ENGLISH ANTIPHONARY THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS ACCORDING TO THE ROMAN RITE ENGLISH ANTIPHONARY IN PLAINCHANT ADAPTED FROM THE "ANTIPHONALE ROMANUM" AND THE "ANTIPHONLE MONASTICUM" PREPARED BY THE MONKS OF SOLESMES ABBEY LAUDS, VESPERS, AND COMPLINE FOR SUNDAYS, FEASTS, AND SOLEMNITIES PREPARED BY AARON WILLIAMS JACKSON MMXIV THE PROPER OF TIME ADVENT FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT VESPERS I Introductory Rite, p. ###. Hymn Creator of the Stars of Night, p. 8. Antiphon 1 II* a P ! == RO-"--------- claim#-#===+=== * the#--------- good$----------- news#------- a-mong%-----#====- the$------ na-tions:#--------#===;=- Our&--------- God'-----( ! ==will) ------- come*-------- to+------- save"------- us.,==-==.==%=$=,==-=========================================-- Psalms and Canticle, Sunday Week I, p. ###. Antiphon 2 V a K !NOW==$=====- that,-------- the$-------- Lord/=== is,------ com-ing0-----*==-+=-= * and*--------- with+-------- him,-------- all$===- his#--------- saints;$=;-1 ! ==that$------- day$-------- will#----------- dawn2---------- with2------ a$ ------ won-der-ful,------+------3------- light,+==-+= al-le-lu-ia.,--4---*---*==-==5==#=2=,==-==-==== Antiphon 3 II* a T ! == HE,--------- Lord4--------- will$--------- come6====+=== * with$====- might-y7-------#===- pow-er;6------#----;--- all&------ mor-tal'---)------ eyes)----8 4 First Sunday of Advent ! ==will3=== see,9$9, ----- him.,==-==.==%=$=,==-==========-===========================-============== Reading 1 Th 5: 23-24 May the God of peace make you perfect in holiness. May he preserve you whole and entire, spirit, soul, and body, irreproachable at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls us trustworthy, therefore he will do it. After the reading, the responsory Lord, show us, p. 10. Antiphon at the Magnificat I f S : == EE;----- the,------- Lord<------+---- * com-$=%#- %>% ---- ing$------ from?-6----- 'a- ---far;' ==;== his2-------- splen-dor2------+------- fills2$9, =-the+==8 : ==- earth.*@2A+-B-CD==-==5==2=$=,==-=========-===============================--============== Intercessions Jesus Christ is the joy and happiness of all who look forward to his coming. † Let us call upon him and say: r Come, Lord, and do not delay! In joy, we wait for your coming, come, Lord Jesus. r Before time began, you shared life with the Father, come now and save us. r You created the world and all who live in it, come to redeem the work of your hands. r You did not hesitate to become man, subject to death, come to free us from the power of death. r You came to give us life to the full, come and give us your unending life. r Lauds 5 You desire all people to live in love in your kingdom, come and bring together those who long to see you face to face. r Our Father, p. ###. Prayer Grant your faithful, we pray, almighty God, the resolve to run forth to meet your Christ with righteous deeds at his coming, † so that, gathered at his right hand, * they may be worthy to possess the heavenly kingdom. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, † who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, * one God, for ever and ever. Concluding Rite, p. ###. LAUDS Introductory Rite, p. ###. Hymn D A ! == , ----------- THRILL-+-------------- ing,---------- voice$------- by#------ Jor-dan%-------#--------- rings,#------+- re-buk-ing$-----#-------%-------- guiltE------- and$----F ! ==dark-some#----------%------------- things:#====;-== vain#------------ dreams#---------- of%----- sinG----- and$------- vis-ions2-------,------- fly;+===+------ Christ,--------- in+------ His,--------1 ! might==$------------ shines#------------ forth%===== on#------- high.#==-==================================================- 2. Now let each torpid soul arise, 4. That when again he shines revealed, that sunk in guilt and wounded lies; and trembling words to terror yield. see! the new Star's refulgent ray he gave not sin its just reward, shall chase disease and sin away. but in his love protect and guard. 3. The Lamb descends from heav'n above 5. To our high Parent glory be to pardon sin with freest love: and to the Son be victory, for such indulgent mercy shewn and to the Spirit praise is owed with tearful joy our thanks we own. from age to age eternally. Amen. 6 First Sunday of Advent Antiphon 1 VIII g O : == 2 N-H ----- that<-------- day2===+=== * sweet2----------- wine2---------- will2-------- flow6---------- from2-------- the$---------- moun-tains,2----------,-----;---- I : ==milk2--------- and$------- ho-ney%------2--------- from2===== the,-------- hills,*------ ,al-le-lu-ia.---<----2---2==-==J==#=$=2==-=========-========--- Psalms and Canticle, Sunday Week I, p. ###. Antiphon 2 I f T : == HE*---------- moun-tains*----------K--------- and,--------- hills<===+=== * will$------- sing$-' ------- praise,--------- to+------- God;*==;=-= all,----- the,----- I : ==trees2-------- of$----- the2------- for-estL-----2==+== will$-------- clapM--------- their#----------- hands,$===|== for$==- he' --- is+------ com-ing,L-------,-------- the*--------- Lord,-------- of+-( : == a, ----- king-dom*---------K==;== thatN-------- lasts2-2=== for+------ ev-er,L----2----- al-+--- )le---- lu-ia.*---*==-==5==2=$=,==-=======-=====-==== Antiphon 3 II* a A : == + --------- GREAT"---------- pro-phet#-#-------#===+==- * will$===== come7==== to#---- Je-ru-sa-lem;$----#----#----#-----;--- of,------ that#-------- peo-$----I : == ple2------ he,------- will+====- make*------- +a----- new,-------- cre-a-tion.$----,-----,==-==.==%=$=,==-==================-=========- Lauds 7 Reading Ro 13: 11-12 It is now the hour for you to wake from sleep, for our salvation is closer than when we first accepted the faith. The night is far spent; the day draws near. Let us cast off deeds of darkness and put on the armor of Light. Responsory r br. C HRIST,:==+====== Son+------- of,=== the*------ liv-ing+------,--------4 God,2------;------- * have+------- mer-cyO------K----- onP=== us.+== -v=-==- YouK=-= 8 : == are3=== the+==== one+==== whoO==-= is+---- to,-------- come.2==== -v==== Glo-ry+------2 ---- to2------ the2=== Fa-ther,$------$==== and$=-== to2------ the$==== Son,+=+- Q : == and+==== to+----- the+------ Ho-ly)----*----- Spi-rit.4------2==-=======-===========================================- Antiphon at the Benedictus VIII g T : == HE2===- Ho-ly3==-,------ Spir-it<==2====== * will2===== come2--------- up-on$-----2------- you,,--------- Ma-ry;<----$----;---- you$---------- have$ : == no$-------- needM===- to$----- be2==- a-fraid.2-----2-----|------ You2-------- will2------ car-ry$------2 ----- in,------ yourR-SC-------- womb*------+---- the$------- Son2-2==- of,------- God,*----( : == al-le-lu-ia.,=<---2==2==-==========================-=======================================---- Intercessions To God our Father, who has given us the grace to wait in joyful hope for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ, † let us make our prayer: r Show us your mercy, Lord. 8 First Sunday of Advent Sanctify us in mind and body, keep us without sin until the coming of your Son. r Make us walk this day in holiness, and live upright and devout lives in this world. r May we become clothed in our Lord Jesus Christ, and filled with the Holy Spirit. r Lord, help us to stand watchful and ready until your Son is revealed in all his glory. r Our Father, p. ###. Prayer Grant your faithful, we pray, almighty God, the resolve to run forth to meet your Christ with righteous deeds at his coming, † so that, gathered at his right hand, * they may be worthy to possess the heavenly kingdom. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, † who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, * one God, for ever and ever. Concluding Rite, p. ###. VESPERS II Introductory Rite, p. ###. Hymn D C : == RE-+---- Ka-tor----+------ of2----- the$-------- stars$-------- of,==== night,2===+=== Thy2---------- peo-ple's$------,------- ev-er-last-ing2----,=-+==-*-====- Q : ==light,+===-;== Je-sus,2-----,------- Re-deem-er,*------+------,------- save+==== us*------ all,K===+=== andK--------- hear+--------- Thy,==== ser-vants2-------,---------- when+=====-= 8 : ==they*--------- call.+==-=========-============================================================ 2. Thou, grieving that the ancient curse hast found the med'cine full of grace, should doom to death a universe, to save and heal a ruined race. Vespers II 9 3. Thou cam'st, the Bridegoom 5. O Thou whose coming is with dread, of the Bride, to judge and doom as drew the world to evening tide, the quick and dead, proceeding from a vigin shrine, preserve us, while we dwell below, the spotless Victim all divine. from every insult of the foe. 4. At whose dread Name, majestic now, 6. To God the Father, God the Son, all knees must bend, all hearts must bow; and God the Spirit, Three in One, and things celestial Thee shall own, laud, honor, might and glory be, and things terrestrial, Lord alone. from age to age eternally. Amen. Antiphon 1 VIII g R : == E-"----- $=Tjoice,-U-VWXYZ - E ------------ * daugh-ter[------$------ of7=== Zi-on;'----2----;----- shoutH------- for+==== joy,*----+------ daugh-+==-( : == ter,----- of2---- $Je-ru-sa-lem,----2----L----R-SD ------ al-le-,---L=- lu-ia.2---2==-==J==#=$=2==-================================ Psalms and Canticle, Sunday Week I, p. ###. Antiphon 2 V a C !HRIST==)---------- our,--------- King*======== * will+--------- come"====- to#----- us:$--+--- the$--------- Lamb7===== of#=== God\-W]S ---+-- fore-&-=1 ! == told'------ by,=== John.*+*==-==5==#=2=,==-==================-===============================-- Antiphon 3 VI f I : ==
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