Hull Local Plan Publication Consultation Document June 2016 Hull Local Plan: Publication Consultation Document 1 Introduction 6 What is this consultation? 6 How to respond 7 Next steps 7 This document 8 Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations 10 Assessment Presumption in favour of sustainable development 11 Strategic planning policies 11 Neighbourhood planning 12 2 Context 13 Local context 13 Hull today 13 City Plan 19 Development Plan 20 Strategic context 21 Duty to cooperate 21 Hull and East Riding Joint Planning Statement 22 Humber Local Economic Partnership (LEP) 23 Cross-cutting themes 26 Climate change 26 Public health 29 3 Hull: The Energy Port City 32 What we want to be: Spatial Vision for Hull in 2032 32 How do we get there: 12 Strategic Priorities 32 Key Diagram 36 4 Economic Growth 39 Future employment land requirements 40 Designated employment areas 41 Port of Hull estate 43 The city centre and offices 43 Kingswood 44 Future use within designated employment areas 44 Employment development sites 46 DRAFT June 2016 Hull Local Plan: Publication Consultation Document 5 Housing 53 Housing requirement 53 Housing allocations 54 Housing regeneration 57 Housing on brownfield land 59 Type and mix of housing 60 Affordable housing and starter homes 61 Custom and self-build housing 62 Specialist housing 62 Housing space standards 64 Houses in multiple occupation 66 Traveller provision 70 Housing Allocations table 71 6 City Centre 78 Shops and services 78 Leisure & tourism 82 Office based businesses 83 Education 84 City centre living 85 The Old Town 85 Supporting infrastructure 86 City centre development sites 89 7 District, Local and Neighbourhood Centres 95 Establishing a hierarchy of centres 95 Accommodating new development 98 Vitality and viability of centres 100 8 Education, Health and Community Facilities 105 University of Hull 105 Education 106 Health 106 Community facilities 108 9 Design and Heritage 110 Design 111 Local distinctiveness 113 Heritage assets 114 Energy efficient design 117 Renewable and low carbon energy 118 Shop fronts 122 Advertisements 123 Designing for housing 124 House extensions and alterations 125 Designing employment development 126 Utility equipment 127 DRAFT June 2016 Hull Local Plan: Publication Consultation Document 10 Transport 128 Sustainable travel 129 Location and layout of development 130 Transport appraisals 132 Classified road network 134 New roads and road improvements 136 New parking sites 139 City centre car parking 142 Parking standards 144 Bus transport 145 Rail transport 146 Water transport 149 Walking and cycling 150 11 Water Management 155 Flood defences 158 Surface water storage and drainage 159 Sustainable drainage 160 Addressing flood risk in planning applications 161 Groundwater Protection 163 12 Open Space and the Natural Environment 166 Open space sites 166 Open space standards 168 Open space protection 169 On-site open space requirements 169 Green infrastructure / green network 172 Biodiversity and wildlife 175 Trees 177 Local food growing 179 Open space sites 181 On-site open space requirements 207 13 Environmental Quality 209 Atmospheric pollution 209 Land affected by contamination 211 Noise pollution 212 Light pollution 213 Hazardous substances 214 DRAFT June 2016 Hull Local Plan: Publication Consultation Document 14 Infrastructure and Delivery 215 Enabling delivery 215 Viability of development 216 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) 217 Infrastructure delivery programme 219 Monitoring 236 A Development plan policies to be deleted or retained 247 Hull Local Plan (2000) 247 Joint Structure Plan (2005) 257 Newington and St Andrew's AAP (2010) 259 Holderness Road Corridor AAP (2011) 260 B Transport Appraisals and Guidelines 263 C Parking Standards and Guidelines 269 D Policies Map 286 DRAFT June 2016 Hull Local Plan: Publication Consultation Document 1. Introduction 1.1 The Local Plan is an important document that will be used to determine planning applications in the city. Once adopted, the Local Plan will be used to guide new development in the city for the next 15 years, up to 2032. 1.2 In March 2012 the Government published the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The NPPF and the supporting National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) inform the content of the Local Plan. Paragraph 154 of the NPPF states that Local Plans should be… …aspirational but realistic. They should address the spatial implications of economic, social and environmental change. Local Plans should set out the opportunities for development and clear policies on what will or will not be permitted and where. 1.3 In order to retain control of its planning decisions, it is important that Hull has an up-to-date Local Plan. Once adopted, the new Local Plan will entirely supersede the Hull Local Plan (2000) and the Hull and East Riding Joint Structure Plan (2005). What is this consultation? 1.4 This is the Publication version of the Local Plan. It is the version of the Plan the Council intends to submit to the Government for examination, subject to any changes arising through consultation or new evidence arising in the intervening period before actual submission. During examination, an independent inspector will decide whether the plan is 'sound'. According to NPPF paragraph 182, a 'sound' plan is one that is: Positively prepared – the plan should be prepared based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements, including unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities where it is reasonable to do so and consistent with achieving sustainable development; Justified – the plan should be the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence; Effective – the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and Consistent with national policy – the plan should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF. 1.5 The Council considers this document to be a 'sound' Local Plan for Hull. Therefore, if you are responding to this consultation, you should aim to express your views in terms of whether you believe the Plan is sound or not, using the above definition. 6 DRAFT June 2016 Hull Local Plan: Publication Consultation Document 1.6 The Plan contains planning policies, site allocations and area designations that the Council believes to be appropriate. It is based on a large evidence base as well as responses we received to previous consultations. In particular, the Council ran an Issues and Options consultation between May and June 2014, and a Preferred Options consultation between October and November 2015. We have considered all the responses that were made to these consultations, and they have helped inform production of this document. 1.7 The Plan supersedes a number of saved planning policies. These saved policies come from the Hull Local Plan (2000), the Hull and East Riding Joint Structure Plan (2005), the Newington & St Andrew's AAP (2010), and the Holderness Road Corridor AAP (2011). Appendix A lists the saved policies and whether or not they are superseded by this Plan. 1.8 We have an up-to-date and robust evidence base that tells us about the need for different land uses in the city. These documents have enabled us to produce the content of this document. The main evidence base documents are available online at the Council's website: www.hullcc.gov.uk/planning How to respond 1.9 You can comment on any part of the Local Plan Publication Consultation Document. You can also comment on the Sustainability Appraisal and Evidence Base documents which support the Local Plan. 1.10 The consultation will run for 6 weeks. The deadline for receiving your responses is noon on Monday 25 July 2016. 1.11 You can respond online at: www.hullcc.gov.uk/planning or you can complete the paper response form and post it back to us using the following Freepost address: FREEPOST RSJC-KKBE-ABXZ Planning Policy Hull City Council PO BOX 15 HULL HU1 2AB 1.12 Alternatively email responses to: [email protected] Next steps 1.13 The rules for producing a Local Plan are set out in legislation. This consultation falls under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. It requires us to make publicly available the Local Plan and a statement of the representations procedure for 6 weeks before submitting it to the Secretary of State. DRAFT June 2016 7 Hull Local Plan: Publication Consultation Document 1.14 We will then submit the Local Plan, along with supporting documents (the evidence base), and a summary of all the representations made during the consultation stages, to the Secretary of State. An independent inspector will be appointed and a public examination will take place. If the inspector finds the Plan to be sound, or can make modifications to make the Plan sound, the Council will be allowed to adopt it. Once adopted, the new Hull Local Plan will be used to determine planning applications in the city. Figure 1.1 Stages of Local Plan preparation Issues and Options (May ‐ June 2014) Preferred Options (October ‐ November 2015) Publication (this document) (June –July 2016) Submit to Secretary of State (November 2016) Examination in Public (February 2017) Adoption (October 2017) This document 1.15 Chapter 2 sets the local and strategic context for the Plan. Chapter 3 then introduces the overall strategy for the Plan by outlining a vision, a set of strategic priorities and a key diagram. 1.16 Chapters 4 to 14 are then based around key themes. Although each theme is dealt with separately, the document needs to be read as a whole in order to understand fully the spatial issues facing the city, and the interrelationships between policies. 1.17 The diagram on the next page illustrates the structure of the document as well as the context that helps to inform it.
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