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Home, wherever you come from *Deşiîncercămsămenţinemproduselevegetarienepure,nesimţimobligaţisăvăinformămcăacesteasuntpreparateîntr-obucătăriecomunătuturor tipurilordealimente.Toatepreparatelepotconţineurmedenuci,seminţe,glutensaulactoză. * Whilst we take care to preserve the integrity of our vegetarian products, we must advise that these products are handled in a multi-kitchen environment. All dishes are prepared in an environment that is not free from nuts, seeds, gluten, or lactose therefore all dishes may contain traces of these allergens. CRYSTAL PALACE HOTEL Meniualacarte Gustări reci | Cold dishes Platousalateromâneşti | Traditional Romanian salads plate (280gr.-vinete,ceapă,zacuscă,fasole | (eggplant, onion, Romanian roasted batută,sostomate) soaced mixed vegetables, eggplants and tomatoes) 18 Lei Bruschetteasortate | Assorted bruschettas (220gr.-mixsalată,pâine,roşii,usturoi, | (salad mix, bread, tomatoes, garlic, tapenademăsline,mozzarella,somon olive tapenade, mozzarella, smoked fumme,prosciuttocrudo) salmon, prosciutto crudo) 22 Lei Platouitalian | Italian plate (220gr.-prosciuttocrudo,salamitalian, | prosciutto crudo, italian salami, mozzarella,parmezan,Gorgonzola, mozzarella, parmesan, gorgonzola, măsline,roşiiuscate) olives, dried tomatoes) 68 Lei Prosciuttomelone | Prosciutto melone (150gr./70gr.-pepenegalben, | (melon, prosciutto crudo) prosciuttocrudo) Gustări calde | Hot dishes Clătitegratinate | Gratinated pancakes (200gr.-ou,faină,somonfumme, | (egg, flour, smoked salmone, spinach, spanac,brânzătelemea,smântănă cheese, vegetable sour cream, vegetală,caşcaval) pressed cheese) 35 Lei Risottocuciuperciproaspete | Risotto with fresh mushrooms (220gr.-orez,unt,ceapă,ciuperci, | (rice, butter, mushrooms, green mazăre,ardeigras,smântânăvegetală, peas, pepper, vegetable sour cream, parmezan,rucola) parmesan, arugula) 32 Lei Supe/Creme/Ciorbe | Soups Cremădelegumecucrutoanearomatizate | Vegetables cream soup with aromatic croutons (300gr.-ardeigras,ceapă,morcov,ţelină, | (pepper, onion, carrots, celery, potatoes, cartof,dovlecel,smântânăvegetală, zucchini, vegetable sour cream, roasted crutoanepâine) herbal croutons) 12 Lei Supădepuicutăiţeişiouăprepeliţă | Chicken noodles soup with quail eggs (300gr.-pieptpui,ardeigras,ceapă, | (chicken breast, pepper, onion, carrots, morcov,ţelină,paste,ouăprepeliţă) celery, noodles, quail eggs) 12 Lei CiorbiţăpuialaGrecque | A la Grecque chicken soup (300gr.-pieptpui,ardeigras,morcov, | (chicken breast, pepper, onion, carrots, ceapa,ţelină,ou,smântână) celery, eggs, sour cream) 14 Lei Ciorbiţădevacuţă | Beef soup (300gr.-carnevită,ardeigras,ceapă, | (beef, pepper, onion, potatoes, celery, cartof,dovlecel,fasoleverde,morcov, zucchini, green beans, carrots, tomato ţelină,sostomate) sauce) 16 Lei Supăgulaş | Gulas soup (300gr.-carnevită,ceapă,morcov,ţelină, | (beef, onion, potatoes, celery, carrots, cartof,sostomate,chimen) tomato sauce, caraway) 12 Lei Salate | Salads SalatăAdorado | Adorado salad (250gr.-mixsalată,pieptpui,rodie, | salad mix, chicken breast, pomegranate, smântână,parmezan) sour cream, parmesan) 34 Lei SalatăCaprese | Caprese salad (250gr.-mozzarella,roşii,busuioc,ulei | mozzarella, tomatoes, basil, olive oil, măsline,parmezan,seminţepin,rucola) parmesan, pine seeds, arugula) 31 Lei SalatăCaesar | Caesar’s salad (280gr.-salatăiceberg,pieptpui, | iceberg salad, chicken breast, croutons, crutoanepâine,parmezan,ou, parmesan, eggs, anchovies, olive oil) fileanşoa,uleimăsline 32 Lei Salatăsomon | Salmon salad (250gr.-mixsalată,roşiicherry,somon | (salad mix, cherry tomatoes, smoked fumme,caş,smântână,muştar,miere) salmon, cheese, sour cream, mustard, honey) 44 Lei Paste | Pastas Tagliatellecusomonfumme | Smoked salmon tagliatelle (250gr.-paste,unt,somonfumme, | (pasta, butter, smoked salmon, smântânăvegetală,parmezan) vegetable sour cream, parmesan) 39 Lei SpaghettiCarbonara | Spaghetti Carbonara (250gr.-paste,unt,bacon,ou,smântănă | (pasta, butter, bacon, eggs, vegetable vegetală,parmezan) sour cream, parmesan) 30 Lei SpaghettiBolognese | Spaghetti Bolognese (280gr.-paste,ceapă,morcov,ţelină,sos | (pasta, onion, carrots, celery, tomato tomate,carnevită,parmezan) sauce, beef, parmesan) 30 Lei PenneArrabbiata | Penne Arrabbiata (250gr.-paste,sostomate,ardeiiute, | (pasta, tomato sauce, hot peppers, parmezan) parmesan) 30 Lei Lasagna | Lasagna (300gr.-paste,ceapă,morcov,ţelină, | (pasta, onions, carrots, celery, tomato sostomate,unt,lapte,făină,mozzarella, sauce, butter, milk, flour, mozzarella, parmezan) parmesan) 34 Lei TortelliniQuatroFormaggi | Quatro Formaggi Tortellini (250gr.-paste,unt,brânzăBrie,brânză | (pasta, butter, Brie cheese, Gorgonzola Gorgonzola,mozzarella,smântână cheese, mozzarella, vegetable sour vegetală,parmezan) cream, parmesan) 33 Lei Peşte | Fish FiledoradaCrystalPalace | Crystal Palace Sea bream (200gr./180gr.-filedorada,unt,usturoi, | (sea bream, butter, garlic, capers, dried capere,roşiiuscate,orezbasmati) tomatoes, basmati rice) 33 Lei Bibandemareînstilmediteranean | Mediterranean Sea Bass (240gr./200gr.-bibandemare,ulei | (sea bass, olive oil, garlic, cherry măsline,usturoi,roşiicherry,lămâie,roşie, tomatoes, lemon, tomatoes, onions, ceapă,ardeigras,vânătă,dovlecel) pepper, eggplant, zucchini) 62 Lei Păstrăvlacuptor | Baked trout (240gr./200gr.-uleimăsline,usturoi,roşii | (olive oil, garlic, cherry tomatoes, bacon, cherry,bacon,broccoli,morcov) broccoli, baby carrots) 40 Lei FilesomonînsosMartini | Salmon in Martini sauce (200gr./100gr./150gr.-somon,Martini, | (salmon, Martini, spawn trout, butter, icrepăstrăv,unt,smântânăvegetală, vegan sour cream, asparagus) sparanghel) 48 Lei Fel principal | Main course Pieptpuicusmântânăşiciuperci | Chicken breast with mushrooms and sour cream (220gr./200gr.-pieptpui,smântână | (chicken breast, vegetable sour cream, vegetală,ciuperci,cartof,şuncăpresată) mushrooms, potatoes, ham) 36 Lei Snitelcrocantdepui | Crispy chicken schnitzel (180gr./200gr.-pieptpui,făină,ou, | (chicken breast, flour, eggs, pesmet,cartofiwedges,usturoi) breadcrumbs, wedges, garlic) 36 Lei Şniţelcrocantdeporc | Crispy pork schnitzel (180gr./200gr.-fileporc,făină,ou, | (pork fillet, flour, eggs, breadcrumbs, pesmet,cartofiwedges,usturoi) wedges, garlic) 36 Lei CurcanRocquefort | Rocquefort Turkey (220gr./200gr.-pieptcurcan,brânză | (turkey fillet, Rocquefort cheese, Rocquefort,caşcaval,smântânăvegetală, cheddar, vegetable sour cream, cartof,şuncăpresată) potatoes, ham) 40 Lei Pieptraţăcusosfructedepădure | Duck breast with berries sauce (200gr./100gr./180gr.-pieptraţă,unt, | (duck breast, butter, berries, wild rice, fructepădure,orezsălbatic,alune,stafide) peanuts, raisins) 59 Lei Rasolfragedculegume | Tender beef stew with vegetables (180gr./200gr.-rasolvită,cartof,morcov, | (beef, potatoes, carrots, pepper, ardeigras,broccoli,dovlecel) broccoli, zucchini) 48 Lei Muşchidevităsospiperverde | Beef sirloin in green pepper sauce (200gr./100gr./180gr.-filevită,sospiper | (sirloin, green pepper sauce, basmati verde,orezbasmati) rice) 74 Lei MuşchidevităsosGorgonzola | Beef sirloin in Gorgonzola sauce (200gr./100gr./100gr.-muşchidevită, | (sirloin, Gorgonzola cheese, vegetable brânzăGorgonzola,smântânăvegetală, sour cream, noisette potatoes) cartofinoisette) 74 Lei Cotletedeberbecuţcuaromădecimbrişor | Lamb chops with thyme flavor (240gr./180gr.-cotletedeberbecuţ,vin | (lamb chops, red wine, butter, thyme, roşu,unt,cimbru,ardeigras,cartof,roşie) capsicum pepper, potatoes, tomatoes) 40 Lei Preparate grătar | Barbeque Pieptdepui | Grilled chicken breast (200 gr.) 40 Lei Pulpedepuimarinate | Marinated chicken thighs (200 gr.) 29 Lei Pieptdecurcan | Grilled turkey breast (200 gr.) 32 Lei Cotletdeporc | Pork chops (200 gr.) 34 Lei Muşchidevită | Beef sirloin (200 gr.) 70 Lei MixedgrillDracula | Mixed grill Dracula (240gr./50gr.-filedevită,pieptpui,file | (beef, chicken breast, pork fillet, smoked porc,cârnăcioriafumaţi,sospicant) sausages, spicy sauce) 60 Lei Salate însoţitoare | Side salads Fattoush | Fattoush (200gr.-salataiceberg,roşii,castravete, (Iceberg salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, ardeigras,varză,lămâie,lipie) capsicum peppers, cabbage, lemon, pita) 17 Lei Tabouleh | Tabouleh (200gr.-pătrunjel,rosii,ceapă,rodie, | (parsley, tomatoes, onions, pomegranate, lămâie,bulgur) lemon, bulgur) 17 Lei SalatăIceberg | Iceberg Salad - 200 gr. 9 Lei Salatăasortatăcuvarzăşimorcov | Cabbage and carrots assorted salad - 200 gr. 9 Lei Salatăroşiicubrânză | Cheese and tomatoes salad - 200 gr. 9 Lei Salatădeardeicopţi | Roasted peppers salad - 200 gr. 9 Lei Murăturiasortate | Assorted pickles - 200 gr. 9 Lei Garnituri | Side dishes Legumeproaspetelagrătar | Grilled vegetables (200gr.-ardeigras,dovlecel,vinete,ceapă, | (pepper, zucchini, eggplants, onions, ciuperci,roşii) mushrooms, tomatoes) 12 Lei CartofJacket | Jacket potato (200gr.-cartof,brânzătelemea,bacon, | (potato, Romanian cheese, bacon, caşcaval,piperverde,ceapăverde,unt) pressed cheese, green onion, butter) 12 Lei Ciupercilagrătar | Grilled mushrooms - 180 gr. 12 Lei Spanacsotécuroşiicherry | Sautéed spinach with cherry tomatoes - 180 gr. 12 Lei Broccolisotecubabycarrots | Sautéed broccoli and baby carrots - 200 gr. 12 Lei Orezbasmatilaabur | Steamed basmati rice - 180 gr. 12 Lei Orezsălbatic | Wild rice - 180 gr. 12 Lei Cartofiwedges | Wedges - 200 gr. 12 Lei Cartofizdrobiţi,cubrânzăşişuncă | Smashed potatoes and ham (200gr.-cartof,brânzătelemea,şuncă, | (potatoes, telemea cheese, ham, spring ceapăverde) onion) 12 Lei Desert | Desserts Papanaşicudulceaţăşismântână | Doughnuts with sour cream

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