i ;i February 13, 1979 Page 417 In ti Ir Meeting The Board of County Commissioners met in Commission Chambers in the Courthouse 11 11 Opened 1: on Tuesday, February 13, 1979. Commissioners Allen E. Arthur, Jr.; Lamar Thomas; I ! Dick Fischer; Lee Chira and Ed Mason were present. Also present were County 1 i Administrator James Harris, Assistant County Attorney Tom Wilkes and Deputy 1 j /I Clerk Mary Jo Hudson. There being a quorum, the Chai rman cal led the meeting to I/ order at 9:00 a.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the Board /I f 1 paused for a moment of silent invocation. i! it 1. Upon a motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Mason and carried, 1; I; 1 the Board approved the minutes of the meeting of January 23, 24, 25 and 1:- I i1 February 1, 1979, and waived the reading of same. I I I Warrants and Upon a motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following warrants were Vouchers approved by the Board having been certified by the Finance Director that same had not been drawn on overexpended accounts: List # Amoun t Handicapped Chi 1 d Program Head Start Program Victim Advocate Program Spouse Abuse Youth P rograms Rehabi 1 i tat ion Center Green House I I Green House Citizens Dispute Settlement Diversion Project CSA Energy Program Neighborhood Services C. D., Housing Repair CETA I CETA I I CETA I I I YETP CETA VI Child Support Enforcement Program Commun i ty Development , 4th year Commun i ty Deve 1 opmen t , 3 rd year CETA VI Pub1 ic Works Sewer Grant Solid Waste Regular Board Civic Center Fund 53 Self Insurance Fund 58 7th Gas Tax Fund 82 Attorney Upon a mot ion by Commissioner Chi ra, seconded by Commissioner Mason and carried, 1 Payment 1, the Board accepted the recommendations of staff and approved payment of $219.73 ! to Mateer, Harbert, Bechtel & Phal in for attorney costs for the month of 1 January, 1979. I ! Charge Account No. 01-2-21011-334-0-5, 2-20010-334-0-0 February 13, 1979 Page 417 Consumer Mr. Barnhill told the Board that there was insufficient advertising about Protection - i; Barnhi 11 the Orange County Consumer Protection Agency and citizens didnot know itexisted. li 1: I ! Commissioner Arthur informed him that later in the month there was to be an I. i ad placed in the local newspaper telling the citizens about the different 1; II departments in the County. :j Ij /I North Orange Upon a motion by Commissioner Thomas, seconded by Commissioner Chira and carried, I; Memor ia1 11 Hospital the Board accepted the recommendations of staff and accepted an audit of the Aud i t I North Orange Memorial Hospital Tax District for fi 1 ing. I, Ii ' /j Upon a motion by Commissioner Thomas, seconded by Commissioner Chira and carried, I/1; the Board accepted the recommendations of the Publ ic Works Director and approved 1' the fol1owing.andasked theclerkof the Real EstateDept. to record same : R i g ht of Way Ag reemen t The South 30 ft. of: Lots 25 & 26 Willis R. Munger's Lands, in Section G, Township 22 South, Range 29 East, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book "E", Pages 3, 7, 22 & 23, Publ ic Records of Orange County, Florida. li Granted by: lrvin F.and Louise B. Whitten / 1 I! Clarion Drive, Road Improvement Agreement I;1 The South 300 ft. of: Lots 25 & 26, Willis Munger's Lands, in Section G. /I Township 22, Lots 25 & 26 East as per plat book thereof recorded in Plat Book "E", Pages 3, 7, 22, & 23 Publ ic Records of Orange County, Florida. / Granted by: lrvin F. and Louise B. Whitten i i McKinley Avenue, Road Improvement Agreement Commencing at the NW corner of the SE& of the SW& of Section 30, Twp. 22 S, Rge. 29 E, County of Orange State of Florida, thence south 660.00 feet to the P.O.B, thence continuing south 135.42 feet to the north side of Old Winter Garden Road (60' wide) thence along said north R/W line N 68 26'00" E, 60.95 feet to a point of curve, thence along a curve concave to the N. E. on the N'ly R/W of Old Winher Garden Road having a radius of 3009.60 feet hhru a delta angle of 03 50140", aodistance of 201.88 feet thence N 19 54'00" E, 47.20 feet, thence N 89 50'00'' W, 262.90 feet to the P.O.B. Granted by: Robert L. Caudi 11 Right of Way Agreement The West 17.5 feet of: Commencing at the NW corner of the SEt of the SWt of Sec. 30, Twp. 22 S, Rge. 29 E, County of Orange, State of Florida; thence South 660.00 feet to the P. 0. B., thence continuing South 135.42 feet to the North side of Old Winter Garden Road (60' wide), thence along said North R/W 1 ine, N 68'26' 00" E, 60.95 feet to a point of curve, thence along a curve concave to the N. E. on the N'ly R/W of Old Winher Garden Road having a radius of 3009.60 feet thrg a delta angle of 03 50' 40", a distance of 201.88 feet, thence N 19 54' 00" E, 47.20 feet, thence N 89 50'00" W, 262.90 feet to the P. 0. B. Granted by: Robert L. Caudi 11 1) February 13, 1979 Page 418 \ i /I 4 February 13, 1979 Page 41 9 Petition to Notice having been given that the Board would hold a public hearing at 9:30 a.m. Vacate to hear those for or against the vacating of property described as follows: Troynel le by ' Big Lake A part of Troynelle by Big Lake Apopka Subdivision as per plat thereof Apop ka recorded in Plat Book 0, Page 152, which part is more particularly described as follows: i 1. All of blocks A & B of Troynelle by Big Lake Apopka Subdivision as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 0, Page 152, Public : I Records of Orange County, Florida (including all areas designated "P.R.M." contiguous to said blocks.) 2. All of that platted street identified as Orange Plazza lying North of an extension of the Southern Boundary of Lot 10, Block A. 3. All that part of the platted street identified as Lakeshore Drive, lying West of an extension of the Eastern Boundary of Lot 6, Block B. 4. All that part of the West 1/2 of the platted area identified as Killarney Plazza immediately contiguous to the Eastern Boundary of Block B, including all property lying between an extension of the Southern Boundary of Block B and an extension of the Southern Boundary of that area desi gnated "Park" located wi thin Lakeshore Drive. 5. All areas designated "Park" on said Plat and lying within the areas described above, and the hour having arrived, the Chairman called the hearing to order. Pub1 ic Works Di rector Tom Hast ings said Engineering had no object ions to vacating of the subdivision subject to conditions they had outlined on the plat. : No one appeared in opposition, and the Chairman closed the hearing. Upon a motion by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Chira and carried, the Board accepted the recommendations of staff and adopted the following:l' ! RESOLUTION VACATING A PART OF THE PLAT OF TROYNELLE BY BIG LAKE APOPKA SUBDIVISION AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT i BOOK 0, PAGE 152, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORl DA WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 177.101, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 32, Orange County Code, Robert W. Sherman and Katherine L. Sherman, his wife, have petitioned the Board of County Commissioners of Orange County, Florida, for the adoption of a resolution vacating a part of the following described recorded plat of lands situated in Orange County, Florida, to-wit: A part of Troynelle by Big Lake Apopka Subdivision as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 0, Page 152, which part is more particularly described ,, as follows: 1. All of Blocks A and B of Troynelle by Big Lake Apopka Subdivision as 1 per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 0, Page 152, Public Records of Orange County, Florida (including all areas designated "P.R.M1' contiguous to said blocks). 2. All of that platted street identified as Orange Plazza lying North of an extension of the Southern Boundary of Lot 10, Block A. 3. All that part of the platted street identified as Lakeshore Drive, lying West of an extension of the Eastern boundary of Lot 6, Block B. February 13, 1979 Page 419 February 13, 1979 Page 420 4. All that part of the West 3 of the platted area identified as Killarney Plazza immediately contiguous to the Eastern boundary of Block B, including all property lying between an extension of the Southern boundary of Block B and an extension of the Southern boundary of that area designated "Park" located within Lakeshore Drive. 5. All areas designated "Park" on said Plat and lying within the areas described above. and ; WHEREAS, Petitioners own the fee simple title to all the land above described, and the vacation of those lands will not affect the ownership or right of convenient access of persons owning other parts of the Subdivision; and WHEREAS, Petitioners have given notice of their intention to apply to this Commission for vacation of the above-described part of the plat by publication of such notice in two weekly issues of a newspaper of general circulation in Orange County, Florida, the county in which this land is located, and have attached to their Petition proof of such publication; and WHEREAS, Petitioners have paid all State and County taxes owing on said property and have attached certificates to their Petition showing that all State and County taxes on lands encompassed in their Petition have been paid; and WHEREAS, none of the streets or alleys in the part of the plat of the Troynelle by Big Lake Apopka Subdivision sought to be vacated have been taken over by the County for maintenance and are not part of the County road system, and they serve no useful purpose to any of the public except the Petitioner; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds that said Petition and supporting documents are in accordance with the requirements of Section 177.101, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 32, Orange County, Code; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Orange County, Florida, that the part of the plats of the Troynelle by Big Lake Apopka Subdivision as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 0, Page 152, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, as above described, pursuant to the Petition of Robert W.
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