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Index ABC Sunday Night Movie, 206 Blumberg, Stuart, 286 Ahearn, Kevin, 74 Boudreau, Bruce (Hyannisport No. 7), 131, Ahern, Jim. See Mendillo, Stephen 174, 178 Alexander, Claire, 31 bounties, 29, 35, 123, 157 Allen, Dede, 163, 174–77, 182, 259 Bousquet, Mark (Andre “Poodle” Lussier), All the Right Moves (fi lm), 204 132, 237 American Film Institute, 282 Brabham, Henry, 213–14 Anaheim Ducks, xii, 279 Braden, Lily. See Crouse, Lindsay Andrea, hockey wife (Nancy N. Dowd), Braden, Ned. See Ontkean, Michael 106, 165 brawls. See fi ghts and brawls Andre Bergeron. See Tetreault, Jean The Broad Street Bullies (book), 38 Andre “Poodle” Lussier (Mark Bousquet), Brooklyn Academy of Music, 280 132, 237 Broome County Blades, 120, 122 Anheuser-Busch, 223, 224–26, 228. Brophy, John, 17, 74 See also beer drinking Brophy/Fotiu, Nick. See Gofton, John Anita McCambridge. See Walker, Kathryn Brotemarkle, Leslie, 120 Anthony, George (Toronto Sun), 190 Brumm, Leonard “Oakie,” 29 Arters, Louise (Sparkle Twins), 237 budget of Slap Shot, 174, 258–59 Austin Film Festival, 229–30 Buffalo Norsemen, 135, 137–39 awards and award nominations, Bumstead, Henry “Bummy,” 98–99, 169 4–5, 200 Burke, Brian (GM), 233 for Hanson Brothers TV ads, 225 Campigotto, Vern, 44, 46, 137–38 Baldwin, Howard, 8, 18 Canby, Vincent (New York Times), 188 Baldwin, Stephen, 283 Cannes Film Festival, 198–99 Ball, Blake (Gilmore Tuttle), 17, 79–80, Cape Codders (NAHL), 36, 42–43, 74, 75, 120 112, 132 Capital District Islanders (AHL), 221 Barbour, John, 70 Carden, Billy, 86 Barclay Donaldson (Ross Smith), 121–22, 263 Cardiff, Jim, 74, 112–13 Barrette, Yvon (Denis Lemieux/Lafl eur), 75, Carlson, Dave “Killer.” See Houser, Jerry 141, 142, 172 Carlson, Jeff, Jack and Steve. casting, 82–83, 110 See also Hanson Brothers post Slap Shot, 236, 237, 267 2002 DVD commentary, 119–20 Ron Docken plays action scenes, 110, 120 against Blazers, 44 Barrymore, Drew, 292 brawl with Dusters, 39–41 Batchelor, Ruth (Los Angeles Free Press), 189, glasses and gloves of, 33–34, 111 193–94 hockey careers, 22, 24–30, 41, 205, 214–15, Beauce Jaros (hockey team), 120, 139 221–22 beer drinking, 71, 108, 130, 135–36, 162, inspiration for Hanson Brothers, 74 163, 247. See also Anheuser-Busch inspiration for Slap Shot scenes, 29, 30, Belisle, Dan and Dan Jr., 131, 132–33, 34–35 134, 256 Jeff as electrician, 221 Bergeron, Andre. See Tetreault, Jean living arrangements, 36 Bethlehem Steel, 102–3, 142, 202, 203, to play Hanson Brothers, 109 204, 211COPYRIGHTEDYale screening, MATERIAL 182 “big apple” reference, 155, 168 Carr/Yost, Jim. See Duncan, Andrew “Big King Drugs,” 142 La Castagne (Slap Shot), 199 Billy Charlebois. See Tenesi, Guido casting Binghamton Broome Dusters (NAHL), 19, Andre Bergeron, 110, 112 38–39, 39–41, 44–45, 78, 123–24. Billy Charlebois, 109–10, 112 See also Broome County Blades Dave “Killer” Carlson, 71–72, 111 Blake, Ken (fan website), 235–38, Denis Lemieux, 110 250, 283 Denis Lemieux/Lafl eur, 82–83 Bloomfi eld, Rodger, 38–39, 78 Dickie Dunn, 92–93, 95 Newman’s double, 129–30 director title, 91 Bluebirds, 134 extras, 78–79, 106, 124–28, 130–31 - 299 - EE1BINDEX.indd1BINDEX.indd 229999 77/16/10/16/10 11:09:17:09:17 PPMM Index casting (Continued ) dailies, watching, 163–64 Francine Dunlop, 88 Dale, Jack, 20 Hanson Brothers, 74, 109, 110–11 Daley, John, 214 Jean-Guy Drouin, 82–83 D’Amato, Paul (Tim “Dr. Hook” McCracken) Jim Ahern, 80 casting, 81–82 Jim Carr/Yost, 93 cast reunion, 238–39 Joe McGrath, 91–92 fi ght with Killer Carlson, 156–58 Johnny Upton, 72–73 inspiration for bounty on, 29 Lily Braden, 87 inspiration for character, 17–18 Mo Wanchuk, 80–81 most famous line, 157 Ned Braden, 70, 73–74, 86–87 opinion of Slap Shot, 10 Newman’s double, 129–30 post Slap Shot, 236, 267–68 Nick Brophy/Fotiu, 112–13 punches Syracuse captain, 134 Oggie Oglethorpe, 132 reception of fi lm, 197–98 Reggie Dunlop, 52–53, 60–61, 64–65 response to striptease, 197 Shirley, 88–90 Dave “Killer” Carlson. See Houser, Jerry Tim “Dr. Hook” McCracken, 81–82 Denis Lemieux/Lafl eur. See Barrette, Yvon Yvon Lebrun, 110 Dickie Dunn. See Walsh, M. Emmet ’Cause My Family Has Money Dillon, Melinda (Suzanne Hanrahan), 174, (mockumentary), 250–51 263–64 Champlin, Charles (Los Angeles Times), Docken, Ron (Yvon Lebrun) 194–95, 196 hockey career, 21, 32, 36–37, 263 Charlebois, Billy. See Tenesi, Guido on hockey rivalries, 129 Charlebois, Bob, 74 inspiration for character, 75–76 Charlestown. See Johnstown plays goalie action scenes, 110, 120 Charlestown Chiefs (Slap Shot). See also on Slap Shot, 256 Johnstown Chiefs; individual characters Donaldson, Donaldson (Ross Smith), based on Jets, 51, 75–76 121–22, 263 fi nal game (Bulldogs), 134 Dooley, Paul (announcer in Slap Shot), Florida, 146–47, 158, 168 172–73, 267 game against Lancaster Gears, 133, 174 Dougherty, Marion, 90–91, 95 games against Hyannisport, 119–20, 131, Dowd, Nancy 171–73, 178 on ad-libbing, 241 and Newman’s death, 279 biography, 13–14 organist scene, 180 on casting, 95, 155 owner (see Walker, Kathryn) dating Mendillo, 164 in Reggie’s obituary, ix–x on Dave Hanson and Carlson brothers, in reviews, 4 241–43 in sequels, 282, 285 in defense of fi lm, 194, 195–96 team’s bus “Iron Lung,” 128 drafts and rewrites, 48–49, 50–52, 155 uniforms, 103, 108, 112, 120, 222, 236, on Dunlop’s mock obituary, xiii 238, 253, 265, 281 idea for Slap Shot, 15 Chasing the Dream (NHL Productions), 250 on Johnstown as set, 170 Chernoff, Mike, 44 meets Hill, 55 Chiefs. See Charlestown Chiefs; Johnstown post Slap Shot, 159, 265–67, 287 Chiefs reception of fi lm, 193–94 The Chiefs (documentary), 250 research and recording, 37–38, 242 Clarence “Screaming Buffalo” Swamptown selling the idea, 49–50 (“Indian” Joe Nolan), 17, 132 on set, 165 Coates, Steve (broadcaster), 34 social commentary, 10 Coleman, Nancy (Johnstown Tribune- soundtrack, 179 Democrat), 159–60 Yale screening, 182 Conacher, Brian (As the Puck Turns), Dowd, Nancy N. (Andrea, hockey wife), 33–34, 128 106, 165 Coors, 135 Dowd, Ned. See also Oggie Oglethorpe Costas, Bob, 42, 77 Austin screening, 229–30 Crawford, Bob, 54, 163, 257–59 fi lming, 115 Creamer, Robert W. (Scorecard), 3 hockey career, 13–14, 20, 67 Crouse, Lindsay (Lily Braden), 4, 87, 131, Ned Braden’s namesake, 51–52 174, 182, 250 post Slap Shot, 265–66 post Slap Shot, 263–64 technical advisor, 67 Crupi, Mike, 20–21 Downey, Aaron, 232, 233 cult fi lm, 11, 224, 272 “Dr. Hook” McCracken. Cuskelly, Richard (Los Angeles Herald- See D’Amato, Paul Examiner), 186 Drouin, Jean-Guy. See Ponton, Yvan - 300 - EE1BINDEX.indd1BINDEX.indd 330000 77/16/10/16/10 11:09:17:09:17 PPMM Index Duncan, Andrew (Jim Carr/Yost), 76, 93–96, The Game That Kills (movie), 114 127, 267 Gilmore Tuttle. See Ball, Blake Dunlop, Francine. See Warren, Jennifer Gilmour, Doug (Slap Shot sequel), 285 Glenn, Scott, 73 East Coast Hockey League (ECHL), 146, Gofton, John (Nick Brophy/Fotiu), 20, 38, 214–16, 291 74, 112–13, 263 Eastern Hockey League (EHL), 15–19, 40, 46, Goldman, William, 243–44 74, 79, 101–2, 120, 145–46, 204 Goldthorpe, Bill “Goldie” Ebert, Roger, 5, 92–93, 208–9 adopted by cast, 237, 239, 240 Ecker (Dick Roberge), 127–28 bad feelings, 240–41 editing (fi lm), 174–78. See also Allen, Dede brawls, 123–24, 139–40 Edwards, Vince, 179–80, 248 hockey career, 239 Espey, Will “Woody,” 133–34, 237 inspiration for, 76–79, 132, 239, 244, 245–46 Greenville, SC, 217, 289, 291 extras, 84–85, 107–8, 139–40, 172–74 Grenell, Denny, 202, 212–14, 290–91 casting, 78–79, 106, 124–28, 130–31 stickboys, 133–34 Hall, Don wages, 106–7, 140 on brawl with Codders, 42–43 career, 30, 75, 102, 212 Face-Off (movie), 73, 115 cooperation of, 104 Farber, Stephen (New West), 194 relationship with Newman, 162 Farrelly, Peter and Bobby, 244 stories about Slap Shot, 256 fashion show scene, 82, 188 uniform number (9) retired, 216 Federal Hockey League, 120, 289–90 wife as extra, 107 Fedorov, Sergei, 232 Hamill, Frank (No. 12), 39, 125–26, 128, Fenster, Ruth (fan in Slap Shot), 172 255–56 Fenton, Mike, 70, 90 Hamilton, NY, 174 Ferrell, Will, 292 Hanrahan, Suzanne. See Dillon, Melinda fi ghts and brawls (in Slap Shot) Hanrahan, Tommy. See Murney, Chris Barclay Donaldson–Killer Carlson, 122, 127 Hanson, Christian (son of Dave), 259–61 based on Jets and Comets, 35 Hanson, Dave (Jack Hanson). Chiefs and Patriots, 173–74 See also Hanson Brothers Chiefs invade stands, 171–73 2002 DVD commentary, 119–20 Dr. Hook McCracken–Killer Carlson, 2009 screening, 281 156–57 autobiography, xii, 241–42 epic game-ending brawl, 132–34 casting, 109, 110–11 fi lming of, 128 fi lm apartment, 131, 174 Hanrahan–Reggie, 140–41, 167 hockey career, 21–22, 27, 36, 41, 42, 76, Hansons–No. 12, 125–26 205–6, 221 Steve Hanson–Heckey, 124–25 inspiration for Dave “Killer” Carlson, 74 fi ghts and brawls (real) No. 20 Johnstown Jets, 260 cost in dollars of, 139 opinion of Slap Shot, 221–22 Goldthorpe–Dusters, 78 in Slap Shot sequel, 282 Goldthorpe–O’Reilly, 123–24 Hanson Brothers. See also Carlson, Jeff, Jack Jets–Codders, 42–43 and Steve; Hanson, Dave Jets–Comets, 34–35, 172 acting and ad-libbing, 126–27, 241 Jets–Dusters, 39–41 with Anheuser-Busch, 223–28 Jets’ fans–Dusters, 78 Austin screening, 229–30 Jets–Norsemen, 137–39 authentic products, 228–29 fi lming, 106, 115, 116–17, 161 casting, 74, 109, 110–11 acting and ad-libbing, 126–27, 241 charitable causes, 227–28 fi ght scenes, 122, 140–41 Chiefs invade stands, 172 last scene shot, 174 copyright questions, 242–43 Fleetwood Mac, 179 on cover of Sports Illustrated, 5, 240–41 Flin Flon Bombers (WCHL), 27 days off, 161 Florida hockey, 145–47 glasses and gloves of, 54–55, 111, Foley, Bill (Oswego (NY) Palladium-Times), 189 220–21, 228 Fotiu, Nick, 74, 215 Jeff and Jack leave set, 151 Francine Dunlop.

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