 73 52 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia 101 67 47 38 Vereinigte Arabische Emirate / UAE 55 55 34 34 Senegal / Senegal 41 23 29 18 Weißrussland / Belarus 27 26 21 20 Serbien / Serbia 60 27 36 21 Zaire (Kongo) / Congo, Dem.Rep. (Zaire) 29 27 29 27 Seychellen / Seychelles 12 12 11 11 Zentralafrik. Rep. / Central African Rep. 38 16 27 14 Sierra Leone / Sierra Leone 29 20 22 16 Zypern / Cyprus 400 256 73 66 GERMANY > GERMANY 0800 33 00321 – YOUR DIALING CODE HOME From mobile or landline: With the dialing code 0800 33 00321 and the telephone card › › › › Telefonkarte Comfort, you will enjoy low rates – absolutely fairly. Your credit will only be reduced once the call is connected. Deutschland / Germany 526 112 112 112 60/60/60 pulse. Possible surcharges, e.g., from hotels or mobile network providers, are not under the control of Deutsche Telekom. For calls from phone boxes, when you dial 0800 33 00321, a surcharge of 18 cents/min. applies. Contact: [email protected].
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