OREGON SPECTATOR INDEX 1846-1 85 Volume II K-Z, Inclusive Prepared by W.P. A. Newspaper Index Project O.P. 665-94-3-66 Sponsored by City of Portland Oregon Historical Society May 1941 - 287 - (Kad-Kea) KADISCH & Co KEAN, Wi1liaai Stockton, Cal; fire losses, 29 reptdly killed W Cook at Port- My 51, 2:3 land Mar 31; in custody, 3 Ap 51, 2:1; mtg re trial held, KALPMOOK Head 10 Ap 51, 2:6; to be tried see Tillamook Head Apr 22 for murder, 17 Ap 51, 2:3; sentenced to 6 yrs in KALAPOOYA penitentiary, 1 My 51, 2:1 see Ca].apooya KEARNEY, KPMEKMEHA participates in 10-mi ft race, Hawaiian King; refuses to.obey Cal, 30 S 51, 2:4 French demands, 13 P 49, 3:3 KEARNEY, Elias KAMEHAMEIL' III (Yacht) Caynse war vol, 6 Ap 48, 1:5 owned by Hawaiian king; seized by French, 13 P 49, 3:3 KEARNY (Kearney), Philip instructed by Adjt-Gen R Jones KAMM, Jacob ro Lid expeditions in 1845, arrs Milwaukie Aug 18 from S F 31 0 50, 3:2 on Louisiana, 22 Ag 50, 3:1 capt; in command of Mounted Rifles; attacked June 17 by KANAKAS Rogue Inds at Table rock, 3 see Rawaiians Jly 51, 2:2 maj; successful in engagements, KANE, Paul 10 Jly 51, 3:1; ceases oper- Canadian artist; visits Ore Cy; ations against RogueInds paints scenery, 18 F 47, 2:2 June 27; leaves Ore with troops for Cal; his trategy KANE, William described, 22 Jly 51, 2:2,6; arrs Astoria Sept 1 from S F on departare regretted by Gov California, 12 S 50, 3:1 Gaines; punishment of Rogue Inds approved, 29 Jly 51, 2:2 KANEHOA, James Young commands troops leaving [S F] gov of Maui; dies Oct 1; ae for nil post at Port Orford, 54, 18 N 51, 3:1 28 0 51, 2:2 KARCOWAN (Indian) KEARNY (Kearney), Stephen Watts has ranch on Chehalis r, 28 N U S A; wounded in Mexican war 50, 1:2 battle in Cal; instructed by pros of U S to assu1ne command KATE Heath (Schooner) as gov of Caland org terr in Thnpqua harbor, 1 My 51, 2:5 govt, 4 Mr 47, 2:2; signs name as gov and comdr-in-chief of KATJBBLE,Oliver B Cal; expected at Monterey to lr at Ore Cy po, 7 Ja 54 (adv) plan fortifications; commands victorious U S'forces at Pueblo KAlE (Pr), A W do los Angoles 18 Mr 47, 2:2,3, Ore Cy; physician and surgeon, 4:3; apptd gov of Cal Jul 15; 7 Mr to 4 Ap 50 (adv); partner controversy with Col Fromont Dr P Welch in medical pro- and Comdr Stockton reptd, 24 fession and drug business, Je 47, 3:1 Portland, 8 A to 29 Ag 50 (adv) and Ccl Fremont bound for U S sec Portland immigrant aid mtg, from Cal, 19 Ag 47, 2:2 14 N 50, 2:4 prefers charges resulting in ir at Astoria po, 10 Ap to 17 U S et martial of Lt-Col Ap 51 (adv) * 288 - (Kea*Kel) KEARNY (Kerney), Stephen Watts KEIZUR (Keyser), Thomas D (cont) (cont) gold dust reptd washed from Will Fremont, 23 Mr 48, 3:4; "mis- r sand at his farm In Champoeg understanding" with Fremont 00 26 0 48, 2:2 which led to ct martial. re- gretful, says ed, 12 0 48, KELEY, Burton 1:1,6 ir at Ore Cy po, 7 Ja 54 (adv) discharged from custody Aug 1848 at St Louis on contempt of ot KELLER, George charge, 8 F 49, 2:5 1851 immigrant; arrs Ore Cy, 5 Ag 51, 2:3 KEENE, W S from Peoria, Ill; drowns in arrs Portland Jul 15 from S F Thai r; age about 25, 13 Ja on Carolina, 25 Jly 50, 2:4; 52, 2:2; body recovered, 20 arrs Astoria Sept 1 from S F Ja 52, 2:2 on California, 12 S 50, 3:1 KELLER, J KEENEY (Mrs), Polly at Waiilatpu Jul 4 celebration, ir at Ore Cyp0,2 Ja to 16 Ja 24 Ag 48, 3:5 51 (adv) KELLER, J M KEES (Keese, Keys), Morgan principal, Tual academy, 26 Ag nominated for j p t Champoeg 53 to 7 Ja 54 (adv-passim) co mtg, 13 My 47, 3:2; estab of precinct at his res requested, KELLER (Mrs), S M 27 My 47, 3:1; elected j p, preceptress, Tual academy, 26 10 Je 47, 2:1; 22 Jly 47, 2:2 Ag 53 to 7 Ja 54 (adv-passim) apptd rd oornr; res location de- scribed, 24 F 48, 1:2 KELLERS, James and Mr Cottle own grist and saw- res on N fork of Luckiarnute, 12 mill near mts on Santiam r, 0 48 (adv) 13 F 51, 2:4; "Messrs Koes" own grist mill on Santiam r, KELLET, Henry 3 F 52, 2:6 master, Herald; in Pac, 10 D 46, 24 KEITH, Daniel W ir at Ore Cyp0,7 Ja 54 (adv) KELLEY (Kelly), Hall Jackson "Emigrant of '40" minimizes im- ICEIZER, John portance attributed to him Gayuse war claim draft arrs, in J Thornton's HistOry of 13 0 53, 2:5 Colonization of Oregon, 15 N 49, 2:4 KEIZUR (Keyser), P C elected corporal of Ore Rangers, KELLOGG, Joseph 11 Je 46, 1:3 immigrant en rte from Ohio, 7 S married May 5 to Sarah Woodside 48, 3:1 in Marion co, 30 My 50, 3:1 and L Whitcomb, props and owners of sawmill; sound Will r channel KEIZUR (Koyser), Thomas D between Portland and Milwaukie, elected to Ore prov govt legis 10 Ja 50, 2:5 corn, May 1844, 24 Je 47, 2:2 pres of mtg to org Ore Rangers, KELLOGG, Moses K 11. Je 46, 1:2 of Iii; disoovers stone-coal and res near Rickreall r, 4 Mr 47, lead in Cowlitz r area, iron 4:4 ore N of Col r; displays copper - 289 - (Kel-Kon) KELLOGG, Moses K (cont) KELSEY, Smith & Risley. box infd from unsmelted Ore S F; fire losses, 15 My 51, 2:5 ore, 23 Mr 48, 2:3 married Mar 18 to Mrs Elizabeth KELSOE, William Sturges in Ore Cy,23 Mr 48, lr at Ore Cyp0,7 Ja 54 (adv) 3:6 master, Mt Hellen; on maiden KBLE, Edward C trip, Ore Cy to Portland, 1 Ced] of California Star; says Je 48, 2:5 increased Ore immigration due resigns as Vancouver n, 3 0 to Gov Abernethy circular in- 50, 2:1 fluencing immigrants against Cal; Ore Spec denies, 14 0 47, KELLOGG, Orrin 2:1 inmiigrs.nt en rte from Ohio, 7 ed and prop, California Star and S 48, 3:1 Californian, 28 D 48, 2:4 KELLY, IcEAF, Sarah E defeated 'by McGee in prize-fight married Aug 18 to J A Ripperton, near S F, 7 K 50, 2:1 26 Ag 53, 3:3 KELLY (Rev) KENDALL, speaks atMilwaukie Jul 4 cele- Caneniah; blacksmith, plow ntfr, bration, 25 J'ly 50, 1:2,6 27 F to 17 Ap 51 (adv) KELLY (Rev), Albert KENDALL, B F addresses Washingtonian Temper- reptd en rte to Ore 'by Spring- ance soc, 28 D 48, 2:3; 11 Ja field, Ill, Journal, 3 Jly 51, 48c49:1, 2:3 2:3 performs marriage of J McKay, 2 S 53, 3:3 KENDALL, C arrs Astoria from S F Sept 29 KELLY (Kolley), Clinton on Sea Gull, 3 0 50, 3:1 immigrant en rte,from Ky, 7 S 48, 3:1 KENDALL,Henry performs m.rriage Of J S Bozarth, see Randall, Henry 30 My 50, 3:1 activities in 0 T council, 24 D KENDALL, Joseph 53, 2:3; 7 Ja 54, 1:1 Stockton, Cal; fire losses, 29 My 51, 2:3 KELLY, Niinrod 0 see O'Kelly, Nimrod KENDALL, Thomas S at Ore Cy claim jumping nitg, 27 KELSAY, John ly 47, 2:4 Ir at Ore Cy po, 13 0 to 20 0 arrs Ft Victoria from S F on 53 (adv) John W Cater, 24 Ja 50, 2:5 KELSEY, KENDALL, William carrier for Sacramento Tran- charged with murder of IV Hamil- script; robbed of 1OO, 27 ton, near Salem, 16 Ja 51, F 51, 2:1 2:6; tried in Marion co, 13 Mr 51, 2:4; date set for KELSEY, Burton execution, 10 Ap 51, 2:1; 17 ir at Ore Cy po, 13 0 to 20 0 Ap 51, 2:3 53 (adv) KENERAN, John J KELSEY, Isaiah arrs Milwaukio from SF on settled in Ore 1841, 15 N 49, 2:4 Louisiana, 22 Ag 50, 3:1 - 290 - (Kenices) KENKEY, William M KENTUCK (Indian) ir at Astoria po, 10 Ap to 17 Nez Ferce; attends council with Ap 51 (adv) coinrs atWaiilatpu; speech pub, 6 Ap 48, 3:1; 20 Ap 43, KENNADY, A 1:3 at Ft Wascopam with Cayuse war vols, 6 Ap 48, 1:5 KEOKA (Bark) arrsCol r; Hall, master, 24 Js KENNEDAY(Mrs), Fanny 50, 3:4 ir at Ore Cy po, 10 0 to 24 0 arrs Astoria Jul 21 from S F, 50 (adv) 25 Jly 50, 3:2 reward offered for return of KENNEDY, dry goods taken from, 22 Ag and family, 1846 immigrants; to 5 S 50 (adv) stranded in Umpqua valley; arrs Astoria Nov 9, 21 N 50, aided, 4 Mr 47, 1:3, 4:2 3:4; leaves Jan 30 for S F with lumber, 27 F 51, 2:6 KENNEDY(Capt) leaves Col r Jul 19 for S F; master, Wolco; arrs Col r, 1 Goodwin, master, 12 Ag 51, 2:6 N 49, 3:5 KEPLER, KENNEDY, Berney immigrant; wounded by Inds, 30 sponsor of proposed rd, Ore Cy S 51, 2:1 to J SporesT, 2Ja 51, 2i3 KERN (Capt) KENNEDY, E Sacramento; to assist 1846 Cal at Yainhill r bridge mtg, 7 Mr iirnnigrant rescue party, 1 Ap 50, 1:4 47, 1:4 KENNEDY, E C KERVIN, E J C it; ir at Astoria po, 10 Ap to see.
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